05-05-58SpMtg MAY 5TH, 1958. A Special Needing of the City Council was held in the Council Chambers at the City Hall at ?:$0 P.N., with Nayor. J. LeRoy Croft in the Chair, City Manager W. E, Lawson Jr., and Commissioners Col. Dugal G. Campbell, Fred B~ NcNeece, George Talbot Jr., and George V. Warren being present. Mayor Croft called the meeting to order which had been scheduled for discussion with the Delray Beach Civic League concerning Petition of said League for ~treet Im..provement in ~he Colored Section of the City, and representing the "League~ at this meeting, were I. C. Smith, President, Spencer Pompey, Ozzie F. Youngblood, L.J L. Youngblood, Lens Brunner, and Leroy Baine. President Smith read the following detailed and desired Street Im- provement program which the "League" requests be given serious consid- eration: TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLG~IDA. 'Sin view of the deplorable condition of the streets in the colored section of the City as shown by the Petition for street improvement, dated April 21, 1958; the construction of the New Carver High School in the Southwest section of the City which will necessitate the im- mediate construction of adequate ingress and egress streets to accom- modate the increase traffic in that area; the practical problems to be encountered, the undersigne~ requests the I~,,~DIATE launching of a street improvement program in the Colored Section of the City, to be extended over a Three year period. The need digtates the immediate ginning. In view of the foregoing, recommendations are hereinafter s~omitted for the consideration of the City Council, to wit: Recommendations: PRESENT FISCAL YEAR l; That street paving to be commenced in the Southwest Section. 2. That the following streets be paved immediately, in the order listed: S.W. 10th Ave from Atlantic Ave to 2nd Street; S.W. llth " " " " to 3rd " ; S.W. 7th " " " " to let " ; S. That the following Streets be paved as INGRESS and EGRESS streets to the N~V CARVER HIGH SCHOOL: /!/ 12th Avenue SW 14th " SW let Street S~V- from 4th Ave to 14th Ave NEXT FISCAL YEAR That the Streets be paved in the order listed: School. ti ~ 3rd Street, from NW 2nd Ave to Old Carver bl " 6th Avenue, " " Srd Str to the end. ) "loth " " Atlantic to IIW 2nd Street. " 7th " " " , to the end. / " 8th " " " to l~f 2nd Street. " 9th " ' " ~ I~V 2nd Street to school. Igh "14th " " Atlantic to north end. "lSth " ~ " " to 2nd Street , · (i " 4th Street, " 5th Avenue to School. MAY 5th, 1958. NEXT FISCAL YEAR That the Streets be paved in the order listed: NW let Street, from NW 8th Ave. to west end. SV~ 15th Avenue~ " Atlantic to south end~ NW ,rd " ~ " 2nd Street to 4th Street~ NW llth " ~ " Atlantic to ~nd Street. NW 12th " " " " " " The "800" blocks of SW let, 2nd and ,rd and Ath Streets. ~; 8th Avenue, from Atlantic to south end, ,t 1~ t 0 t~ SW 9th " , SW l,th " " " to New Carver School. , It is further recommended that an immediate start be made to open all streets which are presently unopened. It is further recommended that a suitable program of financing be worked out between the City of Delray Beach and the abutting.land owners to the end that no unreasonable burden of assessment ms levied in no one year. Dated this 5th day of May, 1958. DELRAY BEACH CIVIC LEAGUE O. F, Youngblood City Manager Lawson, at the request of Commissioner Campbell, re- viewed the past and present policies of the City of Delray Beach con- cerning Street and Side.walk i~.proveme, nt, further advising that a prior Council had determined it unwise to ~ust Rock roads, The various members of the Delray Beach Civic League were stressing tLe need for the many Avenue and Street improvement, both north and south of Atlantic Avenue. Commissioner Campbell reminded all present that, in his opinion, the necessary ingress and egress roads to the New Carver School should receive first consideration, Att'y, Smith, President of the League, requested that some defi- nite ~understanding be reached, relative to classification of the var- ious streets, and hoped that a more favorable classification and cost sharing basis might be provided than reflecte.d in the present policy, feeling that possibly the general use of the ingress and egress .ave- ~.~,.~e~ and streets gave cause to classify them other than residential -[:.hey now appear. Commissioner Campbell moved that the City accept, as first priori- fy, the two (2) Avenues (12 and 14th) from Atlantic Avenue to the New School property and a Street running west from S.W. Ath Avenue i-,.~ the westerly right-of-way line of 14th Avenue, and a Street connect- i~.2 the south ends of the two avenues at the School site also be pro- vi~ed. Motion seconded by ~ommissioner Talbot and unanimously agreed. On motio~ of Commissioner McNeece and seconded by Commissioner Talbot, the Council unanimously approved application of present policy concerning cost sharing for Street and S.idewalk improvements with no ~eviation therefrom, for all egress and ~ngress streets and avenues ~o the New Carver School. For future use.a.nd guidance, the City Ma.nager wa.s requested to ob- tain, from other c~tles and towns, whatever xnfommat~on may be possible relative to similar improvements, to detemnine if there may be given any classification consideration. Att'y. Smith and Spencer Pompey solicited information as to the possibility of the City extending street improvements in the colored section at an early date on those streets and avenues where benefited property owners were in a position to advance their proportionate share of such improvement costs, further inquiring if 100% of abutting property owners share of cost would be necessary and, if not, what percentage thereof would the city accept and authorize improvements to be made on such streets. Com~issioner Ca~bell moved that consideration be Eiven to the "Street Improvement" Request as given RE: the three (8~ year program and that priority be established on percentage of Cash, per city blook, that abutting owners are willing and able, and further, will agree to pay, based on terms provided. Notion was seconded by Commissioner T~lbot and unanimously approved. Commissioner Campbell assured the "League" that the city would pledge itself to carry out the 1st year's program, as provided herein, ~nd will accept the performance of the Colored people as a measuring step thereafter. ~tt'y. I. C. Smith, President of the Delray Beach Civic League, expressed the appreciation of the League's delegates and himself for The time, consideration and courtesies extended by the Council, and further felt that the constructive efforts put forth at this meeting will bring good results. On motion of Commissioner Talbot and seconded by Commissioner ~¢He~ce, the Council unanimously agreed that the City Manager be quested to provide all possible legal steps in effecting opposition to t~o proposed annexation, by Ocean Ridge of Lot lA, Block "A", D~oh Shore Acres (Ocean Boulevard Estates$, Plat Book 7, page 18, recorded in the office of the Clerk of Circuit Court in and for Palm P~ach County, Florida. City Manager Lawson, on ~otion of COmmissioner Talbot, seconded b~.~ Co~ssionerV~arren and unanimously approved by the Council, was ~u~oted to contact the Retail Merchants Division of the Chamber of Con ~erce, as well as the Chief of Police, concerning advisability of pro- viding for FREE parking within the city during the s~mmer months~ On motion of Commissioner Campbell and seconded by Commissioner ~r~..~n, the Council unanimously agreed that the City Manager be t, ,! ?.u~sted to provide for Blinker Light service ONLY, at Atlantic Ave~u~ zud E. ?th Avenue, also at Atlantic and Gleason, effective June l, l~$C ~mtil further notice. Commissioner Campbell moved that the Meeting called by Governor Collins, for Friday, May ~th, in Orlando, concerning possible Feder~ Lid relative to Slum Clearance, be attended by the entire Council tho City Manager, transportation and normal expenses therefor to be provided by the City of Delray Beach. Motion seconded by HcNeece and unanimously passed. ~.~E ETING ADJOURNED. R. D. V~ORTHING Ci'ty c£e'rk '~ ~PPROVED: