04-27-54 A Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of DelraY
Beach was held in the Council Chambers at 2:30 P.M. with Ma~or
Catherine E. Strong in the Chair, City Manager ~.E.' Lawson, Jr.,
City Attorney Nell MacMilla~, and the following Council members
present: Glenn B. Sundy, R. J. Holland, Mrs. Alma K.'Woehle, and
N. Cottingham Allen, a quorum being present.
An opening prayer was delivered by Reverend Arthur ~. Rich.
~pon motion of Councilman Allen, seconded by' CounCilman Bundy
and unanimously carried, the minutes of the meeting held April
13 were approved with the following corrections: ~l) Mayor
Strong asked the City Manager to discuss with the Planning Board
the possibility of the Clover ~eaf being installed on West Atlan-
tic Avenue and what effect that would have on the Breezy Ridge
subdivision plat, (2) Councilman Holland's motion regarding Sen
Bacheller's subdivision was changed to read "that the subdivision
lat be approved subject to the approval of the Planning Board,
3) Mayor Strong, Mrs. ~oehle, Mr. Sundy and Mr. Allen stated
they preferred taking the case of Kay's Art Gallery to court,
and (4) that the bills be approved, subject to the approval of
the Finance Commit tee.
The City Manager explained a contract from the Electro Rust-
Proofing Corporation to make an inspection o~ the system of
rust-proofing which is presently installed in one of the $1evated
water tanks. He stated the annual maintenance for one year would
be $112.00.
Councilman Allen asked if inspecting the system once a year
would be often enough and Mr. Lawson replied tha~ that was cus-
Councilman Holland made a motion that the City Manager be
instructed to proceed with the contract. The motion was seconded
'by Councilman Allen and~unanimously carried.
The Council discussed purchasing an 8 cubic yard t~uck for
use by the Street Department. Councilman Holland expressed the
opinion that the t~uck would be too large for use within the
City, due to the possibility of gettinE stuck in sand, but that
it would be sui table for long hauls.
After consideration, a motion was made by ~ouncilman Hollsnd
to authorize the City Manager ko secure bids on 4, 6, and 8 cubic
yard trucks. Mrs..~oehle seconded the motion which was unanimously
carri ed.
A request from Vallicourt Villas was discussed, regarding
placing a sign below the one presently located on Atlantic Avenue
of the Presbyterian Church.
The City Attorney sugges~ d co~sidering the request because
no one had expressed obSections and that it would not harm anyone.
Mayor Strong stated she felt that if this request were denied
that other signs in t he area should be removed. Councilman
Holland stated he thought it would establish a precedence.
After further discussion, a motion was made by Councilman
Holland that the request be referred to the City Manager and
City Attorney, and if it is not in violation of the ordinance
that it should be grante_d, but that if it is in violation it
should not be granted. Uouncilman Sundy seconded the m~tion and
it carried unanimously.
Mr. John Adams presented a plot plan concerning the request
of Earl Wallace Ford Company to close an alley in the McGinley-
Gosman subdivision. Councilman Holland asked Mr. Fabens of the
Planning Board to explain their decision to approve closing the
alley. Mr. Fabens stated that Earl Nallace $~as willing to dedi-
cate five more feet on the Federal Highway and ten feet on NE
5th Avenue and that the Board felt that was a good trade. He
further stated that the only utilities located in the area now are
electric power lines which stop south of the property in question.
APR L 27, 1954
Mrs. Woehle stated 4he felt if they granted the request there
would be many similar ones and that the City should not vacate
Mr. MacMillan stated that if the alley were vacated it might
revert back to the original developers, and Mr. Adams replied that
he had checked this and that it would not revert back to them.
After further discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Allen,
seconded by Councilman Holland that the City take proper steps to
close the alley. The motion carried, upon call of roll Mayor Strong,
Councilmen Sundy, ~olland and Allen voting in favor of the motion
and Mrs. Woe~le passed.
