12-05-60 DECEMBER 5th, 1960.
A regular meeting of the City Council of Delray Beach was held
in the Council Chambers at 8:00 P.M., with Mayor Glenn B. Sundy in
the chair, City Manager George Mingle, City Attorney Richard F.
Zimmerman and Councilmen Dugal G. Campbell, Charles H. Harbison,
John A. Thayer and George V. Warren being present.
An opening prayer was delivered by Councilman Charles H. Harbison~
On motion by Mr. Thayer, seconded by Mr. Campbell and unanimously
carried the minutes of the special meeting of November 23rd, 1960 and
the regular meeting of November 28th, 1960 were approved.
Mr. Worthing informed the Council that Mr. Felix M. Orlandella,
Manager of the Mayfair Manor Hotel, is requesting a beer and liquor
license, also that in view of the restaurant addition which provides
for a seating capacity in excess of 200 and a floor space of 4,254
square feet, makes this license of the non-quota variety and of
mandatory issuance, also that the application had been examined in
the usual manner and approved by all departments concerned. Mr.
Harbison moved that the license be allowed as a permissive use where-
by it will not require any zoning change. The motion was seconded
by Mr. Thayer and unanimously carried.
Mr. Worthing then read the following request from the Mayfair
Manor Hotel, dated December 1st and signed by Mr. Felix M. Orlandella:
"Request is hereby made for the extension of boundaries
permitting sale of liquor in Delray Beach to include
Lots i and 2, Block K, and Lot 5, Block L, Reid's Village,
upon which is located the Mayfair Manor Hotel and Restaurant
(seating capacity of restaurant exceeds 200).
"Attached is application to dispense liquor on premises
above described."
Mr. Worthing informed the~ Council that' in Order for a liquor license
to function at the Mayfair Manor Hotel, it would be necessary for
them to approve that area for the sale of liquor. Following general
discussion it was moved by Mr. Harblson, seconded by Mr. Thayer a~ud
unanimously carried to rescind the action taken in the preceding
motion concerning said liquor license. Mr. Harbison then moved that
said license be granted and that the area covered by the May~fair
Manor Hotel and Restaurant, Lots 1 and 2, Block K, and Lot 5, Block L,
Reid,s Village, be included in the zone for liquor sales. The motion
was seconded by Mr. Thayer and carried unanimously.
Mr. Worthing informed the Council that the following bids had
been received for fencing the remaining~portion of the tennis courts
fronting on Atlantic Avenue, amounting to 562 feet of 12-foot fencing
and that it had been recommended by the Director of Recreation and the
City Manager that award be made to the low bidder:
Chastain Fence Co., Inc. $ 1,Sl~.O0
Edwin Wilson & Company 1,620.00
Service Iron, Inc. 1,750.00
It was moved by Mr. Campbell, seconded by Mr. Harbison and unanimously-
carried that the award be made to the low bidder.
City Manager Mingle read the following letter from the Delray
Beach Chamber of Commerce, dated December 2, 1960:
"The Delray Beach Chamber of Commerce respectfully requests
permissive use to locate the Chamber of Commerce building on
the city owned south 25' of lot 17, Block lO1 as outlined on
the enclosed map.
"Written for the Board of Directors.
/s/ Kenneth C. Ellingsworth"
DECEMBER ~th, 1960.
It was moved by Mr. Campbell, seconded by Mr. Warren and unanimously
carried that this request be granted and that the Chamber of Commerce
notify the City Manager's Office as to the possible date that they
would want to make the change.
Mr. ~Worthing informed the Council that a petition had been re-
ceived from owners of various properties abutting on that part of
S. W. 3rd Avenue lying between 1st and P_nd Streets, requesting that
same be opened, graded and paved and expressed their willingness to
sha~e in the cost thereof. Mr. Worthing also stated that the footage
involved-is approximately 1224 feet of which the City owns 304 feet
and that the signePs of the petition exceed fifty percent of the
balance. It was moved by Mr. Campbell, seconded by Mr. Thayer and
unanimously carried to grant said request on the basis of the property
owners paying 80% and the City paying 20% of the cost.
Mr. Worthing inf. ormed the Council that a petition had been re-
ceived from owners of properties on S. W. 9th Avenue requesting the
opening, grading and paving of that portion lying between Atlantic
Avenue and S. W. 2nd Street, agreeing to share in the cost thereof,
however the signers of the petition represent only about 29% of the
abutting property owners. Following discussion, Mr. Harbison moved
that said petition be referred back to the petitioners with the re~
quest that they solicit, with the City,s help, pa~rt~i~cip~tion of other
abutting property owners. The motion was seconcec oy Mr. Thayer
unanimously carried.
