05-24-55 ~E~.Y 24th, A ~egq].ar }leering of tl~e City Com~issim~ of the C~t~ ?,elray ~encl~ F!orid~,, o:30 P.}f., with N~yor W. J. Snow in tlie C,~, ir, City Hanagep W. E. Lnwsou Jr., City _Ettormey Neil llae}lil!an and the feilow~nS .... · n~ ',)resent Emory J. ,k~rpo,:) ~a)h~:,pJne ~. Strong, F '(' _., J:. ' j ~0~ ';<: .'~5~: '~" q~ ;~---o ' C' ',._~ .',: ..~ . u. ~ :~ : ,::.;i.., 3 ~L.. '~ ""-, ' ~)),~ iOOl~&OW''~'' k~0 ~ .~LF'~'~'~'~O'0,. o~ ...... .. }-LIY 24th, 1955. that further ~i!lin,S ~fatio~ a~d service ~ara~es along s~J(l stre~?t in ~,J_d aP~a would J~npeJe a~d WIII,ZI~EZS, it is: (leemeJ a]~ emerg(~cy exists in the City ,,f Delray '~eacb, Florida, in 'flint, tl,e f~"~l~t' ~?rmtion of filling stations a:.~d ~epvice be detrimental i o t,~e he~,lth, snr,~ty a~d general welfare of the pul~lic. FOLLOWS: Section 1: ~at the furt.l~er erection and con- s+ruction oF ~illing stations along Atlantic Avenue in the CJ. ty oF DelPay Beach, Plorida, between Ocean Ro~ll9vapd al~d Second 2ven~e west cf ~wJ.n%oll AveHtle, incl,.fsi.ye, be and the same i~ bepe]}y prohibited. Section 2: 'E~is is an emergency ordinance and shall take effect upon its passage on ~irst and Fi_hal reading. !"~etl unanimotlsly in Regular Session on rjr'st and Cinnl rea(l:i~& on ~his 24%h day of Haf, 1955. (Signed) W.J. Snow l[ayor ATTEST: (Sisned) t1. D. Worthing City Clerk (S~;m) Co:mnissioner Strong moved that the Planning ~;oard study and make recommendations to the City Commission with regard to set- backs along A!lan'~ic Avepue wi. th relationship to possible Cutm~'e wJdeniug oF said Avenue. }fof, i. on was seconded by Commissioner Co]~issioner q~mdy moved that City l-lanager Lawson be iii- strutted to contact the Co,tory Com~,,ission in an effort to obtain improve~nents on East 5th Avenue and Swinton Avenne in the ~ear Cut,we. Hotion seconded hy Cra,missioner Allen and unanimously carried. City Hnnager Lawson tl~en read Resol~,tion No. 963. RESOLUTION NO. 963. A RESOLUTION OF T}fl;] CI~ C05~rlSSION OF T[~ CI~~ 0F DELI¢,Y B~kCi[, !;'LOI{!i)A, IiEOUIRING PI~%NS, Si)NCI~IC2TIONS AY]~ ESTIbIAT~ OF COST OF OPENING, G!LI~ING AYl~ PAVING THAT PART OF ~O!7~{ UEqT SIX~I AVENI~ LYING BE'~4EEN THIRD A}~ POURS! STR~TS. 1 KkY 24th, 1955. WHEREAS, the City Co,q,nission has been petitioncd to open, ,,rede and psve that part of south west sixth avenue lying between Third and Fourth Streets to a width of twenty-two (22) feet, and to assess the cost of s,~ch improvement against the lands abutting thereon~ NOW, T~{EFOEE, BE ~T R~0L~ by the City Cc~ission off the City of Delr~y ne;~ch, Florida, as follows: SECTION I: ~at the City Hanager be required to sub- mit plans, specificatim~s and estimate of cost of such im- provement to be made, and t.r]]at the s~me sb~-~ll !;e placed on file in the office of t]~e City }[p. nager. PASSEl) AND ADOPTED by !he City Commission of the City of Delray })eac}~, Florida, on this t]~e 24t]! day of May, A.D. 1955. (Signed) W.J. ~now Mayor A TTES T: (Si~ned) R.D. '.3orthing. City Clerk Commissioner Allen moved thnt the above Eesolution No. 963 be passed and adopted on its First and Final rendina. Motion w~s ~eeonded by Commissioner Sundy and unnnimously carried, Chief ~,r 2olice Croft reported