Res 47-09R~SOLL.arTION NO. 47-09 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, TO LEVY A TAB ON ALL PROPERTIES WITHIN THE CITY OF DELRAI' BEACH, FLORIDA, FOR MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION, AND TO LEVY A TAB FOR THE PAYMENT OF PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST ON BONDED INDEBTEDNESS, AND TO ALLOCATE AND APPROPRIATE SAID COLLECTIONS THEREUNDER. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1, That a tax of $7.1900 per one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) of assessed valuation is hereby levied on all taxable property within the City of Delray Beach for the fiscal year corntnencing October 1, 2009, and ending September 30, 2010. There shall be and hereby is appropriated for the General Fund operations of the City revenue derived from said tax far operating and maintenance expenses of the General Fund, and also in addition, all revenues derived by said City during said fiscal year from all other sources other than the tax levy for current bond service and that part of collection of delinquent taxes levied for bond service. The assessed valuation on all taxable property for operating purposes within the City of Delray Beach is $7,081,215,623. The operating millage rate of $7.1900 per one thousand dollars {$1,000.00) is less than the rolled-back rate of $7.3833 per one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) by 2.62°l0. Section 2. That the amount of money necessary to be raised for interest charges and bond redemption which constitutes a general obligation bonded indebtedness of the City of Delray Beach is $3,576,985. There is hereby appropriated for the payment thereof, all revenues derived from the tax levy of $0.5316 per one thousand dollars {$1,000.00) of assessed valuation, which is hereby levied for that purpose for the fiscal year commencing October 1, 2009, and ending September 30, 2010, upon the taxable property of the City of Delray Beach, the assessed valuation being $7,082,858,399, Section 3. That the above millage rates are adapted subject to adjustment in accordance with Section 200.065(5} of the Florida Statutes which provides that a municipality may adjust its adopted rnillage rate if the taxable value within the jurisdiction of the taxing authority as certified pursuant to Section 200.065(1) is at variance by more than one percent (1 %} with the taxable value shown on the assessment roll to be extended. Section 4. That public hearings were held on the budget on September 10, 2009 and September 22, 2009. PASSED AND ADQl'TED in regular session on this the 22nd day of September, 2009. ATTES'T': City Clerk MAYC} RES. NQ. 47-09 Page 1 of I MEMQRANDUM Td: Mayor and City Commissioners FRAM: David T. Harden, City Manager DATE: September 18, 2009 SUBJECT: AGENI}A ITEM 10»A, -REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 22.2009 RESOLUTION N0.47-09~FINAL MILEAGE LEVY ITEM BEFORE COMMISSION The Commission is requested to consider Resolution No. 47-09, which levies a tax on all properties in the City of Delray Beach for FY 2010. The final operating millage rate proposed for FY 2010 is 7.19. BACKGROUND The final FY 241 {~ operating rniilage is 7.19, while the final FY 2010 debt service millage is 0.5316. The assessed valuation on all taxable property within the City for operating purposes is $?,081,215,623. The assessed valuation for debt service is $?,082,858,399. The reason far the differential is the exemptions that were granted to historic properties in the City. They apply to operating millage only. Pursuant to the City Charter and TRIM requirements, a public hearing must be held prior to the adoption of the resolution. RECOMMENDATION Recommend approval of Resolution No. 4?-09 -Final Millage Levy far FY 2010. http:f/rniweb0011AgendaslBluesheet.aspx?IternID=2649&MeetingID=218 9123/2009 RESOLUTION NO. 47-09 A RESOLUTION OF THE QTY COI~~IlVI<SSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, TO LEVY A TAX ON .ALL PROPERTIES WITH[N THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, FOR MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION, AND TO LEVY A TAX FOR THE PAY11?IENT OF PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST ON BONDED INDEBTEDNESS, AND TO ALLOCATE AND APPROPRIATE SAID COLLECTIONS THEREL:rNDER. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That a tax of $7.1900 per one thousand dollars ($1,000.00} of assessed valuation is hereby levied on all taxable proPe~Y within the City of Delray Beach far the fiscal year commencing October 1, 2009, and ending September 30, 20I0. There shall be and hereby is appropriated far the General Fund operations of the City revenue derived from said tax far operating and maintenance exper of the General Fund, and also in addition, all revenues derived by said City during said fiscal year from all other sources other than. the tax levy for current bond service and that part of caIlection of ~quent taxes levied far bond service. The assessed valuation on all taxable property far operating purposes within. the Gty of Delray Beach is X7,081,215,623. The operating n~~ rate of $7,1900 per one thousar~-d ckal]ats ($1,000.00} is less than the rolledback rate of $7.3833 per one thousand ck>llais ($1,000.00} by 2.62°l°. Section 2. That the amount of money nec+~ssary to b raised for interest clk~~ ges and bond redar~ion which constitutes a general obligation banded indebtedness of the City of Delray Beach is $3,576,985. There is hereby appropriated for the payment thereof, all revenues c~rived from the tax levy of $0.5316 per one thousand dollars {$1,000.00} of assessc~cl valuation, which is hereby levied far that purpose for the fiscal year commencing October 1, 2009, and e~:~~irig September 30, 2010, upon the t<~xable property of the City of Delray Beach, the a<~~ valuation being $7,082,858,399, Section 3. That the above ntillage rates are adopted subject to adjustment in accorclaaice with Section 200.065(5} of the Florid Statutes which provides that a municipality may adjust its adopted n~llage rate if the taxable value within the jurisdiction of the ta' authority as certified pursuant to Section 200.065(1} is at variance by mare than one percent (1%} with the t~~xable value Shawn an the assessment roil to be extended. Section 4. That public hearings wine held an the budget on September 10, 2009 and September 22, 2009. 2009. ATTEST: PA.~SSE I7 .AND AI~OPTE D in x~~;ular sedan on t11is the 22nd day of September, MAYOR City C'~erk 2 RES. NCB. 47-09 THE PALM'BEACH POST • SATURQAY, SEPTEMBER 19', 2009: ~0 :TS ARE `ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF'?HE ABOVE CORk?. The CITY OF DELRAY BEACH has tentatively edopted a budget for Fiscal Year 2009-2010. A public hearing to make a FINAL DI=CISION ~~ on fhe budget AND TAXES will•be held on Tuesday, September 22, 2fl09 7:OOp;m at _ City Hall, l fl0 N!N 1st Avenue Delray Beach, Florida 33444 - City of Delray Beach Chevelle D. Nubin, CMC Ciry Clerk 4