Res 43-09RESOLUTION NO. 43-09 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, SUPPORTING THE PETITION FOR RULE-MAKING TO AMEND FLORIDA WATER QUALITY STANDARDS BY REVISING EXISTING WATER BODY CLASSIFICATIONS TO PROVIDE NEW AND MORE APPROPRIATE BENEFICIAL USES AND USE EXPECTATIONS, FILED BY THE FLORIDA STORMWATER ASSOCIATION, INC., WITH THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTNE DATE. WHEREAS, all surface waters of the State of Florida, including fresh, marine, wetland, flowing or intermittent, natural ox manmade, pristine or impacted, are classified by only five (5) Designated Uses; and WHEREAS, the extsting water body classification system was created in 1968 and has not been amended since; and WHEREAS, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection recognized in a report filed with the Florida Legislature in February 2DD5 that the current water body classification system, developed to address point source pollution, is too narrow to apply to the wide variety of water bodies existing throughout the State of Florida, the natural conditions of which fluctuate over time; and WHEREAS, the Deputy Secretary for the Florida Department of Environmental Protection stated in an Apri12007 Letter to the Media that it is crucial that the water body classification system accurately reflect the actual purpose of each water body; and WHEREAS, the success of the Total Maximum Daily Loads ("TMDL") program, which utilizes water quality standards to determine water body impairment, depends upon appropriate use designations and expectations of water bodies; and WHEREAS, the present water body classification system is ineffective to accurately measure water quality such that some water bodies have been mistakenly classified as impaired, leading to the adoption of unnecessary TMDLs and the diversion of limited resources from urgent water quality problems; and WHEREAS, the costs to local governments statewide to implement the TMDL program are estimated to be approximately $50 billion; WHEREAS, in this time of great economic hardship, tax revenue must be used in the mast efficient and effective manner; and WHEREAS, the Designated Uses and Classification Refinement Policy Advisory Committee ("PAC"), an expert policy advisory committee, was previously convened by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection to study and make recommendations regarding the water body classification system; and WHEREAS, in 2007 the PAC developed a proposed water body classification system, combining Beneficial Use Designations and Beneficial Use Expectations, which comprise the goals and expectations to be attained in each water body and provide a basis for deriving water quality criteria and other protections to maintain each Beneficial Use; and WHEREAS, the proposed water body classification system consists of seven Human Use Designations and four Aquatic Life Use Designations as well as corresponding Beneficial Use Expectations; and WHEREAS, this classification system adequately addresses the goals and concerns expressed by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection; and WHEREAS the Florida Stormwater Association, Inc., has filed with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection its Petition for Rule-Making to Amend Florida Water C~uality Standards by Revising Existing Water Body Classifications to Provide New and More Appropriate Beneficial Uses and Use Expectations. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLC}WS: Section 1. The Cite of Delray Beach supports the Petition for Rule-Making to Amend Florida Water Quality Standards by Revising Existing Water Body Classifications to Provide New and More Appropriate Beneficial Uses and Use Expectations, filed by the Florida Stormwater Association with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. Section 2. The City of Delray Beach urges the Florida Department of Environmental Protection to establish a water body classification system similar to the proposed water body classification system outlined in the Petition for Rule-Making. Section 3. This resolution shall take effect iintnediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED in regular session on this the day of ~`?~ ATTEST: City Clerk 2 RES. NO. 43-09 ~ € EDELRAY BEACH f Ap-America Gity ® r® 1993 zaa7 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ CERT~FCATI4N I, CHEVELLE NUBIN, City Clerk of the City of Delray Beach, do hereby certify that the attached document is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. 43-09 as the same was passed by the Delray Beach City Commission in regular session on the 22"d of September 2009. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and the official seal of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, on this the 23r~ day of September, 2009. • ~ Y Chevelle D. Nubia, CMC City Clerk City of Delray Beach, Florida {SEAL} r~~~ ~ls=~'~ ~ ~~r;~~:~~?~~s?f~i~lw ~'~°i ~~~,~`i=~e ~ ~~:?~~3~~~'~~,~ e ~P~,~?`~'C;~~f:~~ a ~~- ~ c:,~,fi~~~IC?i~~ Page 1 of 1 MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor and City Commissioners FROM: Randal L. Krejcarek, P.E., LEED AP, GI,SP, City Engineer Richard C. Hasko, PE, Environmental Services Director THROUGH: David T. Harden, City Manager DATE: September 4, 2009 SUBJECT: AGENDA ITEM S.B. -REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 22 2009 RESOLUTION N0.43-fl9 ITEM BEFORE COMMISSION Consider approval of Resolution 43-09 in support of the petition by the Florida Stormwater Association. BACKGROUND The Florida Stormwater Association has filed a petition (see attached) to the Environmental Regulation Commission requesting that rulemaking be initiated to revise Florida's system of classifying water bodies and determining their use. Florida's recently-initiated rulemaking effort to adopt numeric nutrient criteria has heightened the need for a more reasonable system of classifying waters and determining their use. The establishment of numeric nutrient criteria will have huge fiscal implications for the communities that will be required (through the NPDES MS4 permits and the TMDL program) to use tax dollars to restore water bodies. It is critical that water bodies be classified in a way that reflects the actual purpose of the water body, whether rt is a canal, a stream, or a spring to ensure that our critical waterways are protected and our tax dollars are well spent. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval. httpa/miweb001/AgendasBluesheet.aspx?ItemID=2586&MeetinglD-218 9/23/2009 RESOLUTION N0.43-09 A RESOLUTION OF THE QTY COM1VIlSSION OF THE QTY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, SUPPORTING THE PETITION FOR RULE-MAKING TO AMEND FLORIDA WATER QUALITY STANDARDS BY REVISING EXISTING WATER BODY CLASSIFICATIONS TO PROVIDE NEW AND MORE APPROPRIATE BENEFIQAL USES AND USE EXPECTATIONS, FILED BY THE FLORIDA STORMWATER ASSOCIATION, INC., WITH THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, aIl surface waters of the State of Flarida, including fresh, marine, wet]ancl, flowing or intermittent, natural. or manmade, pristine or impacted, are classified by anly five (5} Designated Uses; and WHEREAS, the existing water body classification system was created in 19(S and has xrot been arr~eruded since; and WHEREAS, the Florida Depattcr~ent of Environmental Protection recognized in a report filed with the Florida Legislature in February 2005 that the current water body classification system, developed to address point source pollution, is too narrow to apply to the wide variety of water bodies existing throughout the State of Florida, the natural conditions of which fluctuate over time; and WHEREAS, the DeputySecr~etaryfor the Florida Dot of Environmental Protection stated in an April 2007 Letter to the Media that it is cnx~al that the water body classification system accurately reflect the actual purpose of each water body, and WHEREAS, the success of the Total Ma~amum Daily Loads ("TMDL") prograrr~y which utilizes water quality standards to determine water body impairr~it, depends upon appropriate use designations and expectations of water bodies; and WI~REAS, the present water body classification system is ineffective to accurately measure water quality such that some water bodies have been mistalcer-ly classified as impaired, leading to the adoption of unnecessary TMDLs and the diversion of lirruted resources from urgent water quality problems; and WHEREAS, the costs to local governrnel~ts statewide to implement the TMDL program are estimated to be approximately $50 billion; WHEREAS, in this time of great econan~ic hardship, tax revenue must be used in the most efficient and effective manner; and WHEREAS, the Designated Uses and Classification Refirlert~nt Poficy Advisory Committee ("PAC"}, an expert policy advisory committee, was previously convened by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection to study and make recommendations regarding the water body classification system; and WI iEREAS, in 2007 the PAC developed a proposed water body classification systerry combining Beneficial Use Designations and Beneficial Use Expectations, which comprise the goals and expectations to be attained in each water body anal provide a basis for deriving water quality criteria and other protections to maintain each Beneficial Use; and WHEREAS, the proposed water body classification system consists of seven Human Use Designations and four Aquatic Life Use Designations as w~ as corresponding Beneficial Use Expectations; and WHEREAS, this classification system adequately addresses the goals anal concerns expressed by the Florida Departrr~ent of Environmental Protection; and WHEREAS the Florida Stormwater Association, Inc., has filed with the Florida De~rtment of Environmental Protection its Petition for Rule-Making to Amend Florida Water Quality Standards by Revising Existing Water Bady Classi.