02-01-60 FEBRUARY I ST~ 1960o
A Regular Meeting of the City Council was held in the 0ouncil
Chambers at 8:00 P.M., with Mayor Glenn B. Sundy in the Chair, Acting
City M~nager R. D. Worthing, City Att'y. Richard F. Zimmerman and
C6uncilmen Col. Dugal G. Campbell, Charles H, Harbison, John A.
Thayer and George V. Warren being present.
An opening prayer was delivered by Mrs. Thomas Hatcher.
On motion of Mm. Thayer and seconded by Mr. Warren, the Counoil
unanimously approved the Minutes of Council Meeting held on January
City Manager Worthing mentioned that copies of a report on "Use
of City Equipment" had been furnished each Member of the Council for
The Council, .on motion of Commissioner Campbell and seconded by
Commissioner Thayer, unanimously agreed that said 'Report' be tabled
for one week to allow time to more thoroughly study and analyze its
Mr. Worthing then submitted a proposed sketch of Sidewalk con-
struction on N.E. 8th Street, as prepared by the Director of Public
Works, Mr. Mark Fleming, with an estimated cost of approximately
$$,000,, which construction tentatively provides for a Sidewalk'in-
stallation on the South side of N.E. 8th Street from 7th Avenue to
Palm Trail as well as southward from N,E. 8th Street, on the East
side of 8th Avenue for an approximate distance of S72 feet.
The Council, on suggestion of Commissioner Campbell, requested
the City Manager to contact the owners of properties abutting on the
proposed sidewalk construction to determine if they would be willing
to share the cost of such improvement, and during the following dis-
cussion thereof, CommiSsioner Thayer advised that he had been in con-
tact with Mr. Ben Sundy, Member of the Palm Beach County Commission,
who intimated the possibility of County participation in the cost of
the proposed Sid.ewalk'which would be installed for the specific bene-
fit of School ch~ldrea.
On motion of Commissioner Campbell and secon.ded by Commissioner
Thayer, the Council unanimo.usly approved the sharing of such Cost,
after deduction of County aid, if extended, with the owners of pro-
perties affected, on a basis of 50% thereof being paia by the proper-
ty owners and 50% to be paid by the City.
Mayor Sundy requested the appointment of various Board Members
at this time and the following Boards were provided:
On motion of Mr. Warren and seconded by Mr. Campbell, the Coun-
cil sustained the recommendation of the Barbers' Board in the ap-
pointment of - Er. Ralph Longbottom, Chairman
Mr. Roy Widmer
Mr. Ira Holloman
· On motion of Mr. Harbison and seconded by Mr. Warren the Coun-
cil unanimously ag.reed on the appointment of the following Members
to cons'titute the BEACH COMMITTEE
Mr. R. J. Holland, Chairman
Nfs. Catherine E. Strong
Mr. George McKay
'Mr. Joa~ A. Baldwin Jr.
The Council,' on motion of Mr. Campbell and seconded by Mm.Warren,
unanimously approved appointment of -
Mr~ Ch~a~les A. O~ane, Chair-man Mr. Rhea Whitley
Mr. C. Welaon Evaul , Mr. John M. Reagan
FEBRUARY 1, 1960.
The Council, on motion of Commissioner Warr?n and seconded by
Com~issioner Harbison, unanimously approved appointment of the follow-
ing -
Charles W. Trieste, Chairman Term Expires 10/9/62
Ralph A, Bi~d !0~9/6~
C. HerrickHamnond 10/9~61
Wm. L. Carpenter 10/9/61
Bert B. Boldt 10/9/62
Alternate Members
Thomas E, Woolbright 10/9/62
Richard T. Hanna 10/9/61
Charles Byron 10/9/61
On motion of Mr. Harbison and seconded by.Mr. Warren,'the Council
unanimously agreed on appointment of the following -
Dr. E. Monroe Father, Chairman
Hrs. Helen Lee
Mrs. Jas. C,. Raymond
Hr. Roy M. Sunon
The Council, on motion of Mr. Campbell and seconded by Mr.
Harbison, unani?ously extended its appreciation to Mr. Nathan Sharp
for valued services renderedover the past number of years as a Mem-
ber and advisor on the Financial~Advisory Board.
The Council, on sugg?stion of Mr. Warren, requested the City Man-
ager to provide notification of 'Appointment' to the various Boards,
identified herein, be forwarded to all appointees.
