09-10-55SpMtg 397 September lOth, 1955. A Special Herring of the City Commission of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, was held in the Comission Chambers at 2:30 P. with Nayor Wo 3. Snow in the Chair, and the following Comission Hembers present, Emory $. Barrow, Catherine E. Strong & Wo Cmttin~ham Allen, a quoru~ being present. This meeting vas 'held for the purpose of considering the commendations submitted by the Planning Board/Zoning Comaission lative to a connecting link (route) between the proposed County paved hl&hway west of Lake Ida and No ~/° 4th Street extended. Robert F. Blake, Chaiman of the Planning Board/Zoning Coem- ission, read a report of that Conmtttee*s reconmendation regarding #~ecess to the proposed County Road west of Lake Ida# * lOth September, 1955 ~The Honorable Hayor and City Co2~lssion, Delray Beach, Florida. RE: Access to the proposed County Road west of Lake Ida. Gent 1 emen: The Plara~ing Board/Zoning Comalssion discussed the problem of the route from the east point of the county road west of Lake Ida on the basis of the following factors: 1. T~affio: It was noted that the proposed road will bring int'~ ~ie City traffic not only from the proposed de- velopment west of the lake, but additional residential and fa~-to-amrket traffic fr~m a large area served by Hilitary T~ail, fo~ng a large volume° The principal .destinations of this traffic are antici- p~ted as Business area in Del~ay, The ~Beaoh, and Schools, in that order of importance and volume. ' Nuoh of the traffic viii be diffused at Swinton Avenue but a substantial proportion can be expected to find the most direct route to the Beach, and to the Federal Highway. 2. Effect on Residential develo ents existing and proposed: ..... ;: ' opment west of the lake, ~here is a proposed subdivision just south of the lake which is anticipated to be one of high quality, and in line with the pro- posed zoning reco~mendations of the Plsnning Board. It is generally agreed that volume traffic, and in this case particularly, traffic implemented by farm-to-~arket vehicles, presents serious disadvantages to a planned residential subdivision and to established ones of good calibre. 3. Buffer between residential areas near the lake and the Iow-cost housln~ existing and anticipated to the South. 4. E~cono.a~ for the County and the City. The refits of the three proposals, llth. St., 9th. St., and 4th. St° wer~ considered in the light of the above factors: 1. T~affio: 4th. St. appeared to afford the most direct route to the Business areas in the city. It alloys a greater dispersion of traffic via Swinton, the Dixie (slanting to 8th St. and the Bridge), Second Avenue, a railroad crossing to juncture with the Federal Highway. 2. Residential: a possible route to 4th St. would require the least disturbance to established or projected residential impro v ement $. September lOth, 1955. 3. Buflflerr the 4th. St. route was considered to provide the ~Os~ advantageous buffler possibilities against the low cost housing to the south. 4. ~ ~he possible ~oute "to 4th St. could be run to requi~east cost to the' COunty flor R/W through .developed areas south and southeast o]~'~ Ida. This saving in county costs is si~niflicant to City taxpayers as well as possible City savings. To the Clt~: llth. S. to would be the least cost. 4th. St. requires less condemnation off improved private property than 9th st. The Board considers in this case, that the selection cfi a route based on immediate economy only would be detrimental to the best longrange interests off the public. It is suggested that a temporary link to the county paving could be eflflected by paving the flull width cfi the exist- lng 25 fit. dedication on the south side of 4th. St. flrom Swinton west to the City owned parcel. ~e Board therefore urgently recommends that the Commission approve a route to connect the proposed County road to N. W. 4th. St. and Swinton Avenue, and suggests a possible route as indicated on the enclosed sketch. Sincerely, (signed) Robert F. Blake II Robert F. Blake II Chairman." The recommendation, in effect, is the paving of the. presently dedicated 25 fleet described as the North 25 feet cfi Section !7, Twp. 46 S, Rge. 43 E. which lies from the N..E. Corner of said Section 17-46.-43, westward 1320.6 feet to the S. E. Corner cfi the S.. E. o~ Lot 5, Section 8, Twp. 46 $~ Rge. 43 E;' and approving a route from that point, to connee't the proposed County Road to N. W. 4th Street~ as follows; from said point being the S. E. Corner of the S. E. ~ of Lot 5, Section 8-46-43, Northwest to the N. W. Corner cfi said ~. E. { cfi Lot 5, Section 8-46-43, thence west approximately 2007 fleet to a point on the East Line off a ten (10) acre parcel land, owned by Palm Beach County, which point is 334.7 ~feet north the S. E. Corner cfi said 10 acre tract; thence Northwest, approxi- mately at a 45 degree angle, to the proposed County Road west Lake Ida. Mayor .Snow ex. pressed the appreciation cfi the Commission to the Planning Board/Zoning Commission flor its time and study this matter. - Commissioner Barrow moved to accept the recommendation cfi the Planning Board/Zoning Commission approving a route to connect the proposed County Road to N. ~. 4th Street and iwinton Avenue via the route as outlined above and shown on sketch attached hereto and made a part hereof. Motion seconded by Commissioner ~llen and upon call of' Roll, Mayor Snow and Co--,isstoner8 Barrow and Allen voted in flavor thereofl, Commissioner Str~ng was opposed. Meeting adjourned. (S ed) R. D. Wo th ng - City Clerk