07-13-54 13, 19%4
A Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Delray
Beach was held in the. Council Chambers at 2:30 PM with Ma~or
Catherine E. Strong in the Chair, 3ity Manager .~. E. Lawson, City
Attorney Nail MacMillan, and the following Council members present:
Glenn B. Sundy, Mrs. Alma K. ~oehle, and N. Cottingham Allen, a
quorum being present.
An opening prayer was delivered by Mr. MacMillan.
A motion was made by Councilman Allen, seconded by Councilman
Sundy, and unanimously carried, to approve the minutes of the
meeting of June 22nd as corrected (1) Mayor Strong asked Mr. B~d
if, while he served as a County Commissioner, it was ever their
intention to give financial aid for storm drainage work, (2) the
flag in the Council Chambers was donated by the VFW Auxiliary
instead of the La{Lie's Auxiliary. The minutes of the meeting of
June 28th were approved as w~itten.
Coach George Owens addressed the Council asking that a dona-
tion b~ $25.00 be given for primes to be presented at a bicycle
derby to be held in Delray Beach. He stated ~here would be ~tve
groups of children participabing and asked that a free swimming
pass be given to the children who do not receive prizes.
A motion was made by Councilman Sundy that a donation of $25.00
be made, to be paid out of the 0ontingency Fund, and that a free
swimming pass for one week be given to thirty children. The motion
was seconded by Councilman Allen and carried unanimously.
Mr. Rhea ~hitley addressed tae Council, representing Mr. Alden
Painter, o~ner of Lot 11, Block 126, on Basin Drive. Mr. ~hitley
explained that his client had questioned the sufficiency of a
contract between the City and the property owners in that area, for
a 12 foot easement, stating that the contract does not locate the
easement nor say that the contract would carry over to new owmers.
Mr. Whitley stated a survey of the property is in progress and asked
the Council to approve an easement grant for Mr. Painter, subject
to the City Attorney's approval.
Mrs. Woehle asked the City Attorney if it was the City's in-
tention to make the easement permanent and he replied that it was.
Be fUrther explained that it would m~rely be a clarification of
the contract and suggested the easement grant also be approved by
the City Manage r.
A motion was made by Councilman Allen to approve the request,
subject to the subsequent final approval of the City Manager and
City Attorney. Councilman Sundy seconded the motion which carried
unan imo u sly.
Mayor Strong ~ead a petition from Walter Roth and other pro-
perty owners on NE 2nd Averse between 1st and 3rd Streets, offering
to pay their share of the assessment for repaying the street. Mr.
Roth stated there were approximately one-half of the owners in-
cluded in the petition but that he had not taken a total.
. Mr. MacMillan explained that the Council could assess property
owners for street improvement regardless of the percentage of those
willing to pay for it, and that it was the policy of the previous
Council to make the assessments without asking the owners.
A second petition was read regarding NE 2nd Avenue and signed
by owne rs opposing the asses sment.
Mrs. Woehle suggested t~e matter be tabled until such time as
the Council members could meet with the Planning Board and property
owners to discuss the problem thoroughly.
No ac tion was taken.
Mr. Cedil Farrar addressed the Council stating he had advertised
a sale of merchandise to be held at his home for the purpose of
closing out his business. The City Clerk had advised him that he
could not hold the sale frcm his home and Mr. Farrar stated he knew
of several cases in ~elray Beach of people who are conducting a
JULY 13, 1954
business f~om thei~ residence.
Mayor Strong asked Mr. Farrar if he had contacted the City
Clerk prior to advertising the sale and he replied he had not.
Mrs. Woehle felt the ordinance governing the above should be
upheld and that everyone should act accordingly.
Mayor Strong advised Mr. Farrar she felt the City Clerk had
taken the proper action in refusing the license for the sale, and
stated the Council wo~ld appreciate being notified of anyone who
is violating the ordinance.
