06-09-09 Special/WS Meeting MinutesSPECIALJWORKSHt}P MEETING
June 9, 2009
A Specialf Workshop Meeting of the City Commission of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, was
called to order by Mayor Nelson S, McDuffie in the First Floor Conference Room at City Hall at
6.00 p.m., on Tuesday, June 9, 2009.
Roll call showed:
Present - Commissioner Gary P. Eliopoulos
Commissioner Fred B. Fetzer
Commissioner Adam Frankel
Commissioner Mackenson Bernard
Mayor Nelson S. McDuffie
Also present were - David T. Harden, City Manager
Susan A. Ruby, City Attorney
Chevelle D. Nubia, City Clerk
Mayor Nelson S. McDuffie called the special meeting to order and announced that it had been called
far the purpose of considering the following Item;
conditions of employment for the City Attorney.
Mx, Fetzer stated that he and Brian Shutt, Assistant City Attorney, discussed the contract regarding
the terms and conditions of employment. In addition, he stated any realignment of the duties of
Terrill Pyburn, Assistant City Attorney or Catherine Kozol, Police Legal Advisor that would require
a salary adjustment should be taken care of during the budget process.
Z~rlr. Bernard stated since the contract would be effective on June 16, 2009, the annual review should
be done August 2010 instead of August 2009,
Mr. Frankel stated he wanted the other attorneys to be compensated fairly if their responsibilities
Mr, Eliopoulos commented that he spoke with Mr, Shutt regarding the contract and suggested that
the offer should be handled during the current budget. He also stated that Mr. Shutt should get a
raise with his promotion.
Mayor McDuffie stated that his questions were addressed. He briefly discussed the salary survey for
the City Attorney's position.
Mr. Fetzer suggested a promotional increase of $124,100.
Mr. Bernard suggested $125,000.
June 9, 20D9
Mr. Fetzer moved to approve the contract in the amount of X125,000.00 with the removal of the
annual review in August 2009, seconded by Mr. Eliopoulos. Upon roll call, the Commission voted as
follows: Mr. Fetzer -Yes; Mx. Frankel -Yes; Mr. Bernard -Yes; Mayor McDuffie -Yes; Mr.
Eliopoulos -Yes. Said motion passed 5-0.
EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM {S~'EFI: Consider an Agreement between the City and
Workforce Alliance, Inc., to participate in the Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP),
which is fia11y supported by Federal Stimulus funding {ARRA). Funding will. be provided through
the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARItA), Workforce Investment Act
Eligible Youth and Adult Participants.
Richard Reade, Interim Public Information Officer, presented this item. He stated that the Summer
Youth Employment Program {SYEP) is funded through stimulus funds and that it would be a great
opportunity to support our local youth between the ages of 18- 24 at no cost and provide them with
work experience and skills. It would also help to drive economic growth and recovery in the City
and Palm Beach County. He stated that the agreement had been reviewed by staff and the City
wanted to hire twenty-seven (27) employees.
Mr. Fliopoulos moved to approve the agreement with Workforce Alliance, Inc., for the Sluximer
Youth Employment Program (SYEP), seconded by Mr. Frankel. Upon ro11 call, the Commission
voted as follows: Mr. Frankel -Yes; Mx. Bernard -Yes; Mayor McDuffie -Yes; Z~r1x. Eliopoulos;
Mr. Fetzer -Yes. Said motion passed 5-0.
Mr. David T. Harden, City Manager, discussed the city's efforts regarding the Workforce Alliance
extending this to include local governments.
Mayor McDuffie adjourned the Special Meeting at 6:14 p.m.
t~ t? R KS. H C) ~' ' A G D ND A
1. Police and Firefighters Retirement System Presentation
Mr. Charles Jeroloman, Chair of the Pollee and Firefighters Retirement System presented this item.
Mr. Jeroloman introduced Brad Heinrichs of Foster & Foster and Mike Welker of Bogdahn
Consulting. Mr. Jeroloman gave an overview an money management, investments, and the terms of
trustees going from two (2) to four (4) years. Mr. Jeroloman discussed benefit increases, historical
returns and pension plans. He stated that the pension plan had not been exposed to Madoff,
Sanford, sub-primes andjor junk bands.
Mr. Welker discussed their involvement since being hired in 2006. He went over the Portfolio
Performance Review and Investment Strategy, discussed bonds and diversification.
