30-88 VOID · .,Na~,z, i:y THE .... ~,. ,,,~,.l,,t.~l ..... ~ .... ~, ~ N ~t., ~.,_ THE C~T~ OF ,E[,~ ~ REACH PRESERVATION BOAPD", '~ "~ '", I- AND ~,3M~F,,= rm r,DN ,, ,= r~:: ~,~ rqN · m,-, .. ...... t'~ ..... ~ ~ ........ ~i.,~.,.~ ~, . ~o;, ~,., PROVIDE _ _ ~,~, SHALL , l~, 1~,.,~,., AND :r:~mus: .~ SATD ~,:.t¢H~,AR ~ND ALTEB'NATE N,~.qz,~8o ~,u,,--, z ,*r, , .... =,-,~ r,NG A SAVING A GENERA[, RgP~ABgR =A[,~,g F~,,,FI~:~ ,.L~,,o.~. ~()vIDTNG AN FTFTCT[Vz DAT~ NOW, THgREFORE. BE IT (')RDAINFD BY THE CITY C(')fJNCT[, ~ o tTY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLt,NtDA, AS Secti. cm t. That, (lhapt,~r 3l, "Histc)ri,n F'r~s~rvat. ic)n", ar ....... le IL Hint. eric Praservatinn Board . 'Faction 3t-3 ,~r?i Composit, ion" Subsection :'a) c,f the Code ,:-,f Ordinances ,:-,f "2ty off DeLray Reach FLorida. ~- ' ,, . , ~e, and the same zs hereby arr~nd~cl t,o read 8. S foil. ows: There is hereby <,.reat.~d a H5 ~',toric Preservat[o-n Board of the Ctt, y nf D~]ray Beach. it. will ,nome: int of seven (7) ~i~ members ~nc[ _~=~Q __ (2) m_ffmb~ appnint, ed. hy %he Cit, V ;ff~0%~0~..2~. That, Chapter 3t, "Htst, c~ric Preserv,atS. on'. Article II "Historic Preservstic~n Board", bZ~c:t, ion 31-4 "Terms nf Office" SubsectLon (a) of the Code of ()rdtnances of the City c~f ~,etray Beach, Florida,, be, and the same is hereby amended to as fc~] Io~s: (a) The initial terms of four (4) of the ~.e~_~_g~E members rtomlna, t,~d by t. he commit- tee shall last, tun_ (o~. years Crom the day the Board is ~ormaily ~,~,ab/ished ~h&ie the initial terms of the remain&ny t,h~ee (3) reguZar members shall last, three (3) years. The~ea~t. er, the terms of a~ re~,.tlar _and al~.e%~r~t.~ members ~Y~[/~ shall bo for t~o ~ ~ } years. Section ~. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be, and the same are hereby repealed. ~ac%ion 4. That should any section or provision of this ordinance or any portion thereof, an~ paragraph, sentence. or word be declared by a Court of competent jurisdiction to be 5nvalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remainder hereof as a whole or part. t, her~of c~t. her than the part declared to be invalid. '~'-.L~L.~!= That this <,rclir~ance sha~ 1. n~c:c~rr~ imrnedS_a%~]y ~]DOF~ passage on second and final r~ading. PASSED AND ADOPTED in regular session on serond and A~ ~oT. F i. rst Readin~ ?~econd Readin{ ..................... VOID - 2 - Ord. No. 30-88