05-20-57 147 MAY 20th, 1957. A Regular Meeting of the City Co,moil was held in the Council Chambers in the City Hall, at 7:30 P.M., with Mayor George V. Warren in the Chair, City Manager W. E. Lawson Jr., City Attorney Harry T. Newett, and the following Co~mcil Members being present; Col. Dugal G. Campbell and Catherine E. Strong. An opening prayer was delivered by Col. Dugal G. Campbell. Commissioner Campbell moved for approval of the Minutes, as amended, covering the Regular Meeting of May 13th, 1957. Motion sec- onded by Commissioner Strong and unanimously carried. City Manager Lawson informed the Council of having received a certified Bid Tabulation, listing the quotations of four (4) firms submitting proposals concerning Construction of Test Wells in Delray Beach, Florida, and based upon Specifications contained in "PROPOSAL AND BID FORM" as prepared by Smith & Gillespie. This Bid tabulation was also prepared by Mr. tIomer B. Scott, of Smith & Gillespie, after careful consideration of the four bids submitted, and photostatic copy of said 'Tabulation' is attached hereto and forms a part hereof. MAY 20th, 1957. Commissioner Strong moved that Contract for Construction of Test Wells, in Delray Beach, Be awarded to Vlckers Well Drill±rig, as recommended by the City Manager and Smith & Gillespie only after due consideration had been given all bids. Hotion seconded by .Com- missioner Campbell and unanimously carried. The City M~nager advised the Council of a scheduled meeting with the County School Board which he attended on Friday, May 17th concerning possible acquisition of a Strip of land in the eastern section of the Plumosa School property, located in that part of Model Land Company's Lot 38, lying west of the F.E.C. Ry R/W, for a possible Water Plant site. Further, and more definite informat- ion as to such possibility, particularly as relates to all exchange of landNfOr~ the Five (5) acre tract of Ci.ty owned land, described as the -- of the SE¼ of the SLY-¼ of the SlY¼ of Section 17, Twp. 46 So, Rge. 43 E., desired by the School Board for School purposes in that area, will be ready for consideration in the near future. Commissioner Camebell moved to offer the above described five (5) acres to Palm Beach Co,mty to be made available to the School Board for School pur,oses only, for the sum of five (5) thousand dollars or for a comparable five (5) acres of land, acceptable to the City of Delray Beach, in exchange. Motion was seconded by Commission- er Strong and unanimously carried° The City Manager referred to a letter received from Hr.~McCreedy, wherein five (5) possible bond schedules were outlined, and advlsed of having discussed same with the Financial Advisory Board at a meeting held on April 25th. Furtl~er study of these schedules and consideration of future bond financing program will be made by the Financial Advisory Board in order that they may prepare a recommendation to the C~ouncil. Mayor Warren suggested that Hr. McCreedy's letter as well as Mr. Crane*s suggestions concerning some financial possibilities, be ac- knowledged. Commissioner Campbell moved that such acknowledgments be effect- ed and that possibly two or more Members of the Council should be ap- pointed to meet with the Financial Advisory Board and the City Hanager at the earliest possible date to discuss financial nlanning. ~Motion seconded by Commissioner Strong and unanimously agreed. City M~nager Lawson then read Ordinance G-259. ORDINANCE G-259. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BF~ACIt, FLORIDA, ANNF~XING TO THE CITY THE FOLLOWING TK~CT OR PARCEL OF LAND LOCATED IN PALH BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND LYING CON- TIGUOUS TO THE FJ(ISTING MUNICIPAL LIMITS OF SAID CITY OF DMLHAY BEACH: TO PRESCRIBE THE LIABILITY OF THE PROPF~TY FOR MUNICIPAL TAX- ATION, AND TO GIVE THE CITY OF DELHAY BEACH JURISDICTION, POWF~R AND AUTHORITY OVER THE TERRITORY ~fBRACMD IN SAID ANNEXATION AND PROVIDING FOR THE ZONING THEREOF. (Lake Ida Shores) Commissioner Strong moved that Ordinance No. G-259 be placed on first reading. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Campbell and un- animously carried. City Manager Lawson then read ORDINANCE NO. - : ORDINANCE G-260. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CI~I"f OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, A3~NEXING TO THE CITY THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND LOCATED IN PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND LYING MAY 20th, 1957. CONTIGUOUS TO THE FiXISTING MUNICIPAL LIMITS OF SAID CITY OF DELHAY BEACH: PRESCRIBING THE LIABILITY OF SAID PROPDiTY FOR MUNICIPAL TAXATION, AND GIVING TIlE CITY OF DELHAY Bh~tCH JURISDICTION, POWER AND AUTIIORITY 0VEH Tim TEIIlIITORY F~HACE]) IN SAID ANNEXATION AND PRO- VIDING FOR TIE APPLICATIONS OF THE RESOLUTION, LAWS AND ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, TO SUCtI ANNEXED TE~IITORY. (Wm. Yount) Commissioner Strong moved that Ordinance No. G-260 be placed on first reading. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Campbell and unani- mously carried. The City Manager then Head ORDINANCE NO. G-261. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF I)ELRAY B~kCH, FLORIDA, RELATING TO THE PLANNING BOAItD OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACII, FLORIDA: AMENDING SECTION 20-2 and 20-3 of the CODE OF OHDI- NANCES OF ~tE CITY OF DFAh~Y BEACtI, FLORIDA, BY PROVIDING SAID BOARD SHALL CONSIST OF SEVEN MEMBERS AND FIXING ~tM TERM OF OFFICE. Commissioner Campbell moved that Ordinance No. G-261 be placed on first reading. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Strong and unani- mously carried. Mayor Warren suggested that the present Planning Board Members be contracted for possible recommendation of additional members to said Planning Board. City Manager Lawson submitted the lleport of the Planning Board concerning the application of Sea-R-Holding Com~ny, for street paving consideration in Blocks 26 and 27, of Ilomewood S/D, and a general dis- cussion followed with Mr. H. Ben Adams, representing Sea-~-Holding Co. Commissioner Campbell moved that Golfview Drive paving be eight- een (18) feet wide and that said paving be done on the West 18 feet of the fifty (50) foot right-of-way; that Wilson Drive be paved twenty- two (22) feet wide; that both Golfview Drive and Wilson Drive be pro- vided with a "Turn Around" at the southern end o£ each drive, or in lieu thereof that said Drives shall be connected by .the twelve'(12) foot paving of Inverness Avenue. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Strong and unanimously carried. The Commission agreed with Mr. Adams to table the matter of ~ater supply to }{omewood S/D, For Further study, such action, however, is not to be misconstrued nor to jeopardize the City's position nor past pol- icy regarding developer's liability for water main extension. The City Manager then presented the Planning Board's Heport of May 15th, concerning Boldt Paving Co's. aDplication for deviation from the building code to permit erection of a sheet metal covered building in a C-2 zone at the N. E. Corner of S. E. 2nd Avenue a~ 3rd Street. Commissioner Campbell moved that permit be granted to Boldt Pav- ing Company for such construction on Lot 14, Block 87, as recommended by the Planning Board~ Motion seconded by Commissioner Strong and unani- mously carried. Commissioner Campbell moved that the Planning Board be requested to provide a public hearing concerning the application of "Church of God by Faith" for permission to construct a church on Lots 10 and 11, in Paradise Heights. Motion seconded by Commissioner Strong a~ unani- mously carried. Commissioner Campbell moved that Bills in the amount of ~16,786.51, presented by the City Manager, be paid subject to the approval of the Finance Committee. Motion seconded by Commissioner Strong and unani- mously carried. 150 MAY 20th, 1957 Concerning the "Request~ of Mr. John MacNab for permission to move a frame house from Ocean Beach Lot 10 to Lot 1, Ocean Breeze Estates, Mr. Ralph A. Hughson, Building Ins~ector, reported that he had notified the property owners in the immediate area, and had not received any objections, but had, however, received one favorable comment from a property owner whose home is within 100 feet of said Lot 1, and who favors the proposed locating of this frame house there- on, namely Mr. John A. Dittrich, whose home is on Lot 2, Much Lot No. 164, at 110 Lowry Street. Commissioner Campbell moved that the request of Mr. John Mac- Nab, to move a frame house from Ocean Beach Lot 10 to Lot 1, in Ocean Breeze Estates, be granted as recommended by the Building Inspector. Motion seconded by Commissioner Strong and unanimously carried. Commissioner Strong moved for approval o£ "Application" to move a frome house to Lots 41 and 42, Block 15, as recommended by the Build- ing Inspector following his having notified all owners of property in the immediate area, granting them the opportunity of expressing objec- tion, if any, to the locating of this house on Lots 41 and 42, Block 15, as directed by the Council, and having received no objections. Motion was seconded by COmmissioner Campbell and unanimously carried. City Manager Lawson read the following letter from City Attorney Harry T. Newett, concerning the apnlicabilit~ of set-back ordinances to Lots 2 and 3, in Block 1 of Ocean Park S/D, which opinion had been requested of the City Attorney by the Council at its May 13th meeting. "May 20, 1957 Mr. William Lawson City Manager Delray Beach, Florida Re: Lots 2 and 3, Block 1, 0CF~IN PAHK. Dear Bill: In connection with the request by the City Council to determine whether the set-back ordinance is applicable to the above lots, I hand you letter from Neil E. MacMillan, with photocopy attached of copy of letter dated November 12, 1947, written by C. Y. Byrd, Esq. to the then acting City Co,Ascii. The original of said letter should be in the city's files. It wo,Ald apnear that from paragraph No. 3 of Mr. Byrd's letter read in conjunction with Resolution No. 640, dated December 5, 1947 and with the minutes of the council dated December 14, 1950 that the 'set-back deviation allowed by the latter co~mcil did constitute partial consideration for the conveyance by Mrs. ~lane to the city; that thereby sub- sequent ordinances varying the terms are inapplicable for the reason they impair this contract. I wish to advise the Oouncil I have represented Mr. Tenerelli in other matters in the past, and may in the future. Ilowever, I do not represent him in this matter, and have attempted to render this opinion in accordance with the record presented. Very truly yours, /S/ Harry T. Newett" Co~mmissioner Campbell moved that this matter be tabled as he felt that more convincing evidence and fact, pertaining to any pos- sible committment by a prior Council, relative to consideration being extended to Mrs. ;~dith Slane, for the dedication of all that part of Lots 2 and 3 in Block 1, Ocean Park, lying East of the Brock- way Line, further described in Resolution No. 640, dated Dec. 5th, 151 MAY 20th, 1957. 