Mr. Jeroloman also discussed "TIMBER" as well as Corporate Inflated Protection Securities (GIPS)
and Treasury Inflated Protection Securities {TIPS) portfolios.
Mr. Heinrichs discussed the increase in the City's contribution rate for investment and returns. He
stated that the City's recently increased funding requirements from 31.8% to 38.7% are due to last
year's unanticipated investment performance. He also discussed the Five {5) Year Projection Repox
Assumptions and the Actuarial Valuation Report.
]une ~, zoa~
Mr, Fetzer asked when the contribution rate of 31.7°lo to 38.7% would be in effect.
Mr. Heinrichs stated it would become effective October 1, 20x9.
David T. Harden, City Manager, stated that historically the actuaries had given the City a dollar
amount that had to be contributed. This year the Division of Retirement asked them to give the City
a percentage, which created budget problems for the City. The City coordinated with the Division of
Retirement to get them to change their position.
Mr. Eliopoulos asked what the number was far increased salary.
Mr, Heinrichs stated it was 6.25°l0.
Mr. $ernard asked about the five (5) year projection and what would happen if the market changed
and things got better.
l~rlr. Heinrichs stated that hopefully there would be an upswing aver a five (5) year period. He stated
investment returns over and above the assumed rate of 8.3% would cause the City's contribution
requirements to decrease eventually. The investment rate returns less 8.3% would cause the City's
requirements to increase eventually over the next five (5) years.
Mr. Frankel recognized Assistant City Manager Douglas Smith and Inspector Lieutenant Jim Tabeek
who also serve on this board. He complimented all of the members on the board.
Mayor McDuffie asked how the mortgage worked with rates going up and dawn.
Mr. Smith asked Mr. Heintichs to give a summary of the five (5) year projection of pension costs.
Mr, Heinrichs gave a brief overview of the five (5) year projection of pension costs.
~. Presentation of the Beach Property C?wners Association (BPOA~ Beach Master Plan
Andy Katz, Beach Property Owners Association {BPOA), distributed handouts and introduced
Mary Renault, President of the BPOA and Board Member Bob Currie. Mr. Katz gave a PowerPoint
presentation and discussed the elements to be addressed on the design and landscaping, etc, of the
proposed Beach Area Master Plan. He stated he would like to establish an official plan for the
beach. The beach area needed to be polished in same areas but still maintiiin a natural feel.
Mr. Frankel stated it was a goad idea and he supported doing this,
Mr. Bernard stated that he believed we should move forward with this plan. He discussed beach
renaurishment and beach concession,
I~rLr. Eliapaulos stated charities and getting people involved would be a great start.
Mr. Fetzer discussed ongoing maintenance costs and capital expenses. He stated he is supportive of
the idea and believes the City should be able to provide support to the charities,
Mayor McDuffie inquired about the restrictions and what would be the impact urith naming it a
park. He is in support of the idea.
June 9,2009
Mr. Currie stated the beach is the most important "park" in town and the BPOA would like to
create a plan for the beach.
3. Presentation of Conce t Desi n Plans for Martin Luther Kin r. Drive
Alberta McCarthy, Alberta & Associates Consulting, presented this item. Ms. McCarthy conducted a
PowerPoint presentation that gave an overview of the project. She stated this project would be done
in phases. Ms. McCarthy discussed landscaping, corridor design and commemorative features that
would be laid strategically. She talked about the budget for this project and announced it would be
over a three (3) to four (4) year period. Ms. McCarthy discussed her proposed timeline for the
project with groundbreaking on January 18, 2010 (Martin Luther King, Jr. Day).
Mr. Eliopoulos thanked the Committee for a great job and requested that any kind of green
elements be done; he also approved of the crosswalks.
Mr. Bernard asked how crime was addressed.
Ms. McCarthy explained she brought in pictures of other Martin Luther King, Jr. drives, streets, etc.,
from other cities and states. She stated she discussed this in relation to "Clean & Safe". She advised
the biggest concern was inadequate lighting and other ways crime was addressed.
Mr. Bernard stated he supports the project and questioned how it was budgeted. If it fits in the
budget, then the project should move forward.
Mr. Eliopoulos talked about lighting and safety in the area.
Mr. Fetzer thanked Ms. McCarthy, the Committee, Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) and
staff for their involvement in the project.
