08-30-57SpMtg AUGUST 30TH, 1957
A special Meeting of the City Council was held in the Council Chambers
at the City Hall at 7:$0 P.M., with ~yor ~eorge V. Warren in the Chair,
City Manager W. E. Lawson Jr., and Commissioner Catherine E. Strong, the
remaining members of the City Commission being absent.
An opening prayer was delivered by Mrs. Edna Waters Delin.
Mayor Warren called the meeting to order which had been scheduled for
the purpose of providing a public hearing concerning the proposed budget
for the coming fiscal year.
The Mayor expressed the sincere appreciation of the Council for the
detailed, understandable and most complete budget, as prepared and sub-
mitted by City Manager Lawson, enabling the Council to more easily and
intelligently study and analyze its contents than had heretofore been
Mayor Warren further informed the interested and civic minded groups,
in attendance, that the Commission, having carefully, and at great length,
studied this budget, tentatively recommends various Appropriation Deduc-
tions therein, amounting to $86,405.00.
Mr. William F. Koch, Jr., speaking in behalf of the Chamber of Commerce,
reviewed the activities of the Chamber's appropriation which is used in its
entirety for Advertising through brochures and news publications and ex-
pressed grave concern over the proposed reduction in the budget request of
the Chamber, further pleading for the reconsideration, by the Commission,
of the original budget appropriation for Chamber of Commerce advertising.
Commissioner Strong acknowledged the importance of the Chamber's adver-
tising and informed that group that never had there been any question, in
the minds of the Council, of the soundness and reasonableness of their ap-
propriation request, but that it had been deemed necessary to effect re-
ductions of the proposed budget throughout all city departments, that the
tax burden, which provides the ma]or portion of monies necessary to meet
the expenditures of the City's operations, not become excessive.
Mr. Lee Smith, Manager of the Chamber, inquired if it might not be pos-
sible to restore the Council's proposed reduction of the Chamber's Budget
from reserve balances and unappropriated surplus, and was assured by Com-
missioner Strong that every consideration possible would be given in the
review of the ~eneral Budget.
Mr. Smith further stated the contention of the local Chamber that its
appropriation, in view of its over-all importance and value to the City of
Delray Beach, should follow in line with the general increase in all other
towns and cities Chambers of Commerce, and cited many such increased
propriations of cities and towns in South Florida.
Mr. Lee Archer informed the Council of having spent a great many years
in the advertising field and while very sympathetic with, and understanding
of, the requirements and possibilities of the City, believes that as great
an appropriation as possible, for advertising purposes, should be provided
the Chamber of Commerce which is practically fighting a lone battle in that
respect as no State allotments nor advertising cause any mentian of Delray
Beach, and further deemed it wise to discontinue such advertising rather
than provide for insufficient funds to accomplish or hope to accomplish ap-
preciable and worthwhile results. Mr. Archer stated that, in his opinion,
the budget appropriation for the Chamber of Commerce had been much too
small for many years, particularly in comparison with similar functions of
other cities and towns, all of which desire the tourist trade and benefits
derived therefrom.
Mr. $. Arthur Jones, of Ocean Garden Apartments, expressed being in full
accord with Mr. Archer, further stating that so many of his "guests' had
ways spoken so highly of Delray Beach, its Chamber o~ Commerce and the de-
lightful surroundings and conditions in general.
Mr. A. $. Michael inquired as to what portion of Employees and Depart-
ments were provided with proposed wage increases.
City Manager Lawson explained the established Pay Plan for different
classifications of work and the Pay Range Schedule governing all wages and
salaries for City employees.
Mr. Michael further stated that, in his opinion, there should be no ap-
propriation for an Asst. Fire Chief out of the Voluntary Organization.
The City Manager informed Mr. Michael of the many functions of said
assistant fire chief in the Voluntary Firemens Organization, a few of which
being the attendance at fires and fire drills, also having to work with the
Chief of the Fire Department as well as with the regular fireman and the
volunteers and sincerely felt the small appropriation for such recognized
and needed services was well and proper for the over-all welfare of the
City in general.
Mr. Roy Brady expressed a desire that the debt levy millage be made as
high as possible in order to provide surplus funds to be available at such
time as outstanding Refunding Bonds might appear on the market, and to fu~.
thor the retirement of all outstanding Refunding Bonds at the earliest
possible date.
Mr. Roy C. Diggans, speaking on behalf of the Library Association,
felt that no reduction of the Library's Budget request of $29,930,.
should be considered for such a necessarF function as the Public Li-
brary, recognized as one of the finest in South Florida, and further
informed the Council for the need of highly trained personnel who m~st
be capable of maintaining good public relations in order to provide
for successful Association Fund drives.
Mr. Diggans suggested that, without funds being allocated in the
amount of the Library's Budget request, it might be well to return its
operation to the City, however, he felt that if the Council would re-
consider its tentative proposed reduction of the Budget, and analyze
the real needs for successful Library operation, the original $29,950
would be restored in the final Budget.
Mr. H. A. Hubbard, being in full accord with Mr. Diggans, commended
the accomplishments of the Library Board, a group of people who for
years have struggled to achieve its present high standards, recog-
nized by the Council in its consideration of the Library Budget
allotment, and requested the Council to reconsider its proposed re-
duction of said budget request and grant the amount originally
quested to permit a successful operation.
Mrs. Marshall DeWitt requested reconsideration of the Library's
proposed budget allotment for this highly responsible organization
reflecting such a cultural aspect of the City, further citing the
terrific growth of the Library in recent years.
Commissioner Strong, recognizing the general feelings and interest
of the public concerning the proposed budget reductions for the
fiscal year, requested the City Clerk to contact Commissioners R.
Holland and M. ~. Holland, hoping that a full Council might convene
before the deadline Sept. 9th for reconsideration of the final b~dget.
Mrs. Laura Britt cited what appeared as an excessive proposed ex-
penditure in the $15,$00 item of wages for guards at the Public Beach -
in Palm Beach Shore Acres, particularly when reductions are being
considered for aaknowledged needs in other City departments.
Mayor Warren advised all in attendance that every possible effort
would be made to arrange for a full Council hearing and reconsidera-
tion of the proposed budget prior to its final adoption.
Replying to Mr. Boyd Bone's recommendation that wages of the Police,
Fire, Water, Garbage and other City's service departments be commen-
surate with the services performed, the Cit~ Manager advised that his
proposed budget was based upon what appeared to be the City's meed,
but that the Council decides the policy levels and has the power to
adjust and amend the Manager's proposed budget.
City Manager Lawson informed the Council that, assuming .the other
proposed reductions would be maintained and reflected in the final
budget, he believed that granting of the original Chamber of Commerce
and public Library Budget requests could be provided in the Council's
proposed 17 mill levy (14 oper. and 3 debt) with possible aid from
the Unappropriated Surplus Fund.
No quorum being present, no action could be taken, and this meeting
was adjourned to the final hearing on the proposed budget.
APPRow. : Mayor D. Worthi a