25-88 Located at southwest corner of intersection of Brooks Lane and State Road No. A1A. Improved property. ORDINANCE NO. 2.6.-88 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUN¢',IL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLOR IDA. ANNEXING TO THE CITY ,,F DELRAY BEACH LOT 40, DELRAY BEACH SHORES, A SUBDIVISION AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK~...,°~. FA~.,E 167 . tN THE ~r,or, ,,~,~, IC ,,E~,t~RD~,. _ OF PALM BEACH COUNTY. FLORIDA. WHICH LAND ~': CONTr~(.,,J,.~U~'- '~ TO EX~': ~ING MUNICIPAL r, TMITS~ . OF SAID f', iTY; SAID LAND IS LOCATED AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE ~ ,~TE~oEq, T I~.,N BROOKS LANE AND STATE ROAD NO, AIA: REDEFiN- ING THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID CITY TO INCLUDE SAID LAND; PROVIDING FO~ THE R !~,HT,., AND OBLiGATiONS OF ~E LAND; PROVIDING FO5 THE ZONING THEREOF TO ~M (MEDIUM TO MEDIUM HIGH DENSITY DWELLING) DISTRICT: PROVIDING A GENERAL REPEALER CLAUSE' PROVIDING A SAVING t_.LAU,.E; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE WHEREAS, ~'obert, J. Cullum anc~ Stephanie Cullum, a:~ Tenants by the Entirety, are the fee-sim~.:~ ~ ouners of the proper- ty hereinafter described' and. WHEREAS, W~.lliam R. 2~a,~h, as ,-I,~1:¢ authorized Agent. for Robert J. Cullum and Stephanie Cul. l~m, as Tenants by the Entire- ty, has requested by his petition to have the property annexed into the municipal limits of the (qitv of D~lray Beach; and, WHEREAS, the subject prc~p~rtV he,'*~nafter described is now contiguous ~o the corporate limits <-)~ t.h~ City ,-,f Delray Beach, thus making said petition for armexat, ion ~ffect. ive at this time; and, WHEREAS, the des~gnat, ion c~f a tot iraq <: l ass if icat. ion is part of the annexation proceeding, and or-¢-~visic, rm of City Cc, de Section 30-23 have been fo] loued in ost. r,i~! is, hi.n~ t.~ zoning designation' and, WHEREAS, the City of Del_ray 2~.~:h has heretofore been authorized to annex lands in ancordanca -~ir.h Sect. ion the Florida Statutes, NOW THErEFOrE, BE IT O~DAINED 2Y THE (qlTY ~.,~[I,~CI[., OF THE CITY OF DEhSAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS ~t:iQr~__%~_ That. the City C,::,~nc5 i of the City c,f De!rag Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida. hereb~ annexes t.o said Cit, y the following described land located in Palm Beach County, Florida, which lies contiguous to said City Lot 40. DELRAY BEACH SHORES, a Subdivision as recorded in Plat, Book °3 Pa=e 167 in the Public 9ecords of Palm Beach Ccmnty, Florida. The subject property is ]ocated at the southwest corner of the intersection of Brooks Lane and State Road No. AIA. The above-described parcel contains a 0.667 acre parcel of land, ~nore or less. Sacti. on [7~__ That the Boundaries of the Cit. v c~f Delray Beach, Florida. are hereby redefined to iht Jude therein the above-described tract of land and said land ~s herebw d~-:lared be within the cc, fpo, rata limits of the City r)f ~)~lray Beach, Florida. ~I~,_iC~D__~ That F, ect~cm 2f~-23 ,-~f ~.he Zon~r,~ Code has ..... c.l.~ .... ificatiGn this ordinance and r, he tract .:-~f lam-] hareinatoc~ve described hereby declared to be in Zcmin~ Oistric:t RM (Medi~m %o M~di~m High Density Dweliing; as defined bw existing ¢,rdinanc,.as ~-,~ the City of Delray Beach, Florida, geD%,ion__i,_ That the land hareinabove described shall immediatei;¢ become suk.iecr, r,~-, a] I of the franchises, privileges, immunities, debts, obligations, liabilities, ordinances and laws to which lands in t. he CitF c,f DalraF Beach are now or roam be subjected and persons ra¢idina_ thereon, shall be deemed citizens of the City of Delra~ Beach. ~,.¢~.%%~__f~, That t,h~, annexati ,n ~-~i the suk,.ject proper- t7¢. incl~.d~ng adjacent roads, allays, ~-,r the like. ~f an~, shall not be deemed acceptance by the Cir,~ of ~ny maintenance responsi- bi!ity for such roads, alleys, ~-,r the like. ~mless otherwise soeciiicaily initiated by the City purs~ant t~v current require- merits and conditions. S_ec.t~_on_.6_,. That all ordir, anaes or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be, and the same are her~bF repealed. Sec%,ion__2 ..... That ~h<,~]d any ~:ection or ~rovisic, n .h~.~ ordinance or any portion t, hareof, any maragramh sentence or word be declared bM a Cc,~r% of commetent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect, the validity ~-,f the remainder hereof as a whole or part therec~f other than the part declared to be invalid. a, fec%iva ',~eg~AJ_.Qr~ 8. That this ord~nam~ s, hall be.c~m~ immediatelw upon ~assa~e c,n ?~aaor~d and f~'~%al reading. PASSED AND ADOPTED in reeular sazaic, n ~n ~;econd .and final reading on this the 2.4th._ day of _ ~y ___ 198° ATTEST: ~lerk Read Second Read 2 - Ord. No. 25-88 Gov+ / -- ~,SA 650 ~MAINE ~K 44, ~ 108 HABORS ,, EDGE PLAT I