05-11-59 MAY llTH, 1959. A Regular Meeting of. the City Council was held in the Council Chambers at 7:30 P.M., with Ma~or George Talbot Jr. in the Chair, City Manager ~V. E. Lawson Jr., City Attorney Harry T. Newett and Corn missioners J. LeRoy. Croft, Charles H. HarbisOn, Fred B. McNeece and George V. Warren bexng present. An opening prayer was delivered by Reverend Paul J. Smith. The Council, by general, consent, approved the Minutes of the regular meeting held on April 27th, 1959. City Manager Lawson read the following letter, dated N_~.rch 13th, 1959: DEIP~Y BEACH CHANBER OF C019~[ERCE "The problem of summer parking has had two major aspects.. ~e found that most citizens wanted the complete abolition of parking meter FEES during the s,,_mmer. However, when this was done, it pre- sented another problem- that of employees of business establishments parking all day in key positions. . There has been considerab.le pressure from the merchants to alle viate this situation. We believe we have a solution to both aspects of this problem. It is the feeling of the committ'ee that the installation of signs statin$ "60 minute parking only" in the problem areas, which include Atlantic Ave. from Swin. ton Ave. t~ the Intracoastal Waterway - two blocks north of Atlantic Ave. on Second Ave., one block north and south on 4th and 5th Avenues (meters in the above mentioned areas being set so as not to indicate a violation) will control employee parking and still satisfy most people about the annoyance of the meters during the 8,rmmer. Enforcement of these 60 minute zones would necessitate some police control durin~ the initial stage and after that, spot chec.king with the help of complaints from me~chants who have offenders ~n front of their place of business. We are requesting that the above plan beput'into effect beginning June 1st and remain in effect until November ist. Additionally, the committee recommen~e that signs be placed under, or next to, the stop lights at 4th and 5th Avenues, better indicating municipal parking lots. These signs to b~ paid for by the Chamber of Commerce. The above proposal was accepted at a meeting of the Merchants D~v~slon on March 12th, 1959. /S/ C~L4R~S LILLY Chairman Parking Committee The City Ymnager then read the following '?.eport' from the Police Chief, to whom, the preceding letter has been referred: May 5th, 1959. the letter from "The summer time parking p~oblem, as prese.nted in the Chamber of Commerce dated March 15, 1959, ~s ~ot a new one to this department. In the past few years we have tried several diffe- rent arrangemen~ts in an effort to solve the problem. None of these has proven 100% satisfactory. When we removed the meters from the side streets and left the ones on Atlantic Ave., the merchants and employees working on Atlan- tic Ave., would then park on the side streets resulting in complaints from those persons having places of business off Atlantic Avenue. The same situation existed when we removed a .part of the meters from Atlantic Avenue and left the remaining ones in effect. ~nen we removed all meters, we found that some complained a.nd wan~ed them replaced. It seems that some merchants would park ~n the next block f.~om their own place of business directly in front of another estab- lishment, "usually a competitor", bringing complaints and in some cases'demands that the police department prohibit them from parking there. MAY 11, 19%9 · In my opinion, should we accept the recommendation of the Com- mittee and post signs to the effect that sixtyminute parkin~ was in force in th? specified areas, it would n?t only be duplication but also confuszng to the publzc as the parkzng meters have already es- tablished the fact that parking is limited in these locations ~o far as time is concerned. If the parking meters are removed, it would seem as if we were ' taking a step bacI~vard as this would mean going back to the old sys- tem of marking tires to deter.