06-28-55 June 28th, 1955. A Regular Neeting of the City Comission of the City of Delray Beach, was held in the Comission Chambers at 2:30 P. N. with Hayor W. J. Snow in the Chair, City,Nanager W. E. Lawson, Jr., City torney Nell HacNillan a~ th~ollowlng co~ission m~bers present; Catherine E. ~tront, 61e~ B. S~dy and ~. Cottin~ Allen. ~e minutes of the meetings held on J~e 14th and 21st were approved as corrected upon ~otion by Co~issioner ~tro~ and sec- onded by Co~issione~ Allen and ~mi~usly carried. City ~nageP Lawson pres~ted the follo~.~ schedule for personnel and ~e~ended that it be adjusted to-witr Office Personnel - 8:00 ~ - 5:00 ~ - Honday thru Fri&y. ~bor 7:00 ~ - 5:00 PH - Honday thru Friday. Hayor Snow recomended that the laboring class of people be changed to 7:30 and c~ted experiences to subst~t~ate his reco~- endat~on. Co~issioner ~llen ~oved the reco~dations off ~e C~ty ~ager and incorporated su~est~on made by Hayor Snow be carried out. Co~- issioner S~dy seconded t~ motion which was ~an~ously carried. ~e City Hanager f~ther red,ended: (2) ~e l~ch period of one hou~ to re~ain as is. (4) ~at s~ck leave ~e provided at the ~ate of one day per ~onth off service ~th a max~ acc~u; lation of 15 days. In the event off serious ill- ness, the City ~er to reco~end action for each case ~ndividually. (5) ~at the Collov~n~ holidays be obse~ed. New Yea~s, Hero,al, Independence, Labor, Veterans, ~a~siivint~ and C~ist~s. Co~issioner Stron~ ~oved ~at Items 2, 4 and 5 off the A~enda Preface be adopted. Notion vas seconded by Co~ssioner All~ and ~ani~ously car~led. Item (3) relative to Vacations vas ta~led for ~ther study. it the reoomendation off Co~ssloner St~on~ ~e ordnance ~e~atin~ dieposal off coolin~ syst~ waste water vas tabled ~til the next ~eetlng pending a s~vey to be ~de by the Building spector to dete~ine who has air conditioners piped to a seve~. Co~issioner St~n~ ~oved t~t the offer off N~. Jo~ N. Kabler, 3r. to sell 60 acres tn the Southwest area to the City off Delray Beach ~o~ the sale price of $275.00 per ac~e, be referred to the Plannin~ Board. Notion vas seconded by Co~lssioner Allen ~d ~- ani~ously car~led. Co~issioner Allen ~ade a motion t~t we purc~se ~t 22, Block 40 ~ the s~ of $100.00 subject to the assess~nts, which Nr. Slerry would like to avoid paying. Comissioner S~dy seconded ~e ~otion ~lOh vas ~ani~ously ca~ried. Co~issioner St~onE moved t~t the necessary f~ds fo~ the chase off; ~t 22, Block 40 be provided f~m Unappropriated S~plus. Notion cas seconded by Co~issione~ Allen and ~ani~usly ~SO~U~ON NO. 974. A ~OL~ION OF T~ CI~ CO~ISSION OF T~ CIH OF D~Y B~CH, ~DA AUTgO~ZING ~E CITY ~NAG~ ~ ~OC~ ~I~ ~E O~ING, G~ING ~ PA~NG OF ~T P~T OF N. ~. 2nd A~ LYING ~N 15th ST~ET ~ GRO~ ~AY TO A ~IDTH OF 22 June 28th, 1955, The hearing on the above matter was held and there were no objections. Comissioner Allen moved that Resolution No. 974 be'adopted. Notion was seconded by Com~ssioner Sundy and unanimously carried. Conmissioner Str~ng made a motion that Jack E. Carver, Inc., be awarded the contract on the above work. Notion was seconded by Cosmissioner Sundy and unanimously carried. At the hearing for Resolution No. 977 regarding lot clear- ing, N~. Gracey appeared on behalf of Clark & Augusta and protested Lot 3, Block 16, Seagate Subdivision did not consti= tuts a hazard. It was suggested by Commissioner Strong that Hr. & Hun&erford be m~itten a friendly letter of explanation regarding the .lot clearing plan for the City. The City Nanager, ~o E. Lawson, Jr., then read Resolution No.. 977. RESOLUTION NO. 977° RESOLUTION REQUIRING O~NERS OF CERTAIN DESCRIBED L~3)S TO ABATE NUISANCES THERE- ON OR BE ASSESSED COST THEREOF FOR ABATE- NENT BY CITY. WHEREA~S, the City Comm~ssion d~d, in regular session held on the 14th day of June, 1955, enact a resolution declaring the existence of a nuisance upon certain 