03-21-56SpMtg 43 HARCH 21st, 1956 A Special Heeting of the City Commission was held in the Com- mission Chambers at 2:00 P. H., with Hayor Hike Yargates in the Chair, City Hanager W. E. Lawson Jr., City Attorney John H. Adams and Com- missioners Catherine E. Strong, Emory J. Barrow and Howard Lee Cromer present, a quorum being in session. Mr. Warren G. Grimes submitted an aerial photograph of Palm Beach County owned lands Northwest of the City of Delray Beach and just West of Lake Ida, suggesting that the City of Delray Beach sub- mit a request to the Board of County Commissioners seeking transfer of this County owned land in Section 5, Twp. 46 South, Rge. 43 East, to the City of Delray Beach without cost to the City, said lands to be used by said City of Delray Beach for providing an Air Strip and related uses thereunto pertaining. Mr. Grimes further pointed out that many local residents and future possible residents have planes which they would desire to land in this area but find it difficult at Lantana or West Palm Beach. This proposed land, now County owned, if obtainable would permit develop- ment of a Strip 5,000 feet long and approximately 500 feet wide, and Hr. Grimes offered to build a suitable bridge providing access to said lands, Commissioner Barrow moved that the City of Delray Beach request the County Commission of Palm Beach County, Florida, to convey, with- out monetary payment, certain County owned Land, as described in Re- solution 993, to be used by said City for the purpose of a Hunicipal Air Strip and related uses thereto. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Strong and upon call of roll, Commissioners B~rrow, Strong and Cromer voted in favor of said motion, Mayor Yargates abstained desiring time to consider the issue for the best interests of the City. Hotion carried. The Commission authorized City Attorney John H. Adams to act as the City's representative and proceed to appear before and negotiate with the said Board of County Conmissioners in an effort to procure said land as described in Hesolution No. 993 for the purpose herein stated. RESOLUTION NO. 993. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELHAY BEACH, FLORIDA, REQUESTING COUNTY COMMISSION OF PALM BEACH COUNTY TO CONVEY, WITHOUT MONETARY PAYMENT, CERTAIN COUNTY OWNED LANDS IN THE VICINITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, TO BE USED BY SAID CITY FOR THE PURPOSE OF A MUNICIPAL AIR PORT OR AIR STRIP. WHEREAS, there is no airport or air strip in or within the near vicinity of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, and this area is not readily accessible by air, and WHEREAS, it is deemed by the City Commission of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, that the acquisition and installation of an air strip will oromote and be advantageous for growth of this lo- cality, and WHEREAS, the County of Palm Beach owns certain undeveloped lands in the vicinity of Delray Beach, a part of which could be very advantageously used for such an airport or air strip, said parcel being described as follows, to-wit: That part of Section 5, Township 46 South, Range 43 East, lying West of the Seaboard Airline Railway Right- of-way excepting therefrom the West one-quarter of said Section 5. HARCH 21st, 1956. NOW THEHEFOHE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, that said Commission requests the Honorable Board of Palm Beach County Commissioners to convey to the City of Delray Beach, Florida, without cost to the said city, the above described property to be used as an airport or air strip and other related uses thereunto pertaining. BE IT FUHTHER HESOLVED that John H. Adams, City Attorney of the City off Delray Beach, Florida, is hereby authorized and directed to proceed to act as the City's representative and proceed to appear before and negotiate with the said Board of County Commissioners in an effort to procur said land for the purpose herein stated. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, this the 21st day of March, A. D. 1956o /S/. Michael Yargates Mayor (SEAL) ATTEST: ' Worthing City Clerk Mayor Yargates extended to Mr. Grimes the appreciation of the City Commission for his interest, suggested plan and generous offer relative to a potential Air Strip and its possible value to future growth of the City of Delray Beach. City Manager Lawson requesting clarification of the Commission's desire as pertains to Water Service Extension was instructed to supply water from existing mains where only a connection thereto is necessary until a definite City Policy, governing extended water service, is es- tablished by a full Commission. Commissioner Cromer moved that the usual Fee of $25.00 per day for the use of a Sound Truck be waived in favor of request from the Hospital Association who desire to use a sound truck during next Tuesday's Election. Meeting adjourned. /S/,_ R. ,. WOrthing City Clerk APPROVED: Mayor