t)rief!y on certnin files and actions ,:,~ the Police Depnrtment. Co~issioner Strong moved fhet Ordinance G-205 concerni,g f:}ngerprinting of persons charged with er convicted of any criminal offense be adopted on second and final rending. I~otion wa~ seconded }~y Comm!ssJonnr ~undy and m,animously cnrried. ~'m following Ordinance was pen(]: ORDINANCE NO. G-206. AN ORDINANCE 0F T~ CITY CO~,~ISSION OF TI~ CI~ OF DELILIY BEACl{, FLOHIDA, LE~- ING THE ASSESS?ENTS AS SHOWN BY Tl~ ASSESS2,~NT ROLL SU~$I!TTED ~]Y 'ri~E CI~ 5~z%NAGER (~F SAID CITY, CONCERNING THE CPNSTE. ITCT/O~(, GPC.t)TNC Z?J) ?AVING OF S W. S~COND A~NUE . ~ ....~,~,,, THIRD AND FO*~T~ S~CETq, TO (22) F~T. WUEPJqAS, the City Manager of llle City of Delray Reach, Florida, has, Jn p~u'~mnce to the Chapter oF said City, stfl~uitted to the City Co:,,pission fop apppow~l, a report of the cost, and the assessment roll for *he constru.,tion, grading and paving of S. W. gecond Avenue between ~ipd and Fourth ~tpeets, to a width of twenty-two (22) Peet, and WUEEEAS~ said pepePt, and assessment roll were approved by the City Commission in . peg.l~ap session on tl)e ~6th day of 2pril, A.~., 1955, and ~tY 24th, 1955. WIIEREAS, due notice concerning said assessment roll was given by advertisenent 'oy the City Clerk~ in accordance with ~e City Charter of said City, for t}~e purpose of hearing objections to said asseqsment roll~ snd o.' '~ ol~j tions were received WHEREAS, no s.~f xc]_~mt ec to the confirmation cf said assessment roll, NOW, "fr~I , ..... ""~ IT (]~IDAINED BY AS FALLOWS: Sec'tion 1. ~e assessments~ as shown by said assessment roll, which is against the property shown and in amounfs shown on said assessment_ r(~~ ~aj_d assessments to 1~ paid in Five (5) e, ual allrlllal installments, togett~er with interest at the rate of eight (8) per cm,t per able on >~ay 24th, 1955, and on tl~e 24t1, day of May for the next enst~ir, g PO~tl- (d) years; and said special assessment so lcv~..,] shall be a lien the assessment ]~ec.~',es efFec!ive~ ,:i~on tim respective lots and par'eels of !~i~(-! de~cPi, bed in said assessment roll, of the same m~ture and to the s;,me extent as ~he lien Fop genernl taxes, ami shall ])e collectible in the saIlle mam~e~ and witl: the same per~alties and ~ll'~d~P. . tt, e. ~'~,a, ~e',, l:,rovisio,~s :,s to s;~le Itlld forFeit~e asC~t~" - taxes are c-llecti%le. :k~,;~:u], in :teg~lla~ 2essi. on on second gild final r,~,~d~...o on this the 2,ith dny of Hay, ~,.D , 1955 (Signed) If. J. Snow ATTEST: (signed) q. D. WorthJng City Clerk 1st Re:~ding - Hay 1O, 1955 2nd ~epding - }.m5 24, !q55 Pas~ed ~-.~dopted }!ay 24, 1955 Constr, mtion, ~rading and paving S. W. 2nd 2, venue Between ,~.;rd and Fourth Streets. ~ ........ , t~ k~:', N('~. 945) Front Assessment Total Description Foota ,~ ~(~.r · Block 56. ,t'~. 140 Ft of i~.140.6 .~;~t_: 140_.00' ~.i~766 ~,~ rto6.27_~ W .U & Nellie ,_.lc~er S. 2a:'_, ~ of li.lO0.O Ft; 200.0.;'_ " 437.53 315 Block 'the Colic, wing: "~ ~ ~' ,,e E 166.6' oe }7 122', '4 ~ ~ ~ ~' of" 140.a' also t",:_I_' . C', :,(,. .... _8 .... -.,, . ,,_.. , ...... (. ,~..._ Z.-C ,, , , ...... C'. ~ r,i C C .... ~_. :"iL:r ':" Crr .... 'm ............. ~ '~ T'" -...~ (,IFF ~ .?]