02-29-60SpMtg FEBRUARY 29th, 1960. A special meeting of the City Council was held in the Council Chambers at 8:00 P.M., with Mayor Glenn B. Sundy in the Chair, Acting City Manager R. D. Worthing, City Att'y. Richard F. Zlmmerman, and Councilmen Col. Dugal G. Campbell, Charles H. Harbison, ~ohnA. Thayer, and George V. Warren being present. Mayor Sundy called the meeting to order announcing that same had been scheduled for discussion concerning the proposed site plan of the Community Center and City Hall buildings and for any other business which may come before the meeting. Mr. Worthing stated that he had delivered the plans received from Mr. Kenneth Jacobson, for consideration. Mr. Campbell moved to accept Plan "D" which has been approved by the Recreation Committee, leaving out the suggested or shown Police Station, but taking in the Recreation Center and the City Hall as located on this map, and it be given to the public, but held in abeyance for a matter of two weeks and no further action at any time during thattwo weeks with the exception of picking an architect for the buildings. The motion was seconded by Mr. Harbison and carried unanimously. Mr. Campbell stated that in keeping with the recommendations of the Committee, the present location of the Scout Hut would have to be considered. Mr. Campbell then moved that the Mayor appoint a committee of three, two of the three tobe the City Manager to- gether with Mr. Gray and one member of the Commission to meet with the Boy Scout group to work out their necessities. The motion was seconded by Mr. Thayer and unanimously approved. Mayor Sundy then appointed Mr. Worthing, Mr. Gray and Mr. Harbison as the committee to work with the Boy Scout group. Mr. Worthing stated there was a tax payers committee represented who would like to confer with the Council concerning the proposed air strip in the Lake Ida a~ea. Mr. Walter Dietz of 802 Lake Shore Drive stated that three assimilated runs had been made on this pro- posed air strip with an altitude being obtained of 200' at Swinton Avenue and 300t at the Intracoastal Canal, also that the schools are in Jepordy and there is strong feeling that there would be a depreciation in property values. Mr. Harold O'Brien, 815 Lake Shore Drive, a county representative on this subject endorsed all that Mr. Dietz had said ~and assured the Council that everyone they had dis- cussed the matter with felt very strongly against the proposed air strip. Mr. Dietz asked the Council if they would endorse petitions, directed to the County Commission, that are being singed by resi- dents of Delray Beach and vicinity, ~opposing the proposed air strip, and upon being informed that these signed petitions could be ready for presentation to. the Council for their recommendations on March 7th, Mr. Harbison moved that this subject be placed on the agenda at that time for consideration. The motion was seconded by Mr. Thayer and unanimously approved. Mr. Tom Bruder of 707 S. E. 4th Avenue commented on the parking of a trailer trash truck on S. E. 4th Avenue Just north of 7th St. and requested that this unsightly condition be eliminated. ~. Worthing assured the Council that this matter would be taken care of to the satisfaction of Mr. Bruder and other residents of that area. At the request of Mr.~ William T. Roy, a Chevy Chase home owner, concerning the action of the Council on February 22nd regarding permissive use granted the Lutheran Church for its expansion program, Mr. Campbell, as maker of the original motion, and on the basis of being positive that no member of the Council knew that the Planning Board had set up this meeting, and in fairness to Mr. Knowles, moved that this matter be re-opened and that the hearing requested be set up for next monday at the regular meeting and further that the Lutheran Church representatives be notified as promptly as possible of this re-opening and the reason for it. The motion was seconded by Mr. Warren and unanimously approved. FEBRUARY 29th, ~960. Mr. Rarbison moved for adoption of Resolution No. 1232, as read, authorizing execution of.a "City. Utility Agreement" Sec. ~75-Rev., State Road Project 93010 2206 Palm Beach County. The motion was seconded by Mr. Warren and carried unanimously. (Copy attached and made a part of these minutes.Pages 60-A & 60-B) Mr. Worthi~ informed the Council that there was quite an accumulation of scrap iron at the Central garage and with supervision headed bY the superintendent of the water department, three different parties had looked at the materials and bids had been received in amounts of $?0.00, $130.00 and $13%.00, and re- commended that same be disposed of to the highest bidder. Mr. Thayermoved that the City Manager be authorized to dispose of this material to the highest bidder, also that in the future the council shall receive from the department heads a certification that the materials are of no further use to the City. The motion was seconded by Mr. Campbell and unanimously approved. Mr. Worthing presented Bills for Approval in the amounts of: General Fu~ $69,10~66 Water Fund - Operating Fund 9,~36.00 Special Assessment Fund Refundable Deposits Fund 2,267.34 Mr. Harbison moved the bills be approved, seconded by Mr. Thayer and unanimously carried. Mr. Worthing asked for clarification from the Council as to the extent of lands on S. E. let Avenue which it is desired to be passed on to the Planning/Zoning Boa~d for public hearing conoerning possi- bls rezoning. Mr. Campbell moved that petitions received be ~ccept- ed and action taken to bring this matter before the Planning/Zoning Board fo~ possible rezoning from R-3 to C-2 of the area abutting S. E. 1st Avenue and described as follows: The East half of Block 70; the West half of Block 78 and those portions of the East half of Block 69 and West half of Block 77 lying between the east-west alley South of Atlantic Avenue and S. E, let Street, for consider- ation and a hearing to be set up so that possible action can be taken before the summer season. The motion was ascended by ThaYer and upon call of roll, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Thaye~, Mr. Warren and Mayor Sundy voted for the motion, Mr. Harbisonabstained from voting. Mr. Warren moved that Mr. Kenneth ~acobson the architect be in- structed to proceed with the plans for the City'Hall, to revamp them fo~ construction and the council to meet with him regarding any proposed changes before they are approved. The motion was seconded by Mr. Thayer and unanimously carried. M~. War~en mentioned the location of the South City Limits sign being located Just south of lOth Street and ~equested the City Manager to see that the City Limits signs are located properly. Mayor Sundy asked if it would be possible to have the street sweeper start to work at am earlier hour in order that it would not interfere with the morning traffic and was assured by Mr. Worthing that this matter would be checked into and a report made at the next regular meeting. ,. Upon request by Mr. Harbison that a study be made by the City Manager and Chief of Police ~egarding the making of U-Tum~s in certain sections of town, Mr. Worthing informed him that the Police Chief is at present working on that and has already accomplished very good ~esults, and that the condition will continue to improve. TBs meeting was adjourned by motion of Mr. Campbell, seconded by Mr. Harbison, and unanimously passed at 8:~5 P.M. R. D, WORTNING City Clerk APPROVED: AXOR /