M~. Ozzie Youngblood addressed the Council regarding additional
beach property for colored citizens. Mayor Strong announced that
the Council had met with Boca Raton and Boynton Beach council mem-
bers · o discuss obtaining additional property, and that i't was agreed
to secure from the County the assessed valuations of beach property
f~om north Boynton Beach to south Boca Raton, and the cost of float-
ing a bond issue. She advised that a second meeting would be held
August 9th with the other ccmmunities in an effort to designate a
beach di strict.
Mayor Strong asked the Council to consider allocating funds in
the new budget for the purpsse of conducting a city wide lot clear-
ing program, stating she felt it would be a better plan than cleaning
only those lots against which co~plaints are received.
Mrs. Woehle stated she had objected to the resolution passed at
the meeting of June 22nd because it was so drastic and t~t the
peopl~ had not had a fair chance to clear their property.
Mr. MacMillan suggested the Council consider the ordinance
which has be e~ in effect in the past, explaining it was adopt ed with
the thought 'in mind that the property ~nArs would clear their lots
of their own accord rather than be assessed.
Mrs. Tetzloff, owner of the Casa Anna Apartments, stated they
had waited three years for the owners of a lot adjacent to theirs
to clean.the lot and she felt the city should concentrate on the
beach area in the interest of tourists.
Mrs. Tetzloff was advised th$ property she ~eferred to was
included on the list which the Council approved for clearing June
The matter was tabled for further study.
The Council discussed the possibility of'presenting an Act
to the State Legislature which would return to the city one cent
of the seven cents gasoline tax. Mr. Lawso~ had contacted the City
Manager of Pompano Beach and it was agreed that the proposal would
be made to the Florida City Manager's Association.
Mr. Lawson asked the Council's approval to combine the offices
of Tax Assessor and Building Inspector, as recommended in the audit
~eport of Himes and Himes. He felt it would be a more efficient
operation and suggested a trial period of six months.
A motion was made by Mrs. Woehle to accept the recommendations
and report as submitted by Himes and Himes. Councilman Allen seconded
the motion which carried unanimously.
Mayor Strong suggested allocating funds in the new budget for
the purpose of bu~ing property for off-street parking. Hr. Lawson
presented the proposed parking plan which had previously been sub-
mitted by the Planning Board April 13. He suggested the City con-
sider leasing property from merchants in the business area, stating
the plan had bee~ found satisfactory in other cities.
Mr. MacMillan pointed out that the FEC Railroad might agree to
allow parking on their right-of-way and stated other cities are using
railro ad p~operty.
The overall street study, as submitted by the Planning Board,
was discussed. It was pointed out that since funds are available
in the Revolving Improvement Fund that w~rk should be started on
the priority streets listed, namely SE 3rd Avenue for one block;
NE 2nd Street from Federal Highway to Swinton Avenue, and SE 2nd
Street from the Federal Highway to $winton Avenue.
The City Manager was instructed to Obtain an estimate cost for
JULY 13, 1954
these streets, from an engineering survey, and to take into cc~-
sideration storm drainage which will be necessary.
Mayor Strong referred to an article in the July 8th issue
of the Delray Be~dh Journal wherein appeared criticism of pro-
cedures within City Departments which she felt were unwarranted
in view of the fact that investigation disclosed said comment to
be in error.
Mr. Lawson stated that a map prepared by Florida Power and
Light Company of the overall street light survey had been received
and that he would submit the final picture possibly a~ct~e next
The City Manager reported that specifications had been pre-
pared for a dump truck and that bids should be ready for consider-
ation at the next meeting.
Several applications for City Engineer have been ~ec~£ved
and the City Manager stated he is in the process of reviewing
them and would report to the Council.
Mr. Lawson read a letter received from M. E. Frump with regard
to a plan which had been worked out between the Youth Center and
Little Theater Group, whereby the last two rows of seatmwould be
reserved for the Youth Group on Friday and Saturday nights. Mayor
Strong read a list of Youth Comittee duties and Mrs. Woehle made
the suggestion that a member of this comittee approve a~l vouchers
for the Youth Center as is done by the GolfCommittee.
Mr. Lawson was instructed to submit the plans for the committee
duties to the Youth Center.
