~ i(egular Meeting o? the City Commission of tl~e City oF Delrey
I~each~ Florida, was }~eld in the Commission Chambers at 2:30
with }i~yor ~. J. Snow in the Chair, ~ity Manager W. E. L~on Jr.~
City Attorney Nell ~. MacMillan and the following Commission
Nembers present: Emory J. ~arro~, Catheri~e ~;. Strong~ Glenn B.
S,mdy and !~..Cott'ingham Allen. all Nembers b~,ing present.
An openin5 p['ager was delivered by City Attorney Neil ':~
The mJm~tes of the meetings held on February 21st, g2nd and
~larch 1st were approved as ~ritt, en, upon motion by Commissioner
Strong, seconded by Commissioner Sundy and [manimously carried.
City f'ianager Lawson made a recommen(.lati;}n to the Conmds~i. on
llmt the city s~re in the expense oF the ~ ssau ~;treet Sto~n Sewer
1~roject to the extent of labor co~ts of installin~ !he d ' which
he estim~,ted would amount to a~proximately ~130.00.
Commissioner Allen moved, that the City proceed in l}~i~ m~}tter
acc~,r(l~n~ to the City Hanage~"s recommendation. Commissioner Strong
secon,ied t}~e ,ration. Upon call of roll~ hayor Sno~ ~,nd
S!r~-,.,~ Allen and Barro~ voted in favor of the ~,~,tion~ Cnmn~.issioner
S:.tndy was opposed.
City Nanager Lawson read a letter Prom tiro Naval Air
C.mmand, Sixth Naval l~istriet~ regarding Lay 21st~ 1955 as having
been designated "Armed Forces Day" by the I'resi~,~nt of tl~e United
States - Dwight D..Eisenhower.
Co~:,,is~ioner Bare'ow moved that this lotter~ wherein the Naval
Air ~¢ases Com[~and desires to ascertain wl+ethe~ or n.t i)elray Beach
is contomplatin~ Armed Forces Day celebrations o~ any ~lat~lPe
so~ to what extent~ be Pe~oPPed to the American Legion and Vet'ePans
of Foreign ~rars tLro;tgh the Chamber oF Comn~eree. Mnlion was
seconded by Commissioner All. eh aha unanimously carried.
Commissioner Sundy moved that necessary stops be taken, and the
Tax Colleetor~ together with the City Attorney be authorized to
cf Peet eollecti,}n of' all l~elin~uent Improvement Liens. hotion was
seconded by Commissioner ~tPollg and unanimously car,'led.
The City Lanager re~erPed to a petition requestin~ the city to
open a~ pure SE ,tth Street between 3Pd tlll~ 4th Aven,.tes which had
been signed by 12 persons~ only two o~ whom own p~operty abutting
on the desired right-of-way and represent only 17~ o~ the er~eetod
f'rontage. It was unanimously agreo{l that ti, is petition st~ould be
roferred back to the party subn[itting s~id petition to lhe City
~,nage~ with a request that 51)0 or .:ore o~ property owners afffected
cs~eh ~roposed improvement through assessment ~.p.n completion of
h im?rovement. Eslim~)ted cost fop opening~ gPaditlg and paving
this ide~ti~ied right-of-way is ~1~500.00.
The t_;ity Attorney read the following ~lesolution No. 957.
;iRS~L[Ii'ION NO. 957
A]{I~ MJTt~Ot,IZI52G I'U3LIC.,~T/~N ,]t.' i'~u)l'}.~( NOTICF~S
'~2[!:~LAS, the City Commission of the City of Delray }leach,
Florida have heretofore authorized the City ~ttoruey to cre[~are
certain proposed Sp(,cial or Local Laws £or submission to the 1955
Session o~ the Legislat~tre, and
%'ttLii¥.AS, same have been prepared and do meet the approval
oF tLe City Comnission~
}i,,l~Cti 8'fn, 1955.
NOW, rliL.~tL}.'Oi~k, BE i I ,tLSuLVLD:
1. That tt.e following Specie, 1 or Local Laws, as her~inaft~,r
described by tl~cir caption, be ;,nfl the same ape approved, subject
to l'.~blic Ile;.ring, as hereinafter ;;rovided for:
OF 19,i9, ;;S ,LNL. NI~EI) BY (:IiA?TL~ a9023, LAI{~..d'
2. That tl~e City ;~tt,,r'n~y be a~d he is hereby
and instr:icte~l to 2abli~]l l(,~tice ,~[ lntenti,~n to ..dmGt said
S ta I e aa '.
of tt,~ City Charier ,~f !;elray ~e~,ch. l",,~.itlv be p,tb!ished by
,~i~nating 'rlesday~ ]'::~,,e~ oo,,, 1995 a~ ,t~-,, hour
~ ;fy ~le'rk
tr!?qimo,ls lyc ;'.FPJ
,- ...... , ...... ?04.
......... ~' , ...... :;. .. ,., :31 .... c']~. '~'
L.'f~'7~' 13 LA%:T, DALN 13I..ACI, ('~.rN'I]Y, }'Y,?,~IiL'~,
"~,',,.i~',~' ,'c,-r,'~l'ed ,..o..erty in the
Section ~: That tii~ t ,~z
placed in ":te~J.,i (~.. ''' :.i-:trie~" .. "
.,()r il4oq ,: 19r , ..... -~ u ._ '" z~, · C
2 '0
Cil'y Clerk
( :; )
1st ~teading; q~r~'t~ 8.~ 1955
?",,~i,n wa~ rmde by Commissioner ~tr,~rtE tn p!uce ~t.(li~nce No. 20.t
,~,t~ ci~.~t ~'ead. in~. seco~ided by Co,m~issioner A!Ipil n:M
c vr~':i, ed.
,.et, ,.1,,t .... d l.:,q.~:,re., ....... a parcel of ,,ity ow:~e,l 1~:,-..I, ,~j:.~. e~:t to, tt':o
,.ro<ol.+... Negro_ cer.:etery, to provide f'~,~ .......... ..,. ~ ~,xi,,~t. ol,, fl:lftv. (5(!)
ca~'e thereof. TBi~ motJ_~n, limiting tl, e eo~t ,,f Jnsi~!!atinn to
220', 00~ w~s seconded by C,l~imi. a~innor ';t)',~u.4 · ~'
. . t,~/.t, read t..ile following ,e~nl:~t:ion No 904.
,~l~?,d_U'~Idi~/ N,}. 95.1.
~.~ ,L<uLUTION 01' Tilt:. C]YY CL)>~,I~:JqJk{N Ut' 'rlil,; CITY
"t' ~tt,.tD] M, ANb
,filE,ii;AS, tt~e City Conunission oF the City of Delray Be~ch,
Florida, did, on the 'Sth dt~y of Febrtmry, 19.55, determine to pro-
eec. d wi. th tl~e opeuing, grading and paving of :Y. 'f. Otb
between At]anIie Avenue and Third Street t,', a widtl~ oF twenty-two
(22) Feet, and
~¢tiL,ih:iS, the itesol_lti, on (No. 946) providinz tkereFor kas been
d,tly p~fl~lished as refi~iired by tl.e City Charter, t. ogetl:er with a
notice tkt, t objeeti~,ns to said imprnvement wo~Id be heard on ti,is
da re, and
~,'tn.,dEA.> ~' , no s~tFfficient objections have been made to s,tch pro-
NOU, T!iEitLI. OitE, tie iT .ti SOLVI..D by the Fi. tv Com,nission of the
~ity of Delray Bench, Florida, ti.at the City N[~nager be and he
hereby instr, icted to proceed wit{{ the opening, grading and paving
of the above described part of S. ~. 6th aven,~e to a width of
lwenty-two (.,o) Feet, ·
.... lccJrl~L~ to lhe Flan~ and specificati,~ns
heretofore filed with the City Clerk, and a copy thereof filed in
the office of the City Nanager and k~pt open for the inspection
oF %{~e p,~blie.
PASSLD in iiegular Session on thS~ the 8th day of )larch, ~.
AT I%~T: Na. yo r
/S/ it. l>. Vorthing
Oity -Clerk
i'L~,ttCll STIi, 1955.
Commissioner Strong ~:nve(t th;;t ,(esol,ttion No. 954 be passed
and adopted on first ~,n(~ final reading. }b~tion w~,s sec(,nded by
Tl~e City Y. annger then read the fr, llowing i{esolution No. 955.
TIONS AXD EST1HATE ,1~ ~,[:. COST T~ oldieS, G~tAI~[, ~LXB
FIFTELXTt! (15Th) :~;'ri[t.~ T ,k:~l, Gd0VE WAY.