The City Manager ~ecommended that the request of J. B. C orby
for an additional street light on Vista del Mar be tabled until
a map has been completed of the current street light survey, which
would be approximately two weeks.
Mrs. ~oehle suggested including City Planners inthe survey.
Mayor Strong stated she was in favor of a long range plan of
this type but that current requests should be taken care of as they
are presented.
.Councilman Holland moved that the request be .eonsidered after
receipt of the map, in approximately two weeks, to determine whether
or not the street light is required. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Sundy and unanimously carried.
Mr. Lawson read a letter from the Federal Highway Property
Owners and Business Men's Association as follows:
Delray Beach, Florida
A rll 23,
Members of the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Florida.
Madame President and Honorable Sirs:
A meeting was held in the Cit~ Council Chamber, Monday, April 19th
by the Property Owners and Busir~ss Men interested in the future
rowth o~ the Federal Highway (U S #1). The purpose.of the meeting
at which more than one hundred persons were present~ was to con-
sider that part of the Planning Board's report recently submitted
to the City Council, that pertains to the Federal Highway and SE & NE
Fifth Avenue, and any other matters that the gathering wished to
A motion was made that the citizens present go on record as oppos-
ing that part of the Plan ,r~ng Board's report that recommends that
the Federal Highway (US ~1) be made a one-way street for north
bound traffic only, and that NE and SE Fifth Avenue be made a one
way street for south bound traffic only. There was a second to
the motion, and after discussion it was adopted by almost the unani-
mous vote of those present.
It was suggested that the attention of City Council be called to
the following record which appears in the minute book of City
Council for the meeting of December 28, 1953:
~Mr. Kabler made a motion that the Council confirmprevious
recommendation to the County Comission (that the ~iighway
be built thx~ough Delray Beach on a right-of-way of eighty
(80) feet, and that the County Commission be asked to make
such a recommendation to the State Road Board at the Budget
meeting next year.
Moved, seconded and adopted, t
An examination of the records in the City Hall produces no evidence
that the former City Manager ever informed theCounty Commission of
the action taken by City Council on December 28, 1953. Mr. B. F.
Sundy, the local County Commissioner, also advises that the County
Commission hasn't, not bee~ notified of the action taken by City Council
APRIL 27, 1953
on December 28, 1953.
BeCause of the circumtances mentioned heretofore in which,appar-
ently the wishes 'of a previous City Council were ignored, a
motion was made and seconded "that the present City Council be
asked to a~rove the action taken by a previous City Council on
December 28, 1953" and that if this action be taken that the Local
County Comissic~ler and the Board of County Commissioners be so
advised. After discussion this motion was adopted by a vote of
65 to 12.
It is the opinion of those interested in the improvement of Fed-
eral Highway, so that we may have a more beautiful approach to
our splendid City, that the attention of the City Council be
called to a significant vote by the members of the local Chamber
of Commerce late last summer. The ~te was by secret ballot,
and it was taken when the membership was not as great as at
present. It was generally agreed that the business men of the
community only support those projects which are for,the better-
ment of the city. Undoubtedly this thought was foremost in the
minds of the members of the Chamber of Comerce when they by a~
vote of 137 to 30 approved the improvement and beautification of
the present Federal Highway.
~e would rsmind the members of the City Cour~il that i~ is becom-
ing more difficult to secure donation of land required for this
imprevem~nt. The property owners a~e still back of the project
by a ratio of more than eleven to one, however they hesitate to
make a legal binding agreemen~ because of the uncertainty that
continually appears regarding the improvement project.
A group of citizens, members of the recently organized Federal
Highway Propert2 Owners and Business Mens Associa~bn will be
present at theCouncil meeting of Tuesday, April 27 to answer any
questions Council may desire to ask.
RespectfUlly submitted,
The Federal Highway P-roperty O~ers and
Business Mens Ass'ri.
/s/ O. D. Priest, Jr.
Pr e s id ent
/s/ Frank H. C onstans
Secre tar2
Hms. Woehle Peferred to the minutes of December 28 and the
motion as refer~ed to in the above letter, statin~ that she had
checked to see when this "previous redommendation" was made but
could not find it on record.
Councilman Holland e~plained that it was the previous Council's
decision to get additional p~reperty on the Federal Highway and
~o to 80 feet, and that Mr. ~ovelace was asked to notify the
County but did not do so.
The following was read by Mrs. Woehle:
April 27, 1954
Noting the establishment of an organization to be known as the
Federal Highway Property Owners and Business Men's Assn. listing
a number of men and wome~ organized to work for the widening of
US #1 and to oppose routing traffic along 5th ~venue, I would
like to represent the rest of the people of Delray Beach - those
who are not represented in any group at this time.
As far as I know, no plans have ever been submitted showing how
the Federal Highway is to be widened nor how it would be treatec~
To widen the Federal, there must be in excess of 80' - and if it
can be shown how~to do it under 100' at no cost to the .City of
De.l. ray Beach, there would seem to be no cause fOr argument.
An alternate scheme would provide two beautiful highways, pro-
perly graded, with curbs and gutters, sidewalks and drainage,
going right through the City, at NO cost whatever to the people
o~ Delray Beach.
Some figures have been published for work done in Miami indicat-
ing a sum of ~693,000 plus for actUal construction of two miles
of road, (this includes no rights of way). So, to retain the
Federal Highway present route, it would cost approximately ~600,000
half of which would be borne by the State and the other half by -
An 80' road would require - 48' for 4 lanes of traffic
1264: for 2 turning l~nes
for 2 parking lanes
No strip - no sidewalk
andunless 100" is made available, we have been told time and again
that no Federal funds are available, and there has bee~ nothing
offered by anyone to indicate the possibility of obtaining a
single route without an approximate ~300~:000 cost to the city.
I would think that all taxpayers' should be made aware of the fact
that they would have to pay the costs if the State won't, and they
should be asked "are you willing to spare the considerable expense
to purchase R/W" when the question is brought to them for a sharp
increase in millage or a bond issue or a deprivation of essential
city needs to purchase R/W for vested interests on Federal Highway.
If the County would buy the R/W then there would be little cause
for argument, either, but if they have so much money available,
why hav-e they not improved Swinton Avenue north of Atlantic; NE
2nd Avenue, or the old Dixie or extend Military Trail? Are you
going to ask all the taxpayers of the city to stand this expense
when we need money for ~rking facilities; a clubhouse, fire sta-
tions, and other things which the citlze~s are practically demand-
How much have we budgeted for street work? Are we goir~
to authorize the expenditure of all the available money to sub-
sidi~e a single route through the city, when at NO cost whatever,
we could get two fine highways - about 4 miles of road, free? Too,
by using two routes we would have 4 l'ines of parking space, which
is not to be discounted.
I have also r~ted that the County Commissio~rs have never stated
that they would use county funds; ar~ bear in mind, if they did use
county fur~s, it would be taking other roads away from this area.
It all co~e s back to the desirability o.f ~etting Federal money.
Further, while I know that each individual feels perhaps that he
will be terribly hurt~ I understand that experienc~ has dictated
that thf s is not the case, and ~ have written to members of tb~
State Road Board and to the chairman of the Southeastern D~vision
of Public Roads, askin~ fob information and facts that m/ght help
us dispel this idea. ban we not wait for more data? Is there
such a humry~ about this'~ Why don't we find out what the State plans
to do north and south of us? By that time more material will be
Finally, I wish to relterat~ that I am wtllID~ to go along with
any plan that is presented that is acceptable, with no cost what-
ever to the City.
/s! A. K. Woeh e
~en asked by Councilman Holland what percentage of rights-
of-way deeds had been obtained, Mr. O. D. Priest started there
was about 50 percent of four miles of frontage, which percentage
included street intersections.
