11-20-56SpMtg NOVEMBEM 20TH, 1956. A Special Meeting o!° the City Commission was held in the Commission Chambers at 7:30 P.M., with Mike Ya~gates, Mayor, in the Chair, C~.ty Manager W. E. Lawson, Jr., and the following Commissioners being present, Catherine E. Strong, W. J. Snow and h~ory Barrow. Mayor Yargates called the meeting to order. City Manager W. E. Lawson then advised the Commission the Hesults of today's Primary Election, namely, as per following Ballots Cast - For the Two (2) Year Term of Councilmau - Dugal G. Campbell 487 George B. Courtney 197 J. LeRoy Croft 526 Arthur J. Michael 532 R. 0. (Buddy) Priest 243 Joseph G. Rose, Jr., 334 George V. Warren 795 For the One (1) Year Unexpired Term of Councilman - Howard Lee Cromer ~76 Albert DiCampli 322 Martha K. Holland R. J. Holland 970 Mike Yargates ~7~ For the Public Opinion Vote concerning possible purchase of additional Beach Frontage - In Favor 653 Opposed Commissioner Strong moved that the Names o~' the four (4) Nominees who received the highest number of Votes, namely For the Two (2) Year Term Dugal G. Campbell 487 J. LeRoy Cro1't ~26 Arthur J. Michael 532 George V. Warren 79~ For the One (1) Year Unexpired Term Howard Lee Cromer ~76 Martha K. Holland R. J. Holland 970 Mike Yargates ~7~ be placed on the Ballot Slips for the General Election to be held on Tuesday, December 4th, 1956. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Barrow a~d unanimously carried. The City Manager then presented a request from the Sherwin Williams Post No. 188 for use of the City owned land north oZ' the Fire Station 1'or its Annual Carnival to be held December 9th through the 15th, and further advised the Commission that the grounds were satisfactorily cleazoed following last year's similar use oI' the land by the Legion Post No. 188. Commissioner Snow moved for granting the Sherwin Williams Post No. 185 use of this parcel of land for its Annual Carnival to be held during the 15th, subject to approval of the City Manager and provision ~or debris clearing of the land following the closing day of the Carnival. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Strong and unanimously carried. NOVEMBER 20TH, 19~6 Meeting adjourned. _ / s/ R. O. Wot thi. n.g , City' 'C'le rk A ~ i~ 0VED: