Res 61-09RESOLUTION NO. G1-09 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAV BEACH, FLORIDA, IN ORDER TO SHOW THE CITY'S SUPPORT FOR SAVING THE TRI-RAIL; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEZ~~AS, Tri-Rail provides passenger service for the residents of Miami-Dade, Braward, and Palm Beach Counties ~vho account far 34°lo of the population of the State of Florida; and WHEREAS, the population in Miami-Dade, Braward, and Palm Beach Counties has increased 10% in ten years, while Tri-Rail ridership has increased 77°t°; and WHEII;EAS, Tri-Rail is recognized as the spine of the Miami-Dade, Braward, and Palm Beach Counties transit system, providing passenger camrnuter service from the Magania Park Station (four miles north of West Palm Beach} to the Miami International Airport Intermodal Center -- a distance of 72 miles; and WHEREAS, Tri-Rail connects to transit service to all three of Southeast Florida's International Airports; and WHEREAS, Tri-Rail riders have connecting service throughout Miami-Dade, Braward, and Palm Beach Counties via the three counties bus systems and Metrorail to Miami; and WHEREAS, Tri-Rail provides passenger stations in the cities of West Palm Beach, Lake Worth, Boynton Beach, Delray Beach, Baca Ratan, Deerfield Beach, Pompano Beach, Ft. Lauderdale, HaIlywoad, Opa Locka, and Hialeah; and WHEREAS, these cities future growth is dependent on transit oriented development around its Tri- Rail Station; and WHEREAS, two thousand businesses in Miami-Dade, Braward, and Palm Beach Counties participate in the Tri-Rail Employee Discount Program; and WHEREAS, 75°l0 of Tri-Rail Riders are choice riders - i.e. they do not have to use Tri-Rail, but chaise to; and WHEREAS, almost every Tri-Rail rider takes a motor vehicle off the road; thereby, reducing traffic congestion, dependency on foreign oil, and pollutants in the air; and WHEREAS, Tri-Rail's success in reducing headways from 1 hour ar mare to 20 minutes in the busy morning and afternoon commuting hours has increased operating casts faster than passenger fares can offset; and WHEREAS, Tri-Rail implemented a 25°l° across the board rider fare increase to offset increased operating expenses related to double tracking and increasing weekday service from 30 trains to 50 trains; and WHEREAS, Miami-Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach Counties have been farted to reduce their voluntary extra subsidies to Tri-Rail on account of declining property tax revenues; and WHEREAS, Tri-Rail is in unminent danger of default; and WHEREAS, Tri-Rail's default will severely disrupt transportation throughout Miami-Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach Counties; and WHEREAS, Tri-Rail's failure will result in the elimination of transit access to mare than 60,Ofl0 jobs within'la mile of Tri-Rail stations; and WHEREAS, "I'ri-Rail's failure will result in up to $2G billion in last federal transit funding statewide; and WHEREAS, Tri-Rail's failure will result in the loss of more than $60 billion in 1aca1 business sales statewide; and WHEREAS, the State of Florida will be held responsible for repaying a $256 million grant when Tri- Rail defaults. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLBED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. That the City Commission of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, now calls on Florida Governor Charlie Crist, State Senate President Jeff Atwater, State Speaker of the House Larry Cretin to caIl a special session and enact a $2/day car rental surcharge. This surcharge should not apply to persons who own a motor vehicle that is in the shop for maintenance or repair. Section 2. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED in regular session on this the 17`" day of November# 2009. MAYO ATTEST: CITY CLERK. 2 ORD. NO. G1-09 Page 1 of 1 MEMQ~-A~TI)UM TO: Mayor and City Corr~rnissioners FRAM: David T. Harden, City Manager DATE: November 16, 2009 SUBJECT: AGENDA ITEM 9.E. -REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING OF NOVEMBER 17 2009 RESOLUTION N0.61-09 ITEM BEFORE Ct3MMISSION This item is before Commission to consider approval of Resolution No. 61-09 in order to show the City's support for saving the Tri-Rail. RECOMMENDATION Approve Resolution No. 61-09. http://miweb00l /AgendaslBluesheet.aspx?ItemID=2$25&MeetingID=225 11/19/2009 RESOLUTION N0.61-09 A RESOLL:-'TION OF T'HE QTY COIti~S!