Mr. Constans stated he knew of only one person who is in
favor of one way traffic on 5th Avenue.
The following persons expressed their objections to re-routing
the present traffic on O.S. 1 (Federal Highway): Mr. Bloetscher,
Mr. Bruder, Mr. Turner and Mr. Courtney. Mr. Nelson favored
re-routing to one-way traffic on the Federal and 5th Avenue.
Mr. Priest told the- Council he felt there should be ~ firm
policy for obtaining rights-of-way, and that the highway property
owners would obtain as many as they could for the city.
Mr. Constans stated that the County Attorney had advised that
County money can be used in the City of Delray Beach or any other
municipalSty for rights-of-way.
Councilman Holland stated he felt the new Turnpike would
affect everyone and that it would relieve traffic.
A motion was made by Councilman Holland that Federal Highway
and 5th Avenue remain as t~ way traffic both ways. The motion
was seconded by Councilman Allen and upon call of roll Mayor Strong,
Councilmen Holland, Sundy and All e~ voted in favor of the motion
and Mrs. Woehle voted op. pose~
Councilman Holland further moved that the City encourage pro-
perty owners on Federal Highway to continue securing as many
right-of-way deeds as possible, with the thought in mind of widen-
ing .~he Federal Highway in the near future, at no expense to the
Cit~ The motion was seconded b~ Councilman Sundy and upon call
of roll Mayor Strong voted opposed, Councilmen Bundy, Holland and
Allen voted in favor of the motion and Mrs. Woehle passed.
Mr. Priest stated they desired to obtain a resolution or letter
expressing the Council's approval of widening the highway. The
City Clerk was then'instructed to send copies of the above two'
motions to the Highway Property Owners Association.
Mr. Constans suggested to the Council that Mr. Dunbar of the
County Engineer's office be asked to work with t~ people in ob-
taining the right s-of-way.
A plat was presented by Mr. Lawson showing location of a
proposed water line on NW 17th and 18th Streets between NW 2nd
Avenue and Swinton Avenue, mhich had been requested by F. J.
Bc hr ader.
Mayor Strong advised Mr, Schrader that the Council had p~e_
vioualy discussed competing with local contractors and that they
had agreed the subdividers would do the work.
Mrs. Woehle made a motion that on all future requests and
including this request, that the City create a policy whereby
all subdividers will be expected to put in their own water system,
to meet City specifications. Councilman Allen seconded the motion
w. hich carried unanimously.
A petition from Roy ~-. Calamia was read, with regard to
rezoning Blocks 8, 9, 10 and 11, Seacrest Park from Residence B
to Residence A, and for a deviation from 35 foot setbacks to
alternate 25 foot and 30 foot setbacks.
The Council discussed the ordinance pertaining to rezoning
requests during the months from December throughApril, and the
City Attorney stated the request could be' declared an emergency
if it would affect the entire community.
A motion was made by Councilman Holland that the request be
referred to the Planning Board. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Sundy and unanimously carried.
Mr. John Adams presented a plat of Blue Seas' subdivision and
a petition from C. F. Runge and himself to have a portion of the
utility easement in the block bounded by NE 8th Street, Pelican
Lane, Andrews Avenue, and Ocean Boulevard relocated. He explained
that the adjoining property owners were contacted and had agreed
APRIl. 27, 1954.
to the proposed relocation.
Councilman Holland moved that the request be approved, subject
to the City Manager, City Attorney, and the satisfaction of all
interested parties. The motion was secor~ed by Uouncilman Allen
and unanimously carried.
Mr. Adams eXPressed the opinion that the ordinance which covers
rez~ing for ~ly four months of the year places a hardship on
property owners.
The following ordinance was read:
Section 1: That the following described p~operty in the City
of Delr~y Beach, Florida, is hereby placed in RESIDENCE ".A" DIS-
TRICT, as defined by Chapter XX of the City Code of the City of
Delray Beach, Florida, to wit:
"Ail that part of the North 395 feet of
Section 21, Township 46 South, Range 43 East
ly~.ng East of the East right-of-way of State
Road A-1-A."