WiIE~/LAS, the City Commiss:ion of the City of Belray Beech,
Flor'ida, deems i.t to be npeessary for ~:e safety and convenience
of the n, '
~blxc to cause toe op~nihg~ grading and paving of
Second Avon,~e from Fifteenth [15th) Street So,rtl.ward t,, (]rove Way
to a width of twenty-two (22) feet, and to ass~ess the c,~st of
such improvement a.~ainst 1}~¢ l~,nds ,butting thopeon.
X*,'4. T~il,tEl,,dL~ BL l'F .~I..:,.,L.mI} by the t:ity CommSssion of the
City of l}elray Be~ch, Flt,~'id~, as follows:
SEC'r! ~5 1. 'the Gity i~ ~,nager be pequired to ~abmit plans,
s[.ecification~, and an estimate of the eo~t of
such improvement to be nmde, alltl tl}~t the st,me shall be Fl,,eed
on file in t. Bp office of the City Nanager.
I-'A;~3LI} AXI~ AI)0!"iED by the City Comris:~ion r,f ~e City
Delray Beach, Flor'ida~ on this the ~th day off N~rch~ A. !).~ ]955.
/S/ It. 1}. Wort, hing
City ~Jlerk
)[.tion was made by Commissioner ~ttmng that ,~esolution
No. 955 be passed and adopted on its first all(l ~inal t'eading,
secon, led by Commissioner ~tndy and unanimously carried.
The City Attorney read tl~e ffollowing ~{esol~tion Xo. 956.
~(E~;OLJTI,}5~ Xo. 956
d.~,.L ;'2,[i~, AYI2~6 AGLNT I.'O.i ~llO,OOO Si'LCIAL
I}LJ.itAY Bt..iCiI,
l{Iit'.itLAS the City Co~.tnci! of lhe City of [}elray
florida, by resol...ttion adopted Februt~ry 22, 1955 has
the isqu,,nce of :}110,000 .Special Frt, ncl~ise Tax }tevpn.te Certifi-
eate~, Series 1955; and
~J'a[.~,S said cet~tificutes l~ve now been sold to B. J. Van
Ingen ~ Co., ]nc. at the price of ~108,075 plus accrued interest
to tt:e date of delivery p~rs,tt, nt to ti~e c,~ntm~ct ,~f sale herein-
below set ,,~t in full:
NAi{Cli 8TIi, 1955.
i{obert H. Cook Htmicipal Bonds New York
Vice President l)tg'ont Building Chicago
~qiami 32 Florida
>h, rch 1, 1955
City Conm, ission
City of belray Beach
Delray Beach, Florida
]~r One ihmdred Ten Thmisand Dollars (~]10,000.00) par val,~e of
Delray Beach, Florida Special Franchise Tax ,ievenue Certificates,
Series 1955~ dated Nay l, 1955, due ~leven Tho~sand
(~11,000.00} each L~y 1st in the years 1956 to 1965 incl~sive;
all bearing interest at the rat~ of three per cent (37;) per annnm,
payable semi-an~ually Nay 1 and Novewber 1, and certJficate~ matur-
ing in the years 1961 thro~gh 19t~5 redeemable prior to maturity in
inverse order of their maturity on Nay 1, 1960 and lhereafter at ~ar
and accrued interest;
~{e will ~ay the princi~al sum of On(~ limdred Li/%ht Dmusan] Seventy-
five Dollar~ (~10~,075.00).
'~fe will accept delivery of said Certificates ut any bank mutually
agreed ~l~on on Nay 1~ 1955.
~t i~ ~mderstooC that the City of Delray Beac}~ will f~rnish us, free
o~ charse a!~ tho time of ,~elivery of said C.rt.~ficate~, t!~e qnquali-
lied approving opin{on of Yessrs. (q:apman X c,,~;l~,r., Att,~rney~ at
Law, Chi. c~,',, ]!linoi~.
Ue enclose cashier's check in the ;)Ii{O~lIli. Of 'i'WO~',ty-twO ii~mdrod
{~ollars (~:2200.00) payable t~, !l~o order ,~C ihe City nf Delray Beach,
]'!orida, to be ap;'lied on ih~ Furchase price of {] e C~rtificates or
rotained by i. lte City as f,~.ll lJq~idatcd .lamaaes in the event, of our
failure to pay CoP tim Certificate~.
lC t}',~ ~hove i>rol:osal is aeceptabl~ t,'~ tho City and alq.ropriate
l, rol;oaa! oll ~arcl-~ 2, 1955, it will be tl,e has-is of n con ...... t cover-
~;e~pectf,~l!y sO~ iited,
A?proved !_}~:i~ l~t ~}ry ~f ~larch, B. J. V~C< ING?N ~ ~0. IXC.
