28-88 Property located on the east side of Seac~est Boulevard, between N.E. 22nd Street and Gulfstream Boulevard, at the northwest corner of the Atlantic High School. Improved property. ORDINANCE NO. 28-88 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL (')F THE C, ITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, ANNEXING TO THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH A PARCEL OF LAND LYING AND BEING IN SECTION 4, Tr)WNSHIP 46 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, PALM BEACH COUNTY, F[,¢~RIDA, WHICH EAND IS CONTIGUOUS TO EXISTING MUNICI- PAL LIMITS OF SAiD CITY: SAiD LAND IS LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE ()F SEACREST BOULEVARD, BETWEEN N.E. 22ND STREET AND GULFSTREAM BOULEVARD, AT THE NORTHWEST CC)~NER OF THE ATLANTIC HIGH SCHOOL SITE~ REDEFINING THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID CITY TO INCLUDE SAID LAND; PROVIDING FOR THE RIGHTS AND OBL!GAT~t.,N~_, SAID LAND: PROVIDING FOR THE ZONING THEREOF TO CF (C('~MMUN ITY FACILITIES ) DISTRICT: PROVIDING g GENERAL REPEALER CLAUSE' PROVID- ING A SAVING CLAUSE: PRE)VIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Palm Beach Co,~ntv, r~ ~.litieal subdivision of hereinafter dasnribed; and, WHEREAS, Carol A. Roberts , (.ihai r, Bnard of Countw Commissioners, on behalf of Palm Beach Co,~nty. a political subdivision c~f the State of Floric~a, ?~as requested bw her peti- tion to have the property annexed into the municipal limits of the City of Delray Beach: and, WHEREAS, the subject property hereinafter described now contiguous to the corporate !i~fi%T,s (-~f t,}%a City of Delray Beach, thus making said petition for annexation effective at this time; and, WHEREAS, the designation of a zoning classification is part of the annexation proceeding, an(J provisions c:f Citw Code Section 30-23 have been followed in establishing the proposed zoning designation: and, WHEREAS, the City of Delrav Ee~h he's heretc~fora been authorized to annex lands in accor~ance w~th gee%ion 17l. 044 of the Florida Statutes, NOW, THErEFOrE, BE IT (]RDAINED BY THY. CITY CO~'INCIL OF THE CITY OF DEL~AY BEACH, FL()~[DA, AS FOLLC]WS: $~_c~i~ozu..1,_ That the City Co,~nnil c~f the City of Delray Beach. Palm Beach County, Florida. hereby annexes to said City the following described land located ~n Pa 1 r~ Beach County, Florida, which lies conii~uous to said Citw to-wi%: Portion of %he Sou%beast One-Quarter iSE 1/4) of the Northwest One-Quarter (NW 1/4) of the oouthw_.s% (]ne-Quarter (SW 1/4) of Section 4, Township 46 Sou%h, Range 43 East, Palm Beach Countw, Florida, being more particularly described as follows: The So~%h 341.26 feet of the North 391. 26 fact of %he East 345. f}f) feet of the West 385. f)lq feet of the So~lthaast (-')n~-O~larter 1/4) of the Northwest One-Quarter (NW 1/4~ of the so~lthwes% One-Q~]arter ~SW I /4) c~f said Saati. c~n 4. The subject propert, y J.s located on the east, side of S~.a~.r~.st .........Boulevard bet, ueen N g ~ond Street and Gulfstream Bo.~]evard. at t, he northwest corner of t, he Atlant, ic High School site. The above-descri~,*d parcel ~,:~ntains ~~-.~.67 acre par(tel of land, more or less. ~RDff~"~_ That, the boundaries c~f_ th. City_ of Delray Beach, Florida, are hereby redefined tc~ include therein above-described tract, of land and said land is hereby declared be within the corporate limits of the City of Delray Beach, Florida. $Dction ~ That Secti(0r, 30-23 of the Zoning Code has been followed in the establishment of a zoning c,lassification in this ordinance and the tract, of land hereinabove described is hereby declared %o be in Zoning District, CF (Community Facili- ties) as defined by existing ordinances of t, he City of Delray Beach, Florida. gentle, rt._4_,. That the ].and her.~nabc)ve al.scribed shall immediately become subject to all of th~ frar~chises, privileges, immunities, debts, obligations, liabi].iti~::~. ,ordinances and laws %o which lands in the City of Delray B~a,~h are now or may be subjected and persons residing thereon shall be deemed citizens of the City of Delray Beach. ~eq~ionj~ That. this r~nn~xation c)f the subject proper- ty. including adjacent roads, alleys, or the ]ika. if any, shall not be deemed acceptance by th~ City of any maintenance responsi- bility for such roads, alleys, c)r the lik*, ~nless otherwise specifically initiated by the City purs~mnt *,co c,.~rrent require- ments and conditions, Section 6. That ali ordinances or parts nf ordinances in conflict, herewith be, and the same are h~reby repealed. ~Q~i.oB_._7=. That. ~ho,~ld any .~.~tion ,~r pfc)vision of this ordinance oF ~h~ ~ort, ic, n therec)f, a~]y paragraph, sentence, or word be d-elated., by. a Cm~rt_ ~-,f ~--~mpet, ent-- Jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect, the vaii,~it~ of the remainder her.of as a whole or part. thereof other than the part declared to be invalid. $_e~_%_i~l~_~_,_ That. this ordinance shall become effective imm. diately upon passage on s*cond and final reading. PASSED AND ADOPTED in regular session on second and final r*ading on this the ~4~.h_ day of ~_M~ ............... 1988. ATTEST; First. Reading Apri_l__26,___!_988 . Second Reading __May.2_4, 1988 - 2 Ord. No. 28-88 ATLANTIC NIGH SCI. ANNEXATION / REZONING AqUA CREST SWIMMING POOL l" = 500'