12-14-56SpMtg DECEMBER 14th, 1956 A S,ecial Herring of the City Commission was held in the Com- mission Chambers at 4:00 P. M., with Mayor Hike Yargates in the Chair, City Manager W. E. Lawson, Jr., City Attorney John H. Adams and the following Commission Hembers being present - Catherine E. Strong, Emory J. Barrow and Howard Lee Cromer. This meeting had been called for discussion of the "Survey Reuort" on Water and Sewer Facilities as prepared by Smith and Oillespie and was called to order by ~ayor YargateS. City Manager W. Eo Lawson Jr., reminded the CommissiOn of the City having, nearly a year ago, employed Smith & Gillispie of Jack- sonvil~e, Florida, to study the needs of the Water Distribution System of Delray Beach in order to provide an adequate water supply, not only to meet the immediate demand but to assure a sufficient suDnly as may be required in the near future, as well as an over-all sewer facility survey. The City Manager presented the Commissioners with a cory of Smith & Gillespie's Survey Report. ~ Mr. Oillespie, sitting with the Commission, made a brief re- view of its contents suggesting that the Commission carefully study the Survey and recommendations contained therein, especially the vital data shown on Pages 21 and 22 as well as all of the factual data submitted which is pertinent to the serious issue for which this survey report was created. Mr. Oillespie further advised the necessity off having to es- tablish the source of supply before the need of demand arises, which demand, even at the present time, in this immediate area is unbe- lievable and far above the national average per capita. Following the review of the Survey Report formed the Commission that the advice of financial advisors should be obtained as to the best and proper method of financing the pro- posed supu&ementation of the present system and further stated that such advice might be solicited from Investment Bankers familiar with Florida requirements relating to utilities, or, Other sources more commonly identified as strictly Financial Consultants, but recommended that such advice should be sought from parties well experienced in local matters of this nature, as Delray Beach should seriously consider uroviding a Water Plant on the North side as the water supply in the area of the present Plant has about reached its maximum output. The City ~anager, concurring with Mr. Oillespie, reminded the Commission that an additional Water Plant, as recommended by Smith & Oillesnie, would not only provide badly needed improvement in meeting the current demand on the north side but also assure better service For the northern section off Ward One, and furthermore would obviously produce far more satisffactory water than is being supplied at present. City Manager Lawson further informed the Commission that this Survey lteuort contained necessary and detailed information for supple- menting the existing sewer system when a financial program can be arranged to provide necessary funds for such a project as may be de- termined to be warranted. ~r. Oillespie suggested to the Commission that it might be well to effect a careful study of Costs and revised water rates, inasmuch as a Water Utility should operate at a proffit and justify necessary exnenditures for combined Water and Sewer Utility service. Commissioner Strong moved to acce,t the Survey iteport of Smith and Gillespie as submitted. Motion seconded by Commissioner Cromer and unanimously carried. Commissioner Cromer expressed deep appreciation for this most complete survey re~ort, which, in his opinion, is worth far more than its cost. 234 DECEHBER 14th, 1956. Mayor Yargates also extended appreciation to Hr. Gillespie For this comprehensive Survey Report, prepared by Smith &'Gtllespie, and Further thanked Com~issioner C~omer for months ago having insisted City Attorney John H. Adams, inquiring as to proper procedure, was advised by Hr. 6illesoie that the Commission should First de-'' termine and make known its desire and identify a. reasonable idea of expansion, then secure proper financial advice as to best method of financing such a project. City Hanager Lawson infomed the Commission that $5,000.00 of Refunding Bonds - Series 1951, due and payable January lst~ 1965,and carrying a 2.65 per cent Rate of Interest, had been offered For sale to the City of Delvay Beach and recOmmended the' purchase of same due to the attractive price offered, namely, ninety and three-quarters (90-3/4)o Commissioner Strong moved For tile purchase of said Bonds, as recommended by the City Manager, payable From the Sinking Fund. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Barrow and unanimously carried. Commissioner Cromer moved for aD,royal and payment of Smith and Gillespie~s charge of $2,000.00 For Services rendered in con- nection with the Preliminary Report on Water and Sewer Facilities, in accordance with terms of Proposal dated January 16th, 1956, and accepted by'the City of Delray Beach on March 12th, 1956. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Barrow and unanimously carried. Commissioner Barrow moved For approval and payment of Nowl~n and Adams bill of December lOth, 1956, rendered as Attorneyts Fee for services performed in connection with examination and termination involv±ng Lots 12 and 13, Block At Palm Beach Shore Acres, re: municipal limits of Town of Ocean Ridge, Floridao Motion was seconded by Commissioner Cromer and unanimously 'carried. Meeting adjourned. /S/ R.D. Worthing, City Clerk APPROVED: MAYOR