1955 .!}..Y: (;;igned) lq.iF.l) B.
By. (;ij:,d) ~;. J. sXoW
City Clerk [3c:~1) ('.;L~tL I}iP;iI'~SLD)
~:,id cc, riiCicates to said ;':, ~rel~asers ;:n(l fix thc inter,-~t rate and
as follows:
Section 1: ~hof ti," ~a!e ,)f :,,';1]O,OOO gpecial l-'ranchi~e 'fax
,te, veus~c C,.r'ti.. f~{"" t,,s,,_ -;~,r'i,-s. 1055_ _ ,.~f t.l'~n City
of ;)elray Beac}~, Flt,r'Jda, JS l,ereby co~f'Jrne,{ to B.J. Van Ingen &
Co., Inc. ;~t ti,~. Friee of' .~?lO:a a~5 ,'
,...,,. ,~x:ts acerttc~l intores(, to -~{~o
of d,:'l, ivery.
Socii:m 2: TI,at .~;;.i,I ce~'tiFic;.te~ shall bear interest at the
P.,te of ~ ' eu ;:nn~m~ and ~id cer't~ficates s}mll
be I~:~yab!c ~ to pr'inci~al and i~teres% at First Nat~,~nal ~,r~.: o~
si~n of this resol~'tinn s] all be !~r.l~l t,,
Juval~d ov ~tnenfforceable "· _.
ability o.f s~ch section, parag~'aph, clat~se or ;:p,~v;i~i,~n si,all not
effect uny of [he r'c~:uinin~ pr,_~vi~Svns ',ff iLi~
~..cti,~n 4: 'i'hat (]:is re~ol.lti.~n si ull bo in full rupee and
effect in~;.e,lj.:~tnl~ ul~on it~
(Si.g~ed) 'f. J. Snow
( '~;_i~,',md_~ ) ~. i). If[)v thing City Clerk
Tl~e above resolution and tt,e contract of sale therein contained
ape hereby approved as to Form and aov~ectness this 8th day of
Narch, 1955.
(3i.~ned) Xeil k. NacNillan
City At t,~rney
Co,muissioner Sundy Inoved U~at i~esol:ttion No. 956 be pa~sed ~,nd
adopted on its fh"s,t and Final t'eadi~::. :':orion wn~ secondod by
C,)~t:,issioner Bare'ow a:;d .lnanJ. mo~ly carried.
The following 4esol,~!inn No. 958. in co,,~.emorati,~n to the
,,~ fill CITY Cv:i:.I:-;C;]ON t)[ Till. CITY
oI" ,,~L4,,~ o~d,~, i Li.,,~ID.~
~,,.r,,,.:, .,~LA3, A!m:[ghty :Jo(l, itl his infinite wisdom has seen fit to
t~;l;e Fr,.)l~, ouP mi(l~t oaf beloved f'pi~?nd an~! citizen, ~I. A. J',~COBS,
¥liLitLAS, ~C. A. J,~COBS was a pioneer resident ,,f Delv;,y Beach
ami contpibuted unselfiskl3 of his time, cf'fort and ability in the
development of t,:_ City ove, ll~e years, and
I{iiL~[EAS, said !~. A. JACOBS had tl:e honor alu] attendant
sponsibility of s~i-ving o,w Cjty ~,'ith r:e~'it as l'iayor, ~ity .'!uclge
and Commissionep.
NO¥, /hk.it,].'O~, JE IT AE~I)LVLI), ,~S FOLLUIfS:
Sectic, n 1: Tlmt tl:e City Commission Ones hereby pa,~se to do
. . .... ' and to ex-
ko.,age tn U:e .:nm(,vy of ~i ~,~. JACU:~S,
pr'ess its sincere at](l de,,p %'lnpathy to l:is widow.
Section 2: 'lhat a copy of t.}~J~ res,'}l'ttion b~ Forw:~l.ded ~o Ills
This resolution ,mat~imo,~sly adopted ami passed this Sth day
Of Harclt,
(/;i~;ned) ~f. a. Snow
C i ty C!evk
Commissioner Allen moved ti:ut ilesol~ttion Xo. 958 be passed and
adopted on it~ fJrs't and Final re;,ding. Notion seconded by Commis-
sioner Sundy ~nd um, nJmo~ly carried.
