12-09-59SpMtg 287 DECEMBER 9TH, 1959. A Special Meeting o~ the City Council was held in the Council Chambers at 2:00 P.M., with Nayor ~eorge Talbot Jr. in the Chair, City Manager W. E. Lawson Jr., City Attorney Harry T. Newett, Commis- sioners J. LeRoy Croft, Charles H. Harbison and George V. Warren be- Lug present. Also in attendance were Beach Co~mm~ttee Members R. J. Holland, Chairman, Catherine E. Strong and Messrs. J?e Baldwin Jr. and George McKay, together with recently elected Councxlmen Col. Dugal G. Campbel~ Glenn B, Sundy and John A. Thayer. Mayor Talbot oall~d the meeting to order, sta~Lug that same had been arranged for.consideration of the recent verdict rendered by the Hon. Judge Knott in connection with the Case of Ocean Ridge vs. City 9f Delray Beach relative to the Beach property on Lot 14, Block "A", Palm Beach Shore Acres, and the desire of the Council as to entering an Appeal thereto. 9ityManager Lawson informed the Council of having conferred with Associate Counsel Att'y. Robert C. Burns who advised of the Summary Decree having been rendered and his inability to attend this meeting due to prior commitments. Att'y. Burns further advised the Manager that the City should take action within 10 days from December 8rd if it is desired to appeal the findings of the Circuit Court. City Attorne~ Newett reviewed the history of the 9asa, and the fact that Ocean R~dge had enacted an Ordinance expressing its intent to annex the land referred to above, and Associate Counsel Att'y. Burns, pursuant to Council instruction, having entered, by court action. protest to such proposed annexation, and that the several delays in bringing the Case to trial had resulted from exceptionally heavy Dockets. The City Attorney further informed the Council that a legal uestion exists as to whether this parcel, once a part of the tovm of cean Ridge, has ever been actually excluded from the Town of Ocean Ridge as a result of Tax Sale Certificate foreclosure many years ago, and if Ocean Ridge, by virtue thereof, is now free to annex this land unless a Court order to stay is caused by an Appeal thereto being ent- ered. Replying to inquiry of Commissigner.~rren, the Attorney advised that an Appeal could be called to trial ~n doubtless not less than three months nor more than six months, depending on the Docket of the District Court of Appeals, but that an Appeal, if desired, must be entered by Nonday, December lath, 1959, to be effective, however such appeal might later be withdrawn if a Council should so determine to Mr. R. J. Holland, Chairman of the Beach Committee, stated that it was the recommendation of said Committee that an Appeal be filed through the proper channels by the Counsel handling the Case. On motion of Commissioner Harbison and seconded by Commissioner ~-~arren, the Council unanimously agreed that an A~peal be filed within the 10-day period by the Counsel presently handl~ngthe Case, as recommended by the Beach Committee. Mr. George W. Simons Jr., the City's employe~ Planning Consul- tant, informed the Council of having been in consultation with the Planning Board and of having reviewed, with Paul S. Knowles, Chaimman of'~the Board~ the progress made to date on the many phases of the over-all Zoning and Planning for the future of the City of Del~ay Beach, and particularly concerning the west sector of the City. Mr. Simons further advised the Council that a meeting had been 28~ DECEMBER 9th, 1959 held ~ith representative of the west sector of the City, attendsd by Planning Board 9ha?man Paul S. Knowles, Commissioner Warren, City Man- ager Lawson, Building Inspector Ralph Hughson and himself, at which meetin$ the Committee representing the people in the western part of ~y the Ci had been thoro~ughly informed as ~o a proposed Highwa~ Survey preparatory to Housing Program 221, the City Government o~ficials be- ing delighted with the response 9f said Committee which offered to undertake t~e Survey, necessary in the western part of the City, and ~nder the direction of Bldg~ Inspector Hughson, and who, further, ex- pressed their desire for being furnished all possible information con- cerning the Survey and its purpose. Mr. Simons submitted a map clearl~ indicating the Land Use for all of Delray Beach and some adjacent (contiguous) land area, request- ing that said Map.be preserved for Base 8tu~yand future reference, and advised the CounCil the seriousness of PLANNING NOW for the future~ i~asmuch as the Urban Land Institute of Chicago and Washington has, within the past two weeks, issue~ its result of a very careful study of Metropolitan areas which indicate the possible population, and ob- vious automobile highway and parking problems, to.be expected by the Ye? 2000: This survey report reflects the ~ikellhood of South Florida be~ng6th in the list,.which.shows New York City let, Chicago 2nd, Los Angeles Srd and Detroit a likely 4th, and further, that good Planning calls for close harmony and interlocking community thinking and plan- nimg. Mr. Simons also informed the Council that, nationwide, land use is indicated by a - Standard of Land Acres pem 100 people. In a sur- vey of $$ selected cities, by the Institute, the report Shows $.8 ac. actually used by every !00 people for Residential purposes in West Palm Beach, $.0 ac. in Orlando and ?.1 ac. for ~very 100 people for residential purposes in Delray Beach, and, further, that in West Palm Beach 2.8 ac. per every 100 people are Single Fam'ly residences while in Delray Beach a survey shows ~.0 ac. for every 100 people in Single Family residential areas. For commercial purposes, the Nation, as a wh~le, shows .2 of an ac. per 100 people - while West Palm Beach, for like use shows .8 ac Orlando " " ~?$ ac Deland ;68 ac Delray Beach .62 ac all cf which information should be recognized as a guide in providing .for the future. Mr. Simons submitted a sketch plan of possible Highway Planning for the future in this area, and stated that his present over-all ZOning Study and S~rvey, together with relate~ phases, with the Plan- ning Board should be well advanced early in 1960. Replying to an inquiry of Cg~mmissionerWarren, Mr, Simons stated that he would not recommend any wlde annexation .un~ertaking, but would suggest it would be well to round out the City limits, not over-looking some land, now in the County, and lying be~tween S.W. 10th Street and point of intersection of the Tropic Palm S/D with the westerly right- of-way line of State Road $ (Fed. Hwy.). The Council, on motion of Comm~ssionerWarren an~ seconded by Commissioner Harbison, unanimously agreed, in view of the Committee from the west sector having agreed to conduct the Survey Analysis of the western part of th? City for purposes relating to Housing Program 221 and its qualifications for H:H.FoA.~ that the CityManager be re- queste~ to p~ovlde for full publicity of the program~y all possible means informing the Public of the Survey to be made, its purpose and resultant future benefits to all. Mayor Talbot, on behal~ of the C?uncil, extended sincere appre- ciation to Mm. Simons for his discussion of the program and most help- ful and enlightening comment thereon. DECEMBER 9th, 1959 289 Mr. Paul Knowles submitted a sketch showing somewhat varied routes for the proposed imprOvement of Atlantic Avenuewestward from S~inton Avenue to th? Turnpike, and the Council expressed deeR appre- ciation for the combined efforts of N~, Knowles and the City Ymnager and their follow-thru on this preliminary but most essential work and requested both Mr. Knowles and City Manager Lawson to pursus their program in this regard, conferring again with Nr. Carleton of the SRD in order that his organization may be fully aware of the preliminary accomplishments toward a desired goal for improvement which will be beneficial to the State, County and City in providing for, future con- trol and alleviation of coming traffic problems. MEETING ADJOURNED on motion of Commissioner V~arren and seconded by Commissioner Harbison. ::,90 DECEMBER 9th, 1959. 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