[ications to Provide New and More Appropriate Beneficial Uses and Use Expectations. NOW, THEREFORE, BE lT RESOLVED BY THE QTY CONMSSION OF THE QTY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOVI~: Section 1. The City of Delray Beach supports the Petition for Rule-Malting to Amend Florida Water Quality Standards by Revising Existing Water Body Classifications to Provide New and Mare Appropriate Beneficial Uses and Use Expectations, filed by the Florida Starmwater Association with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. Section 2. The City of Delray Seach urges the Florida. Department of Environmental Protection to establish a water body classification system similar to the proposed water body classification system outlined in the Petition for Rule-Making. Section 3. This resolution shall take effect inunediately upon its adoption PASSED AND ADOPTED in regular session on this the day of 2009. ATTEST: City Clerk MAYOR 2 RES. N0.43-09 STATE OF FLORIDA -ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION COMMISSION FLORIDA STORMWATER ASSOCIATION, INC., A FLORIDA NOT-FOR PROFIT CORPORATION, Petitioner FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, Respondent ~~~~~OF~~~qq~`gi~~q~~~FFS~g ~€a~L "r~9~0.Fkf~F_'b ~„ O~~i~~~~ v c~l~f~~ PETITION FOR RULE-MAKING TO AMEND FLORIDA WATER QUALITY STANDARDS BY REVISING EXISTING WATER BODY CLASSIFICATIONS TO PROVIDE NEW AND MORE APPROPRIATE BENEFICIAL USES AND USE EXPECTATIONS 1. Petitioner, the Florida Stormwater Association, Incorporated {hereafter "FSA") is a not-for profit Florida Corporation, a voluntary, membership based organization whose mission is to help its members improve water quality through enhanced stormwater management practices. The association has 29S organizational members including cities, counties, water management and other districts, academic institutions, and consulting and engineering firms, all engaged in some aspect of stormwater management and with an interest in water quality-related issues. Petitioner's address and phone number are as follows: Florida Stormwater Association, Inc. CIO Kurt A. Spitzer, Executive Director 719 East Park Avenue Tallahassee, FL 32301 Telephone: 8 50-5 61-0944 2. The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (hereafter the "Department" or "DEP"}, by the Environmental Regulation Commission, is authorized by Sections 403.061, 443.804 and 443.845, Florida Statutes, to adopt and amend Florida Water Quality Standards which include Classifications and Designated Uses of waters that are the subject of this petition. The existing rule to be amended is Section b2-302.400 of Chapter 62-302, Florida Administrative Code (hereafter "FAC") 3. This petition is authorized by Section 120.54, Florida Statutes, and Petitioner, FSA, has standing to file the petition by the provisions of Section 62-302-400, FAC, and by the substantial interests of its members in the subject matter ofthis rulemaking. City, county and other members of FSA engage in activities that are regulated by the Department and are required to obtain Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System permits under the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System program from the Department. RULEMAKTNG REQUESTED 4. This petition seeks the amendment of sub-sections (1) through (12) of Section 62-302-400, FAC, which establish a Classification of Surface Waters according to Designated Uses. By the provisions of existing sub-section (1) of 62-302-400, FAC, all surface waters of the State are classified by five designated uses; which-are predominantly human or economic uses of waters in the State. Ali surface- waters of the State, including fresh, marine, wetlands, flowing or intermittent, natural or manmade, pristine or impacted, axe, by sub-section (10), classified as Class 111 unless otherwise included in the Class IV exception to Class 1T1 or specifically placed in other Classes elsewhere in the Rule. 5. This petition seeks the adoption of a new water6ody classification system, similar to that as was developed by an advisory committee to the Department known as the Designated Use and Classification Policy Advisory Committee ("PAC") to include seven Human Uses and four Aquatic Life Uses, as fOllOWS: HU-1 Protection of potable water supply suitable for consumption following conventional drinking water treatment, fish consumption, full body contact HU-2 Protection of shellfish harvesting for human consumption, fish consumption, full body contact HU-3 Protection of full body contact and possible ingestion and fish consumption HU~4 