07-02-56SpMtg JULY 2ND, 1956
A Special Meeting of the City Con~lssion met in the
Commission Chambers at 9:00 P. M., in a joint session with
Mayor Mike Yargates in the Chair, W. J. Snow, Emory J. Barrow,
Catherine E. Strong and Howard Lee Cromer, all members of
the Commission being present, and the following representa-
tive of the Negro Civic League, Spencer Pompey, George McKay,
Lens 6runner, Joe Baldwin Jr., and Ozzie Youngblood. Mr.
~alph Rennick, a representative of T-¥ Station WTVJ, acted
as Moderator.
Mr. Rennick - This Meeting has been called on the level
of,,how a settlement can be reached in the racial controversy.
YA~GATES- I would like to explain why four Commissioners
have maintained a silence for the past 45 days. We were asked
by the Governor's Office and local business interests to do so
and that is why. We have sought to solve this problem and
agreed that we would maintain silence regardless of the pub-
licity we received. We hope that a solution of our differ-
ences can be reached. You members representing the Civic
League organization represent the majority of the Negro popu-
lation of Delray Beach. Now if you have any proposals, we
would be glad to listen to them.
r~ENNICK - Could we get a statement f~om a spokesman?
POHPEY - We think first of all that this meeting is one
of the most important and crucial meetings of all times. We
are grateful to the Commission for the opportunity to discuss
this delicate problem. Re want to establish one or two basic
Facts. We do not want to do anything that would impede or
hmp&ir or hurt our community but we do feel that we are en-
titled to consideration for certain opportunities in the use
'of our community. We would suggest that it would be, We
think, in fairness to all concerned if the community would
fairly entertain one of the three things.
(1) The most recent act exclusion, we feel ought to be
dropped. As a matter of fact we didn't quite under-
sta~d the necessity of such.
(2) Contracts for the swimmin_~: pool about which you pro-
vided in the budget perhaps ten months ago should be
built as quickly as possible and durin~ the interim,
we feel that some method might be made to get some
type of facilities for the group. We do not feel that
we are trying to force but we want to appeal to your
sense of fair play and we know it it rather a difficult
~ENNICK - Are not all these other issues involved centered
around the bathing beach on the ocean?
BAP~t0W -Yes. I think the Co~nission's idea would be to
appoint a con~ittee.
YA~GATES - The City of Del ray Beach is in debt for ap-
proximately $800,000.00 and it would cost the City oFer
500,000. for suitable beach property which the City of Del-
ray BeaCh is not able to provide due to the current debt and
lack of necessary funds. We are willing to go along with a
Committee on a plan something like the Hospital. We are going
to have to go to a Beach District level or higher. We want
to solve it. We will let you pick the group of any two Com-
mission Members, two from your organization and we suggest
that you select Mr. ~. J. Holland, local business man, for a
fifth member of the Committee. We have reason to believe he
will accept the appointment. As far as we know now that is
the best approach.
JULY 2ND, 1956
P0~P~Y - May I ask a question? What is the Beach
District level or higher?
YA~GATES - You are familiar with the Hospital District
now. There is such a Beach District set-up. I believe it
would be a job to pass a referendum"in, but I don't think
that would be as much of a job as the Hospital referendum.
I believe from all the discussion had, that is the way to
approach this and Net the beach and the facilities for the
Negroes. We are not opposed if you can get it and if you
maintain the status quo so far as integration is concerned
but we are charged with getting you this beach and we have'
exhausted almost every possible way. We do not want any
double talk. But it has to be at the Beach D~ trict or
~NNICK - Let me ask. You realize this is suggested
strictly on the idea of the money?
McKay - We go along with the Conmittee idea. I would
like to make this addition. I would like to see two members
of the Commission on the Committee. I also approve of Bob
Hollmd and I feel the Con~nission should be represented by
two members. Thank you.
YA~GATE$- You want four. Do you think that is satisfactory?
SNOW - I think two members of the Civic League as I ~m
so anxious to get a result.
YOUNGBLOOD - May I ask a question? I am sure you would
like for me to be frank. I believe I am one of the first ones
to ask for the beach in 1946. The reason for that is because
we were pushed back from where we originally started. Now
you see I mention O~at for this reason. Any big problem will
take time to solve. I think we all want to solve this as
auickly as possible. I believe it is ~oing to take some time
to work this out.
YAHGATB~ - It might happen in a week, a month or a year
but all the work will not be wasted. As far as I know, we
are not going to waste some time and we have wasted plenty.