19ts or parcels of land for violation of Chapter 15 of the City Code and Ordinance G-147: and ~HEREAS, pursuant to said resolution, the City Clerk of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, did furnish each of the owners of the lands therein declared nuisances with notice that the City Commission would sit on June 28th, 1955 at 2:30 o~clock P. N. at the City Hall in Delray Beach,. Florida, for the purpose of allowing said o~ners to show came, if any, why said nuisance described in said resolution should not be abated: and ~HEREAS, ~ursuant to said resolution, the City Commission of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, did on June 28th, 1955 at 2:30 o'clock P. N..at the City Hall in Delray Beach, Florida, hold the hearing provided for ~n such notice, and did consider such reasons and facts as were presented by the owners of said lands, and such other material and pertinent evidence as was - adduced before it° NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the existe~ce of a nuisance for the reasons hereinafter set forth, ~e and the same is hereby adjudged upon the following lands in the City of Delray Beach, Florida, to wit: Sec. 15-2~ 15-3, 15-4, Violation gity Code (See nature Owne.___~r Address__ Lot_ No. B~ock-No°. ..:b~l°w.. *) Lucy NacLeod Helm P.O. Box 1916 1-2-7 Seagate 2 2-4 Delray Beach, Flao gxilda Joyal 283 Nadison St. 1 Seagate 3 2-4 St. Petersburg, Fla. Edward J. & Lois 54 Taunton Road 2 Seagate 3 2-4 H. Herbert Scarsdale, N. Y. 249 June 28th, 1955o Sec. '15-2, 15-3, 15-4, Violation of City Code (See nature Owner ~ddress Lot N~. Block No.~ below *) I I II ~ II J II ~ I _ Ill'~ ..... ii Edward P. & Harvel 2394 Riverside Dr. 5 Sea~ate 3 2-4 Barnard Green Bay, Wisco Ernest L. & Ruth 3005 Hardball St. 8 Seagate 3 2-4 Keppel Richmond, Va° ~rs. J. W. Hlesse Trust Dept. First 1 Seagate 4 2-4 % H. HacLeod, Jr. National Bank Delray Beach, Fla. Willard H. Waters, Box 652 2 Seagate 4 2-4 Estate Del~ay Beach, Fla. ~qa K. Butler P.O. Box 59 607 Seagate 4 2-4 ~uchanan, Hich. Porter Fearey, Jr. Box 633 9-10 Seagate 4 2-9 : 1049Allen Street New Brunffels, Texas K. E. Edwards 127 Avery Dr. N.E. 5 Seagate 9 2-4 Atlanta, Ga. Anna J. Hodek 252 Maplewood Rd. 1 Seagate 10 2-4 Riverside, Ill. J. B. LeClere ~1 28th Street 2 Seagate 10 2-3 Pittsburgh, Pa. Helen M. Rust 133 Elderffield Hd. 3-4-5 Seagate 10 2-3 Flower Hill - Hanhassett, L.I., N.Y. Pauline P. Williams Box 1148 Church St. 6 Seagate 10 2-4 Station N. Y. C., New York J. B. LeClere ~1 28th Street 8 Seagate 11 2-3 Pit~sburgh, Pa. ~yers J. Stockley Chese Peake City 9 Seagate 11 2-3 Maryland Jaunita H. Briese Harvey Bldg. 2-3 Seagate 12 2-3 % C. Robert Burns West Palm Beach, Fla. Frank E. Hodek, Jr. 252 Haplewood Rd. 1-2 Seagate 13 2-3 Riverside, Ill. Erwin Straehley,Jr. Box 533 2 Seagate 14 2-4 Hobe Sound, Fla. Anna J. Hodek 252 Maplewood Rd. 2 Seagate 16 2-3 Riverside, Ill. Clark & AUgusta 25 Picardy Lane 3 Seagate 16 2-4 C. Hungerfford Clayton, 350 June 28th; 1955. Sec. 15-2; 15-3; 15-4, ¥1olatlon of City Code. (See na%u~e 0~ner . ,,~dd,ress _Lot No..Block NO. ,~ below *) Walter & Elsie A R.D. ~ 1. 4 Seagate 15 2-3 Dtetz Sprin~ Cress Fames Yardley, Pa. Hal R. & Burdeen 412 New York Blvdo 6 Seagate 15 2-3 Sheaffer Sea Oi~t~ N. 3'. ' E. B. & Haurietta 102 S° Fed. Hwyo 7 Seagate 16 2-3-4 Nichols Delray Beaoh,~ Fla. Helen H. Rust 133 ElAerffield Rd° Il Seagate 16 2-3 Flower Hill, H~nhassett L.I., N. Lucy HacLeod Hell Box 1916 15-16 Seagate 16 2-4 Delray Beach, Fla° * (Nature off Nuisance Speclffied: "2" means there is a collection off water or t~ash in which mosquitoes are likel~ to breed° "3" means there are trees, debris, or vegetation, which, by reason off height, proxinity to nei~hboring structures or physical con- dition are hurricane hazards; "4" means there are weeds exceed- ing 18 inches in height, and-which either exhale