05-14-54SpMtg MAY 14, 1954
A Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Delray
Beach was ~eld in the Council Chambers at 2:00 P.M. with Mayor
Catherine E. Strong in the Chair, City Manager W. E. Lawson Jr.,
City Attorney Nell MacMillan and the following Council members
present: Glenn B. Sundy, Mrs. Alma ~. Woehle, and W.Cottingham
Allen, a quorum being present.
The meeting was called for the purpose of discussing the
location of the proposed turnpike and recreational problems with
the Youth Recreation Committee.
Mr. William Ransdell, Chairman of the Recreation Committee
discussed with the Council the problem of the Little Theatre
g~oup using the Youth Center building so often that the Youth
group had little or no opportunity for recreation there. He said
the committee had finally disbanded after a long period of time
when they were unable to carry out a program of any kind for the
When asked by Mrs. ~oehle if he was satisfied with the present
Director, Mr. Ransdell stated he felt Mr. Fletcher, who was the
first Director, was the best and had done the most for the group,
and he thought it was now time to change the present director.
Mr. Ransdell further stated the other members of the committee
should be asked if they were willing to continue serving on the
co~ittee. Mrs. Machek and Mr. Mizelle were present and stated
they were willing to continue serving.
Mayor Strong stated she felt the children themselves should
be ~asked for an opinion as to how they feel and that it was up to
the Co~ncil to take care of the use of the Youth Center building.
Councilman Sundy asked what arrangements were made for the
Little Theatre group using the building and was advised that the
seasonal rent is $250.00. It was brought out that Janitor service,
electricity, and a storage room are furnished by the City for the
b ui ld lng.
Mrs. Woehle felt t~ City should not ask the theatre to stop
using the building and stated the theatre group is an asset to the
City. Councilman Allen also felt it would be too abrupt to ask
them to discontinue using the building.
Mayor Strong stated that other buildings would be checked ~
that perhaps something might be worked out so that the You~ h group
could use the Youth Center in the summe~ and another site dA ring
the winter.
Mr. Ransdell stated he wished to resign as Chairman of the
committee but that he would act as an advisor if the committee so
wished. Mayor Strong suggested that the committee have a meeting
and make recommendations to the Council as to whom they would
like to appoint as Chairman.
Mr. Ransdell asked if the Council would furnish in writing
a list of the different uses of the Youth Center building. The
City M~nager was instructed to furnish the information.
Mayor Strong stated the Council had been asked to pass a
resolution placing the Turnpike to a location west of State Road
No. 7. The Council had tabled the request at the last meeting in
order to consider what affect the turnpike location would have on
the City and how the property owners in the area involved felt.
She stated that if the location is changed that Delray BeaCh may
not get the Clover Leaf. She also stated she had been told there
may be only one cut-off which could be West Palm Beach.
Mr. Lawsc~ read letters from Lake Lytal, Chairman of the
County Com~r~issioners, and from t~ Resources Development Board,
explaining the reasons for the resolution and the advantages to
Palm Beach County if the location of the turnpike could be changed.
He then read a copy of the resolution.
Mrs. Woehle stated she felt it was unfair to ask the Council
to pass a resolution so hurrtdly and that it was a matter for engin-
eers to decide as to the best location for the turnpike.
Mr. Harry McKean addressed the Council stating he had studied
the rights-of-way and felt the Council should not take action until
after the State election. He said the e~gineers had given the
turnpike very serious study and that it was a problem for them to
MAY 14, 1954
solve ·
Councilman Allen asked what other towns had done and Mrs. Woehle
statled there had been a number who had passed the resolution, but
that she wanted to go on record as being in favor of allowing the
turnpike to stayat its ~resent status and that she felt it was
economically better for Delray Beach where it is.
Mr. J. B. Smith stated he had attended meetings of the Resources
Development Board and th~ the complaints from West Palm Beach were
mostly' due to the fact that they are closer to the proposed location
of the turnpike and that they would not be able to expand any further
Mr. MacMillan stated the road would be constructed where the
State wants it to anyway and that he ~ould not advise the Council
getting involved in the m~tter.
Mrs. Woehle .suggested the Council not pass any resolution what-
ever but that they be ~epresented at the meeting in West Palm Beach
to advise those present what Delray Beach desired· Councilman Sundy
felt there was no need in going on record or attending, the meeting.
Mrs. Woehle explained that the Resources DevelopmentBoard had stated
in their letter that if a member of Delray Beach did not attend the
meeting they would assume automatically that they were in favor of
the chang e.
A motion was made by Mrs. Woehle that the matter be tabled.
The motion' was seconded by Councilman Allen and unanimously carried.
Mr. McKean was asked to advise the Palm Beach County_Land Owners
Association at the meeting in West Palm Beach thatDelray .Beach had
~abled their request.
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City Clerk