08-23-60SpMtg A~gUs~ ~3, 1960 A sp?oiel meetsng of the City Council of D~lray Beach, Florida, was he~d xn the Coumcil Chambers at 7:30 P.M, wxthMayor glenn B. Sundy xn the chaire City Manager ~e~zge Mingle, City Attorney Richard P. Zimmerman and Ceuecilmem Char~es H. Harbison and George V. Warren being present. The Oity Clerk read the fol~owimg reports from the Architect and the City Attorney resulting from a review and tabulation $f the bids pertaining to construc~cion of the new City Hail: (1) "The following iea tabulation of bids received at City Hall covering the construction of the new City Hall, on August 22nd at 2:00 p.m. and were read aloud at a public opening o~ bids: B. Cal. A. Alternate Transformer Days Base ~id ~1 Deduct Vault Pagan Const. Co. 175 170,430.00 .~,~,00 9,800.00 Venice Const. Co. 150 171,8A3.00 ~,418.00 9,128.00 180,971.00 Hunter Const. Co. 210 175,000.00 A,000.00 10,000.00 James I. Sinks 180 180,389,00 A,203.00 ll,0AT.00 191,436.00 Stephens Const. Co. lA5 185,000.00 5,300.00 11,000.00 "It is recommended that Alternate # 1 on deductions not he used. Ail the Bidders have been analyzed and have been found to he compe- tent in accordance with Section 1.12, Instructions to Bidders... "Bidders 1, 3 end 5 have been found to he based upon air- conditioning equipment that did not have prior approval of this ~office which was a stipulation of the specifications. This price on this particular equipment was found to be considerably lower than the next approved type of equipment. This office believes that the specifications should he followed for equipment and materiel~ ~nd if the bids are hased upon other than approved material, they should not he considered unless all five bidders have been given the same equal opportunity. "It is recommended that bidders 2 and A be considered as accept- able bids end that the award he based on the base bid plus the Transformer Vault. ~ ~s~X~nnet~ Jac~aen Architect (2) "All thebidbonds submitted by the bidding contractors have been reviewed, and found to be legally acceptable, in form and content. "The findings of ~enneth Jacobson have been studied, and analyzed, together wit~ each individual bid received. I concur with Mr. Jacobson, the Ar?hxtect, that the bids submitted by James I. Sinks and Venice Construction Co. are in conformance with the specifications, and are valid bids that may be considered and acted upon by the Council. "Section 78 of the Charter of the City of Delray Beach specifies that the contract shall be awarded to the lowest competent bidder. The bid submitted by James I. Si~ks, including the trans- f?rmer vault, is.$191,488.00. The bid submitted by Venice Construc- tmon Co., includxng the transformer vault, is $180,971.00. Venice Construction Co. is thus the lowest competent bidder." /s/ Richard F. Zimmerman City Attorney AUGUST 23rd, 1960. Councilman Warren then moved that the contract for construction of the new City Hall, under supervision of the architect, be awarded to Venice Construction Corporation, said company being the lowest Competent bidder, in the amount of $180,971.00, which includes the Transformer Vault. Councilman Harbison stated that he would like to have had the construction'of the new City Hall to have been awarded a local con- tractor; but, being duty.bound and recognizing the lowest competent bidder, seconded the mormon. Upon call of roll, the motion awarding contract for construction of the new City Hall to Venice Construction Corporation was unanimously approved. Mr. Harbison, being assured by the City Attorney that such pro- cedure is both lega% and normal, reguested the Architect to encourage the use of all possible local subcontractors which was agreed to be exercised by Mr. Jacobson. Mr. Warren endorsed the desire expressed by Mr. Harbison that all possible use be made of local subcontractors in the construction of the City Hall. The City Clerk informed the Council that the moratorium on issusnce of any building permits on properties lying within 200 feet north and 200 feet south of Atlantic Avenue right-of-way between Swinton Avenue and the S.A.L. Railroad had expired. Councilman Harbison, being advised by the City Attorney that such procedure is reasonable and proper, moved that the moratorium on the issuance of building permits within the identified area be extended for a period of $0 days from this day. Motion was seconded byCouncilmanWarren and unanimously approved. MEETING ADJOURNED - 8:00 P.M. -" CiTY CLERK APi:~OVED: AMENDMENT to MINUTES ~ of August 22, 1960. Paragraph S, Page 2 of said Minutes should be amended to read as follows: "Following comments from Mr. Delevett of the Thermotrol Heating and Air Conditioning and Mr. Van Treese of Is- land Sales and Service on the operating cost and ser- vice of the different makes Of equipment, and general discussion, Mr. V~arren moved that the low bid be ac- cepted and the air conditioning and heating unit be installed in the second floor of the Central Fire Sta- tion. Mr. Harbison asked if he would make that motion subject to the data that had been given here tonight. Mr. Warren expressed the opinion that the bid was a competent bid and there was no need to qualify the bid. There was further discussion regarding a difference of l0 amps, after which Mr. Warren reiterated his motion. Mayor Sundy then surrendered the chair to Mr. Harbison and seconded the motion. Upon call of roll Mr. Warren and Mayor Sundy voted in favor of the motion, Mr. Hat- bison being opposed. Motion did not carry. Mr. Harbison then moved that the low bid be accepted"s%~,. ject to the amperage being as stated by the representa- tive of the low bid. The motion was seconded by Mr, Warren and unanimously carried." R. D. WORTHING City Clerk (To correct original transcript)