obnoxious od~rs or constitute a likely source off disease or physical distress to human beings.) AND, BE IT FUR~ER RESOLVED that the City Clerk oF the City oF Delray Beach, Florida, Furnish each oF the owners oF the lands hereinabove listed and described with a copy oF this resolution by registered ~ail, return receipt requested° ~D, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that each oF said owners be and they are hereby notified that they are required to abate the nuisance hereinabove a~tjudged and specified within thirty (30) days From the receipt oF a copy oF this resolution; otherwise, in default thereoF, the C£ty oF Delray Beach, Florida, will enter upon said lands and abate the said nuisance hereinabove specified and will levy the cost oF such work as an assessment against the property hereinabove described. APPROVED this 28th day oF June, A. D., 1955. (signed) ~/. 3. Snow Hayor ATTEST: -~ (si~ned) R. Do, Worthing., City Clerk (Sm~) Comissioner Sundy moved that the resolution be adopted and motion was seconded by Comissioner Allen and unanimously carried° June 28th, 1955. ~e City Hanager then read the second reading of Ordinance G-210. ORDINANCE N0~7~210. ON ORDINANCE AHENDIN6 SECTION 22-2 OF CHAPTER 22, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CII~/ OF DELPAY BFACH, FLORIDA, BY REQUIRING CERTAIN EHPLOYEES TO HAVE CHEXT X-PAY. BE IT OHDAINEDBy the City Co,mission off the City of Delray Beach, Florida, as follows: Section 1~ Section 22-2 of Chapter 22 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, is hereby amended to read as follows: ~From and after the passage of th~s chapter no person shall be employed as a domestic servant or employee, handling food and/or drinks in any hotel, apartment house, rooming house,, restaurant or any other place handling foods and/or drinks, or any person who shall be employed in the capacity of a swimming instructor, unless the employee shall have first had a chest x-ray and furnished to his employer a health certificate signed by a register- ed licensed physician (medical doctor) practicing in the city, the county physician of Palm Beach County, Florida, or any registered licensed phy- sic/an whose certificate the clty is required to accept under the laws of the State of Florida, that such employee ls free from any infectious, contagious and/or communicable disease. All health certificates shall become void one year following the date of their tssuanceo~ That all ordinances lnconflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. PASSED AND ADOPTED on final reading this 28th day of June, A. D., 1955. . (/t~ned) W.J. Snow Hayor ATTEST: _ (St~ned) R. D. Worthlng City Clerk 1st Reading June 14, 1955. 2nd Reading -- June 28, 1955. PASSED AND ADOPTED June 28, 1955. Comtsstoner Strong moved that the Ordinance be adopted on second and final reading. Hotton was seconded by Coemisstoner Allen and unanimously carried. June 28th, 1955. At the hearing for the proposed improvements to the two blocks north of Atlantic Avenue on N. E. Second Avenue, the follow~ng ob- Jections were registered: 1. Mr. T. L. Jackson expressed his opinion and he was not in favor of curbs and gutter. 2. Mr. Walter Roth objected because property owners in Blocks 75 and 83 desire a 70' street ~nstead of 40' due to setbacks they were asked to make, the City growing as it is, and the availability of a 70' right-of-way in the second block. Thc City Manager then read Resolution No. 975. RESOLUTION NO. 975. · A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF D~fJ~AY BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE CITY HANAGER TO PROCEED WITH THE CLEAR- ING, GRADING AND PAVING OF N. g. SECOND AVe- NUE BETWEEN ATLANTIC AVENUE AND N. E. SECOND STREET, WITH BITUMINOUS CONCRETE, TO A WIDTH oF FORTY (40) WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, did on the 14th