12-21-56 235 DECEMBER 21st, 1956. A Regular Meeting of the City Commission was held in the Com- mission Chambers at 7:30 P. M., with Vice-Mayor Catherine E. Strong, in the Chair, City Manager W. E. Lawson Jr., and the following Com- mission Members being ~resent - W. J. Snow and Emory J. Barrow. The Minutes of the Meetings held on December 10th and 14th were a0proved as corrected. City Manager Lawson advised the Commission of having received BIDS, as shown below, for one (1) Two (2) Ton Truck, 15' Flat Plat- form Dump Stake Type; Adams Chevrolet Co., $ 3,366.36 De Marco TraCtor Co., 3,560.00 Earl Wallace Ford Co., 3,225.00 The present Budget includes $2,700.00 for the procurement of this type of equipment. Commissioner W. J. Snow moved that award be made to the low bidder for furnishing said two (2) ton - 15' Flat Platform Dump Stake ~ype Truck, and that $525°00 be transferred from Unap- propriated Surplus to provide additional and necessary funds for the purchase of said Truck. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Emory J. Barrow and unanimously carried. The City Manager reported on the matter concerning school children and pedestrian traffic hazards in the west sector of the city, and included in suggestions submitted were: (1) Placing of School Zone Signs on W. Atlantic Avenue between 4th and 5th, also between llth and 12th Avenues. (2) Placing of cross walks at 5th, 10th and llth Avenues. (3) Den. Chief of Police Roddick will again confer with Carver High School's Princinal Anthony Holliday, offering to train volunteer adults in handling school crossing traffic. (4) At such time as Atlantic Avenue may become widened to better serve the "Turnpike" traffic, further recom- mendations will be made with regard to intersections. Commissioner Barrow moved for acceptance of the Heport from the City Manager and Chief of Police with regard to School Traffic Crossings and aid to Carver School's P.T.A. Motion seconded by Commissioner Snow and unanimously carried. Co~,issioner Barrow moved that the application for deviation as requested by Mr. George Talbot, be referred to the Planning/ Zoning Board. Motion seconded by Commissioner Snow and unanimously carried. City Manager Lawson exnlained that the abnormal amount of "Bills for Approval" was due to an item, included therein, repre- senting Principal and Interest Payment Due on the outstanding He- funding Bonds - Series 1951, and further mentioned the addition of $840.90 to the item total appearing on the Agenda, which amount covers freight oharges on recent carload pipe shipments, due and payable but received too late to be reflected on the Agenda. Con~uissioner Barrow moved for payment of said Bills upon ap- proval of the Finance Committee. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Snow and unanimously agreed upon. City Manager W. E. Lawson Jr. presented bound copies of the Financial Report for the Year 1955-1956 of the City of Delray Beach. Most favorable comment on its structure and completeness was ex- pressed by those receiving a Copy of the "Report". 236 I)ECEHBER 21st, 1956. Mayor Strong informed those present that the Annual Meeting for City Commission organizational nrocedure would be held on Honday, January 7th, 1957, at 7:30 P.M., in the City Hall, and further stated that, due to the lack of a full Commission, only those items directly and solely of present importance, appearing on tonightfs agenda, had been acted upon, the remaining items being deferred. Heeting adjourned. //S/.. R. D. Worthin~ City Clerk APPRO VEl): MAYOR