YOUNGBL00D - I, tOo, go along with the Committee but
the other Honday night I had just qbout changed my mind about
the people. I believe we have people who have this situation
at heart from a community standpoint. I belive they might be
able to find some broadminded people who have private beaches
and who would either make a loan or take a lease on that sec-
tion of the beach till this is settled. That just entered
my mind.
rLENNICK - Is it necessary to make a restriction on this
committee? Is this a real point at issue
C~0~E~ - I don~t believe that it is, Halph. I believe
that is more or less a minor if you happen to locate such
~N~lCk ~ Then you agree on two City Commissioners,
two Civic Leauge members and Bob Holland?
YAHGATES - This is all contingent on the Status quo of
Delray Beach as it stands on record today. ~e have to have
the Status quo as maintained today.
BA~t0~ - I would be willing to go on the recommendation
of the Committee.
C~0~EH - All members concur. I think Status ~uo should
JULY 2KD~, 1956
be part 9f the agreement. The whole economic future for
both of us revolves around the fact that ~ahe beach must be
kept white, so if you are agreeable to that as well as the
golf course and swimming pool, I include that we will build
a pool immediately and if you agree to that I am 100% be-
hind it.
~NN1CK- Isn't it implied?
C~O~E~ - I don't want any more implications.
~ENNICK - That is five that would say "Yes" that we re-
main on Status Quo basis so we have to .~o along ong~od
BA~t~OW - Let them pick the two they want.
POMPEY - I would just as well have you select your mem-
bers and we have faith in your honesty. I don't consider
that much of a questio~ if you select them or we select
YOUNGBLOOD - ! think this is the beginning to finding
the solution to the problem. We are willing to set down
and work this out and I think this is a starting point and
the stepping stone in that direction.
YA~GATES - We have settled the most important thing
which is the way to get the beach. I think I can go out
on a limb and ! suggest that if you will maintain this
Status Quo and accept this proposition this Commission
will drop the Exclusion Act and we will give the City
Manager authoriza~ion to build the pool as quickly as he
can get bids.
BALDWIN - Will you please explain Status Quo?
YA~GATES - I have only been in Delray for five years.
For the last five years, in other words, Negroes did not
go on the beach but you may use the public park, for fish-
lng, like you do now. You don't want integration of schools,
you like your schools and we would like to keep our schools
white. We would like to keep our swimming pool, beach,
golf course - in other words, keep things just as they have
been for the last five years.
~ENNICk - Let me state this proposition and take a vote
and' see how we stand. Both sides agree to a five man com-
mittee consisting of two City C~mmissioners, two Civic
League Members and Bob Holland, to investigate the pros-
pects of acquiring beach property for the Negro population.
CttOME~- I think that is OK.
POMPEY - I agree with the proposition - or part of it.
Do you think it would be asking too much for the Commission
to empower this committee or an independent of this com-
mittee to try an~ secure some type of swimming in ~he
interim. It will take 90 days or more to get the pool
built. It is now the season of the year that gets pretty
rough onthe children. ~euldn't that be an act of good
faith? Some person might grant that privilege.
rLENNiCg - Wouldn't this question fall within the pro-
vince of the committee rather than attach too many strings?
POMPEY - All the other Negroes feel that same way.
Mayor, you felt that the City Commission wuuld let the
bids on the pool and then drop the Exclusion Act, didn't
JULY 2ND, 1956
C~OM~ - I want the Status Quo. This is not the point
of debate.
ST~WNG - You have to have confidence in one another o~
none of this will work out. You have to trust each other.
POMPEY - The City now owns 100 feet of beach in Ocean
Ridge. Would the City 'be willing to sell the beach prop-
erty and realize that revenue as part of the money to
acquire this beach?
POMPEY - Now when would the action take place 'in re-
gard to the Exclusion Act?
YAJtGATES - We will have our la~yer draw up these facts
tonight if you want them. We will put the plans through
for the swin~ning pool and create this District Committee
PO~Fl~EY - The Committee will not be limited to Beach
District level or higher?
ST~tONG - Are we not in Special Session tonight? This
is a Special Heeting we are having.
It~NICK - As far as I am concerned, you will have the
City Attorney draw up the necessary documents.
· ~AHGaTES - Do they want it done tonight7
ADAHS - Hay I suggest that we are seemingly in accord.
Our trouble has been a misunderstanding. 'It is best we
consider both groups. I will be pleased to take the secre-
tary and prepare the document immediately~
POHPEY - We have confidence.
ADA~IS - To prevent misunderstanding - it is best to pl~ce
thesefacta in the written word. This is the combination
of a lot of concern and conversation. We will get it done.