., v .,., ...' ., ~.._.;,T--;~, -.. -.: ., ; _i[Z IN'f~L'-- ....... r. ,,,' rT ',~ S.:,.IT', O~ ~![ ;~.,i_:' cF .... ~ PF "'['C '. ]qT ';''~ C~ q~'v~flv~'?':T LOT I: SA!t) LOTS ~']7'. q .... , ......... r;"',~"~ ):~ L .::~ ~';;~'"" 955 h~s determined 'to 3~ex t.o !'q~ Ci~,y ~, ~r~et of l~,nd as more participle, fly desrrS!'~ed in qeetien 1 hereof, and W}[~]~E~I~, B~.,~th L'esterman, Inc., a Pem~ylvn~ia corporat- :ion authorized to do L~sJness ~n t]!e ~t;~te oF Florida, is t]~e sole 'Fee si:,'~ple ",itle owe,ems oF t~e Froperty described 2ecti. on 1 hereof, has d~ly consented and SSven permission to the annexation ,:~fl said property by t,~e C'ity of De!pay ',~each, and !~It'ZIIE'~f;, tJte City of Delrsy rte~,c~, Florida, is autho~ Jzed by virtue of elmI, t~r ,~,,..,~0, ~peeial L;~ws of Florida, Acts of 1051, to atmex the s~id landsj BE IT C'~D?,!~f~:!) by U~e City' Co mcil of t}~e City of Delray ~'~each, Florida, as f,)llows: gection 1: '~')at t.he City Council of the City of i)elroy 3e;~ch, Palm ]~eacb Co'tory, Flori~]a, hereby annexes to said City t~e following described tract or parcel of land located in ib~lm 'te~cl.~ Century, Florida, 3n{~ lying contiguous to s~,t CSty, to wit: 'I~)e So,~th half of i!,e North half ef the West half arm the flo~tl: ~m!C of tb~ ?Jest !mlf of q~vernment Lot 1, ~eetion f~, TownsJ~ip 46 Range 4~ East and that part of Lots 16, 17, ~nd ltl, lying ,~st ,',f the .'msterly right-of-way line oF the Intraeoastal Waterway a)~d that part of Lot 15 lying Ea~t of sai. d piglet--of-way line and So,tth of the ~est~?ly extension of the North line of the said ~o,:tth half of t?te Nortl~ lmlf of the ~.'est ball of Governme~t Lot 1: saSd lots being described according to !-~odel Land ComlmnY's Sub- division of said Section 9 recorded in Plat Book page 40, public records of 2alto Beach Co~mty, Florida. Section 2: l~at the boundaries of tlte City of Delray Be~ch, Florida, are h,~.rehy redefined so ~,s to include there- in the a~ove described tract of land, and said lands are hereby declared to he in the corporate limits of said City of Delray Beach, Florida. Section 3: The property hereinabove described and herein annexed to ~.l~e City of Delray Beach, Florida, shall not be subject to taxation for the retiring of any existing bonded indel~:tedness of the City of Delray Beach, Florids, or the interest thereon or any ref~mding thereof. Section 4: ~at~ if any word, p]~rase, clause, sent- ence or part of this Ordi~ance shall ]~e declared illegal by a court of competent jm-~sdiction, such record of illegality shall in no way affect the remaining portion. PASS~ in regular session on the second and final reading on this the !4th day of June, .~.I)., 1955. Ha yor A T'P1gS T: City Clerk 317 ~fftY 24th, 1955. 1st *' ' - - ?*.ay ,A~ ,~eadlng 1.o55 2nd Reading - - Tnne 14, 1955. ~ ~ co~ 1955 ..~,.~o .,,.. AND A]~0PT;~ J,~e 14, . Conuuissioner Strong moved th,st the above ordinance he loner Barrow and ~manimously carried. With reference to the proposed purchase of Lots 1, ,~, ~ 3, ,q~,~d ~8 in 2lock 40, Co~:m~issioner Allen moved that we accept the reco~nendation of '!.~e Planning Board t~:at the lots not purahased. }lotion wns seconded ~nimo ~sly carried. lU~e Planning Board in reporting on the reqnest For devi- ati_on set:bnck J.n i}~e Northridge Su'.,!