The City Manager advised that all rights-of-way for the gE 4th
~treet Railroad crossing had been obtained, with the exception of
100 feet owned by Henry Gordon.
Mr. Lawson announced that the survey for drainage on Waterway
Lane is being conducted by Elliott Gross, engineering firm.~
A requestof R. C. Seat for street lights on SE 2nd Avenue
between SE 7th and 10th Streets was held in abeyance until October
1st. Mr. Lawson explained that payments for current are now ex-
ceeding the budget by approximately ~100.00 a month and suggested
the requests for additional lights be held until provisions can be
made in the budget for expansion of the lighting system.
~r. Lawson read a request from the Ci~itan Club for~permission
to place concrete and wood benches in various locations in town.
He stated an identical request had been received f~em the Junior
Chamber of Commerce and that both clubs were interested in renting
the backs of the benches to local businesses for advertising space,
to raise funds for the clubs.
Mayor Strong objected to the advertising. She also advised
the Council that the Ewmning Garden Club had donated four benches
to the city which have been placed on East Atlantic Avenue and
that she felt a letter of appreciation should be written to the
Mrs. Woehle was of the opinion there is not enough shade in
the business area to warrant the use of benches.
After discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Allen that
the requests be denied, based on the undesirability of advertising
matter, and that the City Manager notify the clubs that the city
would accept the benches under certain conditions, but without
advertising. The motion was seconded by Councilman Sundy and upon
call of roll, Mayor Strong and C ouncilme n Sundy and Allen voted in
favor of the motion and Mrs. Woehle voted opposed.
A request for use-deviation from Cliff Baker, representing
a doctor, was discussed. It was desired to have a residence-office
in an apartment house district.
Mr. MacMillan advised this would be a deviation in zoning.
A motion was made by Councilman Sundy, seconded by Councilman Allen,
and unanimously carried, that the request be referred to the Plan-
ning Board.
The following Proof of Publication of Ordinance No. 192 was
ordered spread upon the minutes as follows:
Delray Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida
Before the undersigned authority, personally appeared
Robert L. Britt, w~o on oath says that be is Editor of The Delray
Beach Journal, a weekly newspaper published at Delray Beach in
Palm Beac~ County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement,
being a Legal Notice in tbe matter of Ord. Amending ordinance
535 of the City of Delray Beach, in the Court, was published
in said newspaper in the issues of July 1, 1954.
Affiant further says that the said The Delray Beach Journalis a
newspaper published at Delray Beach, in said Palm Beach County,
Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously
published in said Palm Beach County, Florida, each week and has been
entered as second class mail rotter at the postoffice in Delray Beach,
in said Palm Beach County, Florida, for a period of one ~ear next
preceding the first publication of the at tached copy of advertisement;
and affiant further says that he has neither paid no~ promised any
person, firm or corporation any discomnt, rebate, commission or
fund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication
in said .newspaper.
/s/ Robert L. Britt
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 1st day of
July A.D. 1954.
/s/ Eelen M. Lee
Notary Public, State of Florida at Large
My co~w, l ssion Expires May l, 1956
Notice is
the City of Delray Beach, Florida, on Tuesday July 13th,
1954, at the City Hall in said city at the hour of 2:30
o'clock p.m., will consider for final ~assage an ordi-
nance passed on first ~ding on June 28th 1954 and
"An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 535 of the City
of Delray Beach, Florida, as heretofore amended by
Ordinance No. 567, and Ordinance No. G-105, lewying a
tax on purchases of electricity, bottled gas and l$cal
telephone service."
At the aforesaid time and place, or at any time and
place to which such hearing may be adjourned, said
ordinance shall be read in full and after such reading
all persons interested~shall be given an opportunity to
be heard.
Given by order of the City Council~of the City of
Delray Beach, this 28th day of June, 1954.