day of June, 1955, detern~ne to proceed with the clearing, gradh~g and paving of N. E. Second Avenue, between Atlantic Avenue and N. g. Second Street, with bituminous concrete, to a width of forty (40) feet, and WHEREAS, the Resolution providing therefor has been duly published as required by the City Charter, together with a notice that objections to said improvement would be heard on tkis date, and WHEREAS, no su~ficient objections have been made to such proposed improvement, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Com~Ssion of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, that the City Manager be he is hereby instructed to proceed with the clearing, grading and paving of N. g. Second Avenue between Atlantic Avenue and N. E. Second Street, with bituminous concrete, to a w~dth of. forty (40) feet, according to the plans and specifications here- tofore filed w~th the City Clerk, and a copy thereof filed in the office of the City Manager and kept open for the inspection of the public. PASSED ~n Regular Session on this the 28th day of June, A. D., 1955. (Signed) W.J. Snow Mayor ATTEST: ~ (Signed) R. D. Worth~n~ City Clerk Co~missioner Strong moved that Resolution No. 975 be adopted on its first and final reading. Motion was seconded by Con~issioner Sundy and unanimously carried. June 28th, 1955. Resolution No. 976 was then read, RESOLUTION NO. 976. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY CO~ISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE CITY GER TO PROCEED THE CONSTRUC TION OF FIVE (5) FOOT SIDE~ALKS AND CURB ON THE EAST AND WEST SIDES OF N. E. SECONDAVENUR, BET~rEEN ATLANTIC AVENUE AND No E. SECOND STREET. WHEREAS, the City Comission ef the City of D®lray Beach, Florida, did on the 14th day of June, 1955, dete~mine to proceed vith the con- struction of five (5) foot sidewalks and~ curb on the East and West sides of N. E. Second Avenue, between Atlantic Avenue and N. E. Second Street, and WHEREAS," the Resolution providing therefor has been duly published as required by the City Charter, together with a notice that object- ions to said improvement, would be heard on this date, and WHEREAS, no sufficient objections have been made to such proposed imp~ovement, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, that the City Hanager be and he is hereby instructed to proceed with the construction of five (5) foot side- walks and curb on the East and West sides of N. E. Second Avenue, betve®n Atlantic Avenue and N. E. Second Street, according to the plans and specifications heretofore filed with tho City Clerk, and a copy thereof filed in the office of the City Hanager and kept open for the inspection of the public. PASSED in Regular Session on this the 28th day of June, A.D.,1955. (Sl~ned) W.J. Snow Hayor ATTEST: ~9i~ned) R. Do ~orth~[ng City Clerk (S~L) Comissioner Study moved that Resolution No. 976 be adOptsd on its first a~ f~l re~i~. Hotion was seoondmd by Comm~ssion9p Allen and ~an~ously carried. Comissiongr St~ng moved that the contract to pays the first tvo blocks north of ltl~tic Avenue on N. E. S~oond Av~ue be avarded to Hardrives, Inc., the lov bidder. Hotion vas seconded by Com- issloner Allen and ~n2ously R. solution No. 9~8 vas then read by City ~algr Lavson. ~OLUTION NO. 978. I ~SOLUTION OF T~ CI~ CO~SSION OF CI~ OF D~.~AY B~CH, ~O~DA, O~ING OPTING, G~ING A~ PAVING OF T~T PART OF S. E. FO~ (4th) S~EET BE~N S. E. THI~ ~~, the City Comssion of the City of Delray Beach, F~?r~da, d~d on the 26th day of April, A. D., 1955, adopt a re~elution ordering the City ~nager to pre,re plans, specifZ- c~tions and estimated cost off opening, gradin~ a~ pavin~ that part of S. E. Fourth (4th) Street lying between S. E. ~Zrd and 354 June 28th, 1955. S. E. Fifth Avenues, to a width of twenty-two (22) feet, and quiring said plans, specifications and estimated cost of such improvement to be placed on file in the office off the City Hans- get, and WHEHFAS, the City Commission deems it to be necessary for the safety and convenience of the public to open, grade and pave said part of'S. E. Fourth Street, described in the foregoing paragraph, NOW, TH~EFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Co~mission of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, that it is determined to emke the following desc~ibed t~p~ovement, to-wit: The opening, grading and paving of that part of S. E. Fourth (4) Street between S. E. Third and Fifth Avenues, to a width of twenty-two (22) feet, the total ~ated cost of such /u~provement being $3,500.00 BE IT FURTHR~ PJ~0L~ that the entire cost of suoh improve- ment shall be slated by the City of Delray Beach, Florida, and the following described properties in Delray Beach, Palm Beach' County, Florida, on a basis of the City of Delray Beach paying Forty (40) per cent of said improvement, and the abutting property owners, said properties shown below, paying sixty (60) per cent of the total cost. Lot 12, Block 96 132.5 Ft. Alley " 96 16. Lot 24, " 96 132.5 Lot 13, Block 104 135. Alley ' 104 16. Lot 12, ' 104 135. Lots 1, 2, 3 & 4, Block 4, Oseeola Park S/D. 187.3 Lots 5 & 6 ~ ~ Blk. 4 93.7 Alley Osceola Park, Blk.2 16o Lot 1, ~ ' " 2 132.5 Lot 10, " " " 2 132.5 said benefits to be determined and p~orated according to the front footage of the respective properties as set forth in~nediately above. BE IT FURTHER HESOLVED that said special assessments against all the parcels cfi lands as set forth above which are specially benefitted, shall be and remain liens superior in dignity to all other liens except liens for taxes, until paid, from the date of the assessment upon the respective lots and parcels of land as- sessed, and which shall bear interest at the rate of eight (8) per cent per annum, and which may be paid in five (5) equal yearly installments with accrued interest on all deferred payments. Pay- ments shall be made at the same place that taxes payable to the City of Delray Beach, Florida, are paid, namely the office of the City Tax Collector, and upon failure of any property owner to pay any annual installment due, or any part thereof, or any annual in- terest upon deferred payments, the City of Delray Beach may bring necessary legal proceedings by a Bill in Chancery to enforce pay- ment thereofl with all accrued interest, together with all legal costs incurred, including a reasonable Attorney's flee. The total amount of any lien may be paid in full at any time ~rlth interest from the date of assessment. IIIII I ~ III II I I I I I I ill 355 June 28th,. 1955, It is Ordered that the City Commission shall sit at the City Hall, in the City of Delray Beach, Florida, at 2:30 P. H., on the 12th day of July, A. D., 1955, for the purpose of hearing object- ions, /f any, on said proposed improvement, as set forth herein. It is Further Ordered that this Resolution be published once a week for two (2) consecutive weeks in the Delray Beach Journal. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, on this the 28th day of June, A.D., 1955o _ ,(Signed) q. snow , Hayor ATTEST: .... (St~:ned) R.D. Worthtng City Clerk (SEAL) Commissioner Allen moved the adoption of Resolution No. 978. Hotlon was seconded by Commissioner Sundy and unanimously carried. There was discussion regarding the improvement off S. E. Third Avenue between Atlantic Avenue and S. E. Second Street. City Hana- get Lawson explained the ex/sting conditions. The City Hanager was instructed to contact the owners of the Webb Butldlng to see if extra right-of-way can be obtained to make this 3treet. a 40~ right-of-way. Commissioner Strong moved that bills in the sum of $105,822.43 be paid subject to the approval of the Finance Committee. ~otion was seconded by Commissioner Sundy and unanimously carried. Commissioner Sundy moved that the fee of Neil HacHtllan in connection with purchase off certain lots be paid out of the Park- ing Lot Fund. The $188.35 represents 1/2 of 1~ of the purchase price. Hotton was seconded by Commissioner Allen and unanimously carried. Commissioner Strong moved that City Manager Lawson prepare plans and specifications for the improvements of our newly purchased and leased parking lots, and report back at the next meeting. The motion was seconded by Comm/ssloner Allen and unanimously carried. The Building Inspector presented on behalf of Coleman-Goodwln ~ proposed plan for Lots 25 & 26, Block 17 and further recomended that the Commission reconsider and grant the request previously denied. Commissioner Allen moved that the Commission accept the re- commendation of the Building Inspector and grant the request of Coleman-Good,rinG Hotion was seconded by Commissioner Sundy and unanimously carried. City Nanager Lawson read Ordinance G-211 regarding dogs. ORDINANCE G-211° ORDINANCE AHENDI NG SEC. 5-4 AND SEC. 5-5 OF ARTICLE II OF T~E COPE OF OHDINANCES OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, BY PROVIDING LICENSE TAGS OF $1°00 FOR ALL DOGS AND REQUIRING RABIES INOCULA~ON DURING PRECEDING T~ELVE MONTHS, 355 Jun~ 28th, 1955. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, A~ FOLLOWS: SECTION ~: That Sec. 5-4, Article '~I of the City Code of 0rd~nances be and the same is amended to read as follows: 'Sec. 5-4. License required-Fee; duration. No dog shall be allowed upon the public streets, sidewalks, thoroughfares or other public places., in the city, unless the dog has been licensed by the city and has an unexpired city dog license tag affixed to its collar or harness. The license tax for dogs shall be one dollar per year for each dog; and each such license shall expire on the first day of June following its issuance, except that any license issued between Hay 1st and June 1st of any year shall be valid until June 1st of the following year.' SECTION 2: That Sec. 5-5, Article II of the City Code of 0rd~nances be and the same is amended to read as follows: "Sec. 5-5. Application for licenses - Inoculation for rabies. No license shall be issued for any dog kept in the city, unless the applicant for such license shall exhibit to the city clerk a certificate of a veterinarian, or registered nurse, or medical technician, showing that the dol has been inoculated against rabies within the past 12 months.' SECTION 3: That all o~dinances or parts of ordinances in conflic--~-~~h are hereby repealed. PASSED in regular session on second and final reading on this the ~ day of A.D., 1955. ATTEST: City Clerk 1st Readingr June 28, 1955. 2nd Reading: Passed & Adopted: Commissioner Strong moved that it be placed on first read- ing. Notion was seconded by Commissioner Allen and unanZmously carried. ~ Building Inspector Ralph Hughson submitted a request of Howard Smith regarding moving of dwelling from North Federal Highway to Lot S, Block 25. Commissioner Strong moved that the Building Inspector's recommendation be accepted. Notion was seconded by Comn~ssioner Allen and Unanimously carried. The City Nanager submitted a request of Hr. H. L. Blits. The Commissioners agreed that the City Nanager should con- tact him and report that they regret being unable to alter their present policy as to various considerations. ,Tune 28t, h~ 1955. Coaaaissioner Sundy moved that the Golf Coma~ttee be requested to submit their operating statement not later than the lOth off each month, for the precedin~ month. Hotion was seconded by Comlssioner Str~ng and unanimously carried. Co~missioner Strong recomended that the City Commissioners study the TraffFic Survey by next meeting and set a date to meet with its creator as soon as possible. Meetin~ adjourned. (Sl~ned) R. D. Worthi~ .... City Clerk APPROVED: ~yor