1947, should be submitted to the Co,mci1 for consideration. Motion seconded by Contmissioner Strong and unanimously carried. The City Manager informed the Council that he and the Chief of Police had made a study of the Truck Traffic problem, within the City and as a result thereof, recommended that Trucks of w&ight' in excess of one (1) ton be limited in traffic to only those Streets in the City which are maintained by the County or State, using the nearest point of access thereto for egress and ingress to any delivery point on City maintained streets, and further advised the Council that appropriate signs will be uroperly located. Commissioner Strong moved to accept the recommendation'O£ the City Manngev and to authorize him, with the aid of the Police Chief, to establish such traffic controls as soon as practibable. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Campbell and unanimously carried. City Manager Lawson reviewed the possible available funds for .Street Improvements, partic,~larly N. E. 2nd Street, and felt that this could apnroximate the $90,000. mark if the Co,mci1 should so determine. Commissioner Campbell moved, in accevtance of the City Manager's Report, that he proceed to prepare plans and soecifications for a Drain- age Imnrovement on N. E. 2nd Street from Swinton Avenue to the Inland Waterway, and for Grading and Paving, as well as Sidewalk and Curb Im- provements of N. M. 2nd Street from Swinton Avenue to the Federal High- way (E 6th Ave.), cost of which shall be shared by the City of Delray Bench, on the following basis; Drainage Improvement - City to absorb 30~o of total Cost, Owners of benefited lands paying 70~ Paving, Curb & Sidewalk - City to absorb Abutting Property--Owners to.pay 35~o. The difference in the sharing of said cost (percentage wise) from the established policy being due to the Commission considering the improve- ment to be a City wide benefit. Motion w~s seconded by Commissioner Strong and unanimously carried. Conunissioner Campbell ~xpressed much concern over the lack fire protection in unincorporated areas of Pmlm Beach Co~mty, an~ hoped that some ~ossible solution might be worked out~ whereby various towns and cities within the County could unite in furnishing such pro- tection on an equal sharing of pro~,ection coverage for unincorporated areas lying between said coroorate towns, with the possibility of fi- nancial aid from the Co,mty of Palm Beach which might be derived from a County levied Fire Tax, and moved that the City Manager investigate such a measure and determine the ~ossibility of arranging a meeting with the County Commission and various town councils for discussion of this serious problem. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Strong and unanimously carried. Mayor Warren suggested that City owned lands, exclusive of the Golf Course and lands now in use, but to include the City lt~ll and Youth Center, be appraised for possible sale. Commissioner Strong moved that the Real Estate Board be request- ed ?,o apooint a committee of three (3) of its Members. who migent possi- bly be civic minded to the extent that an appraisal of said lands would be made by such a Committee, at an early date, at no charge to the City, which information would enable the Commission to determine if disposit- ion thereof should be effected to provide funds for necessary city wide improvements. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Campbell and unani- mously agreed u~on. Commissioner Strong moved that the City Manager provide necessary funds for compensating R. D. Worthing for the Re-valuation of all pro- perty within the corporate limits of the City, including all vacant lands, said 9aluations to be effective January 1st, 1958~_ as basis for the 1958 Assessment Roll for the City of Delray Beach. Motion was se- conded by Commissioner Campbell and unanimously carried. 152 MAY 20th, 1957. Commissioner Campbell moved that the City Hanager confer with the City Attorney concerning possible violation of Section 29-15 of the City Code of Ordinances by the operation of an alleged photo shop at the S. W. Corner of W. Atlantic Avenue and Fifth Avenue, and if found to be such, that ste~s be taken for revocation of its license and reimbursement, to proper and interested parties thereof, for the remainin~ unused .~ortion of the current fiscal year, a,ll., action being subject to the approval of the City Attorney. Motion s.econded' by..Com- missioner Strong and unanimously carried. The City Attorney request the Commission to advise whether they were desirous of amending existing ordinances regulating auction gal- leries, and if so, in what respect. Following general discussion, the Commission advised they did want the ordinance regulating auction galleries strengthened by includin~ all restrictive provisions deemed proper and constitutional in order to safeguard the public. In response to an inquiry by the Chief of Police, City Manager Lawson agreed to check the State Statutes and the Ordinance pertaining to the "Police Officers Hetirement Fund" and determine proper methods , for handling and accounting for the Fund, as it accumulates, and to advise the Police Department the results of his investigation and fin din ~s. MF~TING ADJOU~iNED. /S/ R. D. Worthin~ City Clerk APPROWED: MAYOR