~ne how long an automobile had be~n- parked. Thzs would also require a.great aeal.of space for storing the meters, which, from the mechanical angle is not considered to be good practice, to say nothing of the time and labor necessary to re- move and replace them. The placing of hoods over the meters; as you know, has also proven unsatisfactory. The practice of leaving the meters on the ~ost and not enf?rcing them has been tried and found to work with a minimum of complaints where the meter is set to show sixtyminutes of parking at all times. I doubt seriously if there is an iron-clad solution to this pro- blem whsreby each individual merchant will be happy. If such a solu- tion exists, I would appreciate assistance from any and all sources in finding it. My recommendations are to either leave all parking meters as they are with enforcement only in cases where the privilege is abused, or, strictly enforce allmeters except those on the municipal parking lots which I believe should be discontinued during the summer months and free pa~king allowed ~hereon. In closing, I would t~ke to state that my department willmake every effort to carry out your decision regarding this matter. Cost of signs (estimate): 100 Signs @ $2~50 $250~00 100 2~75 275;00 200 Bolts .06 12~00 Labor 100.00 TOTAL $637.OO /S/ R. C. CROFT Chief of Police P.S. The signs indicating i~unicipal Pa~king Lots have been placed at 4th and Sth Avenues. The Council, on motion of Comm~ssione~ Harbison and seconded by Commissioner McNeece, unanimously approved acceptance 9f Police Chief Croft's recommendation and authorized leaving the parking meters as they are with enforcement only in cases where.the privilege is abused, except those meters located on municipal parking lo~s which should be discontinued during the summer months and free parking, thereon, al- lowed. City Manager. Lawson then read a request from M~r. We J. Snow, dated April 27th, 1959: "~ill you please submit to the City Commission that I am desirous, if it can be worked out, of trading the additional acreage I own, of which is~nclosed a description, adjoining the ten acre tract the City is now uszng as a rubbish dump. The acreage to be traded for would be that lyin~ ~est 'of Sim's Road and North of Atlantic Avenue, and was at one time used as a rock pit. I presume that this would call for a survey and appraisal by the City and if the Southeast and Southwest corners have been destroyed on my property, another survey and appraisal of this property could be made. The City to pay for these services on their property and I would assume the ~esponsibility on mine. Would hke to suggest that if the City is interested, thsy get a price for these surveys and appraisals and I will go along with the firm or firms they select providing the price is reasonable." /si w. J. The Council, on motion of Commissioner ~cNeece and seconded by Commissioner Croft, unanimously agreed that the City is not interest- ed in, nor desirous of, trading any lands (City owned) at this time, and requested that Mr. Snow be so advised. The City Manager presented and read - ORDINANCE NO. G-S16: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DEIRAY BEACH, IN PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, GRANTING TO FLORIDA PUBLIC UTILITIES COI~PANY, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, A GAS FRANCHISE AND I~LPOSING PROVISIONS fIND CONDITIONS RELATING THERETO. (attached and.forming a part hereof, is a copy of Ordinance G-$16) Commissioner Croft moved that Ordinance No. G-316 be placed on first reading. Motion was seconded by Commissioner EcNeece and upon Call of Roll - the Council unanimously approved placing said Ordinance No. G-316 on first reading. City Nanager Lawson read the following letter, dated May 8th, from the Florida Public Utilities Company: "The following information is provided in connection with nego- tiations for the proposed franchise between the City of Delray Beach and the Florida P~blic Utilities Company: GAS RATES ...... The Company will furnish the City of Delray Beach copies of ~ rates on file and approved by the Florida-.Ra~troa.d"and Public lities Commission during the term of the proposed franchise. NAPS OF FACILITIES .... The Company will make available to the City of Delray Beach, its maps of facilities located within the City limits upo.n request, and the Company will furnish the City of Delray Beach copies of all construc.tion .drawings prepa.red for the installation of gas mains with- in the City l~mits of the C~ty of Delray Beach. We trust that the above information will allow you to act favorably on a natural gas franchise for the Florida Public Utilities Company. /S/ J. K. ROBERTS Vice-Pres. FLORIDA PUBLIC UTILITIES CONPANY E.J. DO~'~EY Ass't. Sec. The City Manager then submitted and read - RESOLUTION NO. 1180. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLCRIDA, RELATING TO THE MUNICIPAL ~VATER SYSTEM; PROHIBITING EXTENSION OF SERVICE OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS. ~'~HEREAS, the City has received applications for extension of its water service to properties, and persons located outside, but adja- cent to the existing City Limits; and ~/~tEREAS, the City Council, after consideration of existing facil- ities together with present and anticipated demands for water service to properties within the City, or which will likely be annexed to the City in the foreseeable future, has determined that the available supply of water is needed for such purposes, and by reason of such facts, it appears, and the Council so finds, there is no surplus wate~ available for sale to new applicants located outside the City bounda- ries as the same are now lOcated or may hereafter be extended. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA: 1. That no new applications for water service to persons or pro- perties lo?ted outside the City boundaries of the City 9f Delray Beach, Flormda, as.the same may he located from time to' t~me, shall be accepted or received. 2. T.hat copies of this Resolution shall be furnished to the Pub- llc ¥~orks Department and to the Water Department. PASSED AND ADOPTED in Regular Session this llth day of May, Commissioner %~arren moved that Resolution No. llSO be tabled definitely for future consideration. Motion was seconded by Commis- sioner Harbison and upon Call of Roll - Commissioners ~arren and Nmrbison voted in foavor thereof, Commissioners Croft and McNeece, to- gether with Mayor Talbot, being opposed. Motion did not carry. Commissioner McNeece then moved that Resolution No. 1180 be a- dopted on this first and final reading. Notion was seconded by Com- missioner Croft and upon Call of Roll - Commissioner McNeece and Croft, toga.that with Mayor Talbot, voted in favor thereof, Commissioners Harbmson and ~arren being opposed. Motion Carried. City Manager Lawson then submitted the following 'Reports' from the Planning Board: 1. "The Planning and Zoning Boar~, at its regular .mae.ting on May 1st, 1989, considered the attached ~ear set back devmat~on request of Mrs. A. G. Pruyser Jr., dated April MAth, 1~$~. The four members of the Board, ~resent, unanimously voted that the request be granted." /E/ PAUL S. KNOV~LES Ch'm. Commissioner Harbison moved that ~he request of l~r. A. G. Pruyser Jr., be gra.nted, in sustaining the recommendation of the Planning Board. Motmon was seconded by Commissiener ~arren. General discussion followed concerni~ the n.eighb.orhood involved and the Council felt that property owners ~n the zmmedzate area should be.adv.ised of the application and be.given ~n opportunity to express objection or approval of such deviation. Motion was withdrawn and Commissioner Croft moved that sai.d 'Applica~'ion' be referred to the Planning Board for a "Public Hearing".- ~otion seconded by Commission- er McNeece and upon Call of Roll, the Council unanimously agreed. 2. "At its resular meeting on May 1st, 1~8~, the Planning and Zoning Board considered a request for side set back deviation on Lots 1 and B, Block llA in C-2 zone, submitted by Mr. George Mattsson, dated April l?th, 1~$~, to erect a car porte and utility room to be used in connection with the Amigo Hotel. In accordance with Section ~E2 of Ordinance No. G-2SA, we inter- pret that the garage and utility room in question is not a dwelling structure, but an accessory building. Since this is not a dwelling structure and is located in a C-2 zone we interpret that no setback would be required. This interpretation is sub~ect to an interpPeta- tion by the city. attorney. Should the Cmty Attorney interpret otherwise we re~ommend that this reque.st be Mt.anted and that the ordinance be chang,d so that ac- cessory bumldings mn the comm.ercial .zone not used for dwel.ling pur- poses would folIow the establmshed smde yard setbacks requ~re~ ~n the commercial zones. The above was unanimously approved." /S/ PA~L S. KNOV~ZES Ch're. Commissioner