03-01-55SpMtg266 ~!.'~[(:ft 1ST, 1955. A Special .~leeting of the City Commissi,,n of the City of Delray L{each, Florida, was held in the Con~ission Chambers on Tuesday~ }larch 1st, 1955~ at 2:00 I'.N., with hayor Y. J. Snow in the Chair, City }lanager ~'. E. La~son Jr., Cxt~ Attorney Neil NacNillan, and the following Commissioners bei.~ present: Catherine E. Strong, Lmory J. Barrow and filemt B. S~mdy, a quor~lm being present. ;klso present were Nembers of the Planning Board and tho llonorable Ben F. Sundy, Chairman of the Palm Beach County Com~,ission. The City Nanager presented a proposed route for connecting the city wi~ Section 7, Twp 46S, tige 43E, which is bein~ considered for annexation into the city. A disc~lssion followed regardini~ the route and right-of-way. County Col~;issioner Ben Sundy advised that an 80 foot R/~ was required for the County to maintain the a/~ follow- ing its construction. The Planning Boar,~ was asked F~r its opinion and Hr. t[obert Blakes Chairman of the itoard, stated they would desire a it,/W as wide as possible for future arterial traff'ic and questioned who ~o~ld maintain the right-of-way. County Commissioner Ben Sundy advised that the County would ~aintain the i(;/W when same was completed. Nr. Blake f:lrther stated that tl',e Planning ~{oard approved ~e proposed route, a~ s~lbmitted by the City Nanager, but s,~g,k~ested turning it northwe~twapd tl~rough the Nodel Land Company I. ot 5, ~ection 8, T~p 46S~ ~(ge 43E, said parcel of land being o~ned by the City of Del. Pay Beach. The Planning Board Chairman fur!her advised that they al~ays desire as ~ide a 1~/~ as possible but unless it is determined to route a tren:endous ~ot.~nt of tri:~ffie over ~i~ 1{//'~, a 100 foot ~,/~, as previo~sly suggested, might result in ~aste of dedication. Commissioner Strong made a m~ti,~n ti;at the City Nnnager be instructed to obtain an estimate of cost for both an 80 foot and lO0 foot right-of-way from S~inton Aven,.~e ~est~ard to tke easterly line o~ County land. Notion ~as seconded by Commissioner Sundy and nnanimously carried. }Ir. Niddleton. representing }le!SrS, J, J. imrson and 1). Uflell ~,'ho contemplate developing Section 7, discussed various phases of interest to the pos..ible developers of this tract of land. prinei.- p~y ,l/~' and road eonstr~letion' costs, also ~,vailability of ~,.ater i~this area and its cost of installation, itlld aq valorem tax con- -ee~ions i!u~ing p~riod of development. Nayor Show and t:ommissioner 3trong s~g.~ested that tl.e City Nanager, City ~!lorney and Nr. Niddleton confer on these ma, tiers in an attempt to effect a pr,~per and satisf~i,,ry solution of the problems. There followed a. discussion pelative to qroposed (,tmrt~r amend- ments a~d Nr. C. ti. llanm~ond~ speaking fur a gro.~p of property owners in ~ard I, together with hiss Dopothea L. Galvin, inquired as to what action wqs being taken at this time relative to such proposed Charter' cl~anges. City ,kttorney NacNillan explained that steps were only being iaken at il,is time to present desired Charier ctanges to the legi~lat~we, but that any po.~sible cl~a~ge in zonin~ regulations, to become effective, would necessarily have !o be ~bmiited to the people by referendum vote. Niss Galvin also expressed the opinion of the Beach Taxp~yers League that too short a notice ~f any contem- plated zonin~ change is in effect as n,)~' provided for in t.l~e City Zoning Ord~nunce. Nessrs. O. ~l. No~lin, R. C. Lawson and Oohn N. kabler Jr., were present a.~d concerned over the Sanitary Land Fill problom. Nr. l.~bler i,' ri l:r¢.se,~ted ~ieture~ to M:o~ ~hat ~,~,:.:t t develop f~)n', olden pits and slated tl:~t they feared flxe city might, in the f~t~.tpe~ cnnsidep an incinerator i~) that apea wi.ich w~ul~ be a detriment to P,lture develop- ment of that section. NP. Xo~¢lin exppe~-~ed his belief exl?au, I t. the SOLliJl aP ~le present city !i~:its and tl;~t any 3anitary L?.,I.., Fill pr,'~j'eat ..... in i}~,t apea w~ll~! 267 in that directi ,n. Nr. Nowlin f',~rlL,,r .~tated tl~at ~,. Sanitary Land Fill should be located where it wm~ld hurt fewer p~oFl~ ~,nd tke comr~unity thn legist ~nd wo~ld ap~reciaie anything the Commis.~ion miyht do tow;~rd loci~ti~.,~, a Fill witl. thi~' thought in mind. T}~ C~tS' ~x:armgc'r advised theft, in his oFini,,n, the pr~ent for s,:,,~e tino to co,,e ariel a~. a later d~,t,e t.o u,ke a ~,~ly ,-,f t}~is 1;:,n,1, cpor~t i91i o~ vehicles and all Ot. IloP flactor~. Nr. i.a;,~cr.. .. re~,'~e~te~l; that lie, 3~1'. :~,.,wlin, NP. Lawson... . and .... :}.nnk be notified of any sched,~led meetSr~7 i;~ :: -is rc?jard. of annexing 1;~nds i,~t,u the "' ' . ' . ~Itj, L~f D~lr::,' k;er-~' Tho (Jify seni of pc.,);)!e in any ,rca pr,)F.,seJ For annexation n'nst be obt.i)~ed. hr, C. ilerrick ilat),rO~ld stated that so~it, hing she~,TM Be done flltLlrq~ ~,tbdivisions tO plq~Vi({O f,)P ~,WeP!. ~.le City Y.;l:agor c,mt;.cte,l B. J. Van ln~re,~ a Co. Inc., of "i.,m;, ~:~y 91;.',~e, who renewed t l.eir ori.,zinal oflCcr t'~" I:' trcl:~se the a'~t~tOrlZed iss~te (:,f ~110,000.00, par val,te, of Delray Be~ch, Florida Special Fr,~chise Tax ileven,t~ Certif'ieates, ';erias 1fl55, d:~ted Nay 1, 19oo, For tbs' st, oF ~10a,075.00, ~tbject to redemp- *i,,n of Certificates. ~aturin~_ in thp. years 1961 t,~r,.txlt' - luGu.n, and the delivery of the Certificates as e,tt!inc:l in tl:cir ,~o,.osal whicl~ is in the office of tl~e City Clerk. Co,,~issioner l{aPl'ow .,)veal,', to accept the bid of B. J. Van Aoven~te CertiCieate issue of ~110,000. ::,,tSon x,ms soconded hy Commissi~mer :~tr,,ng inq~ired as t,~ the possible advisability .. ..o~.rnln~ remtllloration for tho City Attorney's services providing for Salary or ~(etainer Fee, whichever might be to the best int,.rest of the city. Nr. HaeF, illan s:&gge~tcd that the C,~;m,d~sion inq ~ire ,.,f pro- cedure in other m,micipalities in Florida, and possibly co~taet the 5~r Ass(,ciution For advice in thi~ matter. The Nayor a~d otl~er Nember~ uF the Commission agreed that the City Nanager should contact those various gro,q)~ anq request s~ch information as o,~tlined by Nr. NaeNillan. The meeting then adjourned. City Clerk ,,,FI' ,cOVED: Nayor