07-26-55 367 July 26th, 1955. A Regular Meeting of the City Comission of the City of Delray Beach was held in the Commission Chambers at 2:30 P. M. with Mayor W. J. Snow in the Chair, City Manager W. E. Lawson, Jr., City Attorney Nell HacMillan and the following Cona, ission members present: Glenn B. Sundy, Catherine E. Strong and Emory J. Barrow. An opening prayer was delivered by Rev. Arthur R. Charlesworth. The minutes of the meetings held July 12th and 18th were approved as written, upon motion of Commissioner Strong, seconded by Commissioner Sundy and unanimously carried. Commissioner Strong made a motion that the improvement lien on Lot 6, Block 3, Lake View Heights in the sum of $347.00 be abated due to an error having been made in the issuance of a Tax Certificate, for title insurance purposes, which did not reflect any outstanding Improvement Liens of any nature. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Barrow and unanimously carried. City Manager W. E. Lawson, Jr. read the proposed ordinance regu- lating cooling system waste water. ORDINANCE NO. G-212. AN ORDINANCE OF TIlE CITY COP~IISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH REGULATING THE INSTALL= ATION OF COOLING SYSTEMS, REQUIRING PERMITS FOR SAH~, PROVIDING FOR C0~PLIANCE BY FCiISTING SYSTEHS AND PROVIDING PENALTIES POR VIOI~TIONS THEREOF. WHEREAS, it is expedient and proper that the indiscriminate waste of water be curtailed; that the community water supply be conserv- ed and kept free of contamination; and that the city sewer systems, both storm and sanitary, be not taxed beyond their capacities or used for purposes inconsistent with their design: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT AND IT IS ItEREBY O[~AINED BY THE CITY CO}~- ISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH: Section 1. I)EFINITIONS. The Following terms, as used herein shall have the following meanings: Cooling Systems. Any air conditioning, ice making, refriger- ating or any other type of cooling plant which uses water for the procews of cooling or as a cooling agency. The word "System", as used herein, shall comprise all component elements, including wiving, pipes, motors, tanks, ducts, cooling towers, spray ponds, etc. Capacity. For the purpose of this ordinance, the horse power of the compressor motor, or motors, shall be the ton rating or 'capacitye of the refrigerating or air conditioning system, ex- cept that, in absorption type systems, the ton rating shall be equal to 12,000 BTU per hour. Cooling Water Waste, Water which is used in a cooling system in the process of cooling and which is not continuously and com- pletely re-circulated back into the system, Minor intermittent waste~ such as atmospheric condensation, overflow from a constant level filling device, etc., shall not be considered. JULY 26th, 1955 Section 2. PEH~IT 9EQUIHED: FEE: STANDARDS: Before any person shall install a cooling system, a ,permit "~ere£or shall be required From the City Building Inspector. Application for such permit shall state Ao The 'Street location off the proposed system Bo The capacity off the installation, as deF/ned herein Co General description of the installation Do Such other relevant information as shall be.required by the Building Inspector and shall be accompanied by plans showing the layout and detail of ducts, grilles, conduit piping, drains, source o£ water supply, wiring, plans for cooling water waste, if any, and much other relevant information as shall be required by the Building Inspector. In the case of an installation which is a part of an over- all construction project, such application may be combined with the application For the overall project building permit, but a separate permit shall be required For the cooling system and a separate Fee charged therefor, based on Section 107.4 of the Building Code; but the cost of the overall project building permit Fee shall be based on the project cost less the cooling system. The plans For any such cooling system shall comply with all applicable provisions of the Statutes of the State of Florida, the Code of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, 1955, as amended, and the City Building, Electrical and Plumbing Codes: also with the requirements of the American Standard Safety Code For Mechanical Refrigeration (A.S.S. B-9) 1-1950) where applicable. In addition, such plans shall comply with the provisions of Section 3 of this ordinance. Section 3. COOLING WATEH: WASTE HEqUIHE~NTS. All Cool- ing systems with a capac%ty (as defined herein) of three tons or more must be so designated and equipped as to eliminate and obviate any cooling water waste. In any one building, where the capacity (as defined herein) of O~e aggregate installed cooling system or systems is three tons or less, cooling water may be wasted but only if piped direct to a connectiOn with the city storm sewer system. The provisions of the Foregoing paragraph as to cooling system with capacity of three tons or more shall not be appli- cable to any cooling system where