Harbison inquired of the City Attorney if legal pro- n, 99 cedure had been followed in Planning Board's consideration of this and similar deviation requests and ~as advised that all. Planning Board meetings are open to the publxc and thereby constxtute a pub- lic hearing. The City Attorney further informed the Commissioner and Council that, in the case of "Deviation" requests, no direct notice to neighboring property owners is required. . . Mr. P~ul S. Knowles, 9hairman of the Planning ~oard, ~nformed the Councxl that all meetings are open to the public and are, there- fore, in effect a public hearing, but fu~th? ~ggested that it might be well for scheduled Meetings of.t~e Plannxng/Zoning Board to be ad- vertised in advance, thereby prowdxng an opportunity for all persons interested to attend. Commissioner Harbison moved that.this request be referred back to t~e ~lanning Board for a Public Hearing. Motion was seconded by Com- massloner McNeece. Following general discussion on proper procedure for processing 'Deviation' requests and legality of all Planning Board meetings constituting a Public Hearing, as well as advice from the City Attor- ney. that. th~s. Councxl meeting,, as. well as the Plann~n.g Board s . meet xng, ~s, ~n effect, a pubhc hearing, the above 'Motion' was w~th- arawn. · Commissioner Croft then moved that in as much as this property lies within C-2 zoned area the request of Mr. Nattsson be granted, as recommended by the Planning Board. Motion wa~ seconded by Com- missioner Warren and upon Call of Roll - Commisszoners Croft, Warren and McNeece, together with Nayor Talbot, voted in favOr thereof, Com- missioner Harbison abstaining. Commissioner Harbison then moved that the action of the Council, concerning the request of Mrs A. G. Pruyser Jr., for set-back de- viation on Lots 3§ & $6 in La~ Pa]ams S/D, be rescinded inasmuch as said request, and the 'Deviation' request of Mr. Mattsson, were of similar character and nature and, therefore, warranted similar action by the Council. The motion did not receive consideration due to lack of being seconded. 3. "At its regula~ meeting OhM ay 1st, 1989, the Planning and Zon- ing Board considered a side set back deviation from Ldcile J. Nichols and Fred W., and Lynn A. 0rlemann dated April 16th, 1959. The Board unanimously voted that the re~?st as outlined in this letter for a side set back deviation from N~. 15th Street of 15 ft be granted." /S/ PAUL S. KNO~TLES Chairman CommissionerWa~ren moved that the request of Mr. & yrs. Orlemann be granted in sustaining the recommendation of the Planning Board. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Harbi~on and upon Call of Roll - Commissioners Warren and Harbison voted in favor thereof, Commission- ers Croft and McNeece; together with Mayor Talbot, being opposed. Motion did not carmy. 4. "At its regular meeting on May ~st, 1959, the Planning & Zoning Board considered a letter dated April 1st, 1989, from~. George Strick!and regarding the installation of station WDBF radio towers and studio on the golf course property of the Grimes Foundation. The Board recommended, by unanimous v?te, that the City Council declare an emergency and hold proper hearings for permissive use for a radio station on the golf course location subject to a letter of approval from Mr. ~rren Grimes. The emergency is predicated upon an application whichWDBF has pendinz before the F.C.C. which can be better, explained by Mr. ~trickIand who should be present at your meeting." /S/ PAUL S. KNO~,%ES Chairman . City Manag? Lawson then read the.following letter from The Grimes Founda~xon, owner of the land (golf course) involved, and dated]gay 8th, 1959~ TO DEI~AY BEACH CITY COUNCIL "It has been~requested by the Planning Board that we write a let- ~?.g~v~g~permiSsion to u~e the "roughs" of the Delray Beach Country ~Auo ~oa~ ~ourse for the placement of a radio tower of W D B F Radio Station and Studio, with the understanding it would not interfere with Golf in anyway. It~is ?ur wish tha~ the contract between the city of Delray Beach and The Grimes Foundat$on regarding the use of ~he Country Clu$ grounds b? amended to include the use of the s~id area for dai!y Broadcasting and transmission of messages and ~ages to other loCa- tiona. 