YARGATES - We are experts at being misquoted and saying
things we didn't say and we have been called all sorts of
things and when Hr. ~ennick suggested this meeting we thought
you would have a tape recording so far as this goes. So
far, this has worked beautifully. I am all set if it takes
all night and record this thing through all the way. When
you said you were going to do that, I was glad. I don't
think there is anything more important to settle than this
ADAMS - I will take the secretary and get this instru-
ment drawn up now.
CROME~ - I would like to insert just one thing. This
is about this trusting business. I trust implicity just
about anybody until they go back on their word. It is so
easy to misunderstand and if it is in black and white now
you don't sign It before reading it.
RENNICK - I will call a recess.
YARGATES - Before we recess, I would like to say a few
words. I wish I had words to express my thanks to Mr.
Ralph Renick and to WTVJ. Here is a profit making organi-
zation that sent a man and their equipment up here to solve
a problem, a pretty serious problem, for a community and
it looks like they have done s~mething nobody else could
do for the last 45 days.
JULY 2ND~ 1956
POMPEY - We wish to thank Hr. Aenick and all the other
people who came, as well as the City Commission. We are
approachin~ this issue with the idea of Finding a solution
that will be happy and satisfying to all of us. We will
abide by our agreements and we hope sincerely and honestly
that efforts will be made by all of us. There should be
no need of Feeling we will not succeed. I want to thank
the Hayor, Hr. Renick and everyone else.
~tENICK - I would like to suggest to the committee that
in thirty (30) days if they would come back with a report
~t would be Fine.
AOA~ - Could I use the word "voluntary segregation"
instead of Status quo?
Following a general discussion regarding voluntary
segregation and "status Quo" it was decided that Hr. Adams
should omit the term "voluntary segregation"°
The agreement was created in Hr. Adams office and the
meeting resumed, Hr. Henick readlng the "Agreement as it
was typed.
YAHGATES - i-t seems to me it is pretty plain Englisho
Does anyone have any changes or comments to make?
AFter a general discussion between Clvi League Hembers
and City Commissioners there were some Hlnor changes and
the Agreement
WE, the hereinafter signed persons in our individual
capacities and as Agents and Hepresentatives of the Negro
Civic League orga[~izations and Negro citizenry of the City
of Delray Beach, Florida, after conference with t~,e City
Commission of the~City of Delray Beach, Florida hereby
respectfully submit to said Commission and 1F agreed to
by said Commission agree to be bound by the following:
(1) The City Commission of said City shall immedi-
ately construct a Negro swimming pool in the place desig-
nated in the Negro section of this city in accordance
with the plahs and specifications pt~'esented and on File in
the OFFice of the City Hanager of said City.
(2) The City Commission of said City shall immedi-
ately drop the present action taken to attempt to exclude
the Negro section from the corporate limits of the *ity of
Delray Beach, Florida.
(3) The City ~ommission of said City shall immedi-
ately appoint a five (5) member committee to investi~ate
the Ways and "Aeans to obtain a Negro ocean beach and make
its recommendations to the City Commission as soon as
possible. ~uch a Committee to be comprised of two (2)
members o£ the City Commission, Two (2) members of the
Delray Beach Oivic League and ~obert J. Holland.
(4) The City Commission of said Oit.v shall take
immediate steps to attempt to sell ~ne Hundred (100)
feet of ocean property heretofore designated for Negro
use in the vicinity of Ocean liidge, Florida and shall
make the proceeds resulting From such a sale:aVailable
for use by said Committee as l~ may hereinafter recommend.
We, in turn, speaking as Agents and Hepresentatives of
the Negro citizens oi~ this community, as well as For the
Churches, Schools and Civic Groups hereby agree that we
will preserve the STATUS ~U0 between the Negroes and the
Whites in the Delray Beach area.
JULY 2ND, 1956
We wish to state that it is not our desire to swim with
the ~hites; to use the municipal golf course, pool or other
municipal facilities commonly used solely by the Whites
and we wish to assure the City Commission that we will not
do anything that will harm or destroy the economy of the
City of Del ray Beach, Florida.
~espectfully submitted in good faith.
/S/ George S. McKa~ ,
/S/ Lens Brunner
/S/, ,J. A. Baldwin~, Jr.,
/,S/ O. F.
/S/ C. Spencer Pompey
Individually and in the above
indicated capacities,
~E, the hereinafter named Com~issioners of the City
of Delray Beach, Florida in the name of the City of
Delray Beach, Florida and in our individual capacities
hereby agree to the provisions stated herein under the
terms set forth and agree to take immediate action to
effect the obligations we have hereunder incurred.