As a result of a meeting held betveen the Council a~d local In-
surance brokers, the City ~nager, asking for clarification thereof,
vas adwsed by the Council of xts ~pproval for placement of the var
~gus. Insurance Coverages for the C~ty as provided by the prior Coun-
cxl xn regular session on December 21st, 1959.
Hr. Harbison informed the Council of a letter received from Mr.
Matt Gracey, Chairman of the Insurance Agents Committee, copy of
which is attached hereto and forms a part hereof, ~ at the request
of Hr. Campbell read the following 'Excerpt' therefrom:
"It is recommended that the Loca~Agents, subject to the appro-
val of the City Council, nominate an Agent of Record who shall super-
vise the City's insurance program.. He w~.ll ?xer~ise continuous super-
vision to be certain that at all tunes the C~ty ~s properly protected
with the most modern and covera es available, amd
· most appropriate .ges a
that on the
will request . qualified Lo?lAgents regularly bid .various
coverages. H~s compensation wxll be a portion of the commissions on
the policies written, ~ot.only by hipself but b~ other' agents as~ell.
The percentage of commissions that w~ll be received by the Agent of .
Record can be best determined b~ }he Agents themselves, as some poll
cies require much closer supervision others, and the Agent of
Record should receive a larger portion of the commission on such polo-
cies. In order to receive the maximum benefits from such a plan, the
Agent of Record sh?uld be appointed, for a term of five years. For
the mutual protection 9f both the C~ty. and Agent of Record, it is
recommended that the C~ty and the Agent of Record enter into a con-
tract f? a five year term in or,er to insure that his services will
be retained for that length of t~me.
As the present coverages that became effective on Jan. 1st, 1960
are excellent and are written at very favorable rates, we recommend
that no changes in existing policies be made at this time."
FEBRUARY 1, 1960.
Mr. Matt Gracey, having been asked by the Council to clarify the
recommendation that a five-year plan, instead of a three plan, for
sup.ervision of the City's Insuran.ce program, advised the Council that
a five-year plan was recommended in as much as a large portion of the
City's insurance is fire qoverage wh~ich is written on a five-year ba-
sis,.the Agent of Recor.d (Supervisor) is compensated from-Insurance
premiums of Coverage written, and should, therefore, be employed for
such period.
On motion of Mm. Warren and seconded by Mr. Thayer, the Council
requested the City Manager .to arrange for a meeting this week with
the present architect for discussion of revised plans for a new City
Hall and Jail.
On motion of Mm. Campbell and seconded by Mm. Harbison, the
Council tabled, for one week, the exception taken to an assessment
for Lot Clearing on Lots. 7 & 8, Block "A" of Westside Heights, owned
by Mr.s. Eliza .Reynolds, as presented by Att'y. John H. Adams, re-
quest~ng the C~ty Manager to arrange for said Att'y. Adams, together
with Mrs. Reynolds, as well as the Lot clearing contractor to be pre-
sent at the next Council meeting for discussion of the exception ta-
ken to the procedure resulting in the assessment referred to herein-
On motion of Mr. Harbison and seconded by Mr. Thay.er, the Council
unanimously agreed on referral to the Planning and Zoning Boar~l ~he
'Request' of Mr. and Mrs. Ansell E. Sweet for re-zoning of Lot 23 in
Block "D" of Palm Beach Shore Acres, for study and provision for a
Public Hearing to be held concerning said request.
The City Manager then presented ORDINANCE NO. G-~42:
The Council, on motion of Mr. Warren and seconded by Mr. Campbell
unanimously approved PLACING Ordinance No, G-342 ~on first reading.
. Mayor Sundy announce.d that this meeting had provided the oppor-
tu~.~ty for hearing object~ons to the Lot Clearing Assessments as eon-
tanned in Resolution No. 1220, passed and adopte~ on January 18th,
The Council, sitting as a Board of Equalizatior~ received no ob-
jections to said.assessment of Costs, identified in said Resolution
No. 1220, on motion of Mr. Warren and seconded by Mr. Thaye~, unani-
mously approved the assessments as shown in said Resolution No. 1220,
aame to stand confirmed and remain legal, valid, and binding~ obliga-
tions, upon the properties against which made until paid.
The Council, on motion of Mr. Harbison and seconded by Mr.