'Thank you fo~ giving this your p~ompt consideration and atten- tions" /S/ ~h°J~EN G. GRIMES Pres. On motion of ~ommissioner Warren and seconded by Commissioner Harbison, the Counci~ unanimously approved the' request of'M~. George W. Strickland of Radxo Station ~BF dated April 1st, 1959. 5. "The Planning an~ Zoning B.c,.rd called a special.meeting today to consider a request for a sxde yard set~ack submitted by'Samuelo 9gren Jr., for Mm. Forest Lattner on the S~ of Lot tS, Govt..~Lot ~Z, Pa~ Beach Shore Acres. It is intended to add an addition to the existing house to the ~est 84 feet in line wit~ the present house facing on Beach Drive. The addition will be 28 ~eet deep to the No~th. This Lot is one of ve~few in the R-iAAA zone which is sub- standard. The Lot is §8.8~ feet facing highway A-1-A. A quorem of the Board ~animously approved that the request for the deviation be granted.''~ /S/ PAUL S. KNOYfLES Chairman The Council, on motion of dommissioner McNeece and seconded by~~ Commissioner Croft, unanimousl~ aPprqved granting the request of Mr. Lattner, as recommended by the Planning Board. The City Nanager then read tke following 'Report' from Police Chief R. C. Croft, concerning a reRuest from the Delray Beach Civic League: "I do not recommend the hiring ~f any additional colored police officers at this time for the following reasons: 1. This expenditure was not included ~n the present Police Depart- ment budget. 2. The winter season is now over and I believe the present number of police are adequate at the present t~me. $. Most of the morning traffic in this area is being werked by White officers, either in patrol cars or on motorcycles, which leaves only routine police calls such as drunks, f~ghts, and other forms of disturbances to be taken care of by the colored police. In cases where they need assistance, an officer can be dispatched immediately to assist him." /S/ R. O. CROFT Chief of Police On motion of ~mmissioner McNeece and seconded by Commissioner Harbison, the Council unanimously approved acceptance of the report. City M~nager Lawson informed the Council of having met with Messrs. Gross, Lee and Rowland, of the Palm Beach. County Freight Traffic Bureau, who would apprecSate fu~the~ consideration by the Council concerning financial assistance ~hrqugh sponsorship of a pro- gram establishing a freight traffxc bureau mn Palm Beach County' Messrs. Lee andRowland, addressing the Council, informed the Commission~that some of the activities of the Traffic Bureau were assuring its members of being furnished a guide toward proper of shipments to effect the cheapest transportation costs, and review paid freight bills for possible claim and refund of over- charg? on freight transportation costs of previous shipments into the C~ty. Commissioner Harbison moved that reco~nizing, t~e lateness in the present-f~scal year and the City's financxal posltxon, due to budget control, the Palm Beach County Freight Traffic Bureau be informed that the City of Delray Beach does not desire to contribute to this program at the present time but wishes to consider such Traffic Bureau Service for the next fiscal year. Motion was seconded by Com- missioner McNeece. Following a discussion of the activities of the "Bureau" with Mr. Lee and ~r. Rowland, Commissioner Warren recommended an amendment to the motion of Commissioner Harbison, providing for subscribing to the Bureau's program for the remaSning portionOf this fiscal year on the basis of $1,000. per year, which amendment was acknowledged as satisfactory by Commissioner Harbison, but rejected by Commissioner MCNeecewho seconded the original motion. No action, therefore, was taken on the motion which was withdrawn. Commissioner Warren then moved that the City of Delray BeaCh sub, scribed to the Traffic Service provided by the Palm Beach County Traf- f$c Bureau commencing June let, 1959, and fo~ the remainder of this f~s?l year on the.basis'of a pro-rated fee (four months) from Sub- scrxption Cost of $1,000. per'year as established by the Joint Co- ' operative Committee of the Bureau, with provision for payment thereof to b? made from the Reserve for Contingency Fund..Motionwas seconded Comzassioner Harbison and upon Callof Roll - Co~!ssioners ~Varren, Harbison, and Croft, together with__~__yor Talbot, voted in f~vor there- of,.Commissioner McNeece being opposed. The Council, on motion of Commissioner Warren and seconded by Commissioner McNeece, unanimously approves payment of Bills in the amount of.