Section 2: The City Building Inspector shall, upon the effec-
tive .date of this ordinance, make .the necessary change in colorir~
on the Official Zoning Map of the City of Del~y Beach, Florida,
to conform with thi s ordinance.
PASSED in Regular Seesion on second and final readin~ on this
the 27th day of April, 1954.
/s/ Catherine E. Strong
/s/ R. D. ~orthing ~
City Clerk
Upon motion of Councilman Holland, seconded by Councilman
Allen, the ordinance was passed on final readlng. Upon call of
roll Mayor Strong, Councilmen Sundy, Holland and Allen voted in
favor of the ordinance and Mrs. Woehle voted opposed.
The Building Inspector reported on plumber's examinations
taken by John H. Mc~ethy, Roy FsKenzte, and Henx~j Tucker, stating
%hat Mr. McWethy was the only one eligible for a Journeyman's
card. Mr. Hughson asked if he should issue temporary ~rking
cards to the other men until they could take another examination.
Mr. MacMillan stated it would be a p,~ policy and would
possibly create criticism.
Councilman Holland moved that the recommendation of the
Plumbin~ Board to issue Mr. McWethy a Journeyman's card be
accepted. The motion was seconded by Councilman Allen and carried
unanimou sly.
Mr. Hughson was instructed to write to all local plumbing
contractors advisir~ that all men in their employ must b~ve
Journeyman ' s cards.
APRIL 27, 19~4
The following report of the Planning Board was then read:
22 April 1954
The ~onorable Mayor and City Council
Delray Beach, Flori da.
Ladies and Gentlemen:
The Planning Board has taken action on matters ~eferred to
us as follows:
3. Mr. S. L. Burlingame request for a setback deviation
from 35 ft. to 25 ft. c~ a lot at the corner of Dixie Blvd. and
N.E. 8th St.
The Board felt that the ireegular shape of this lot,
resulting from the angled intersection of the two' streets,
warranted special consideration, and that such a deviation would
not form a precedent for a general relaxing of setback require-
ments. The side street setback of half the required front yard
(35 ft.) will be adhered to.
The Board therefore recommends that the request be
2. Proposed subdivision for Mr. Ken Bacheller, part of Lots
37 and 38, Sec. 9 Twp 46 S, Range 43 E.
It was noted that the 40 ft. rights-of-way contemplated
in no case could be extended to run ~or more than two consecutive
blocks, provided that N.E. 19th Street were not developed into
an East-West prl~mry street. This appeared unlikely in view
of the projected elementary school to the east, where heavy,
fast traffic should be avoided. The Board feel~ ~hat 50 ft. R/W
should be a required minimum, with exceptions for minor access
streets being granted where circumstances such as noted above apply.
The 38 ft. R/~ {)n 19th St. seemed allowable inasmuch as
the lots to the north do not front on it. It was also felt that
the other half of the projected R/~ on the south boundary should
be secured to allow proper paving of this street.
The Board recommends tha~ the plat be approved as prelim-
inary, and that the following provisions be met before final
ac cep tance:
(1) That the owner will install 22 ft. paving as minor
streets~ with construction approved by the City Engineering~ De-
partment, on the center lines of all streets shown, providing
adequate storm drainage for the subdivision area.
(2) That a dedication be secured from the owners to
the south to give a total of 40 ft. R/W, allowing the above noted
paving to be installed on center.
(3) That street signs be installed at intersections.
(4) That the easements indicated be increased to 12 ft.
(5) .That the sanitary sewage system be approved by the
County Board of Health.
(6) That a final plat be resubmitted to the Plannin4~
Board for approval, showin, g:
~a) location and sizes of watermains and fire hydrants.
lb) electric power and teleph~e poles.
c) street lights, if any.
