01-06-58 JANUARY 6TH, 1958o 'r The Annual Meeting of the City Council was held in the Council Chambers at 7:30 P.M., with Mayor .Geo.rge V. Warren in the Chair, City Manager W. E. Lawson Jr., and Commass~oners Col. Dugal G. C.ampbell, R. J, Holland, N~rtha K. Holland and Catherine E. Strong being present. Mayor Warren called the Meeting to order. Commissioner Strong moved for approv.al of the Minutes co.vering the Meeting of December 30th, 1957. Motxon seconded by Commssioner Campbell and unanimously passed. Mayor Warren read Resolutions No's. 1087, 1088 and 1089, commend- ing Commissioners Robert J. Holland, Martha K. Holland and Catherine E. Strong f.or having served so ably and efficientl.y and for their gr.eat contribution to the general welfare of the City of Delray Beach while having served~on the City Council ~ RESOLUTION NO. 1087. WHEREAS, Robert J. Holland has unselfishly given of his time and ability as a City Councilman'for six years, and ~tEREAS, he has further served ably and efficiently as Mayor and Vice-Mayor of the City. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COU~CIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH: That Robert J. Holland be and he is hereby commended for his great contribution to the general welfare of the City of Delray Beach, Florida as City Councilman and as Mayor. Unanimously adopted this 6th day of January, 1958. /S/ GEORGE V. [,VARREN __ _ ayor RESOLUTION NO. 1088. .WHEREAS, Martha K. Holland has unselfishly given of her time and ability as a CityCouncil-woman for the past year, and N0~, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH: That Martha K. Holland be and is hereby commended for her great contribution to the general welfare of the City of Delray Beach, Florida as City Council-woman. Unanimously adopted this 6th day of January, 1958. is/ GEORGE V. WA aE RESOLUTION NO. 1089. WHER~S, Cathe.rine E. Strong has unselfishly given of her time and ability as a C~ty Council-woman for four years, and · 4EREAS, she has further served ably and efficiently as Mayor and Vice-Mayor of the City. N0~, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Delray Beach: That Catherine E. Strong be and she is hereby commended for her - great contribution to the general welfare of the City of Delray Beach, Florida .as City Council-wgm. an and as Mayor. Unanxmously adopted th~s 6th day of January, 1958. /S/ GEORGE V. ~ARREN ......... ~ayo~ Resolutions No's. 1087, 1088 and 1089 were unanimously adopted on motion of Commissioner Campbell, seconded by Mayor Warren. Commissioners R. J. Holland and M. K. Holland expressed their sincere appreciation for the co-.operation of the Comm~:ssion during . the past year and hoped that .their efforts have, in some way, contri- buted to the welfare of the C~ty~ Commissioner Catherine E. Stro.ng commented that in completinz four (4) years on the City CQmmissmon, it is a time for remembering and for looking forward. These have been four crowded, eventful ye.ars. In 198.4 I had .the honor of being Delray's first Lady Mayor and mn 1956 serving as Vmce- Mayor. These four years have brought~ us progress as well as pains, and with the progress there were problems as wellg alt°wing ~s heart- aches. There are several .major accomplishments in wh$ch I am proud to have played a part. Stance 195A we have two NEW Fmre St.ations, a NEW Country Club, a~:Beach.has been provided for our Negro Citizens as well as a splendid Swimming Pool. . . For the future, as the new CommAssion takes the helm, we ~now there are mar~.~ressing needs which, due to our financial condition, must wait a longer. · .As I step down from your City Commission, I do so with profound gratitude 'that I was able to serve. I take with me many happy memo- ties, and many new friendships made duri.ng .my service. To those who follow on the 1988 Commxssmon, I extend my sincere good wishes for a successful year. Mayor War.~en expresse.d sincere gratitude and ac.knowledged great honor for havmng served w~th this out-going Commission and further stated that he regretted not having accomplished more during this ad- ministration. exte . e to .for Its Stoat contr~butmon an.d hmtless time spent whmch has resulted mn such mp~ovements to the City of Delray Be~ch, as well as exten- sive annexations of desirable lands. Mayor Warren further commented on having aided in providing for a New Water Plant, Sale of the Golf Course under the terms advertised, a.nd. establishing a much needed Lot Clearing Program, as w.ell as ~.~o- vmdlng for control of Licensed Contractors through effect~ng Ordm nanc e No, 270. · City Manager Lawson conveyed, to the City Council, the apprecia- tion of the Beach Taxpayer's League for the Council's consideration throughout the year and the League's best wishes and congratulations as expressed through the Hon. John A. Thayer - League Secretary. This Commissi.on's Mae.tins then adjourned and the recently elected members for the City Commission, namely, J. LeROY CROFT, FRE.D B. McNEESE and GEORGE W. TALBOT JR., were given the Oath of 0ff~ce by the City Clerk and proceeded to take their seats at the Commission table. Commissi°ne~ McNeese moved that J. LeROY CROFT be nominated for Mayor during the ensuing year. Commissioner Talbot seconded the mo- tion which unanimously carried. The Meeting and Gavel were turned over to Mayor Croft, who so- licited nominations for Vice-N-yor. Commissioner FRED B. McNEESE was unanimously elected Vice-Mayor on motion of Commissioner Talbot seconded by Commissioner Campbell. Commissioner Warren moved that W,~ E, LA~ JR., be appointed City Man.ager, effective immedi.ately and to serve until the first Monday mn January, 1~5~. Mormon seconded by Commissioner McNeese and unanimously passed. C.ommissioner Campbe.ll moved that JOHN C. WILLIAMS be.appoint.ed Municxp.al Judge, effective .i~m. ediately, and to se.~ve.untml the f~rst Monday mn January, 1~5~, Motion seconded by Commissioner Talbot and unanimously agreed. Commissioner McNeese moved that HARRY T. NEWETT be.appointed City At.torney, effective immediately, a. nd to serve untml the first Mond.ay in January, 195~. Motion seconded by Commissioner Talbot and' ~usl~ approved. JANUAHY gth, 1958. 3 ~M~.yor Croft expressed his original reluctance to being considered for C~ty Council particip, ation and mentioned the known reluctance of many capable and civic manded citizens to run for Council Membership due to so much. criticism being heaped upon the Commissioners and seco.ndly the time required of a Commissioner to do the job expected of hxm andnecessary to accomplish the desired results. The ~-yor stated. . that he, and the Commission, would welcome con- structive criticism but that nothing is more harmful to your Commis- sioners than unwarranted criticism. May. or Cro.ft expressed sincere appreciation for the honor bestowed upon hzm by hxs fellow Commissioners and' assured all of his intent to do a good and commendable job while serving, on the Council and repre- senting the City of.Delr.ay Beach, and looked forward to honest team- work o.n the Commission w~th the ~ity Manager being given a free hand to admini.ste.~ the policies created by the Co.uncil, and further that each Commmss~oner be tolerant and understandxng to each other, and prayed that God grant this Commission his guidance and wisdom to en- able us to do the job expected of us and desired to be done. MEETING ADJOURNED. ~PROVED: ' JANUARY 6th, 1958