The City Nanager advised that the City lia11 would be closed From
2:30 P.N.~ Ii,rough tLe ~'emain, er ,fi' the day, Narch 9th, 1955,
memory of ~i A J~ OBS
Commissioner Sundy moved that bills in the ~ount of ~51,464.9S~
be paid subject to file ap,~roval of the Finance Committee. hotion
seconded by Commissioner ~llen and unanimo.tsly carried.
Commissioner .Sl,¢ong moved tkat tl~e City Nan~ger'~ recom~enda-
lion that deviation requests on Lots 1 & 2, B1,,ek 3g N~, be referred
to the Planning Board, be approved. ?,orion was seem~ded by Com~is-
sioner Allen and ,tnanimously carried.
Commissioner Stpan~ moved that necessary F, tnds be appropriated
From Unappropriated Surplus to effect payment o~ bills For legal
services - NcChtillin Lunicipal t;orporation For ~:25.00. and Nell
Nae);il~an for :~,15.00 (City -f Delray Beach vs. ,{alph Smith). iqotion
was seconded by Commis~.~ioner Allen and :_manimously carried.
ilelative to claim of CITY ,~t' 'DLI.,UtY BL~CI: -va- Fti!d':,hlIC
I{~KIN~ the City Attorney submitted check in payment thereof, amount-
lng to ~7,500.00~ together with his bill For services rendered in
~-750.a0. beiuo- an oFf'er to accept
eonncetion tl~er'ewith m, ounting to ~ ~ ..:.
10~5 service fee instead of the customary
Commissioner Allen moved that, tke City ,'ttt,)rney be reim')ursed
~or services rended'ed in processing tl~is claim and eFrecting Final
settlem~:,nt, from the proceeqs oF tke settlement. ):otion wes
seconded by Commissioner Strong and um, nimottsly carried.
Upon the ceeon.,endation of t~,e C:ity Attgrney, Commissioner
5mdy moved that a 'iuit Claim Deed be given k.:lise Ba~'~-ett !:=ttval on
Lot la, Block 64, to remove ,,~ty cloud on the title as ca~sed by
prior legal action in connection with the ,i:tth Smith. case. )iotion
seconded by Commissir, ner Allen and unanimously car~ied.
Bob )ie~)onald~ Chaim:an oF the Baseball Committee For
was instructed to contaet and (leal direct witl~ ~}~o heads of the
}.1..~¢. and gln~lioli .~s-:oci. tion 2.!embers who hold a loase on
Block 37, wl:ieh at present i.~ the ,lesired location Pot the l>ony
:,c, ag:.te basobnll Field.
the reco,? endatJon of the City Attorney, e,,Floy the Firfll oF
:;cott. l~'eston ~ 2~eCartl~y t,~ pepl-esent tl~e City in a case porldin~
against the C:ity of DelPay ,:lr,~ot....~..., Florida, }.till] which is to be tried
in Niami. The I;Jt.y .}}tomboy will also be activo in tl~e interest~
of tho City of !~e!ray Beach. in c,)nj utctlon with :urlerson. 3colt.
Pr'eston a NcCarttty~ at Ut:is trial. )iotion was secon(le,l by Commis-
sioner ,':~lle~ aufl 'tnanimoualy c~,rr'ied.
Street I"arlcing C,,,.,~ittee, rept,Pted on Lots 19 ;~rtd 21. 1)lo('k 92,
a,~visir:.U of t.l.', al~7;,vent incret~,~:e 5n tl,e~Jce of ti:ese lo~s.
Cot~,.,iss;ion mm~,bePs were not in gav,~r uP :~,t~'(l' ",-'-i.t=, -' these lots
the ,toe prol~C.l'ty at ;~ny ii,flared pr'ices.
Con:mis<ionor BarP~w move'! fl:at tho City ,~tt,:wney be J_~tstr'~ct. ed
to (",tltaCt ~}:e JohrlsOp estates, ....... -~ ~ 31,
i31oek 92 l'elativo tO ,~etor'mJ~.tillt: il~e host off et' ob~a;i.~lahlo
!~.. ~alle~[. f',,r'. 5 ~0 ..?~., ~ednesJay,. =~ ~','q, !6!L, 19~.5, r tim ,. ,r-.
,~,~,-, _ ,,o~ ~ 11't1','I' ~]~C=;~;SJ',I1.. . t'e]_ative t-,~.. ~i;-i~. . ~r~[:,~d
-,cShane rr,!at, ive fo o!~j~cti~-,nable noir;~ f'rom '~ · .
t,)~(ard possibl~ e!.ini, nati,,n ,,f' i., e~sting ;mn,)yance ca~tse,t by
City fqerk