26-88 Property located on the north side of Brooks Lane. between State Road No. A1A and the Intracoastal Waterway. Improved - (Single Family Home) ORDINANCE NO. 26-88 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH. FLORIDA, ANNEXING TO THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH LOT 59, DELRAY BEACH SHORES. A SUBDIVI,-,ION AS RE(_~.,RDED IN PLAT BOOK. ~3., PAGE 167~ IN_ THE P~BLIC ~z~,~)RDS_ PALM BEACH COUNTY. FLC~RIDA, WHICH LAND ..~(.~NTIGUOUS TO EXISTING MUNICIPAL LIMITS SAID CITY' SAID LAND l~-q LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF BROOKS [,ANY. BETWEEN STATE ~OAD NO. AIA AND THE INT5ACOASTAL WATERWAY' REDEFINING THE BOUNDARIES ~F .... SAID CITY TO r~"~r"D=.,,o,,~.~ SAID LAND; PRe)rIDING Ft]R THE RIGHTS AND OBLIGA- TIONS OF SAID LAND' PR()VID[NG FOR THE ZONING THEREOF TO) R-1AA (~,INGLE FAMILY DWELLxN.,~ DISTRICT' PROVIDING A GENERAL REPEALER CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SAVING CLAUSE' PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAo~ ..... t.}',. [,egisl. at~]re of th~ ?,t, at~ of F]c~rida Da'-'= .... =~d the De]ray Bea~nh Enn]av~ Act,. Chapter 'Sa: 427. Laws of ~lc~rida, providing fc)r the r~'ctnexat.~o~-~ c)f ~nclav~=~ within the ~neral bo~mdaries of fha Cit, v c~f Ualray Beach; WHEREAS, ~ursu. sr~t._ t,c~_ _ +~..h..'a r~-~,~ l ray. Beach Enclave Act,, t. he City of Delray Beach cai]ed for r~ referend~lm of t, ho~:a q,~alified electors ~ithin the Citw of Delray Reach and the anclavas that would be suk.iect, to annexation under the Act, with said d~m held on November 4, 1986, in conjunct~cm with a aaneral electinn fc~r Palm Beach County, Florida' and, WHEREAS, the referandum held on November 4, 1_985, was amDrc~ved bM a single majority vo~,a c~f said ~a~alified and, WHEREAS, the City of Da] ra~' Baac:h hap, ~re~ared Enclave ~eport outlinin~ the City's ~lan for ~mplementat~c~n of the Delray Beach Enclave Act., ~hich iden%ifi, es sixt;~-fiv~ enclaves eli~ibie for ~- '+' WHEREAS, the Ci.t,V of Delray Bea~h has }',~ratc)fc)re been authorized %0 annex lands iq accordance ~ir.h th~ D~lray Enclave Act, NOW. THEREFORE, BE IT f]RDAiNED BYT_H~,= C!TY COUNCIL THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH FLORIDA, Ac FUL[,,)W,_: SecT.i.~>n__l.. That the Cit, F Council of the City of Dalrav Beach, Palm Beach Co;.lnt, W, Florida, hereb~ annexes to said Cit. w the following described land located in Palm Beach Count. w, Florida, which lies contiguous to said City to-~it.: Lo% 59 DEl, RAY BEACH oHORE,~, a Subdivision as raaorded in Plat Book °3 Paaa 167 in t. he P~blic Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. Th~ s~:bject propertF is located an the north side of Brooks Lane, bet, ueen St. ate ~oad No. AiA and the Intracoas%al Waterway. Th~ abc~v~ described parcel cc~nt.a~nR; a acrs par~al c~f ]and. mora ar l ..... s c,~.._._o.t_~.lc2n_~ That the Ba,md_aries of the C~t.y c,f Delray Beach, Florida, are hereby redefined to include therein the above-described tract of land and said land is hereby declared be within %he corporate limits of the City of Delray Beach, Florida. Sec%ice's 3, Tha~. Sect, ion 3fi ~ of t,h~ Zoning Code has been followed in the est. ablishment of a zoning c].assificat, ion in this ordinanca arm +~.- tract of land here ina hove described ~" hereb~ declared to be in Zoning Dis%tic% R-1AA (Single ~amily Dwelling% as defined by existinR ordinances of %he City of Delra~ Beach. Florida. SeetQgI~ ~ That, the land hereinabove described shall ir0mediately become subject to all c~f %he franchises, privileges, immunitL.es, debts, obli.~attons, liabilities, ordinances and laws to which l~nds %n %he City of Delray Beach are now or ~ay be sub.jected and D~rsons restdin~ thereon shall be deemed citizens of the City of Delra;v Beach. ',~e~%ior~..5.. That. this annexat4~-,n of the sub.icc% proper- ~.y, includin~ ad~4acent rc~ads, alleys, or *.he lika, ~f any, shall not b~ deemed acceptanc~ by the City of ,~ny maintenance responsi- bility for such roads, alleys, or the like, unless otherwise specifically ~nitiated by the City purs~ant to current require- ments and conditions. S_9_Q~k~ ~, That all ordinances or Darts of ordinances in conflict herewith be, and the same are hereby reDealed. S~ec%io~7. That. should any seetiot~ or provision of this oral,nc, ncc or any portion thereof, any para~raDh, sentence, or ~ord be declared by a Court of comDetent Jurisdiction %o be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validi%w of the remainder hereof as a whole or part thereof ct. her than the part declared to be invalid. S~,&on 8. That this ordinance sh~lt beck, me ~.ff~ct~ve immed~Atetj¢ ~pon passage on second and final reading. PASSED AND ADOPTED ~n regular ~ession on second and final readin~ cm this the 24th day of May' MAYOR ATTEST: First Reading April 26, 1988 Second Reading May 24, 1988 Ord. No. 26-88 Go.vt. I..o+ I ANNEXATION/REZONING " ENCLAVE 40 "'" (BALANCE OF) i" = 500' I~ HARBOR EDGE ' IBOR S "