Mayor McDuffie asked what budgeting dollars are identified right now.
Lula Butler, Director of Community Improvement, advised there is $3.6 million budgeted.
Mayor McDuffie discussed safety and a mural on the wall. He thanked Ms. McCarthy and the
Committee for a great job and project.
Mr. Frankel thanked Ms. McCarthy for their work and stated it was great.
Ms. McCarthy thanked Sharon Koskoff and Old School Square for their assistance and spoke briefly
about the Martin Luther King, Jr. event.
4. Auburn Group Development Update
Mr. Bernard disclosed his prior relationship with the Auburn Group from 2006 June 2008. He gave
an overview of his employment and his termuiation of employment. He stated he retrieved a formal
ethics opinion (CEO 09-9) dated April 27, 2009 from the Ethics Commission, and discussed a
summary of the opinion. Mr. Bernard stated based on the report he would not participate in the
discussion or deliberations, and left the dais at 7:55 p.m. since this was the last agenda item.
Allan Schreier, Consultant for Affordable Housing, introduced this item and Orlando Cabrera, Esq.
He discussed the accomplishments of Mr. Cabrera and informed the Commission that he would be
the moderator for the evening.
June 9, 2009
Mr. Cabrera did a presentation on housing policies and the affordable housing market and provided
a handout to the Commission. He advised amixed-income development would make it hard to get
financial partners. Mr. Cabrera discussed the pros of tax credits. He advised it is extremely difficult
nationwide to sell any~g contemplating anything other than 100% affordable housing units in
today's market.
Mr. Schreier briefly discussed the three (3) eras of the tax credit program.
Chris Roog, Director of Government Affairs did a presentation on the economic advantages of a tax
credit. He discussed the handout given to the Commission an Building Permits and construction
costs. Mr. Roog also discussed job creation based on information provided to him by the National
Association of Home Builders (NAHB). He advised a single family home creates an average 1.84
jobs and 4.9 jabs far an average multi family unit. Mr. Raag stated that the City has generated
approximately 200 jobs from January -April. Mr. Roog also distributed the handout, "The Local
Impact of Home Building in a Typical Metropolitan Area", to the Conurussion.
Mr. Schreier briefly discussed the ripple effect of affordable housing. He also staffed the income
target is from $28,440.00-$52,000.00 based on family size. He introduced Chip Reid, Chief
Executive Officer CEO) and Bob Schnurman, Sr., Vice President of Current Builders.
Mr. Reid discussed jab creations in the local workforce. He gave an overview of the company,
Current Builders and their association with Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design
(LEED) certifications.
Mr. Schreier introduced Art O'Brien, a member on the board of People Engaged and Active
Community Efforts (Pl_:ACE}.
l~r1r. O'Brien talked about some of his concerns of the community with affordable housing. He
stated the goal of the Affordable Housing Committee of Pl:?ACE is to found a trust fund with a
dedicated source of revenue and to ensure the funds are spent in an efficient manner to provide
affordable housing in Palm Beach County. He gave a summary of the recommendations.
Mr. Schreier introduced Suzanne Cabrera, Chief Executive Officer and President of Housing
Leadership Council of Pa.ltxx Beach County. He stated there is a need far 14,040 affordable housing
units in Palm Beach County at this time.
Ms. Cabrera stated that due to foreclosures, the need far affordable housing rental units has greatly
.increased. Ms. Cabrera stated that 38% of their units are over thirty {30} years old. She advised since
we are a service economy, those are the jobs that have to be supported.
Mr. Schreier requested policy dixection that works with Florida Housing Finance.
Mr. Frankel stated the presentation was wonderful; the presenters were we11 qualified. He asked for
an update an the Village at Delray project. He wanted to know the outcome of the mediation that
was scheduled the previous week.
Mr. Cabrera stated there was mediation last week and there was an impasse, however, Auburn
Group is proceeding with cooperating an the application for the capital fund competitive program.
He explained detailed information cannot be given, it is not evidentiary and the meeting is being
recorded. However, there was an offer and a counter offer and another offer presented. Mr. Cabrera
clarified Ms. Cabrera's statistics that were presented earlier on the people that qualified- it was
median wage income that was used instead of muiimum.
June 9, 2009
Mr. Eliopoulos asked what is being requested of staff specifically. He asked for clarification an his
understanding that the project would be low income to get the tax credit instead of mixed incorrie.
