10-08-56 OCToBt~It 8th, 1956
A Regular Meeting of the City Commission was held in the
Commission Chambers at 7:30 P.}l., with Mayor Mike Yargates in the
Chair, City Nanager W. k. Lawson Jr., Vity ,~ttorney John ii. adams,
and l]]e following Commissioners being present - Cathe~.ine E. Otrong,
Emery J. Barrow and aoward Lee Cromer.
Rev. Swanson delivered the opening prayer.
Commissioner Otrong moved that the Minutes For the September 24th
and October 1st meetings be approved as written. ~otion w~s seconded
by Commissioner ~romer and unanimously carried.
City }ianager Lawson then requested Mr. Burleigh, and Engineer for
Smith & ~illespie, to review the bids, as submitted, for construction
of a new b~ater Supply l~ell.
fir. Burleigh, addressing the Commission, informed its Members as
%o the results of Sealed rids, opened at 10:30 A.M., t;~is day, in the
0fi'ice of the City Manager, which we~'e as follows:
Central Florida Well Drillers ~20,586.50
Heater Well Company, Inc., 18,561.00
Layne-Atlantic Comp any 16,245. O0
Meets, & Chem Equip. Co., 17,620.00
Trieste ~onstvuction Co., 18,486.90
Hr. Burleigh, con~nenting on the Bids submitted, advised the
Co~mnission that Mech. & Che~. ~quip. ~ompany's bid was not supported
by a Bid Bond as required and therefore did not warrant consideration.
He Further stated, in response to the ~ommission's inquiry and
request, that the low bidder was a very reliable and experienced
representative in this Field of activity and deserving of recommendation.
Commissioner Uromer moved for awarding contr,:ct for such
construction of a 16" Vater ~upply Well to the low bidder in view of
the recommendation advanced by Smith & Gillespie's engineer.
Motion ~/as seconded by Commissioner Strong and unanimously carried.
Commissioner Cromer then moved that fir. Robert Cameron, of
Delray i~each, be appointed to fill the vacancy on the llesources
Development Board of Directors due to the term of fir. John lienderson
having expired October 1st, 1956, for a peri od of three (3) years
to expire October 1st, 1959.
Mot:ion was seconded by Commissioner Strong and unanimously carried.
City ~lanager Lawson informed the Commission of having received
many requests From individuals as well as businesses for rental of
parking spaces on the "off Street rarking Lots" and was requeste~l,
by the Conrnission to investigate ti~e practices of other municipal-
ities and towns in this area in this regard and advise the Commiss-
ion of his findings at the next regular meeting.
Hr. Ferdinand Hartman, addressing the Commission, requested the
City to share in the expense to be incurred in the construction of a
sidewalk and drive on the N.W. corner of N.E. lind Avenue and 2nd St.
where a Service Station is being constructed.
The Commission agreed that, due to abnormal use o£ this driveway
and entrance to a Service Station, same should be of re-inforced
construction to warrant consideration b.v the Commission of the City
sharing in any expense relating theretok and to the extent of
construction cost for normal driveway-sidewalk installation.
Mr. Hartman agreed to absorb the additional cost of re-inforce-
meat, over and ebove normal construction, and based upon such agreement
with ~ir. Hartman, Commissioner Strong moved that said request be
granted - the City sha~'ing in the cost of normal construction in
accordance with its established policy, ~hich, for this immediate
area is to the extent of 70~. }lotion was seconded by Commission
Cromer and unanimously carried.
OCTOBER 8th, 1956
The City Manager then read Resolution No. 1028, concerning
increasing the depth of harbor facilities of the Fort of Palm
Beach, and was requested, by the Commission, to investigate and
ascertain the intent:ions of other municipalities in this area
relative to supporting the Resolution as proposed by "The Fort
of ~alm Beach', and No. 1028 was talbed until next meeting to
allow further consideration thereof.
~lr. Harry Burghardt appearing ~)efore the Commission com-
plained of undesirable noises originating from the Ho~¢ard Johnson
Restaurant, as well as objectionable odors in the immediate area
due to the Restaurant's use of lye in water for sidewalk ~nd street
cleaning purposes, and was advised that the City }lanager and Police
Department would check into the matter as soon as possible.
}Ir. ~/illiam }liller, on behalf of the developers for Rio DelRey
Shores, submitted an amended plat of said S/D which comprises
Blocks 1 thru 5 inclusive of Rio Del Rey - Pi.Bk. 12-84, and Lots 1
thru 8 in Block 13 of 0sceola Park S/D Pl. Bk. 3-2.
Commissioner Cromer moved that said Flat be referred to the
Planning/Zoning Board for its study and recommendation. }lotion was
seconded by Commissioner Barrow and unanimously carried.
COmmissioner Cromer moved that Bills in the sum of ~44,438.69
be paid subject to the approval of the Finance Committee. }lotion
seconded by Commissioner Barrow and unanimously carried.
City Manager Lawson presented an "Application~ for transfer of
Beer and Wine license at Art's ~lace, located at 210 N. E. 3rd Ave,
to Mrs. Inez harris; also an Application for male of BEER 0nly -
Off the Premises, by Mrs. Essie R. Green for Store located at
45 SW 5th Avenue.
Con~nissioner Barrow moved that said ~Applications" be granted and
motion was seconded by Commissioner Cromer. Upon Call of Roll
Mayor Yargates and Commissioners Barrow and Cromer favored said
motion, Commissioner Strong being opposed.