- General and Subsidiary Funds (94,.904.92, and Payroll Ac- count of $17,919.72, as submitted'by, the City Manager, subject to the approval of the Finance Committee. CitY Manager Lawson informed the Council that several months ago Mr. John Thayer and other property owners on Vista.DelMar I~.ive re- Suested storm drainage improvement, and further stated that a prelim- inary report was prepared by Brockway, Weber & Brockway at the t~me when they were engaged in the initial work for the Basin Drive drain- age. Neither. final plans nor specifications have been prepared for arkV drainase ~n the V~sta DelMar area. On motxon of CommAssioner McNeece and seconded by Commissione~ Croft, the Council um~nimously agreed that the City Manager be re quested to solicit a Petition from owners of properties to be benefit- ~ed by such drainage improvement in the ViSta DelMar area and would be required to absorb their proportionate share of such ex pense, requesting for installation of storm drainage. The Council, on motion of Commissioner Croft.and seconded by Commissioner McNeece, unanimousl~ approved authorization for issuance of Duplicate Tax Sale Certificates for Certificates Nos, 235 and 236, dated June lSth, 1949, alleged to have.been lost or destroyed. The City Manager advised the Council o~ having been contacted by some engineering firms desirous of submitting proposals for consult- ing services 9oncerning sanitary sewerage facilities in Delray Beach. · The Councxl, .on motion of Commissioner ~arren and. seconded b Commissioner Harbison, unanimously asreed.that the CxtyManager ~e requested to contactthe various engineering firms in South Florida who might be interested in submitting their proposals to act as engi- neering.consultants relative to installation of Sanitary Sewerage Facxlxt~es and to provide fo~ a hearing with each firm, before the Council, during the week of May 25th, day to be determined, at inter- vals of one hour appointments. MAY 11, 1959. The Council, on motion of Commissioner Croft. seconded b.v Commis- sioner McNeece, unanimously approved requesting the Cmty Manager to provide for a joint meeting of the Palm Beach County Co~ssion and the City Council, at the earliest possible date, fo~ discussion ef City of Delray Beach Resolution No. 1177, concerning certain Count.v .ow~.ed lands in the .L~.ke .Ida area, and to arrange f.or as much news mnformation as possmble mn order that all persons mnterested may at- tend such meeting. City Manager Lawson then read the following letter, dated Nay 8th, from Assistant County Engineer G. R. FROST: "The Board on May 4th, 1959, directed the County Engineer to com- ply with the request contained in the City of Delray Beach Resolution No. 1178 by seeking the consent of the State Road Department to a crossin~ of State Road No. 9 risht of way at South West 10th Street, exten.~e~ (State Road No. 9 Station 47.9 p~[us $?.$5). Smnce the State Road Department wmll need to know .the extent an.d permanency of your proposed wor.k on State Road No. 9 rmght-of-way, mt will be necessary that yo.u provmde a sketch showing the extent of the proposed right-of-way ad2acent to S.tate Road N.c. 9 and other features which will aid the Road Department mn a determmnation. A sketch pre- viously used in our application for the Lake Ida Road crossing is en- closed for your assistance. The sketch you furnish will accompany our request for permit to the Department." ' /S/ G. R. FROST Ass't. County Engineer. On motion of Cmmissioner ~cNeece and seconded by Commissioner Wax, ten, the Council requested the City ~_~nager to obtain local assist- ance in providing for sketch, as requested in Mm. Frost's letter, and provide for same to be available no~ later than Thursday, Nay 14th. The Council, on. motion of Commissioner Harbison and seconded by Commissioner Warren, unanimously approved granting a request from Mr. Jack P. Jemison, on behalf of Arvida Corporation, for alteration and addition to the Seagate Cabana Club. City N~nager Lawson informed the Council of having been advised as fellows: TO ~ITY MANAGER ~y 8th, 1959. "~ am advised by