cooling water waste is con- nected direct with a drain well or re-charge well, providin~ as to such well there is a valid written permit in existence From the State Board of Health. In no case shall cooling water waste be permitted to enter the city sanitary sewer system, or to be discharged into open gutters, streets or other public places, or upon the ground. Section 4. EXISTING COOLING SYSTFJ~S. As to cooling systems in existence as of the effective date of this ordin- ance, the owner thereof shall have one year From the effective date of this ordinance ~ithin which to make such system comply with the provisions of Section 3 of this ordinance, and after such one year period, if such system Fails to comply with such section, the owner thereof shall be deemed to be in violation of this ordinance. ~uly ~6%h, 1955. Section 5. SUPPLEMENT TO CONS~iUCTION CODES. This ord- inance sb~ll be deemed supplemental to the Building, Electrical and plumbing Codes of the City. Section 6, If any section, sub-section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be un- constitutional, invalid or void, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of this ordinance. Section 7. Any person, firm or corporation who is convicted of violating this ordinance shall be punished, as provided in Section 1-6 of the Code of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, 1955 as amended. PASSED AND ADOPTED ON FINAL READING this' day of A. D. 1955. Hayor ATTEST: City Clerk First Reading July 26th, 1955. Second Reading PASSED & ADOPTED Commissioner Sundy made a motion that the above Ordinance be placed on its first reading. Hotion was seconded by Comm- issioner Barrow and unanimously carried. City Attorney Nell HacHillan recommended that everyone connected to the sewer system in the report given by Building Inspector, be sent a registered letter. City Hanager_~. E. Lawson recommended the following vacation policy: Employees to be eligible for one week vacation after one year of service. (This to apply to any future employees hired, wit~ existing two weeks vacation after one year of service apply- ing to all persons presently employed.) After two (2) years of service - two weeks vacation. After fifteen (15) years of service - three weeks vacation° Comissioner Sundy made a motion that we accept the City Hanager's recommendation regarding vacation policy for city employees. Hotion was seconded by Commissioner Strong and unani- mously carried. (No official action was taken regarding 3 Commissioner Sundy made a motion that the City re-deed to Walter A. Roth the Easterly 5 feet of the following described land, to-wit: The South 25.5' of Lot 10 and All of Lot Block 75; which strip of land had been deeded to the City July, 1953, for a proposed widening of N. E. 2nd Avenue, which project never materialized. Hotion was seconded by Commissioner Barrow and unanimously carried. City Hanager Lawson read Ordinance G-211 regarding Dog licensing. July 26th, 1955. ORDINANCE NO. 9-211. 0MDINANCE AMENDING SEC. 5-4 AND SEC. 5-5 of ARTICLE II OF THE CODE OF 0RDINANC, ES OF THE CITY OF D-~RAY BEACH, FLORIDA, BY PROVIDING LICENSE TAGS OF ~1o00 FOR ALL DOGS AND REQUIRING BABIES INOCULATION DUHING PRECEDING TWELVE MONTHS. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I: That Sec. 5-4, Article II of the City Code of Ordinances be and the same is amended to read as follows: ~Sec. 5-4. License required-Fee: Duration. No dog shall be allowed upon the public streets, sidewalks, thoroughfares or other public places, in the city, unless the dog has been licensed by the city and has an mnexpired city dog license tag affixed to its collar or harness. The license tax for dogs shall be one dollar per year for each dog; and 'each such license shall expire on the First day of June following its issuance, except that any license issued between May 1st and June 1st of any year shall be valid until June 1st of the following year.~ SECTION 2: That Sec. 5-5, Article II of the City Code of Ordinances be 'and the same is amended to read as follows: "Sec. 5-5. Application for licenses - Inoculation for rabies. No license shall be issued for any dog kept in the city, unless the applicant for such license shall exhibit to the city Clerk a certificate of a veterinarian, or registered nurse, or medical technician, showing that the dog has been inoculated against rabies within the past 12 months.~ SECTION 3: That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. PASSED in regular session on second and final reading on this the 26th day of July A. D. 1955. (Signed) W. J. Snow Mayor ATTEST: (Signed) R. D. Worthin~. City Clerk (SEAL) 1st Reading: June 28, 1955. 2nd Reading: July 26, 1955 PASSED AND ADOPTED: July 26, 1955 Comissioner Strong moved that Ordinance G-211 be adopted on second and final reading. Motion'Was seconded by Commissioner Sundy and unanimously carried. Comissioner Strong read Resolution No. 983 in memory of H~. J. M. Cromer who recently passed on. 371 July 26th, 1955. HESOLUTION NO. 983 OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA. WHEHEAS, Almighty God in his infinite wisdom, has seen Fit to take from ou~ midst ou~ beloved friend and citizen, Jo M. CROHER, and ~E~EAS, J. H. CROHEH, rendered outstanding service throughout the ~any years that he lived in Delray, including service as Hayor of the City, and member of the Board of the County Comissioners of Palm Beach County, as well as having contributed in many other ways to the improvement of the co~nunity o NOW, THEHEFOHE, BE IT HESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELHAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: L. That the City Comission does hereby empress its sincere sympathy to the family o~ J. H. CROH~I~, in their ~reat loss. 2. That a copy of this Resolution be forwarded to the mem- bers of his family. This resolution unanimously adopted and passed this 26th day of July, 1955. (Si/ned) W.J. Snow. Hayor ~TTEST: .... !si~ned) R.D. Worthtng City Clerk (sram) Upon motion by Co~anissioner Sundy, and seconded by Co~- issioner Barrow it Us unanimously agreed that the resolution be adopted. Commissioner Barrow made a motion that we advertise for bids on the Smallwood house located on Lot 17, Block 92, which land was recently purchased for off-street parking. Co~n~issioner Sundy moved that bills in the su~ of $75,555.36 be paid, subject to the approval of the Finance Committee. Hotion was seconded by Commissioner Barrow and unanimously carried. Co~issioner Strong made a motion that the bill in the su~ of $350.00 submitted by the City Attorney, Neil ~ac~lllan for two Charter Changes, attending meeting at West Palm Beach and attendance at Legislature at Tallahassee be paid from the Un- appropriated Surplus. ~otion was seconded by Commissioner Sundy and unanimously carried. City Hanager Lawson read the following Resolution: HESOLUTION NO. 981. A HESOLUTION OF THE CITY CO~Fl~ISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, REQUIRING PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND ESTIHATE OF COST TO CLEAR, GHADE, PAVE AND CURB THAT PART OF SOUTH FAST THIRD AVENUE LYING BETNEEN ATLANTIC AVENUE AND SECOND STREET 3?2 July 26th, 1955. WHEP~AS, the City Commission of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, deems it to be necessary for the safety and convenience of the public to cause the clearing, grading, paving and curbing of that part of South East 3rd Avenue which lies between Atlantic Avenue and 2nd Street, to a width of Forty (40) feet, and to assess thirty (30) per cent of the total cost thereof against the lands abutting thereon, the City off Delray Beach to pay the remaining seventy (70) per cent of said cost in accordance with policy established by the City Commission at its regular meeting of June 14th, 1955. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Connnission of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, as Follows: SECTION Io The City Hanager be required to submit plans, specifications and an estimate of the cost of such improvement to be made, and that the same shall be placed on file in the office of the City Manager. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Con~nission of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, on this the 26th day of July, A. D. 1955. ,(Si~ned) W.J. Snow Mayor ATTEST: (Signed) R.D. Worthin~. City Clerk (SEAL) Connnissioner Strong moved that the above Resolution Noo981 be passed on first and final reading. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Barrow and unanimously carried. City Manager Lawson read the following Resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 982. A HF~SOLUTION OF THE CITY CO~Fl~ISSION OF 'THE CITY OF DEIAtAY BEACH, FLORIDA, ORDERING THE CLEARING, GRADING, PAVING AND CURBING OF THAT PART OF SOUTH EAST THIRD AVENUE LYING BETWEEN ATLANTIC AVENUE AND SECOND STREET. WHEREAS, the City Con~nission of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, did, on the 26th day of July, A. D. 1955, adopt a Resolution ordering the City Manager to prepare plans and specifications, together with estimate of cost of clearing, grading, paving and curbing that part of S.E. 3rd Avenue lying between Atlantic Avenue and 2nd Street to a width of forty (40) feet, and requiring said plans, specifications and estimate of cost of such improvement to be placed on file in the office of the City Manager, and WHERFAS, the City Commission deems it to be necessary for safety and convenience of the p~lic to clear, grade, pave and curb said street, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY the City Commission of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, that it is determined to make the following described improvement, to-wit: 373 July 26th, 1955. To Clear, Grade, Pave and Curb that part of S. E. 3rd Avenue lying between Atlantic Avenue, and 2nd Street, to a width of forty (40) feet, the total cost· as estimated, for such improvement being ~13,000.00 ~BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the entire cost of such improve- ment shall be shared by the City of Delray Beach, Florida· and the following described properties in Delray Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, on a basis of the City of Delray Beach paying seventy (70) per cent of the cost of said improvement and the abutting property owners, said properties sho~n below, paying thirty (30) per cent of said total cost. 197.75' N 199' of Block 85, less S 1.25' & less 56.25' S 56.25' of N 250' of Block 85. 225. ' S 225' of N 480' of Block 85. 139.2 ' (M/L) S 139.2' M/L Block 85. 637 ' Block 86, East of Railway. 141.55' Block 93, Lot 1. 16.18' Alley 60.66' Block 93, Lot 36. 24.26 ' " 93 · " 35. 24.26' " 93, , 34. 72.78 ' " 93, " 31-33. 24.26 ' " 93, " 30. 24.26' " 93· " 29. 24.26 ' " 93, " 28. 197.46 ' " 93, " 20-27. 50' S.E. First Street. 61.2' Block 94, Lot 1. 61.2' ' 94· " 2. 61.2 ' " 94, " 3. 61.2' " 94· " 4. 61.2 ' " 94· " 5. 61.2' " 94· " 6. 61.2 ' " 94 · " 7. 61.2" " 94· " 8. 61.2' " 94, " 9. 61.2' " 94, " 10. Said benefits to be determined and prorated according to the front footage of the respective properties as set forth immediately above. BE IT RHRT~R RESOLVED that said special assessments against all the parcels of lands as set forth above which are specially bene- fitted, shall be and remain liens superior in dignity to all other liens, except liens for taxes, until paid, from the date of the as- sessment upon the respective lots and parcels of land assessed· and which shall bear interest at the rate of eight (8) per cent per annumj. and which may be paid in five (5) equal yearly installments with ac- crued interest on all deferred payments. Payment shall be made at the same place that taxes payable to the City of Delray Beach, Florida, are paid· namely the office of the City Tax Collector, and upon failure of any property owner to pay the annual installment due, or any part thereof,, or any annual interest upon deferred payments, the City of Delray Beach may bring necessary legal proceedings by a Bill in Chan- cery to enforce payment thereof with all accrued interest, together with all legal costs incurred, including a reasonable attorney's fee. The total amount of any lien may be paid in full at any time with in- terest from the date of assessment. July 26th, 1955. IT ]'S ORDERED that the City Commission shall sit at the City Hall in the City of Delray Beach, Florida, at 2:30 Po M. on the 9th day of August, A.Do, 1955, for the purpose of hearing object- ions, if any~ on said proposed improvement~ as set forth above. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that this Resolution-be published once a week for two (2) consecutive weeks in the Delray Beach News. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, on this the 26th day of July A.Do~ 1955. (Si~ned) W.J. Snow. Mayor ATTEST: (Si~ned) R. ~. Worthin,g,. City Clerk (SEAL) Commissioner Strong moved that Resolution No. 982 be adopted on its first reading. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Barrow and unanimously carried. Commissioner Barrow made a motion that the request for twenty days be granted to Bill Carpenter, Attorney for the heirs of Hrs. Smallwood, to vacate the Smallwood property. Motion was seconded by Con~nissioner Strong and unanimously carried. Commissioner Strong recommended that the City Attorney, Neil MacHillan check into the matter regarding the letter read by City Manager Lawson From the Air Force. And. further that this matter be tabled until such time as the City Attorney has had an oppor- tunity to check the legality thereof. Co~missioner Strong moved for acceptance of the Planning Board's recommendations and decline the offer to purchase 60 acres of land on lateral # 38 offered by John N. Kable~. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Sundy and unanimously carried. Commissioner Sundy made a motion that we accept the recommend- ation of the Planning Board in the denial of the request of J. Mosberger for deviation, Lot 13, Nichols 2nd Addition, S. ~o 7th Street. Hotion was seconded by Com~issioner Barrow and unanimously carried. In regard to the r ecommendation of the Planning Board to acquire Block 50 offered by Hrs. Nutbrown, Commissioner Sundy'made a motion that this be referred to the Financial Advisory Board. Hotion was seconded by Commissioner Strong and unanimously carried. Commissioner Strong moved that the Petition for Special ceptlon for Parking Lot, Blocks 140 and 148 be referred to the Planning Board. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Sundy and unanimously carried. The City Hanager read a letter from Hrs. ~. C. Allen, Chair- man of the Swimming Committee, incorporating the City's request that du~ing the summer and hurricane season, no wind-break be used on the pavilion but that the same be installed at the end of the hurricane season. This matter was left with the City Manager for proper dispensation. July 26th, 1955. A Special meeting will be called in the near future re- garding the traffic report and the Dock Lease proposal. Heeting adjourned. (Si~ned) ,R. D. Worthint. City Clerk ATTEST: Hayor 3?6