R.D. Wo rthing
City C
Publish: July l, 1954
JUn¥ 13, 1954
The following Ordinance was then presented for second and
final reading:
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of De!ray Beach has
adopted a resolution authorizing the issuance of $100,000 Special
Tax Revenue Certificates of said City, which are to be payable
from and to be secured by first pledge of the proceeds of the tax
levied by Ordinance No. 535, as amended by Ordinance No. 567, and
Ordinance No. G-105, described in the caption hereto, and it is
desired in that connection to make certain changes in the provi-
sions of said ordinance;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the
City of Delray Beach, Florida, as follows:
Section 1: That Ordinance No. 535 adop~ ed on July 9, 1945,
"An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Delray
Beach, Florida, levying, establishing, and imposing a
graduated tax on purchases of electricity, bottled gas
and local telephone se~fice; providing for penalties for
the violation of this ordinance and repealing all
ordinances and parts of ordinances insofar as the same
are conflicting herewith."
as amended by Ordinance No. 567 adopted January. 28, 1946, entitled
"An Ordinance to amend Section 4 of Ordinance No. 535
adopted by the City Council of the City of Delray Beach,
Florida, on July 9, 1945, entitled 'An Ordinance of the
City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, levy-
ing, establishing and imposing a graduated tax on pur-
chases of electricity, bottled gas and local telephone
service; providing for penalties for the violation of
this ordinance, and repealing all ordinances and parts
of ordinances insofar as the same are conflicting
herewith' ."
as amended by Ordinance No. G-105 adopted September 8, 1950, entitled
"An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 535 of the City
of Delray Beach, Florida, as heretofore amended by
O~dinance No. 567, levying a tax on purchases of
electricity, bottled gas and local telephone service,
and declaring an emergency."
is hereby amended and reenacted to read as follows:.
"An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Delray
Beach, Florida, ~levying, establishing and imposing a
graduated tax on purchases of. electricity, bottled gas
and local telephone service; p~oviding for penalties
for the violation of this ordinance and reg~aling all
ordinances and parts of ordinances insofar as the same
are conflicting herewith."
"~ection 1. That there is hereby levied by the City of
Delray Beach, in Palm Beach County, Florida, on each and every
13, 1954
purchase in said city, of electricity, bottled gas (natural or
manufactured), and local telephone service, a tax based upon the
charge made by the seller thereof, as follows, to-wit:
10%. on the first ~25.00 billed in any calendar month
on the next ~50.00 or fraction thereof billed in
any calendar mo nth
1% on the balance of all charges over ~75.00 billed
in any calendar month
which tax shall, in every case, be paid by the purchaser, for the
use of said city, to the seller of suc~ electricity, gas or local
telephone service at the time of paying the charge therefor to
the seller thereof, but not less ~ten than monthly.
"Section 2. That it shall be the duty of every seller
of electricity, bottled gas (natural or manufactured), or local
telephone service, to collect from the purchaser, for the use of
said city, the tax hereby levied, at the time of collecting the
selling price charged for each transaction, and to report any pay
over, on or before the fifteenth day of each calendar month, unto
the City Clerk of said city, all such taxes levied and collected
during the preceding calendar month. It shall be unlawful for any
seller to collect the price of any sale of electricity, bottled gas
(natural or manufactured), or local telephone service, without at
the same time collecting the tax hereby levied in respect to such
sale or sales, unless such seller shall elect to assume an.~ pay such
tax without collecting the same from the purchaser. Any seller
fa$1tng to collect such tax at. the time of collecting the price of
any sale, where the seller has not elected to assume and pay such
· tax, shall be liable to said city for the amount of such tax in
like manner ~s if the same has been actually paid to the seller,
and the Mayor of said city shall cause to be brought all suits and
actions and to take all proceedings in the name of ~aid city as
may be necessary for the recovery of such tax; provided, however,
that the seller shall not be liable for the payment of such tax
upon uncollected bills. If any purchaser shall fail, neglect or
refuse to pay to the seller, the seller's said charge, and the tax
hereby imposed and as hereby required, on account of the sale for
which ~ch charge la made, or either, the seller sh~ll have and is
hereby vested with the right, power and authority immediately to
discontinue further service to such purchaser until the tax and the
seller's bill shall have been paid in full..