~ION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, iN ORDER TO SHOW THE CITY'S SUPPORT FOR SAVING T'I~ TRI-RAiL; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. V'~REAS, Tr%I~;ail provides passenger service for the residents of hTiami-Dade, Brov~rard, and Palm Beach Counties who account for 30°1° of the population of the State of Florida; and V'~I~:EREAS, the population in Nfiami-Dace, Bm~nrard, and Palm Beach Counties has increased 10% in ten years, while Tri-Rail ric~rship hays increased 77%; aril WI-IEREAS, Tri-Rail is recogniized as the shine of the NTiami Dade, Brov~rard, and Palm Beach Counties transit system, providing passenger comrrnzter service from the 14~gonia Park Station {four mites north of West Palm Beach} to the Nfiami International ~~rport Interniodal Center - a distance of 72 miles; and WHEREAS, Tri-Rail connects to transit service to all three of SoutYreast Florida's Intex~rlational A.,izports; and V'-rldEREAS, Tri-Rail riders have connecting service throughout l~fiiami-Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach Counties via the three counties b~ systems and I~?letrorail to 11~!Tiama; and V'J1=iEREAS, Tri-Rail provides passerrgex stations in the cities of West Palm Beach, Lake Worth, Boynton Beach, Delray Beach, Boca Raton, Deerfield Beach, Ponr~'ano Beach, Ft. Lauderdale, Holly Opa Locka, and I-i"ialeah; and V'JI-~REAS, these cities future gro~rrth is depenc~rit on transit oriented development around its Tri- Rail Station; and WHEREAS, tow thousand businesses in I~Tiamn-Dade, Brot~rard, and Palm Beach Counties participate in the Tr%I~;ail Employee Discoi.mt Progcam~ and W1~EREAS, 75°l° of Tri-R;ail Riders are choice riders - i.e. they ~ not have to ~ Tri-Rail, but clxaose to; and UJI~EREAS, almost every Tri-R;ail rider takes a rrfotor vehicle off the mad; thereby, reducing traffic coffin, dependency on foreign oil and pollutants in the air; and W1~REAS, Tr%Rail`s success in r~;ducing headways from 1 lwur or more to 20 minutes in the busy morning and aftemaon commuting hours has increased operating casts faster than passenger fares can offset; arid.. WHEREAS, Tri-Rail implerx~mted a 25°l° across the board rider fare increase to offset increased operating e~~penses related to ckauble tracking and increasing ~ekd ay service fmm 30 trains to 50 ttair~s; and V'~I~REAS, ~u'Dac~, Bro~rrard, and Palm Beach Counties have been fareed to reduce their voluntary extra subsidies to Tri Rail an account of declitung property tax revenues; and VVI-~REA~, Tr%Rail is in imminent d~~ger of c~fauit; and WHEREAS, Tri Rail's default v+;rill severely disrupt transportation throughout NTiami-Dade, Bro~nrard, and Palm Beach Counties; and V'J~REAS, Tri-Rail's failure t~,till result in the elimination of transit access to mare than tiO,OC~ jabs within ~z mule of Tri-Rail stations; and V'JHEREAS, Tri-Rail`s failure will result in up to $2b billion in last federal transit funding statewide; and V'-~IEREAS, Tri-Rail's failure will result in the lass of mare than $b0 billion in local b~ess sales statewide; and [~Vl~IEREAS, the State of Florida will be held respans~7ale far reprayi~ng a $25ti million grant when Tri- Rail defaults, NQW, Z'I3EREFQRE, BE IT RESQLBED BY TTdE CITY CQMMISSIQN QF THE CITY QF DELI~AY BEACI-~ FLC7RIDA: Sewn 1. That the City Camrnissian of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, now cal]s on Florida Gavemar Charlie C:rist, State Senate Presie~nt Jeff Atwater, State Speaker of the House Larry G~etul to call a special session and enact a $2~day car rental surcharge. This surcharge should not apply to persons who own a motor vehicle that is in the shop far maintenance or repair, Section 2. This resolution shall t=ike effect irru~.