(d) location and invert elevations of any storm or
sanitary sewers.
3. The Board recommends that Mr. James I. Sinks be appointed
to fill the vacancy on the Board existing since the resi.gnatio~n
of Mr. Harry McKean.
/s/ ~Qbgrt F. Blake II
27, 1954
The Council discussed the report of the Planning Board and
took action as follows:
1. Councilman Holland moved that the recommendation to approve
~e request of Mr. B~rltngame be granted. Councilman Allen
seconded the motion which carried unanimously.
2. Motion was made by Mrs. '~oehle, seconded by Councilman
Allen and unanimously carried, to approve the plat of the Ken
Bacheller subdivision with the provisions as outlined in the report.
3. Nith regard to appointing Mr. Sinks to the Board, the
City Attorney read an amendment to the existing c~inance which
would provide that anyone who resides outside the city but has
their principal place of business in the city could serve on the
Bo ard.
Councilman Allen moved that the ordinance be placed on
first reading and the motion was seconded by Mrs. Woehle, and
did not carry. Upon call of roll Mayor Strong, Councilmen Sundy,and
Holland voted opposed and Mrs. Woehle and Councilman Allen voted
in favo~ of the amendment. The City Clerk was instructed to
write a letter to Mr. Robert Blake, explaining the ordinance now
existing calls for any member of the Board to live within the ~city
limits and regretfully askihg for his resignation as Chairman of
the Planning Board.
Bills in the amount of $21,320.74 were presented for approval.
Motion was made by Councilman ~ol~and, seconded by Councilman
Sundy and unanimously carried, that the bills be approved for
payment sub,oct to the approval of the Finance Committee.
Appointments followed of two members to the Financial Advisory
Committee. Upon motion of Councilman H~olland, seconded by Council-
man Sundy and unanimously carried, appointment was made of Mr.
Rhea Whttley and Mr. C. W. Garner to the committee.
Mayor Strong asked the Council to consider selling 23 lots at
the golf course in order to obtat.n necessary ~revenue for a new
club house, etc. She stated the lots could be offered in a block,
which mould permit subdtvi ding.
Mr. MacMillan suggested o~fering the lots for a base bid, to
give a person an opportunity to bid on Just one lot.
After discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Sundy that
the 23 lots be offered for sale, at a base bid of ~900 each. The
motion was seconded by Mrs. Woehle and carried unanimously.
Mr. Lawson read a letter from Charles Crane, Chairman of the
Financial Advisory Committee, suggesting that the Ci~$ purchase
the 6,000 bonds offered by Merrill, ~ynch, Pierce, Fenner and
Beane, at 97 plus interest.
Councilman Sundy moved that the bonds be purchased, at 97
plus interest. The moti~ was seconded by Councilman Holland and
unanimously c arrie d.
Establishment of~ the office of Purchasing Agent was discussed.
The City Manager stated a salary of ~2700 had been set up and
that the examinations showed grades within points of each other
with the exceptic~ of one w~ich was l~ow.
When a~.ked by CounciLman Holland what determined his decision
to e~ploy ~r. W. E. Medinger, ~r. ,Lawson replied that it was
from the information received c~ the applications.
Since the references of the applicants had not been checked,
the City Manager was instructed to go over them carefully.
Councilman Holland moved t~at the matter be tabled until
the City Manager and City Clerk could study the possibility of
appointing someone a~ready employed by the City. Councilman
Sundy seconded the motion which carried unanimously.
The Financial Advisory Committee suggested'new title for
segregated City funds and accounts. The City Clerk was instructed
APRII~ 27, 195l~
to get an opinion from the Gity auditor as to possible changes
being made in account titles.
Mayor Strong asked thatthe Financial Adviso~y Committee be
instructed to check the other six depositories to determine
what interest they will.pay on city of ~elray Beach funds.
