03-25-55SpMtg J. Bai-rq~ ~,n,t Catlic,.iric E. vai'iu ~s !an,~~ r .... :.¢ ., , 1053 for tt ,., v'icii:;ty ns ~,,,l~-,est. Inn on ]iirt ~ l)~'oo!ull'e Oil tlle " r ft~V ~' ~" - 2_ . " '"' '- " tLC iud,_, i 5 J .... ' :'i'r,~'~'~ . ]' ' "~ ' ~ '- ....... : , . . ~..P.. . ,:, ,, i~¢~,e",~ i.=. ¢~; ~_"~. ¢'.~,t,¢d- _a'.' . ..... , s ,S~t .... .r' I_ 1. i_o ~' ,' , .... 25, !C35 Nr. Coe ;,~s! ed if ii. v:us t?:c judLgn,.ent of ti~e Commission !Lat it was tke Pi~;l~t r'emcF~ to revoJco the license rather' tl'.sn to en~oin t.l~e sale anJ ~ked iF UJe City' is planning co~demnation .... ~ .... ,at ilo City is plam~ing no Nr~ 3tron~ sLaloM t.h~t the !ay-orr in ~le bpoclr, tr~, .,'};icl~ ~[oes :i!~t,) effect by >~r. Ii;~rTis. ti:at the ea~en:ent~..nd u!leyways ZoninS but does not take pl~m~inz in%o cou~i4erati, on. Ur. l-'renck aani~ aM:ed w]lal ~Jie}~ WO ~!(! have to do 'to get }ir. YiacXilla~ s't~,tod ti~at i'.l':~ Con'.mission wa~ts to see ..... ',,,~v lay-~)~t, i~rtd:.:,'' ve ti,e par~ ~pl'roved w~dcl~ ha~ not }ir. Ih.enei~ asl:~?d ;if ~key eo~d sot 'q: in the terms of sale ~:.ut this piece of iroperty be sold ",,r'g. ~trong~ asked ]'p. .... foe w!~y tkey preF~ red. T')o=duy. benefited if the !~.xi wag NP, Law.snn ':;t,~,ted !}mt %~e licorice co:~i? 0" reJ. u~t~tod to -rovi~l~ For the s;:le on the 20th on ll~e Frvi,ori,y t}~.~t had been ~ ~ ~o,' tent3tJvo plat platt, ed a,td llze re.:aitl~Ic, r co',tl,l be had beon a~-i. roved, ~h'. Coo stated that l;e Celt it .~nf~p to ask }ir. i!~rPis to a:;ree lu u i. elitat~ve p!ut.. ~.c, s;~id tl.a~ ~,,-' did n~:t wi?h to m:,l,;e L~'. ii:,rri~ a S..t!:.-dJvideP wLen he t.+~c~s uF sale a very ~_ir,;p!e phrase so t~uL tlo C, Jty would be p :'o t oct e~. 289 8. C:-q ,':~ ~7 c ,il ~.FteP ~ ~!OOO.n9 Auetioneer's boi::l vo ~l.,! ;;~ve to ~90