08-01-56SpMtg 149 AUGUST 1ST, 1956. A Special Hee~ing of the City Commission was held in the Commission Chambers at 4:30 P.M., with Mayor Mike Yargates in the Chair, Clty Manager W. E. Lawson Jr., City Attorney John H~ Adams, and the following Commission Members being present, Catherine E. Strong, W. J. Snow, Emory J. Barrow and Howard Lee Cromer, the full Commission being in Session. l~lans were submitted, on behalf of ~Eddie Canterts Chiktn Coop", to the Commission, concerning construction of a new Building for said business on North Federal Highway. Commissioner Barrow moved for approval of plans, as sub jeer to being in compliance with Building Codes and Reg- ulations. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Cromer and unanimously carried. Commissioner Barrow moved that the Plans for an Addition to Zuckermants Store Building and the Deviation Application attached thereto be referred to the Plannin~/Zonin~r Board for their study and recommendation. Motion was seconded by · Commissioner Snow and unanimously carried. Commissioner Barrow moved to accept the recommendation of the Zoning Board and arant the fieq~est of Miss Margaret Walsmith concerning the relocating of the C. Y. Byrd House from Ocean Beach Lots 12 and 13, to the E 100 ft of the W 217 ft. of the N 78 ft. of Ocean Beach Lot 3, subject to obtaining dedication, for R/W purposes, of the S 22 ft. of the N 100 feet with cul-de-sac and suitable turn-around, paved on the S 18 feet thereof, to serve the interior lots on Ocean Beach Lot 3. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Strong and unanimously carried. Commissioner Strong moved for approval of the recom- mendation offered by the City Manager and authorized him to instruct the Contractors to use a Wallace & Tiernan Mod. A-677 Chlorinator at the Westside Swimmin;r Pool, replacing the Model A-419 originally intended and shown on the plans, and further to authorize Riviera Pools to furnish and install precast concrete coping, as per sample submitted , cost of which is off-set by differential in the price of Models A-677 and A-419 chlorinators. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Snow and unanimously carried. City Manager Lawson then informed the Commission that he had received a telephnne call from Ben O~Neal, Sanitary Engineer with the Palm Beach County Health Depto, asking if application had been made for extension of the water main on S.. Federal Hwy., as he had noticed pipe placed along the roadway and thought that the application and plans might have been sent directly to the Health Dept. at Jacksonville. The City Hanager told Mr. 0'Neal that because the developers were handling the engineering that possibly they had prepared the permit but he would investigate immediately. City Manager Lawson then contacted Mr. B. L. Cares, local representative of Elliott Gross & Associates, asking him to make sure the proper application and plans were filed with the Palm Beach County Health Dept. Following this, the Manager explained to Mr. O'Neal that the application was being prepared and that it would be forwarded to him as soon as pos- sible after completion. The City Manager also called }ir. Nord in the State Health Department in Jacksonkille and explained to him the status o£ the project, inquiring if he (Mr. Nord) could give verbal permission for the work to proceed pending receipt of the application and plans. Mr. Nord stated that Mr. O*Neal*s approval would be sufficient, however, the City Manager learned this week that Mr. O tNeal would rather have the Jacksonville office approve t~ plans. The Manager further stated that up to the present time, the Health Department has neither approved nor disapproved the application, which, undoubtedly, has not been received by that department, but should reach the office of the Health 150 AUGUST 1ST, 1956 department today or tommorrowo There is, of course, the possibility of disapproval by the Health department based on the color of the water, previeusly criticized by the de, partment in conjunction with the origin of Jefferson.Manor S/D in Delray Beach, the developer of which declared bank- ruptcy prior to completien of the project, The City Attorney informed the Con~nission that he knows of no law controlling installation of water mains to Sub- divisions coming within the jurisdiction and under the ad- ministrative powees of the Health Department, which group, by virtue of powers vested therein, could condemn the water to be distributed through the mains if cause for such action was determined to exist. Commissioner Cromer moved that the City Manager be author- lzed to proceed with the installation of the transmission manins and pipe lines for the distribution system For supply- ing water to Tropic Isle S/D, as appears of record according to the plat thereof recorded in the office of the Clerk of Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach County, Florida, in Plat Book 24, Page 235. ~lotion was seconded by Commis~ioner Snow and upon call of Roll, Mayor Yargates and Commissioners Cromer, Snow and Barrow were in favor thereof, Commissioner Strong abstaining from voting. Meeting adjourned, CITY CLERK APPHOVED: MAYO~