~iiately upon its adoption. PASSE D AND ADOPTED in r~~g;ular session an this the day of 2~q9. ATTEST: CITY CLERK MAYQR 2 QRD. NQ, b1-09 RESOLUTION N0.61-09 A RESOLUTION OF THE QTY CO1t~S~~ION OF THE QTY OF DEL~RAY BEACI~ FLORIDA, IN ORDER TO SHOW THE QTY'S SUPPORT FOR SAVING TTY TRI-RAIL; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. U~REAS, Tri-Rail provides passenger service far the residents of NTiarni D , Broward, and Palm Beach Counties v~?Iw accaimt far 30°1° of the population of the State of Florida; and WHEREAS, the population in Miami-Dace, Bro~nrard, and Palrrt Beach Counties has increased 10% in ten years, while Tri-R;ail ridership has incz~ased 77%; and WHEREAS, Tri-Rail is reca,~niized as the si~ine of the l~~ami-Dacbe, Bm~nra~ and Palm Beach C.acmdes transit system providing pa.nger commuter service f ram the Ztilagonia Park Station {four miles north of West Palm Beach) to the 11~!fiami International ~rt Internnrac~l Center - a di<~ance of 72 miles; and WI-IEREAS, Tri-Rail carnlects to transit service to all three of Sautl~~ast Florida's International Asrparts; and V'~REAS, Tri-Rail riders Dave connecting service throughout l~~iami-Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach Counties via the three counties bus systems and I1tIc'trorail to Miami; and WI~EREAS, Tri-Rail provides passt~'tger stations in the cities of West Palm Be~~:h, Lake Worth Boynton Beach, Delray Beach Baca Ratar~ Deerfield Beach, Pompano Beach, Ft. Lalzderdale, Holly~~raad, Opa Lacka, and Hialeah; and VITHEREAS, these cities future gmv~~th is dependent an transit oriented develop around its Tr% Rail Station; and V`JI~REAS, twp thousand bu~~inesses in il~ami-Dade, Bro~nrard, and Palm Beach Counties participate in the Tri-Rail Employe Discount Program; and UJI-IEREAS, 75°l° of Tri-Rail Rids are choice rit.~ss - ie. they do curt have to use Tr%Rail, but chase to; and WHEREAS, alrrxast every Tri-Rail rider f~~s a nwtar vehicle off the road; thereby, naming traffic Conan, ~Y an foreign ail, and. pollutants in the air; and WHEREAS, Tri-Rail's success in reducing headways from 1 honor ar mare to 20 minutes in the busy rrxarnulg and afternoon commuting hoots has increased operating costs faster than passenger fares can offset; and. WHEREAS, Tri-Rail implerr~ented a 25°I° across the board rider fare increase to offset incree~sed operating expe~~ses re]ated to double tracking and increasing v~:ek;day service from 30 traits to 50 trains; and V'JI~IEREAS, I~~iarni-Dade, Bro~nrard, and Pairn Be~~eh Counties have been fareed to r~}duce their volunti~xy extra subsidies to Tri Rail on account of declnning property tax revenues; and Wl•~REAS, Tri-l~~ail is in imminent danger of default; and WHEREAS, Tri-Rail's default will severely disnzpt transpartatian throughout M~arrii-Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach Counties; and V'JHEREAS, Tri-Rail`s failure will r,~>ult in the elunination of tl'it access to mare than 60,000 jabs within lei mile of Tri-Rail stations; and V'JFIEREAS, Tr%Rail`s failure will result in u}a to $26 billion in last federal transit fiuuling statewide; and V'JHEREAS, Tr%Rail's failure will result in the lass of more than $60 billion in local business sales statewide; and WHEREAS, the State of Florida v~~ill be held responsible far repaying a $256 rs>i]lian grant v~tren Tri- I~;ail defaults. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLBED BY THE CITY CO1t~V~SSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH FLORIDA: Section 1. That the City Commission of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, now calls on Florida Gavemar Charlie Grist, State Senate President Jeff Atwater, State Speaker of the House Larry Cretin to call a special session and enact a $2 Jday car rental surc.l~arge. This surcharge should not apply to persons who own a motor vehicle that is in the shop for maintenance or repair. Section 2. This resolution shall take effect irrur~diately upon its aebption PASSE D AND ADOPTE D in regtilar session on this the day of 2009. ATTEST: QTY CLERK MAYOR 2 ORD. N0.61-09 "~ ~ CITIZENS FOR AND IMPROYEC) ~ ~' TRANSIT "Safety as Floridians Expect" TRI-RAIL PETITION TO OUR FLORIDA LEGISLATORS 201(} LEGISLATIVE SESSION Tri-Rail is a major component of mass transit in South Florida and should receive dedicated funding to operate. I urge Florida Legislators to: • Recognize the importance of commuter rail as a critical element of statewide