Protection of incidental contact and fish consumption HU-5 Contact lzmited or restricted due to unsafe conditions, protection offish consumption HU-6 Protection of waters for crop irrigation or consumption by livestock HU-7 Utility and industrial uses AL-1 Propagation and maintenance of aquatic communities that approximate the biological structure and function of natural background AL-2 Propagation and maintenance of a healthy, well-balanced aquatic community with minimal deviation of biological structure and function relative to natural background AL-3 Protection of an aquatic community with moderate deviation of Biological structure and function relative to natural background AL-4 Protection of an aquatic community with substantial deviation of Biological structure and function relative to natural background The term "natural background," used in the description of aquatic life uses above has the same meaning expressed in the Definitions of existing DEP rule 62-302, P.A.C.: "the condition of waters in the absence afhumon-induced alterations based on the best scientific information available to the Department." 6. The Designated Uses established by a Waterbody Classification System comprise the goals or expectations that should be attained in each waterbody and provide a basis for deriving water quality criteria and other protections that will maintain the adopted benef cial uses. The PAC recognized that one of the greatest deficiencies in the existing State Water Quality Standards is that no Designated Use Expectations have been adopted. It was further the consensus of the PAC that the following Use Expectations should be adopted together with Beneficial Use Designations: HU-1 Maintaining a level of water quality suitable for potable water or Intended to be suitable after receiving conventional drinking water treatment. Also protective of HU-3 uses. HU-2 Water shall contain no substances in concentrations that wi11 make shellfish inedible due to undesirable tastes or would cause a hazard to humans after consumption. Also protective of IIIJ-3 uses, HU-3 Recreational uses may support prolonged and direct contact with the water, involving minimal risk of ingesting water in quantities sufficient to pose a health hazard. Fish consumption involves maintaining a level of water quality that wi11 prevent any unpalatable flavor or accumulation of harmfiil substances in fish tissue HU-4 Recreational uses may result in contact with the water that is either incidental or accidental. The probability of ingesting appreciable quantities of water is minimal. Water depth may preclude fu11 body immersion. Also protective of f sh consumption as in HU-3 HU-5 The activities or conditions expected in the waterbody make it unsafe or not possible to conduct recreational activities. Also protective of fish consumption as in HU-3. HU-6 Maintaining a level of water quality useful for consumption of water by livestock or surface water withdrawal fox irrigation of cropland. No protection of recreational activities or fish consumption. HU-7 Maintaining a level of water quality useful for utility and industrial purposes. No protection of recreational activities or fish consumption. AL-1 Natural structural, functional and taxonomic integrity is preserved or approximated; structure and function similar to natural community; ecosystem level functions are fully maintained AL-2 Overall balanced distribution of all expected groups of taxa; ecosystem fixnctions largely maintained. May have changes in biological structure evidenced by the replacement of sensitive ubiquitaus taxa by more tolerant taxa. AL-3 Changes in biological structure and function have resulted in an altered aquatic community. Represents the iransitian between a community dominated by sensitive or expected taxa to one dominated by tolerant taxa. AL-d Substantial changes in biological structure and function have resulted in a limited aquatic community. Community consists primarily of tolerant taxa able to survive and propagate under severe or variable environmental conditions. The petitioner xequests adoption of a system similar to these Beneficial Uses Expectations together with corresponding Use Designations as proposed by the PAC. 7. In adapting these proposed Beneficial Uses and Expectations there will be a need to adopt appropriate implementing provisions, similar to those in the existing 62-320-400, FAC, which can be developed in the course of further rule development and adoption proceedings. These implementing provisions may include a process for further refinement of Beneficial Uses and Expectations. Further, the adoption of the proposed Beneficial Use Classes is the first step in three phases of rule making. Fallowing adoption of a new Classification System, appropriate criteria for each class will be needed and finally the