A motion was made by Councilman ~olland to instrUct the
committee to make a survey of the territory and recommend
report of the best interest available forCity f~nds. Councilman
Allen seconded the motion which c~rried m~enimously.
The Chief of the Fire Department made a request that Lots
13, 14, 15 end 16, Block 52~ be reserved for a future fire~
station site.
After discussion as to zoning, etc., a motion was made by
Connci~man ~lland that the request be ~eferred to the Planning
Board for their recommendations. The motion was seconded by
~rs. Woehle and upon call of roll, ~yor Stron~ voted opposed,
Councilmen Bundy, ~o~land, ~llen and Mrs. ~oehle voted in favor
of the ~otion.
The CityAttorney advised that he had had several people
express objections to the proposed helicopter site in Block
47. He stated the property is zoned Residence C and s~ggested
the Plannin~ Board be asked for their recommendations on re-
locating the site.
A motion was made by Councilm~n ~olland for the ~lanning Board
to check ~ots 1 throug~ 4, Block 51, for a deviation in zonin~
to relocate the helicopter site. The motion was seconded by
Mrs. ~oehle and unanimously c~rried.
The City Manager recommended the appropriated of up to ~50.00
to the City Fire Chief for expenses to atter~ the State Fire-
men' s Association meeting.
Upon motion of Councilm~n ~olland, seconded by Councilman
Allen and unanimously carried, the money w~s appropriated.
The City Manager presented a list of lots to be cleaned in
accordance with Or~tnance
After discussion as to amount of assessments against pro-
perry owners, etc. a motion was made by Councilman Holland to
instruct the City Manager to clean City property before pro-
ceeding with other lots. Councilman Allen seconded the motion
which carried unanimously.
Mrs. Woehle asked that the matter of repairin~ ~E 2nd AvenUe
be taken ca~e of immediately since the street is in such poor
condi ti on.
A motion was made by Councilman Sundy to instruct the City
F~nager to c~eck with the ¢o~ty Commission and ~rge them to
begin the ~ rk. Councilman Allen seconded the motion which
carri ed unanimously.
F~rs. Woehle stated she wished to check fu.rther the legality
of the County Registrar not allowing County registrations to
be handled by the City Clerk of ~elray Beach.
F~r. ~awson recommended that salaries of laborers be paid
by check instead of in cash. He stated that several grocery
stores had agreed to cash the checks and that seemed to be the
only objection in the past to paying salaries in this manner.
The Council authorized the City Manager to pay the salaries by
Mayor Strong announced the resign~tion of John J. C~ark f~om
the Civil ~efence Committee and asked the Council to consider
appointing Lee K. V~nce to replace ~r. Clark. It was agreed that
Mr. Vance wou&d be asked to accept the position.
Mayor Str~n~ a~vised the Councili~hat the CP~'s had completed
APHIL 27, 19.54
their audit check but that she had not yet received a written
report of their findings.
Mayor strong asked the Council to consider immediate repair
of NW 10th A~enue at the Colored Youth Center.
The City Manager was instructed 'by Mayor Strong to check
City funds to determine if the Council chamber could be painted
in the near future,
Georgia Lapham addressed the Council suggesting that a flag
be placed either outside the City Hall o~ Lu~the Council Chambers.
The Council agreed to the suggestion.
Mrs.' Wo'ehle stated that Mr. Kabler and Mr'. ~eRice of Seaspray
Avenue. had asked that the street be repaired, out of the Revolving
Improvement Fur~.
Mrs. Woehle made a motion that the adjoining property owners
be contacted regarding, assessments for the work. The motion was
seconded by Councilman Sundy and carried unanimously.
Mayor Strong read a letter from Mike Blank resigning from
the Golf, Commit teee
A motion was made by Councilman Holland that the Court il
accept the resignation with a letter expressing their appreciation
for his many years of service. The motion was seconded by Mrs.
Noehle and unanimously carried.
The meeting then adjourned.
' 'City C'ler~ .........