mass transit. • Support a bill to provide fora $2 a day rental car surcharge that will apply throughout the state. Proceeds collected by a county should be distributed to the respective regional transportation authority for that county. The rental car surcharge should not apply to persons who own a motor vehicle that is in the shop far maintenance or repair. Signed: Name: Dated: (please print) Agencyl4rga nization/Business: Position Held: Please return to either: Jim Smith SAFE Chairman & Co-Founder 1225 S. t3cean Blvd, #202 Delray Beach, FL 33483 jamesejimchar a~aol.com 561-330-6798 [Phone & Fax] OR Tamar Boitan, Transpartatian Consultant Citizens for Improved Transit, Founder 1406 Flagler Blvd. Lake Park, FL 33403 tboiton~comcast.net 561-249-4181 [Offices 561-207-??63 jFax~ .~.-~' .~ ~~ _,,,~ ~_ __ _ _... _ .w DELRAY BEACH . -__ .:.:""~""""'~' _ _ ~ -- ,. _ .. ,~ ' `~_ ~,,,' °,; CITY CLERK 100 N,W. ist AVEl~UE DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA 33444 5511243-7(100 All-Ame®rica City ~ r 1993 2001 November 19, 2009 Office of Governor Charlie Crist Mate of Florida The Capitol. 400 S. Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0001 Dear Governor Crist: Tease find attached Resolution No. 61-09 to show the City's support to save the Tri-Rail. The City Commission passed and adopted Resolution No. G1-09 at the Regular Commission Meeting of November 17, 2009. if we can be of any assistance to you, please call the office 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday at (5G1} 243-7050. Sincerely, Chevelle D. Nubia, CMC City Clerk CDN f kw Attachment ERVZCE PERFaRMANGE INTEGRITY ESP©NSIBLE ~NN©VATIVE TEAMW(aRK ~.~ ~\~ [li4 OF 0ELR114 BEII[H>: ' ~~; ;~. DELRAY BEACH 4 D A All-America City ~ r 1993 2001 CITY CLERK November 19, 2009 100 N.W. 1st AVENUE DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA 33aaa Honorable Larry Cretin Speaker of the Florida House of Representatives 422 The Capitol 402 South Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399 Dear Mr. Cretin.: Please find attached Resolution No. 61-09 to show the City's support far saving the Tri- Rail. The City Commission passed and adopted Resolution Na. 61-09 at the Regular Commission Meeting of November ] 7, 2009. If we can be of any assistance to you, please call the office 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday at (561) 243-7050. Sincerely, Chevelle D. Nubin, CMC City Clerk CDN jkw Attachment VERVICE ` PERFC?RMANC~ ' INTEGRITY ' RESPCINSIBLE ' INNtaVATIVE ' TEAMWQRK .~ 5s1i2a3-7oaa 1 ~M ,-~ 4~ ~ ~ '~~ °w. CITE' OF DELR~~ B~~CH :~~ Y ~ ~- -^--._ ~, . ~:=;~~ DELRAY SEACN /^'~ 4 ~~~ 10' 0 N W jst AVENUE !?ELF3AY BEACH, FLC}RIC}A 33444 5611r ~•3-74dd ~~ It v.~+ All-AmericaCity ~ r 1993 20t71 November 19, 2009 Jim Smith SAFE Chairman & Co-Founder 1225 S. Ocean Boulevard #202 Delray Beach, Florida 334$3-0001 Dear Mr. Smith: Please find attached Resolution Na. 61-09 to show the City's support to save the Tri-Rail. The City Commission passed and adopted Resolution No. 61-09 at the Regular Commission Meeting of November 17, 2009, If we can be of any assistance to you, please call the office 8:00 a.m. - 5;00 p.m., Monday through Friday at {561) 243-7050. Sincerely, Chevelle D. Nubin, CMC City Clerk CDN/kw Attachment ~ERVICE ~EREORMANCE ~NTEfRZTY ' RESPQNSIBLE ~NNQVATIVE TEAMWORK ~_~ ~. ~. !~ r ~~ ~ Oi4 OF UELRf14 BEiI[H ~;' ~ ~_l~~(~~J DELRAY BEACH O R D AI I-America City ~ r ~~~ ©o, CITY CLERK November 19, 2009 The Honorable Jeff Atwater President Senator 312 Senate Office Building 404 South Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1100 Dear Senator Atwater: .., . __ .. r..._ ~.._ ~.. ~_ 100 N.W. 1st AVENUE DELRAY BEACH, FLC7RIDA 33444 561!243-7000 Please find attached Resolution Na. 61-09 to show the Ciry's support far saving the Tri-Rail. The City Commission passed and adapted Resolution No. 61-09 at the Regular Commission Meeting of November 17, 2009. If we can be of any assistance to you, please call the office 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday at {562} 243-7050. Sincerely, Chevelle D. Nubin, CMC City Clerk CDN jkw Attachment 'J~ERVICE ~ERFC)RMANCE ~NTEfRITY RESPC}N5TBLE INNUVATIVE TEAMWQRK