~visJ.on re~;lt~;g From an original s~rvey (iesc~'el)ancy reco~nel~de(] t]-~at !.be Co~lkmissiOIl act on %b~ advice of t~ City A!tom'~ey. City &t,orney Veil ~aeHillan rec,',m:~ended t!mt if t'~e Con~:i~ion is ~atisfied t~?t i' is an honest error, l~e reCO,m~e~J the ,le~'J;~ffOt! l)e ~ra. nf, ed. Co~m.i~sioner 'lleu m?(;~ ~: mo~io:t tlt. t the ,;evi;~tion set- %nck~x 2revio~:t~ly re~:k!ested in the Nortt~rid~e Subdivision re- s,~i(inS ~''' . ~e~:~ a st~rvey ~liscrepancy l~e gr~,nted ~ioLion ~eccnd~d ~.~v,~ Co",nisqioner. '~arrow., Upon Roll Ca'Il: liayor W.J. Snow, Commissioners .llle~ :,~d ~nprow vote~ ill f~vor of paid, .~uLject tc Cie approv:'~l -f~ the }[,~tion was s~conded ~y C, :~:i~?:ionem Allen and !-!uy!'~o:~sa~ Gro~q~ and Yo,Ob ~{ecreation Committee 5n w;~ic,n''" they ~t,~t~-_.~.. t!mre !',ad hr~n a <eetSng S~tnd:,y, M~,y 02nd. T!u~ two Commissim~er Alle,, moved 1.hat ve adopt tl,e solution of the opposed on the orc v~'~ . pre~t ~,t, +,be ,':~eet:~)g helJ l'ipy q2nd. Ih)ti. ot~ Fire Jns~n*a!;oe Oar C,-,Ilt, ral ~5~*e qtutiort, irtc! lt~ing oxt.~'.ded Co:..,xzis*,io,:er f~rot,.g m~de a ~otion that f'mds be provided ~'q~ f}O ~ro", ;. c ~,,: '~,~l-a,,]riuted .,tu'd!qs ('over { l~c~ s'.tm of .,,,,:.. ,, . pried. Ivy 7o!ms:on :,e ~,pl~rc. ved with the .~[ay 24th, 1955 ~.-te ~?o!lowing ~,~i,ls }tara been received for the ?a. ving of Shui~on Street: Zinke Smith !~7°= 00 ~ar'd ri yes, Inc. '4:!, .... Carve~ ~1,898.00 Co:~m~is~ione~ ~mdy moved that $he contract ~e given to the iow bidder, Hardrives, I?~c. }lotion was seconded by Co~mni~sivner _i!!cn and unanimously c~rried. Commissioner ~,t~dy :~oved that the ap2oint?'~e~t of City Harbor ~acilities Co~m~i'tiee ns s~:~bmilted by Com,~issioner Allen be accepted a~ follows: Lewis Gil,bs, Ch:~Jrman: Armand Archer, ~,nes E. Sam 0gren, Jr., Col. ~t~drew Pabens, ,~x officio. }~otion wss seconded ])y Com~J. ssioner Barrow and c~r'rJ ed. Com~r~issJoner Strong moved th. pt t.i~e City of Delray i~enc~} ex- ere[se J t~ option to purchase tl~e TuI!er a~d ~mallwood properties for of C-stroct parking lot~. Hotion wr,~ secort(led by Commissioner S~.ndy ~r,rl a~,~n:imo'~.sly c:~,rried. to negotiate for the l~]-~tChase of }.Irs. Grace Weir's property (Lot ii, ~l,,ck 92) in the s~mi of (46,000.00 net to ~er. Motion was ~y Co~mnissio~er q,.~ndy t, nd '~nnni,'~o ~!y carried. Commissioper .........qt~,',-~ req~r:mteO the City Han~,ger to, take '"',,,~,.~,t- ' eve~ steps necess.ry to preserve Roy;~l P:~l~ trees along the water- w2y w~r:~ ~leed to ]~e City IE~mager L;~w~on ~dv:i. sod ii,at Uatl~er Jotu~ J. Kellagltan of qt.. Vis,cent Fer-er'?. C'.q'.~rc!t ~u~d ap?roached l~im regarding armexatJoli of ~e Catbo!ic Cb ~rch prop¢'~r~y. T~e City Coaission agreed that it wodld favor a~qt~exat, J. or~ of s~,jd property if form;:~! req,test For such a,'uexation ~ ,jresentod. modeling t~e ,~-~,ce ~ .cent]v vacated })y +~e Fire l)epartment Co,m~'issiener A!!e~ moved t~,at :,~ ~',;pro:~r:i.r~ien of ~2~00.00 ~e ~ranted From U*~ap;.,ro2rJat~J /;~rp!~ts, ~,s req~tested by the City },:an~ger, For ~,},e r~mo,!eli~g of L~e C:~ty ~(::!I. :,orion wa~; seconded ~Ir. L~,~.son t'-,~, City ~5~nug;~r r, dv:~sed he ~a.~ ~,~q~oinf. cJ City Clerk