Mr. Worthing read the following petition which had 5A signatures:
"We, the undersigned property owners, respectfully request the
City Commission to take such steps as are necessary to dis-
continue the Beach Pirnic Area, and have the benches, tables,
~nd grilles removed du~ing the Tourist season. Our reasons
for this request are as follows:
"1. Though there are comparitively few winter visitors
here at the present time, complaints have already been
received regarding the untidiness of that area. Several
of these complaints were in direct reference to the dis-
carded fish heads, etc., left by fisherman.
"2. It is commonly known that many people who use our
beach are from other cities than Delrey, and the picnic
area will only encourage more lunches on the Beach
with the resulting untidiness.
"3. It is the usual practice for winter visitors to
locate their cabanas in groups, and the presence of the
picnic area equipment makes this difficult, if not impossible.
"4. There is a possible fire-hazard from off-shore winds,
with automobiles parked a scant 30-yards away and frame
residents directly across the street. Automobiles have
a tendency to drip gasoline and oil and wood has a
propensity for burning.
"Since a great part of the City taxes are derived from the
area East of the Waterway. We feel that the comfort and con~
venience of our Winter residents should come first in-as~much
as they make it possible for us to pay said taxes. Further
more, the City has already provided a public park."
Mr. Campbell moved that the matter be referred to the City Manager
for further study, with the possible thought that, at the South end
of the beach, the tables be moved a little closer together. The
motion was seconded by Mr. Thayer and carried unanimously.
Mr. Worthing informed the Council that in compliance with legal
requirements, Resolution No. 1295 levying the cost of abatement of
nuisances on certain lands within the City, passed and adopted on
November 21st, provided that a public hearing would be held at this
time for the purpose of hearing any and all objections to the assess-
ments set forth therein. There being no objections to said levy of
assessments, it was moved by Mr. Harbison, seconded by Mr. Warren and
unanimously carried that said assessments stand confirmed.
DECEMBER 5th, 1960.
Mr. Worthing read RESOLUTION NO. 1299.
WHE~, Chapter 15 of the City Code and Ordinance No.-G-147 of
the City of Delray Beach, Florida, declares all lands in the City not
kept free from debris, vegetation (including trees) or other matter,
which may become a danger in time of hurricane, and from weeds exceed-
ing in height of 18 inches, and from filth and trash, constitute a
nuisance; and
WHE~, pursuant to said Ordinance, the Chief of the Fire
Department of Delray Beach, Florida, has made a survey report, in
writing, to the City Manager, describing certain lots or parcels of
land in said City and more specifically described herein, wherein
conditions such as specified in Chapter 15 of the City Code and 0rdi-
nance 8-147 exist; and
WHEREAS, the City Council of Delray Beach, Florida, after con-
sideration of said survey report, is of the opinion that a prima
facie case showing the following lands constitute a nuisance within
the provisions of said Chapter 15 of the City Code and Ordinance
referred to herein;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the existence of a nuisance
be, and the same is hereby declared, upon the following described
lots or parcels of land for violation of the provisions of said
Chapter 15 of the City Code and Ordinance G-147 as specified after
each description, and the City Clerk of the City of Delray Beach,
Florida, is directed to furnish the owners of each parcel of land,
as hereinafter set forth, a notice in accordance with Section 6 of
said Ordinance, and tha~.t the City Council will sit on the 19th day
of December, 1960, at 8.00 P.M., at the City Hall in Delray Beach,
Florida, for the purpose of allowing said owners to show cause, if
any they can, why said nuisance should not be abated.
Vincent J. Ruth P.O. Box 1703 W 100' of E 2~4' of S~
Delray Beach, Fla. of S~ of S~ of Lot 6,
Section 8.-46-43, less
25, R/w. 4
Lucile J. & Valerie P.O. Box 414 W 100' of E 454' of S~
S. Nichols Delray Beach, Fla. of S~ of S~ of Lot 6,
Section 8-46-43 less
N 25, 4
Cornelia R. 1404 N. SwintOn Ave.W 75~ of S~ of NE¼ of
Thompson Delray Beach, Fla. Lot 7, Section 8-46-43,
less W 200~ & less
E 33' R/W. 3&4
John & Caroline 109 N. E. 8th St. South Vacant part of
Van Ballegoolen Delray Beach, Fla. S 150' lying East of
F.E.C.RR., Block 80. 4
John & Charlotte 703 S. E. 9th St. Lot 24, Block 4,
Kiel Delray Beach, Fla. Rio Del Rey Shores 4
Oscar B. Sabin P. 0. Box 93 Lots 38 & 39, Block 7,
Tavernier, Fla. 0sceola Park 4
Florence A. Brown Candlewood Isle Lots 16 & 17, Block 13,
New Fairfield, Conn. 0sceola Park 4
M~s. Tillie ~ 7401 W. Eight Mile Rd. Lots 18 & 19, Block 13,
Goldberg Detroit 21, Mich. Osceola Park 4
DECEMBER 5th, 1960.
Richard W. & Anna 711 Shore Drive Lots 9 & 11, Block 1,
E. Nelson Boynton Beach,Fla. Seagate Extension 4
PASSED AND ADOPTED in regular session this 5th day of December,
It was moved by Mr. Warren, seconded by Mr. Campbell and unani-
mously carried that Resolution No. 1299 be adopted.
City Clerk Worthing read the following Planning Board Report
dated NovemBer ~0th and si~ned by Chairman Paul S. Knowles:
"The regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Board was
held on Nov. 25, 1980.
"The final plat of Delray Beach Highlands was submitted to
the Board for final approval. This property has been platted
by Mr. Roy Ca lamia.
"Ail changes and recommendations requested by Mr· Fleming,
city Engineer appeared to have been incorporated and the
plans all appeared to be in good order.
"The Board voted unanimously that the plat be duly signed
by our chairman and my signature was attached thereto."
Mr Worthing informed the Council that on November ?th they sustazne~
the recommendation of the Planning Board and approved the preliminary
plat of Delray Beach Highlands subject to the subdividers amendments
thereto reflecting the recommendatzons of the Director of Public
Works. The final plat having been approved by the Planning Board as
reflected in its report of NovemBer 80th is submitted for Council
t.entative approval as final approval should be deferred until such
tzme as either all required improvements, as called for in ~ur .
SuBdivision Ordinance G-285, or a surety bond, acceptable to the City,
and conditioned to secure the construction of such i.mprovements as
required by said ordinance, whichever event occurs fxrst, has been
effected, such surety Bond should be filed with the Council and so
conditioned to secure the construction of the improvements required
and within a period to be specified by the Council, and not to exceed
one year; also that the bond should be in an amount at least equal
to the cost of construction of the necessary improvements as es±i-
mated by the Director of Public Works. It was moved hy Mr. Thayer
and seconded by Mr. Warren to tentatively approve the final, plat of
Delray Beach Highlands. Upon call of roll, Mr. Harhison, Mr. Thayer,
Mr. Warren and Mayor Sundy voted in favor of the motion and
Campbell abstained from voting,
City Manager Mingle presented bills for approval as follows:
General Fund $ 83,500.70 ..
Water Fund - Operating Fund 9.,131.10
It was moved by }4r. Harbison, seconded by ~r. Thayer and unanimously
carried that the bills be paid.
An application was presented for a beer license, consumption on
the premises, from Mrs. }~abes R. Anderson, operator of the Delrest
Inn Restaurant, It was moved by l~r. Thayer, seconded by Mr.~ Campbell,
and unanimously carried that the request for said beer license be
On November 28th, Mr. Harbison, Mr. Warren, and Mr. Campbell were
appointed as a committee to study and report concerning Mrs. Robert
McLaughlin's request to pave, at her expense, a ~5-fo. ot right-of-way
south of her property at 24-26 Marine Way. }~r. Harbzson reported
that the committee had met and studied ~he situation and could see no
harm in allowing Hfs. McLaughlin to pave said right-of-way as far
as the back of her property. Mr. Harbison then moved that
~rs. }~cLaughlin be allowed to pave said portion of the Z$-foot
DECEMBER 5th, 1960.
right-of-way, at her own expense, according to the specifications of
the City and under the supervision of the Engineering Department.
The motion was seconded by Mr. Thayer. Following lengthy discussion
and comments, and upon call of roll, Mr. Harbison, Mr. Thayer, and
Mayor Sundy voted in favor of the motion, ~&r. Campbell and Mr. Warren
Being opposed.
Mr. Campbell asked that a report from Mr. Jacohson and Mr. Simon
he made through the City Manager at the next regular meeting, giving
information as to construction progress on the City Hall and the
Community Center.
Mr. Campbell expressed the desire to take exception to state-
ments in an article recently carried in the Miami Herald, indicating
that the present City Council has failed to delegate proper public
relations and general administrative authority to the City Hanag~r.
Mr. Campbell challenged the statement and asked that, in all fairness,
the same publicity he given to the challenge, as he is certain that
Mr. Mingle has not had his hands tied in any manner by the council.
The meeting adjourned at 9:15 P.M. on motion By Mr. Warren.
/s! R D, ..Worthin~
-City Clerk
DECEMBER 5th, 1960.