designation of surface watexs to the appropriate Classification of Human and Aquatic Life Support Uses. WHY THE PROPOSED RULEMAKING 1S NEEDED $. The Department's existing water classif cation system, recognizing only five Designated Uses, was adopted by the Pollution Control Board in 1968. In the mid-1970'x, following enactment of the Federal "Clean Water Act" in 1972, the Florida Legislature reorganized the State's environmental agencies by creating the Department of Environmental Regulation (the precursor to DEP} and providing the Environmental Regulation Commission with the exclusive authority to adopt water quality standards. In 1978, the Environmental Regulation Commission adopted a major expansion of water quality criteria, based on EPA Guidance Documents, but retained the existing Classification system with no change from what existed in 1968. For the most part, the new water quality criteria were applied to Class TII waters that included the great majority of all waters, of all types, in the State. 9. As noted above, the Designated Uses and corresponding Use Expectations established by a Waterbody Classification System provide the goals that should be attained in each waterbody. EPA has in recent years encouraged refinement of Designated Uses and the adoption of Use Expectations to mare effectively protect the wide variety of waters as exist in Florida. EPA has also in recent years placed more emphasis on the management of ambient water quality through the Total Maximum Daily Loads {hereafter "TMDL") program, recognizing the lunitations of protecting waters primarily through point source discharge controls. The Department has concluded that the existing Water Body Classification system needs improvement as a foundation for the TMDL and other water resource management programs. 10. In February of 2005, the Department filed a report with the Florida Legislature assessing the first five years of the TMDL program. In that Report, the Department discussed the inadequacies of existing Water Body Classifications in the following relevant excerpts: In the early 1970's, there was no clear understanding of how, comprehensively, to evaluate overall water quality or protect whole aquatic ecosystems from all sources ofpollution, which are the exact objectives of the Watershed Restoration Act of 1999. This contradiction of alder standards and newer mandates has led to a number of dilemmas, among them: Most Florida waterways are identified as Class III, "fishable and swimmable." It has become clear in recent years that this classification, which includes rivers, streams, lakes and estuaries as well as wetlands, urban drainage ditches, urban lakes and canal systems, is too broad. Some of these water bodies ar water body types never did and indeed should not be expected to provide the same quality of "swimmable or fishable" recreation as others. • Florida's freshwater dissolved oxygen (DO} criterion requires oxygen levels in surface waters to be at or above five milligrams per liter (5 rng/l} at all times at all places, ostensibly in an effort to protect water quality. In fact, wetlands, springs, drainage ditches and canals do not typically exist, whether naturally or as artificially created, with DO levels as high as 5 mgll, often because of the significant inflow oflow-oxygen ground water into surface waters. In effect, some water bodies are being required to meet unnatural conditions or conditions that are otherwise caused by pollutants. As noted. in the introduction to this section, water quality standards were developed primarily to address regulation of point sources of pollution and they are applied, typically, at the end of the discharge pipe, to be met at all times. It is not possible to apply this same logic to entire rivers, lakes, streams, estuaries and other surface waters, the conditions of which vary naturally over time, and which simply will not meet every water quality criterion at every moment in every location. Florida's existing surface water quality standards are the benchmark against which the Department must measure water body impairment and determine whether TMDL's, and subsequent clean-up actions, are necessary. The circumstances outlined above have required DEP to list as impaired some water bodies that likely are not, in fact, impaired. The result is that DEP may have to develop and adopt unnecessary TMDLs, wasting limited resources and diverting attention from real water quality problems. 