06-02-58SpMtg JUNE 2ND, 1958. A Specia 1Meeting of the City Council was held in the Council Chambers with Mayor ~. LeRoy Croft in the Chair, City Manager W..E. Lawson Jr., and Commissioners Fred B. McNeece, George Talbot Jr., and George V. Warren being present. This meeting had been ca21ed for the purpose of discussion with Mr. Jerome P0rtman concerning proposed Bonniecrest Subdivision - Addition. City Manage~ W. E. Laws? reviewed.the earl~ submission of the proposed plat for Srd Addition to Bonn~ecrest S/D as presented by Att'y. Arthur T. Holloway on behalf of Nr. Portman on Aprml 5th, 1957, and which plat ~as tentatively approved by the Planning and Zoning Board at a meetxng held on that date and attended by Att'y. Holloway~ The City Council, at a Regular meeting held on April 22nd, 1987, approved the said Plat of Bonniecrest Addition, as recommended by the Planning Board,.sub~ect to re-submission of the Final Plat to the City Manager which shall reflect proper set-backs as provided on the initialed proposed plat referred to herein. The City Manager then read the following letter, relative to a previous "Notice" (reques$) from th9 $oard of Co.unty Commissioners to provide for an additional seyen (7) feet of right-of-way for Swinton Avenue from the centerl~ne thereof as well as an additional seven (?) feet from the centerline of Second Avenue (Seacrest Blvd) from Lots 18, 17, 26 and 9 respectively of said 8rd Addition to Bon- niecrest S/D: RE: BONNIECREST SUBDIVISION, SRD ADDITION. The Board was apprised of the contents of your letter ofNay 20th~ 1988, in regard to ~he proposed Bonniecrest Subdivision, Srd Addition, at its regular meeting of May 28, 1958. V~ile the Board is aware of the time lag between City tentative approval and City approval, it feels that it would be remiss if it afforded a departure from adopted, published Board policy in this stance whereas it has in the past returned maintenance responsibility to other municipalities under similar circumstances. The Board has stated that it will adopt a resolution approving this Plat for filing with the necessary right of way provided on the plat; or with simultaneous return of road maintenance responsibility to the City on the two County roads involved. We regret this action becomes necessary, but we trust you will ap- preciate the problem involved. G. R. FROST Ass't. County Engineer Mr. Portman felt that some consideration was due him if required tO dedicate the West Seven (?) feet and the East Seven (7) feet o£ his proposed Srd Addition to Bonniecrest S/D, inasmuch as such dedicz- tion would result in an approximate loss of 700 square feet per each Lot mentioned above, and as a result of such loss Mr. Portman foresaw a financial loss on the sale of the four lots involved of approximately $1,400.00. Following a general discussion of the possible effects of such a dedication as referred to hereinabove, and as indicated to be accept- able to the developer, Commissioner NcNeece moved that Mr. Portman furnis~ ~he City of Delray Beach with a Quit Claim Deed to the West seven (7) feet of Lots 16, l? and 26, and the East seven (7) feet of Lot 9, as shown on proposed plat of Srd Addition to Bonniecrest S/D, for additional ~treet Right-of-Way, and to cause said Subdivision to be surveyed, which Survey shall reflect such dedication for R/W pur- poses, the City of Delray Beach to absorb cost of such survey in an amount not to exceed twenty-five (25) dollars, an~ further, that. the develoDer of said Subdiwsion be granted a deviation'of ~even (7) ft' from t~e Front-Yard Set-Back of tRirty (80) feet as requxred in Para. "D", Section 8. of Zoning Ordinance. No. 234, subject to Pla.rming Board approval. Motion seconded by Ccmmassioner Talbot and unanzmously passed. City Manager Lawson read the following letters: May 29th, 1958. In the interest of the unfortunate residents.surrounding Scobe? Crematory, I wish to file a complaint against thxs business establmsh- merit. I, too, was a victim for the winter months, directly south, and I can vouch for the stench produced from such barbaric method. Needless to say, I do not approve and we were forced to move be- fore our lease was up. . I hope the City of Delray Beach will seriously consmder this mat- ter a.r~. do everything in ~heir power to eliminate this annoyance and make ~t pleasant once agazn for all the people concerned. Thank you very much for immediate action on this subject. · ~ MRS. RALPH STEWART PALM SHADOWS May S Otb, 1958. Apartments Palm Shadows Apartments are located across the street from the Scobee Funeral Home. From time to time a dense, black smoke comes from the crematory chimney during the day time. This was noticed by our tenants this win~er and it is an understatement to say they uneasy %nd did not hke to see the smoke, knowing tha~ human bodies were being burned. They came to me about this and I xn turn went to see Mr. Scobee. We have a large investment in these four apartments and the.loss of good tenants would hit us hard. Some of them have been staying here since 1948, ten years ago. On January 2AthMr. Scobee came to our apartment and assured both Mrs. Hendersgn and me that ~e would move the.crematory and further stated that ~t had been amstake to locate it at the funeral home. Mr. Scobee told us to tell our tenants that it would be moved before they returned in the fall.. It now seems that Mr. Scobee does not intend to move the c~ematory and we asking you to declare it a public nuisance and do what ~s ne- cessary to have it removed. Our tenants have asked that we inform them that it will be moved before they will agree to return ne~t year. Your decision will rectly effect us. Several pr?spect~ve tenants have flatly refused to rent because the~ would not 1}ye across from a crematory. . If the questxon should ar~se, we purchased these apartments 1953, years before the creme, tory ~as built. . Th~nkyou for your.consxderat~on and we hope that you wmll give us relxef from this nuxsance. ARMSTRONG & HENDERSON By Jack Henderson Action on the above matter was deferred pending further consulta- tion with the various parties concerned. MEETING ADJOURNED: _ R._ D, __WORTHING - ' City Ci~rk- ~P~OVED: ~, .,~O~~__~_9~_~