Signed, accepted, ratified and approved this 2nd day
of July, A. D. 1956.
By: ~S/ Mike Yargates
/S/ W. J. Snow
/S/ E. J. Barrow
/S/ Catherine E. Stron~ .
/S/ Howard Lee Cromer Commissioner
was signed. After it was signed by some members of the
Negro representatives there ensued a discussion. The
Following are excerpts therefrom.
POMPEY- Inasmuch as you are going to put Status Quo
in, could you revert back to the status quo again in
regard to this orther Ordinance about searching? I will
be honest, I think it should be lifted.
YA~GATES - Just for the preservation of the beach, I
think we should lea~e the firearms ordinance as is. There
is going to be a lot of publicity about this agreement.
Some poor innocent Negro is going to come up from some-
where else. Now, can't you see the position we are in so
we can't very well repeal that. I don't think we ought
to repeal it until things quiet down and I will do every-
thing to appeal that segregation ordinance.
YOUNGBLOOD- I didn' t go to the beach that d~y and I
July 2nd, 1956
have been told that in many instances the negro cars were
searched and the whites were asked if they had anything
and Were not actually searched. ! would like to feel I
could go over there without being searched. I might do
a little ~ork on the beach sometime and I don't want to
be searched.
SNOW - Didn't that just happen one day? You will also
recall for what purpose it was done. This is for the pro-
tection for everyone. That ordinance should be made a
permanent ordinance and should be for the protection of
the policmen so they have the power to search for con-
cealed weapons. I am frankly wondering why Delray Beach
has to go on record for that.
CttOMEH - Maybe ! missed something. Up until this time,
as the attorney was sent out to draw this agreement, isn't
this something new that is being brought up? ~hy wasntt
it brought up before the attorney was sent out to draw
up this document.
YOUNGBLOOD - You want to be able to sign a paper you
can live with.
POMPEY - If it is applied with equality I dontt see why
it shouldn't be carried on.
YOUNGBLOOD - I am trying to think in terms of freedom.
Delray Beach was one of the best to~ns with one of the best
race relationships in the Sta~ of Florida. I am fifty
years old and I can not recall anything like this. We are
going to preserve the economy of the town. Heligously, I
am sure that the law isn't necessary.
SNOW - Don't you think that was more or less designed
to protect us from the outside elements coming into our
YA~GATES - I wouldn't be a policeman for any kind of
money, knowing that in patrolling this town anyone may be
carrying a concealed weapon. There are too many hotheads
that hate policeman. I do not think it is an injurious act.
ST~tON~ - We could be up here all night. Can*t we take
this agreement?
POMPEY - We affirm that.
AD,iS - Is it not the honest intention of this group
as heads of the local groups to observe the contents of
this paragraph7
POMPEY - May I suggest that Hr. Snow and ~rs. Strong
be appointed. We submit Hr. McKay and Joseph Baldwin Jr,~
In the event the Committee can't succeed, then what?
YAJiGATES - Let me give you a little assurance. I think
they can approach it at a Beach District level. Your
biggest job is goin to be to find the land. I believe
the land will be found. I feel reasonably sure you will
get it. Everything that we are trying to do is work to-
gether to try and solve this problem. We, the City, have
not got the money. By working with this group you will
know exactly how to run the thing. You can then undoubtedly
get the money to buy the property necessary, the City Com-
mission will work along on it with the Committee and we
will give you every assistance we can.
SNOW - It has represented a lot of work and a lot of
time. Some of you here I believe recognize that. It has
been a lot of trouble and we have asserted every effort to
JULY 2ND~ 1956
to try to bring this to a close. Through the assistance
of Hr. ~enick it has apparently been accomplished,
YAJiGATES - Since we have been through an upheaval I
think it would be wise for us to forget the past and
let's work together and make Delray Beach a bigger and
better plaze in ~hich to live.
SNOW - I move that the plans flor the swin~ning pool
and Recreational Facilities be put out for bids. Hotion
was sedonded by Commissioner Barrow and unanimously
Commissioner Snow then moved that the Commission drop
all proceedings on the Exclusion Act. }lotion was
seconded by Commissioner Barrow and unanimously carried.
Hayor Yargates then appointed Commissioners Strong
and Snow to serve on the Committee along with Hr.
~cKay and Mr. Baldwin, Jr., of the Civic League, and
H. J. (Bob) Holland as Chairman.
Heeting then adjourned.
/S/ ~. D. Worthing ..........
City Clerk
APP rio VED: