08-02-55SpMtg August 2nd, 1955. A Special Meeting of the City Con~nission was held in the Comm- ission Chambers at 8:00 P. M., Tuesday, August 2nd, 1955, with Mayor W. J. Snow in the Chair, City Hanager W. E. Lawson Jr., City Attorney Neil MacMillan, and the following Commission Members being present, Emory J. Barrow, Catherine E. Strong and Glenn B. Sundy, a quorum being present. City Manager Lawson advised the Commission relative to a re-cap of the recommendations made by the Committee and contained in the Traffi~ Survey Report, and there followed considerable discussion pertaining to the principal phases thereof, as brought out by the City Manager. The Traffic Survey Committee highly recommended 54 feet between curbs on Atlantic Avenue to provide 4 lanes of traffic and increase the movement thereof. This provision incorporated 2 seven foot para- llel parking lanes and 4 ten foot moving lanes of traffic, the syn- chronization of Street intersection lights and the possible continu- ance of left turns resulting from such installation. The Commission expressed its desire to pave, light and meter the Off-Street Parking lots as soon as possible in order to allevi- ate the parking problem this coming season. The matter of loading and unloading zones and curb spaces for special use was discussed following which the City Manager assured the Commission that he would submit a recommendation~ based on a study and survey of such needs, not later than the regular meeting of the City Commission to be held on August 23rd. The Traffic Survey Committee highly recommended all possible action be taken toward possible removal of the F.E.C. tracks through the business section of the City, mainly to make possible the open- ing off S. E. 1st Street between the Federal highway and S. Swinton Avenue ~hich is of paramount importance iff one-way traffic should ever be undertaken. Commissioner Strong expressed the need for consideration of sidewalks on Atlantic Avenue and especially in the immediate area surrounding the Off-Street Parking Lots on N. E. 4th Avenue. The City Manager advised of the offer made by the Broward National Bank to sell to the City of Delray Belch sixteen (16) Water Revenue Certificates of the 1946 Issue at a discount which would re- sult in an over-all saving to the tax-payer. Commissioner Strong moved that the City Manager be authorized to purchase said 16 Certificates at a price not to exceed $95.00, plus accrued interest to date of retirement. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Barrow. Upon Call of the Roll Mayor Snow, Commissioner Strong and CommissiOner Barrow favored the motion, Comissioner Sundy was opposed. Commissioner Barrow moved for acceptance and approval of the recommendation from the Planning & Zoning Committee relative to the Harris tract in Muck lot 148, as read by the City Manager. Motion was seconded by Commissioner ~trong. Upon Call of the Roll Mayor Snow, Commissioners Strong and Barrow favored the motion, Comission- er Sundy was opposed. The deviation request was as follows: "ALGA Corporation request for Business Parking use of the North 150 feet of the South 300 feet of Blocks 140 and 148 as parkir~ facilities in connection with busi~ nesses to be located on the South 150 feet of said property" August 2nd, 1955. The City ~nager ~as requested to check into the elevation plans of Delray Isle S/D and the effect of same on properties contiguous thereto° Heeting adjourned. ~Si~ned) R.D. Worthingo City Clerk