Mr. Schreier stated a policy that would allow developers to come in and build affordable housing is
being requested.
Mx. Dati~id T. Harden, City Manager, discussed his perception of what was being asked of
Camrnission, He advised that the City could wait an the market to improve and support their
oxial vision of a mixed income community or support the low incarxie housing that Auburn
Group has proposed.
Mrs. Susan Ruby, City Attorney, stated that the Conditional Use that was granted far this praject
was based an a mixed-use praject. Mrs. Ruby discussed if there was a change to the project, then the
conditional use would have to be changed. In addition, there are planning issues with the
Comprehensive Plan.
Mr, Eliopaulos thanked the Auburn Group for their presentation. He acknowledged that the
dynamics have changed in the market; however, the vision of a mixed income community should
not be changed. Instead adjustments should be made to get through with the project. He would only
support mixed-income, which was the original vision.
Ztilichael Weiner, Attorney with Weiner, Aronson & Mankaff, P.A., discussed Mrs. Ruby's statement
and the project. He advised Camixussion to keep their vision of the community, but would
recommend getting one great project started.
Mx. Harden discussed the accommodation of affordable housing in Delray Beach.
Mr. Fetzer stated that he concurred with Mr. Eliopoulos and he supported standing by the anginal
vision of a mixed income carnrnunity.
Mayor McDuffie asked if impasse is for a project or the Master Development Agreement.
Mr. Cabrera questioned their understanding of mixed income.
Mr. Eliopoulos questioned what it meant when Auburn Group responded to the RFP.
Mr. Cabrera explained the RFP as it was drafted at that time at the height of the market it would
have been an unlikely deal to do in Flanda.
Mr. Eliopoulos asked why Auburn Group responded to the RFP. He explained his understanding of
mixed income.
Mr. Schreier discussed the policy that addresses the affordability of housing in Delray Beach.
Ciro Berguinstan, First mice President of Auburn Trace Development, LLC., discussed the proposed
use of the anginal praject site, which encompasses approximately seventy (747 acres.
Mr. Schreier advised that reatlhireg would change with respect to the quality of the buildings and the
site plan. The only difference would be that there would be people of a different income level than
what was originally anticipated.
June ~, zoos
Mr. Harden advised that if Auburn Group does not follow through with what was originally agreed
to on the conditional use with regards to some units being at market rate and some below market
rate, then the site plan would need to be re-opened and re-exanvned to see if the waivers are still
Mr. Eliapoulos advised that the hurdle with Dekay Beach Housing Authority has to be resolved.
Mayor McDuffie asked Mr. Berguiristan, beyond the eleven (11} acres, what makes things viable
then for mixed income that are not viable now.
Mr. Cabrera asked Dorothy Ellington, Director of the Dekay Beach Housing Authority, how
comfortable was she in discussing mined income.
Mrs. Ellington stated she is not comfortable with the conversation, this is not her meeting and it is
not appropriate.
Mrs. Ruby advised this is not a question and answer period; it is a Commission meeting that the
Auburn Group was invited to attend.
Mr. Berguiristan stated it is possible to do the balance of the site in a different aspect because it
would most likely be for sale at some future point when the market recuperates. He discussed the
different programs offered to accommodate the mixing of incomes. He also stated that Florida
Housing must approve of the redevelopment. Mr. Berguiristan apologized for anything that was
done by hirn or the Auburn Group that was aggressive or offensive in the process.
Mayor McDuffie suggested all parties get together and come to an agreement to get the project done
with no special privileges to anyone.
Mr. Frankel stated that the plan was not clear to Commission and it needed to be brought out.
Mr. Eliopoulos advised his vision had not changed.
Mayor McDuffie adjourned the Workshop Meeting at 9:41 p.m.
City Clerk
_ '7
June 9, 2009
The undersigned is the City Clerk of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, and the information
provided herein is the Minutes cif the SpecialjWorkshop Meeting of the City Commission held on
Tuesday, June 9, 2009, which Minutes were formally approved and adopted by the City Commission
on July 7, 2009,
City Clerk
NOTE TO Ii~EADER; If the I1ili.nutes you have received are not completed as indicated above,
this means they are not the official Minutes of the City Comtz~ission. They urill became the official
Minutes only after review and approval, which may involve amendments, additions or deletions to
the I1rlinutes as set forth above,
]une 9, 2009