02-18-55Sp[Mtg248 Y~B~iUARY 18TH, 1955 A Special Heeting of t~le City Commission of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, was held in the Commission Chambers at 2:00 P.H., with .qayor Snow in the Chair, City Hanager ~/. E. Lawson Jr., Attorney IIarry Newett, and the following Commissioners present: Emory J. Barrow, Catherine E. ~trong, Glenn B. Sundy and ti. Cottingham Allen, a quorum being~ present. Following considerable discussion with Fir. and Firs. William Pfundston, regarding Lot 18, Block 92, in the City of Delray Beach, Fla., in an attempt to reach a purchase price, satisfactory to all concerned, and failing in this the Commission decided to abandon any effort toward acquiring this parcel of land. Hayor Snow expressed his appreciation to )Ir. Pfundston for having held up the scheduled delivery of cement wh:ich was to have been poured this afternoon, and advised him to go ahead with his intended construction. The Commission ex~ended its sincere thanks to Fir. and Hrs. Pfundston for having attended this meeting called for the specific purpose outlined above. Fir. $/arren D. lleiff, local contractor, had been requested to attend this meeting relative to effecting some arrangement regarding payment of a delinquent water main installation charge~ in the amount of ~2,184.50, dated December 9th, 1953. The Con~nission accepted the offer of Nr. ~eiff calling for immediate payment of one-third, an equal amount in ninety days and the balance on or before August 18th, 1955. The Commission requested the City Hanager to obtain speci- fic bids on the various items of Road Equipment, previously discussed at a prior meeting, as soon as possible. The Building Inspector submitted a plan of the proposed Chamber of Commerce building to be erected on North Federal Highway and Commiss.ioner Strong made a motion to authorize the Building Inspector to issue a temporary building permit for the constructi,:,n of said building in accordance with the plan submitted. Sotion was seconded by Commissioner Sundy and unanimously carried. Regarding set-back (side-yard) deviation request of Northridge S/D previously submitted which requires further clarification, Commissioner Strong moved to refer this matter to the Planning Board for their recommendation. }lotion was seconded by Commissioner Allen and unanimously carried. The meeting then adjourned. APPi kO VLD: }fayor ATTEST: City Clerk