Thayer, unanimously approved payment of BILLS, as presented by the
City Manager;
GENERAL FUND $ 19,662. ?8
(Detailed List of Bills, comprising the above disbursements, is at-
tached hereto and forms a part hereof.)
FEBRUARY l, 1960.
On motion of Mr. Harbison and seconded by M~. Thayer, the Coun-
cil authorized the City Manager to proceed with the improvement of
that.part of N.Wo lath Avenue between 2nd and Srd Streets, and that
portion of N. W. 8th Avenue between Atlantic Ave and 2nd Street, as
originally provided for in Resolution No. 1207, adopted on November
2md, 1959, and to proceed with the improvement of that part of N. W.-
1st Street between 8th and lath Avenues as soon as all rights-of-way,
necessary therefor, are obtained.
The Council, on motion of Mr. Harbison and seconded by M~.
Thayer, unanimously approved.the Building Plans for alteration amd
remodeling of the Flem~n$ Building on the Southeast cgrner of Atlan-
tic Avenue and Federal Highway, as p~esented by Building Inspector
Ralph Hughson and being assured by hzm that set-backs and all other
building requirements of the City will be complied with.
On motion of Mr. Campbell and seconded byMr. Harbison, the
'Petition~ of property owner~ involved and concerning their request
that Angular Parking be permtted, rather than parallel parking as
d?t?mined at Co.u~.cil Meeting o~ January llth, such request being
l~mxted to Atlantic Avenue running eastward from N. W. 5th Avenue,
was considered together with ~he motion, of Mr. Campbell that this
r?quest be referred to the Ch~e~ o~ Police for studyand recommenda-
tion. Upon Call of Roll - Commissioners Campbell, Harbison and
Thayer, together with Mayo~ Sundy, voted in favor thereof, Commission-
er Warren being opposed. Motion carried.
The Council, on motion of Mr. Campb?ll and seconded by Mr.
Harbison, unanimously asreed.on authorizing the City Manager and
Director of Finance to zmmed~ately prowde for investment of the
following surplus funds, as indicated -
$200,000. in each of the two local National Banks on 6-months certi~
~icates to bear $~ interest~ as proposed by the Banks, ?d $280,000.
~n each of the sa~d two National Banks on 9C-day certificates to bea~.
interest at the rate of
On motion of M~. Warren and seconded by Mr. Thayer, the Council
requested the CityMa~ager.to arrange.a meeting bet~.een Professor
Ernest R. Bartley~ University of Florida, the Council and the Plan-
ning/Zoning Board as soon as possible fo~ consultation concerning
preparation of an Ordinance to provide "Board of Adjustment Rules
of Procedure".
The Council, on motion of Mm. Campbell and seconded by Mr.
~Yarren, acknowledged the need, and their approval~ of a ~est period,
or coffee break for City Hall employe?, and unann~ously agreed
that such period be provided, suggesting 10:15 A.M. to 10:$0 A.M.,
and $:1§ P.M. to $:30 P.M~.
Mr. Paul Knowles informed the Council that survey work in con-
neeti?n with the proposed ~est Atlantic Avenue improvement is ~r~-
gress~ng satisfactorily and felt that same may be completed within
the next two weeks.
Diregtor of Public Works - Mark Fle~i~g ~ informed the Council
that he w~ll submit a report of the conditions, as well as-a rec-
comendation, concerning the area surrounding the Ice Plant, at the
next regular meeting.
MEETING ADJOURNED - on motion of Mro Thaye~
and seconded by Mm. Campbell (9:0? P.M.)
APPROVED: "0itY ~lerk ~
ITE~NO. 6 on Page 4 of said '~inutes" should be amended to
read as follows:
"Mr. Campbell stated that he believes in an established rest
period, the so-called coffee-break, which has been held, but with-
out authority, should be established, and I offer this; that a
coffee-break be authorized on the following basis: one fifteen
minute period from 10:l§ to 10:SO A.M. and a second period from
$:15 to $:$0 P.M. In offering this I take it for granted that the
hours will be held rigid. I make that as a motion. The motion was
seconded by Nr. ~!arren. Mr. Campbell stated that he understands
that some of the Departments take "breaks" and others do not and
that he believes the Council should go on record as to what we be-
lieve should be given and then hold to that. After discussion the
motion was passed unanimously.
APPROVED: --'citS C~r~
"' M ~"'Y OR ......