06-07-55SpMtg JL, N :,, , ..... . ........ ~ ¢],ty Co~ission. ~f t!}c C-itv_., of Bead. ch, ~lo?!0a, w~,s held in the Co~a,:is~ion chambers ~t 2:30 P. with Hnyor W ff. ~now i:: tl~e Chair, City Hanager ','. ;.:. La~,.son Jr., CJ.t.y._'~",,'-ev. ~...., n-~1 }rnetCiilan_ ,nd the following Coln-'.~j. ssJollers pre- Cottingham 2~llon, a -.lo ~t,a ,¢ ..... s p~esent. ~.e ~ax Office wus co:r~l.~nt~e~l For J.t~ effor%s d mil'~ '~e past . . , ..... I resulted in ~ff,,el'ing ',"~ ~-'-~ely 99-9/!0 per ..... . ..... ' - l: ....... s:.lo oF :.repaid taxes p~opose¢ annexation ~.,P ~.~,e ~r. L. -lit.~ sub,-dS, vi. sion, ~::,-~ '~r~l northwe~ ~qet. iort ~,f ~',o City, n5 w~.!l ~,g i~os~il,!e gutu:.'e ...... ..... . i. J(~ ....: '.. .0 .... ~l~ I:OP~i!iSPIi " _,etion. '=' ' il.rs ,.