06-21-55SpMtg 345
JUNE 21st, 1955.
~ Special Heeting of the City Comission of the City of Delray
Beach, Florida was held in the Coem~ssion Chambers at 2:30 P.
with Hayor W. J. Shew ~n the Chair, City ~anager W. E. ~wson,
and the ffollow~n~ Co~ssionePs, ~o~y J. BaP~ow, Cathe~ine E. Strong,
Glenn B. S~dy and ~. Cottin~a~ ~llen, a quo~ bein~ present.
~is ~eetin~ had been called For the purpose off d~scuss~ng
possible leasin~ of the C~ty D~k Facilities, and the City
advised off havin~ contacted the U. S. A~~ineers in li~i, which
Government Depa~tm~t controls the Int~acoastal ~ate~ay*s 300 foot
R/~, who informed the City Hana~er t~t it ~euld be necessary to fur-
ni~ the U. S. A~y ~gineers definite plans and scale off desired
pPove~ent to the Dock facilities. ~e Ell~ott Gross Associates are
preparin~ such s~vey off plans at the request of the City ~ana~er.
~. Le~is Gibbs, to whom the City Co~ission extended a vote
off appreciation flor his assistance on this project, stated t~t,
his o~inion, the ~ve~ent was only interested in the ~ain 100 ft.
~a~el, which in ~ecent years, by dred~in~, has been relocated be-
tween 50 ~d 60 Feet eastward ff~ its original location, and he did
not anticipate any ~ffavorable action on t~ part off the U. S.
~ineers in the Dock facilities i~provement.
Followin~ consideeable discussion relative to land areas
volved, Co~issione~ S~dy ~oved flop the preparation off plans a~
s~ecifications for the approved City Dock Facilities Improve~t,
subject to the app~val off the Corp. off U. S. Ar~y ~ineers, a~
authorized the City HanaEer to adve~tise for Lease ~oposals on
New City Dock Facilities, to be located between S. E. First and
Second Streets on the ~est side of the Intracoastal ~ate~ay for a
period of ten (10) years ~ith option to renew flor t~o (2) additional
five (5) yea~ periods. ~otion ~as seconded by Comissioner Stron~
who Further believed that any Lease Agreement should ~corporate a
Fulffillment Clause on the part off the lessee. Hotion ~ani~ously
City Hanage~ Lawson ~ead a request ff~om the Pal~ Beach County
Recreation ~gPam Co~21ttee where~ a request for S100. to aid them
in the proc~ement off equipment flor the local ~lm Beach County Re-
creation program scheduled flor the s~er ~onths in this City.
discussion off this activity Co~issioner Strong expressed the feeli~
that this appea~ed to be somewhat off a duplication off the pro~ra~
effffect at the City Youth Center Recreation.
Co~issioner Allen moved that, subject to the app~val off the
~e~is Co~ittee, $100.00 be t~ansferred ff~m the Committee's surplus
ff~ds to purchase equip~ent for the local Pal~ Beach Cowry Recreation
Program, and t~t all purchases relating thereto be p~cessed throu~
the City purchasin~ department. Upon call off roll, Hayor Snow,
issioners Allen, Ba~ow and S~dy voted ~ favor off the motion. Com-
issioner St~n~ vas oppose.
~e City Hana~er read a report off an Inspection ~de at the
DelPay ~eater by the Fire Department ~d the City Bulldln~ Inspector
and follow~n~ discussion on the contents thereoff, Comiss~oner Stron~
moved for acceptance off the Report and requested notification be ~ade
to the ~eateP owners of certa~ ~epairs and ~eplace~ents t~t should
be made without ~due delay. Hot,on seconded by Co~issione~ S~dy
and ~ani~ously carried.
~e C~ty Com~ss~on desired to offffer the full assistance off the
Delray Beach Police Department to the cowry Couission and State
~fforce~ent Depa~tm~ts ~n appre~ndin~ the abductors off Judge and
~s. C. E. Chillin~orth.
JI~E 21st, 1955o
The City ~lanager advised of a "Civil Defense Heating' to
beheld on June 28th, in Galnesville and recommended that Delray
Beach Director Lee Vance be directed to attend this meeting.
Commissioner Strong moved for approval of the City Hanagorts
recommendation and that local Director Lee Vance be requested to
attend this Heating, expenses to be charged to a 'Civil Defense~
Budget Appropriation for the current fiscal year. Hot,on was
seconded by Commiss~oner Barrow and unanimously carried.
Commissioner Strong moved for approval of an Amendment to -
the City Code as affedting the Electricians Examining Board as
presented by City Hanager Lawson. Hotion was seconded by .Comm-
issioner Barrow and unanimously carried.
Heating adjourned.
.(S.~ned) . Re D. Worthin~o
City Clerk
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