12-02-58SpMtg DECE~$ER 2ND, 19.58. A Special Meeting of the City Council was held in the City Hall at 7:30 P.M., with Mayor J. LeRoy Croft in the Chair, City Manager W. E. Lawson Jr., and City Councilmen Col. Dugal G. Campbell, ~red B. McNeece, Mr. George Talbot Jr., and Mr. George V. V~arren. Mayor Croft called the meeting to order. City Manager Lawson then informed the Council the "Results" of the Election, held on this day, December 2nd, 1958, as submitted by the Clerk and Inspectors of said Election, and being as follows: ~For_,,t, he Two_(2) Year Term o...f. Councilman F. P. Carpenter Jr 634 Charles Harbison 663 L. Stuart Lankton ,582 George V. V,/arren 722 TOTAL VOTES CAST 1381 COUNCILMAN SALARY ISSIE (43.6% of Reg. Voters) For 177 Against 651 Upon motion of Commissioner McNeece and seconded by Commissioner Talbot, the Council unanimously approved declaration of the result of the Election as shown by the returns made by the clerk and in- spectors for said election, Mr. Charles Harbison and Er. George ~arren being adjuged the winners, and successful candidates. The Council then invited Councilman Elect Charles Harbison to sit in at the remaining Council meetings of the current year. Commissioner McNeece then moved that the daily remuneration for Clerks and/or Inspectors, serving at General, Special or Municipal Elections~ h~ld by the City of Delray Beach,.be increased from the past ten (10) dollars per day to fifteen (15) dollars per day. tion seconded by Commissioner Campbell and unanimously passed. NEET ING ADJOURNED: APPROVED R.D. V~ORTHING .... -~ city Cle~,~ ......... 2OO DECEMBER 2md, 1958.