11. Mare recently, in April of 20D7, responding to concerns expressed regarding the PAC, Mimi Drew, Deputy Secretary of DEP wrote to the Florida Media, including the following excerpts: All surface waters in the state are currently classified by one of five designated uses. By far the largest number of waters in the state falls into a broad, general category known as "Class III" waters. This includes drainage ditches, upland cut canals and other manmade features. The Class III designation brings with it the requirements to meet certain minimum water quality standards. In many cases, due to the manmade nature of the waters, such standards are not attainable and are unnecessary to support the practical use of those artif vial waters. Conversely, waters, such a springs, require much mare stringent protection than is currently required within our classif cation system to ensure that their fragile biological systems are protected. This system, used over the past 3 0 years, has been successful in addressing regulatory actions needed to reduce pollutants, but does not effectively address watershed restoration projects. Much has changed over that time frame -science and technology have improved and our restoration efforts should as well. Decisions on water quality standards have huge fiscal implications for the communities that will be asked to use tax dollars to restore water bodies. Therefore, it is critical that water bodies are classified in a way that reflects the actual purpose of the water body, whether it is a ditch, a stream, ar a spring -- to ensure that our critical waterways are protected and our tax dollars are well spent. 12. There has been a similar recognition at the national level that designated uses and expectations rr~ust be revised in order to implement the TMDL program and related environmental management and restoration efforts. In March of 2000 the U.S. General Accounting Off ce reported on the lack of data and program guidance available to states that are needed to establish water quality standards, identify impaired waters and adapt TMDLs. In October 2N0 Congress suspended EPA's implementation of "final" TMDL program rules and later requested that the National Research Council of the National Academy of Science assess the scientific basis of the TMDL program and availability of sufficient data and guidance for program purposes. 13. In response to Congress's request, the "TMDL Commaittee" of the National Research Council, chaired by Professor Kenneth H. Reckhow, Ph.D,, of Duke University, came to several broad conclusions and made recommendations far the use of scientific data and information within the TMDL program. For purposes of this petition, the relevant recommendations are summarized as follows: • The success of the TMDL program should not be measured by the number of TMDLs adopted or the numbex of NPDES permits issued but rather demonstrated by the achievement of a water body's designated use and use expectations. ~ States should develop appropriate use designations and expectations in advance of assessment and refne these use designations prior to TMDL development The Clean Water Act goal of "fishable and swimmable" is too broad as an expression of the designated use; greater stratification of designated use is needed in order to take advantage of the best scientific data and methods of analysis. 14. The TMDL Committee recognized that the TMDL program is dependent on adopting appropriate water quality standards which involves both technical and policy decisions. Establishing appropriate designated uses and use expectations for a state's water bodies is primarily a policy decision that can be "informed by technical analysis." The designated use and use expectation provides the goal for ambient water quality conditions and should be, as the Committee recommended, as specific as possible. Rather than limit the "use" to "recreation" as in Florida's Class TIT designated use, the more specific or stratified uses could distinguish between beach use, primary contact and secondary contact. Likewise, rather than a use supporting a "well balanced population of fish and wildlife," as in Class III, the more stratif ed uses could support specific aquatic, biological communities. 15. The TMDL Committee noted the need to consider human activities that have altered aquatic ecosystems and to recognize that an appropriate designated use may not be the aquatic condition existing in a water body's predisturbance condition. The decision should reflect a policy consensus based on the current condition of the water body, the predistuxbance condition and the cost of achieving the designated use and expectation. These issues have not been addressed in Florida. Finally, the Committee recognized that if water quality standards (including use designations, expectations and criteria) are flawed, all steps in the TMDL process and related environmental management decisions will be affected. An appropriate use designation and expectation together with appropriate criteria is needed prior to TMDL development and implementation. 