A Negro delegation, composed of Leroy Baine, L.L. Youngblood and
Mrs. V. L. W. Butler - Lillian ~uince and Hazel Stewart, appeared
be-fore the Commission requesting a Patrolman for duty in Traffic
during opening and closing hours of School, especially due to two
(2) recent accidents to children while crossing the street, however,
no identification of cars said to be the cause of these accidents was
able to be furnished.
The City Manager read a letter from Mrs. ~osetta }iolle, Pres.,
of Carver "igh School P.T.A., in support of the above reque.~'~t.
The delegation was advised that Ass't Chief Hoddick of the
Police Department would meet with Patrolman Butler on October 9th and
that it was believed, with the co-operation of the P.T.A., a
satisfactory solution would be worked out.
Commissioner bromer then advised that Certificates of indebt-
edness for "Improvement aas:ess~arr~ Liens" r~lative to N.E. and
2nd Streets between 5th Ave~ue and Swinton Avenue improvements
are saleable and he recommended that plans ,nnd specifications f'or
such improvements be provided. ~ity ~.anage~ .... ~,snu assured t
C,~,~,issioner that proper steps would be taken to insure presentation
of necessary ~{esolution, at the next regular meeting, providing for
the initial procedure concerning such local i~.,provements.
The City )lanager presented a "Liquor Application" for the
Seagate Hotel ~ Cabana, requested by Mr. Stuart }ioore, }ianaging
Co,:missioner ~arrow moved that this request be granted subject
to the approval of t~e State Beveridge Department. }.otion was
seconded by Commissioner ~romer and upon Call of ~loll - ~iayor Yargates
and Commissioners Barrow ~nd Cromer were in favor thereof~
Commissioner Strong being opposed.
The City Manager read a letter from the Boca l{aton Chamber of
Co~erce wherein that Group expressed its appreciation for the ei'forts
an~ support rendered by the City Commission of Delray Beach, in be-
OCTOBER 8th, 1956
half of Boca ~aton's effort to obtain the four year State University
being located in ~oca Raton.
Commissioner Cromer moved that a Bill, in the amount of $7.00,
coverJ.ng a charge by the Secretary of State for furnishing House
Bill No. 1612, Chapter 31132, be paid. '~'otion was Seconded by
Commissioner Barrow and unanimously carried.
riP. Burleigh for Smith & Gillespie, again appearing before
the Commission, advised of the paramount importance of i~mediate
action toward preliminary steps in locating new sources of 14ater
Supply, namely test wells, and suggested that the City ~lanager be
authorized to negotiate for test well construction, preferably two
(2) test ~ells, as it is very urgent that the present supply be
augmented at the earliest possible date. ~lr. Burleigh ~urtber
recon~tended employment of J.P. Carroll, well drilling company of
Lake Worth and l~est Palm Beach, rather t]'~an soliciting bids for such
installation, for, in his opinion, the Carroll organization is best
eq~ipped and able to produce the desired results, particularly in
reporting the character of the various layers and depths of the earth
Commissioner Cromer then moved that, upon the recon~endation
of the Engineer from Smith & Gillespie, tile City }lanager be aut],orized
to proceed~ith employment of the best obtainable qualified well driller
in construction of one or two wells on a per diem or per footage
basis. ~otion was seconded by Commissioner Barrow and ipon Call of
Roll - }iayor Yargates and Commissioners Cromer and Barrow favored the
motion, Commissioner Strong being opposed in the belief that such an
activity should be open for public bids from qualified and licensed
well drillers.
Att'y. John H. Adams, representing Tropic isle Land Co.,
presented a petition for annexation of Tropic isle S/~ - No. 2,
incorporating 125 Lots and being adjacent to Tropic ~sle S/D per
Plat No. 1 recently adopted for annexation to the City of Delray
Beach, and further submitted a storm sewer map and water distribu-
tion m~p for this S/D per Plat ~o. 2 which lies immediately south of
and adjacent to Tropic isle S/D - Plat ~1.
Com~issioner Barrow moved that this Plat No. 2 be referred to the
Planning/Zonning Board for its study and if approved by that Board
an Ordinance be prepared providing for annexation to the City of
Delray Beach.
If the Planning'-Zoning Board effects or recommends any changes, what-
soever, on said Plat No.2, only in such case is the petition to be
returned to the Commission for consideration. ~'iotion was seconded
by Commissioner Cromer and unanimously carried.
John H. Adams, speaking for Tropic isles "and Company, suggested
a motion that at such time as land, adjacent to the South of Tropic
isle (Plat No. l) co~s into the City, that the revenue from Water
Sales under the terms of Tropic Isle Annexation Ordinance No. 239
be rebated to Tropic Isles Development Company.
Commissioner Cromer then moved fl~at any and all revenue from ~/ater
Sales resulting from transmission of l/ater through the 12inch
extension of the City main, which main was installed by Tropical Isle
Development Co., be refunded to said corporation strictly in accord-
ande with the terms and conditions of ~nnexation Ordinance No. 239
with NO EXCEPTIONS thereto. ~lotion was seconde~ by Commissioner
Bal'cow and upon Call of ~oll- )layor Yargates and Commissioners
Cromer and Barrow were in Favor of said motion - Commissioner Strong
being opposed.
~lee ting ad jour~ed.
APP,~OVED: City Clerk
~1 A Y 0 i{