01-05-59AnnualMtg JANUARY 5TH, 1959.
The Annual Meeting of the City Council was held in the Council
Chambers at ?:SO P.M., with Mayor J. LeRoy Croft in the Chair, City
Manager W. E. Lawson Jr., and'Commissioners Col. Dugal G. Campbell,
Fred B. McNeece, George Talbot Jr., and George V. Warren present,
An opening prayer was delivered by City Manager W. E. Lawson.
On motion of Commiss.ioner McNeece and seconded by Commissioner
Warren, the Council unanimously approved the Minutes of the Meeting
held on December 22nd, 1988o
Mayor Croft read the following Resolution No. 1165:
~5{EREAS, Dugal G. Campbell has unselfishly given of his time and
ability as a City Councilman for the past two years,
That Dugal G. Campbell be and is hereby commended for his great
contribution to the general welfare of the City of Delray Beach as
City Councilman.
Unanimously adopted this Sth day of January, 1959.
Resolution No. 1163 was unanimously adopted on motion of Commis-
sioner McNeece and seconded by Commissioner Talbot.
Commissioner Warren then informed the Council that, in his .o~in-_
ion, J. Clinton Scott, a local attorney, was qualified for consl~era
tion as City Attorney, whereas allege.d adverse information, concern-
ing such qualification, had been furnished the Council. The Commis-
sioner requested the opinion of Attorney Harry Newett, who was in the
audience, and who stated that, in his opinio.n, if Att'y. Sc.ott had
passed the Florida Bar and possessed such evidence, .re.flect~ng having
passed the Bar at least two years ago, would be qualified for such
consideration. Commissioner Warren then requested that Att'y. Scott
be considered in the appointing of a City Attorney for the ensuing
Commissioner .Campbell expressed his sincere appreciation for
the.pleasure of havi.ng served on the Co.u~.cil and for the many cour-
tesies extended to hun and the co-operation of all Council Members.
Mayor Croft then expressed his gratefulness for the Honor of hav-
ing served as Mayor of the City of. Delray Beach f.or the past year,
for the co-operation extended to h~m by the Council, and extended
.sincere thanks and appreciation to.the Planning & Zoning Board for
its great accomplis~h~.ents and service rendered, citing the fact that
very few people reahze the efforts and time expended by the ~embers
of said Planning & Zoning Board.
The Mayor further cited the many major items which the Council
had acted upon during the past year, a few of which being -
1. Drainage Pr.oject.s in Ward I.
2. More than Nxne M~les of Street Improvements.
3. Urban Renewal and Long Range Planning inaugurated. ·
4. Providing for early construction of a NEW City Hall and Jail,
JANUARY ~th, 19F9.
Mayor Croft then extended his .a~preciation to the City Manager
and all City employees for their ale and tireless efforts e~ended
· during the past year.
This Commission's Neeting then adjourned and the recently elected
members for the City Council, namely, CHARLES H. HARBISON and GEORGE
V. WAR~, were gi.ven the OATH OF OFFICE by the City Clerk and pro-
ceeded to take their seats at the Council table.
Co~issioner McNeece then moved for the nomination of GEORGE
TALBOT JR., as MAYOR for the ensuing year. Notion was seconded by
Commissioner Croft.
Co~nissioner.Warren then expressed concern ove. r the fact that, in
view of past polxcy, but more particularly, experience gained
through having served on the Council and, further, his knowledge' of
the many major problems being developed, and being receiver of the
highest number of Votes in the recent election, nomination f.or Mayor,
for the. new year, had not been extended to him. The Commissioner,
however, expressed his desire and intent to work with the New Council
in every detail for the welfare of the City of Delray Beach.
Upon call of roll - Commissioners McNeece, Croft, and .Harbison
voted in favor of the nomination of Georg Talbot Jr. , as Mayor for
the ensui.ng year. Commissioner Talbot abe
Warren be~ug opposed.
The newly elected Mayor, GEORGE TALBOT JR., then took the Chair
and solicited nominations for Vice-Mayor of the City of Delray Beach
for 1989.
On motion of Commissioner Croft and seconded by Co.mm~.'ssioner
Harbison, the Council, with Commissioner McNeece abstainl-ng, elected
FRED B. NcNEECE as Vice-Mayor for the Oity of Delray Beach, Florida,
for the ensuing year.
On motion of Commission. er Warren and seconded by. Commissioner
Harbison, the Co.u~.cil unanimously approved the appointment of W. E.
LAWSON JR., as City Manager for
On motion of Commissioner Ha~bison and seconded by Commissioner
NcNeece, the Council unanimously approved the appointment of .JOHN C.
WILLIAMS, effectiv.e immedia, tely, as Municipal Judge for the City of
Delray Beach, Florida, during the commng Year of 1959.
Commissioner McNeece moved that, in as much as there are many
legal issues pending, with which Att'y. Harry T. Newett is thoroughly
familiar, due to early phases of.many-such issues having alreadybeen
p. rocessed, and his lengthy exp'erlence, as. well as.knowledge, concern-
lng the many legal proble~ns now confronting the City, Attorney Harry
T. New?tt .be a~ointed City Attorney for the ensuing year of 1989,
effective zmme~lately.
Commissioner Warren challenged the limit of consideration for ap-
pointment of a City Attorney..
Upon Call of Roll - CommAssioners Croft, Harbison, McNeece, to-
ge.thor with Mayor Talbot, voted in favor thereof, Commissioner Warren
being opposed.
Mayor Talbot then expressed extreme appreciativeness for the
honor bestowed upon him as Mayor for the City of Delray Beach during
1~§9, and humbly accepted the .~esponsibility, p.led$ing most sincere
efforts to conduct the p~oceedlngs of the Council in such a manner
that the policies resulting therefrom will be for the best interests
of Delray Beach and its c~itizens.
Commissioner Campbel~ requested that ~is motion providing com-
.pen~ation to R. D..W?thlng for ~e-valuatlon of all properties
in ~the corporate l~mts of the Cxty of Delray Beach be amended to
corporate the following portion of his motionwhich was inadvertently
omAtted therefrom, namely, "That the above named individual also re-
ceive the heart felt thanks of the City CoUncil for his re-valuation
of all taxable properties and for a jo$ well done".
Agreed by Commissioner McNeece who seconded the original motion
and approved by the Council.