16. In June of 2003 the General Accounting Office {hereafter "GAO") reported to the U.S. House Committee an Transportation and Infrastructure on the need for further EPA guidance to States for the development of Water Quality Standards that will improve the TMDL program. In general, the GAO concluded that more accurate water quality standards are critical in making scientifically based determinations about water bodies most in need of further protection. Without improved standards, including designated uses and use expectations, there is a risk of wasting valuable resources by over protecting some waters and under protecting others. 17. Based on a survey of all 50 states and the District of Columbia, the GAO Report noted the following responses: • Nearly all states reported that further water body use designation changes were needed but have not been made because of inadequate data, resistance from interested and affected groups and uncertainty as to whether use changes will be acceptable to EPA and as to the information needed to support the use changes. • New data collected by states provides compelling evidence that many designated uses are either under-or over-protective. • EPA Headquarters officials acknowledge the needs and have formed a national working group to develop additional guidance on designated use changes. • Improved water quality standards, including use designations ar~d expectations, will result in different impaired waters for TMDL development. 18. On July 7, 1998 the Environmental Protection Agency published in the Federal Register (Vol 63. No. 129) an Advance Notice of Proposed Rule Making seeking comment on issues relating to Water Quality Standards including Use Designations and Use Expectations. EPA noted that: • It is in designating uses that States anal Tribes establish the environmental goals for their water resources, and it is in designating uses that States and Tribes are allowed to evaluate the attainability of those goals. ~o In establishing uses and use expectations, together with appropriate criteria to protect those uses, "a State or Tribe often weighs the environmental, social and economic consequences of its decisions in designating uses." The regulation allows the State or Tribe some flexibility in weighing these considerations and adjusting these goals over time. • Appropriate application of this process involves a balancing of environmental, scientific, technical, and economic and social considerations as well as public opinion and is therefore one of the most challenging areas of the current regulation. There is however, a need for the use designation process, whether implementing a general ar specific classification system, to clearly articulate and differentiate intended levels of protection with enough specificity so that decision~makers can appropriately develop and implement the standards on a site- or watershed- specific basis and sa that the public can understand, identify with, and influence the goals set for the waters they care about. Lack of precision in uses and criteria assigned to protect those uses can inadvertently result in either a lesser or greater level of protection than was actually intended when the water quality standards were adopted • The Agency's current thinking is that there is a growing need to more precisely tailor use descriptions and criteria to match site specific conditions, ensuring that uses and criteria provide an appropriate level of protection which, to the extent possible, is neither over nor under protective. 19. Petitioner has estimated that the {capital) costs of implementation of the TMDL program to local governments alone is approximately $SO billion. Programs requiring expenditures of this magnitude must be able to assure taxpayers that each dollar spent is done so in the most effective manner, resulting in significant improvements to Florida's water bodies and the natural environment, and significant improvements in human benefit and use. 20. There can be no doubt that Florida's Designated Use Classifications and Use Expectations da not reflect the recommendations of many State and Federal sources summarized in this Petition nor do they provide an adequate foundation for the difficult decisions needed to adopt numeric nutrient and other 11 criteria for Florida's waters and to fully implement the TNIDL program. The Petitioner cannot assure the Environmental Regulation Commission that the Rulemaking proposed in this Petition will be easy. On the other hand, the Petitioner is confident that the benefts of a solid foundation for Water Quality Standards provided by more appropriate Designated Uses and Expectations will justify the effort. In these times of financial stress, it is even more important to demonstrate that the expenditures that must be incurred will be justified by cost effective progxams. Respectfully Submitted, The Florida Stormwater Association, Inc. ,., Kurt A. Spitzer, Executive Director 12