03-23-55SpMtgV 285 A Speei.',l No-ting nf. ~ thn Ci:'-.. ~t',x~,m~J..<~siu~ cC t~e 3:~0 ~ " with ~"~v,-... o~' mm.,w ;n th~ Cha/r. c~y Zianager Lawson Jr.. City f~ttorney Xeil ~"o"' attd t~,e fcl!,,wit~g Gle~,~ ~. ~:~(ly, Y Co~$Jrl~lialh Allen, - q~te~,,- ~p,'~ q,'~!~t:ion wc:!d !)e f'or thc Co~Yi~sion to ti,kc action wl~e~, tl,e !~ve t!~e r'igbt to ,'itl~er ai."pov~ ,~r ,.Il ,..p, r~, the ~lat . ~e..( .... action taken tiav~ the r~zl~t t.o sell t.he l.:,~..:,Fo~.ty b2 ~!,~,t.e~ :,~d bou'i,~ attd they Ttiis ~,ro,~l~' ~ give ~},eri tinge f,-,r ,{i~e ,~sion '-,i+~', ~.,~ ~ttrcl~a~er ~}~ot[id he!~ to t,l~e aetJ,):~ alrea, dy L;t "-'~' '.~ ..'tvted ,:,}~;:.t *] '~- city nigl:t vo!ved i.~ u ia~; ~ tit. ii1 i!~o 'l)rcwli ~re i~ no con,"~,u:: oF '"~.~ City -~ t'~l,-: .... ; ~;r..~ .Ct~,' ttnd "':,--o:tt in the ", o?,,'~?e >}~ :4 ~1~,~ ., , , -,,. ~ if, ; *,', tr~ t~ ed_tc:{~te tt~,~, p',u!;~, with r,',~,,ect ~o z.. i'!~e C:[ty .Ltto:':~cy recoaimc:ided th~,t tl,e City ~.t:~y 286 ' brr, c~t.e ]~:tt L~ve ~ut ~_:re~,~-,~~ -ii to t]~e Co.m~i~iorz for' approval. ,,11 Co.'mi~i,,p Nember decided to leave ,~ t.~i~t~,',, a riley were Gro~,~es und ~I~:I eu:ls, i'}:e >h,y,Jr' aske~ the City i';::~mge~~ to ( si. gne~l ) }larie !¢ii liaas.