Ray Qualmann, Marine Contractor of Pompano Beach, Florida, that he expects to begin dredging at the Harbor House Yacht Basin on or about'the 15th of this month and to complete his work prior to June 1st. Please convey this information to anyone interested at City Hall. /S/ ARVIDA REALTY CO., By Jack P. Jemison Mgr. . The City Manager submitted a letter: dated April 28th, received mn protest to a Drainage Assessment agamnst Lot 5, Block 12, Seagate, owa~d by Robert & Nary McLaughlin. -The Mayor advised Mrs. McLaughlin, who was present at thi~ meet- ing, that the Council regrets that no adjustment of the assess.merit, nor cancellation of same, as requested by Mrs. Robert NcLaughlmn, can be made inasmuch as several public hearings were held in the City Hall, following newspaper 'Notices' of such meetings to be held, and the Council, thoroughly investigating all expressed objections and the assessmen.t roll providing for the levy of ~the various assessments to the. benefmtted lands, determined that such assessments were proper and indicated such determination in the PASSING and ADOPTION of Ordi- nance No. G-$06 which Ordinance provides for the levy of prorationed drainage improvement assessments in the Seagate andVillage areas to the benefitted lands as determined by the consulting engineers. MAY 11, 1959 Mrs. Ruth BristowMaloy appeared before the Council and complain- ed of having been required to remove a 'Sign' from her property at A0$ S. E. Ath Avenue, Delray Be~ch, and was advised.by the Mayo~ that all persons and properties within the c?porate linuts of the City. of Delray_Beao~ shall comply with the requirements as provided in 0rd~- nance No. G 298 passed and adopted on Ju~y lath, 1958. Mrs. Maloy further protested the action of the First Federal Sav- ings & Loan Association of WeSt Palm Beach concerning an alleged mort- gage, held by said financial institution, on Lot 8, Block 2, Osceola Park, Delray Beach, Florida,'being improved property in the name of Joel A. Ymloy and Ruth Maloy. . Nayor Talbot suggeste~ to Mrs. Maloy that she obtain the services of an attorney if she desire? to take action against said First Fed- eral Savings & Loan Assoclatlo~ of West Palm Beach restive to any mortgage held by said association.. Mrs. Maloy presented the Council with a 'Petition' concerning the above issues and requested that the Council arrange for "Special Hear- ing'' thereon. Mr. Robert Blake requested installation of a Meter and Water Ser- vice to the property of Mr. and Mrs. Sumner Canary, described as that part of the South lB0 ft of the North 1795 ft lying between State Road A-1-A and the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, and being in Section 21~ Twp. 46S, Rge. Mr. Blake was advised of the established policy of the City to deny any requests for additional water service beyond the corporate limits of the City. Mr. Blake suggested that the City solicit the annexation of several properties comprising an area adjacent to, and south of, the present City l~mlt line between State Road A-1-A and the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, and expressed his opinion that the' majority, if not all, thereof would favor annexation to Delray Beach. The Council then requested the City Manager to take necessary steps, with the aid of the City Attorney, to contact certain property owners, whose lands ~o~rise the hereinabove referred to "area" lying between State Road A 1 A and the Atlantic Ocean, immediately south of the present city limits thereat. City ManagerLawson introduced, to the Council, recently employed SanitaryEngineer Richard P. Murphy, who came to the City highly rec- comended by Mr. Joseph Alvarez, Palm Beach County Sanitary Engineer. ~. Alvarez, attending this meeting, complimented the results of Mr. ~,~urphy's accomplishments in his first week of employ by the City, the results of which are reflected in the following weekly report submit- ted by the ~ityN~nager: ~ekly Report - Week,End~gMay,Sth~,,,,.~9$9. Field Visits - Private Premises 26 " " - Public Premises 1§ Inspection of Food Handling Establishments 16 Complaints Investigated 16 Nuisances Corrected 7 Orders issued to correct nuisances 32 Violations referred to other departments TOTAL ll§ MEET ING ADJOURNED: AP ROVED: 'ci~y Cl~rk / ~ MAYO~ /