12-06-55SpMtg DECEHBER 6th, 1955.
A Special Meeting of the City Commission of the City of Delray
Beach, was held in the Commission Chambers at 7:30 P. M., with P~ayor
W. J. Snow in the Chair, City Manager We E. Lawson Jr., City Attorney
Neil MacMillan and the following Commission Members being present; E.
J. Barrow, Catherine E. Strong, Glenn B. Sundy and W. Cettingham Allen,
a quorum being present.
City Manager Lawson read a letter from Mr. Ben F. Sundy, Chair-
man of the Palm Beach County Board of County Commissiones, relative
to requesting the Florida Turnpike Authority to fourlane Delray West
Road from the interchange into Delray Beach, without cost to the State
Road Depratment, the County or the City of Delray Beach.
Commissioner Allen moved that the City of Delray Beach
the action taken by the Palm Beach County Commission and join with
that Board in requesting the Florida Turnpike Authority to fourlane
the route which will connect the proposed Turnpike interchange with
Federal Highway thru the Delray Beach area, without cost to the State
Road Department, Palm Beach County or the City of Delray Beach.. The
motion was seconded by Commissioner Sundy and unanimously carried.
The City Manager called the attention of the Commission to the
fact that if the aforementioned proposed connecting route should be
chosen to extend over Delray West Road (State Rd. 806) and on over
Atlantic Avenue to the Federal Highway, there might very likely
sult in an undesirable Vast amount of commercial traffic which could '
well retard the desired flow of normal traffic and seriously handi-
cap the seasonal flow of winter traffic, and therefore it might be
wise to consider some other route such as possibly South Tent~ Street~
~e City Manager then reminded the Commission of the serious
need for immediate repair and maintenance work on the Water Tank,
located on the North side of the City. It is definitely believed
that there would be no need for this emergency work at this time
had proper consideration and attention been given to the condition
of this tank when it was moved from South Swinton Avenue to its
present location. The estimated cost of corrective measures, nec-
essary at this time for economical reasons, is $3,500.00 and Comm-
issioner Strong reminded the Commission past policy of obtaining
bids for such an expenditure should be respected.
Public Utilities Contractor, Howard Lee Cromer, happened to
be in attendance and advised the Commission that it would not only
be extremely difficult to obtain a firm bid as contractors, equipped
to do this type of work, do not desire to submit such a bid, but if
bids were requested that they would be very high due to those sub-
mitting any bid actually would take such action to safeguard them-
selves against loss due to unforseen and undeterminable damage, which
sometimes becomes known only as repair and maintenance work progresses.
The City Manager further recommended that the firm of K. L. Sharpe,
now in the process of painting the two elevated water tanks in accord-
ance with an existing agreement with the City of Delray Beach, be author-
ized to provide the necessary services, on an hourly basis for the follow-
ing reasons:
1. Repairs could be delayed but are needed now. Postponement
will cause needless additional expense.
2. For reason outlined in paragraph preceding (1) and that the
necessary heavy equipment for such repair work is on site.
3. In view of naragraphs (1) and (2) it is in the best interests
of the City of Delray Beach to employ the firm of K. L. Sharpe
on an hourly basis at this time rather than attempt to obtain
competitive bids.
Commissioner Allen moved to accept the recommendation of the Cit.~
Manager and effect an agreement with the K. L. Sharpe firm to proceed
with the necessary repair and maintenance of said Water Tank on an Hour-
ly Basis. Upon Call of Roll, following motion being seconded by Comm-
issioner Barrow, and voting in favor thereof were Mayor Snow, Commiss-
ioners Barrow, Sundy and Allen, Commissioner Strong abstaining.
DECEMBER 6th, 1955.
Certifications of votes cast at the General Election
held on December 6th, 1955, as reported by the election boards,
were read as follows:
Mayor and City Council,
Delray Beach, Florida.
We, the Clerk and Inspectors of today's General Eledtion
certify to the following results:
Machine # 68429 Machine # 68430 TOTAL
Howard Lee Cromer 289 250 539
Jarman C. Smith Jr. 229 194 423
Catherine E. Strong 288 240 528
Michael Yargates 338 288 626
TOTAL VOTES CA$~ 423 Mach.# 68429
363 " ~ 68430
CLERK: Florence Cramp
Precincts 26 & 28 786
INSPECTORS:A. Blanche Lamb
Moore T. Knox
C. C. Turner
Machine # 68431 TOTAL
Howard Lee Cromer 216 216
Jarman C. Smith Jr. 46 46
Catherine E. Strong 242 242
Michael Yargates 223 223
TOTAL VOTES CAST ~258 Clerk: Ozie F. Youngblood
Inspectors Alberta Palmer
Natalie Bush
Lens Brunner
Commissioner Allen moved for ratification of the certificat-
ions as reported and read. Motion was seconded by Commissioner
Sundy and unanimously carried.
Meeting adjourned.
/S/ a.D. ~orthing
City Clerk