"Section 3. That each and every seller of electricity,
bottled gas (natural ol· manufactured), and local telephone service
shell keep complete records showing all sales in said city of such
commodities or service, which records shall show the price charged
upon each sale, the date thereof, and the date of. payment therefor,
and said records shall be kept open for inspection by the duly
authorized agents of salad city during business hours on all business
days, and said duly authorized agents of said city shall have the
right, power and authority to make such transcripts thereof during
such times as they may desire.
"Tn addition to making such records available, every
seller is hereby required to execute and file not later than the 20th
day of each month, at the office of the City Clerk, a sworn, statement
on a form prescribed by the Oity Clerk setting forth the amount of
such tax to which the city became entitled under the provisions of
this ordinance on account of bills paid by purchasers during the
preceding fiscal month, and contemporaneously with the filing of
said statement shall pay said amount of such tax to which the city is
entitled to said City Clerk to be deposited to the credit of such
ftu~ds of thw city to be utilized for such purposes as the City
Council may prescribe by ordinance or re solution.
JULY 13, 1954
"Section 4. That the United States of America, State
of Florida, and the political subdivisions and agencies, boards,
commissions and authorities thereof, are hereby exempted from
payment of the tax levied by this ordinance.The tax h~ereby levied
on sales of telephone service shall apply to all charges made for
local telephone service exempt local messages which are paid for
hy inserting coins in coin-operated telephones, but the total
amount of t~he guaranteed charge on each bill rendered for semi-
public coin box telephone service shall be subject to such tax.
"~ection 5. That in all cases where the seller of
electricity, bottled gas (natural or manufactured), or local.
telephone service collects the price thereof at monthly periods,
the tax hereby levied may be computed on the aggregate amount of
sales during such period, provided that the amount of tax to be
collected shall be the nearest ~hole cent to the amount computed.
"Section 6. That for the purpose of this ordinance a
sale shall be determined to be made in the Cit~ of Delray Beach in
every.instance where electricity, bottled gas ~natural or manUfac-
tured~ and local telephone service, is delivered to a purchaser
residing within the limits of the City of Delray Beach regardless
of whether the residence or business or headquarters of the seller
be located within the limits of the City of Delray Beach or e~e-
"Section 7. That any purchaser wllfully failing or
refusing to pay the tax hereby imposed, where the seller has not
elected to assume and pay such tax, and any seller violating the
provisions hereof, or any officer, agent, or employee of.any seller
violating the provisions hereof, shall, upon conviction~ be subject
to a fine of not more than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00), or im
prisonment in the City Jail for not more than ten (10) days, or
both such fine and imprisonment for each and every violation, in
the discretion of the Judge of the Municipal Court.
"Section 8. That in the event any section, paragraph,
sentence, clause or portion of this ordinance shall, for any reason
be held unconstitutional, invalid or ineffective, the same shall
not repeal, nullify, or in any wise affect any other section,' para-
graph, sentence or portion of this ordinance.
"Section 9.~ That all ordinance and parts of ordinances,
in so far as the same are in conflict herewith shall be and the same
are hereby repealed.
"Section 10. That on its passage, this ordinance shall
become effective and applicable to bills rendered on or after
August 15, 1945."
Adopted and approved July 13, 1954.
/s/ Catherine E. Strong
Mayo r
/s/ R.D. ~orthing
City Clerk
The foregoing ordinance appro~ved as to form, language and
/s/ ~teil Mac Millan
City Attorney
A motion was made by Councilman Sundy to adopt the ordinance
on second and final reading. Councilman Allen seconded the motion
and upon call of roll, Mayor Strong and Councilmen Sundy and Allen
voted in favor of the ordinance and FA~s. Woehle voted opposed.
The following ordinance was t~en read:
Section l: That Section ll of Ordinance No. G-66 (as amended)
of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, be and the same is hereby
amended as follows:
unlawful for any licensee, his agent, servant, or employee to conduct
any such auction sale as is mentioned in Section 6 of this Ordinance
between the hours of 6:00 P.M. and 8:00 A.M., or on Sundays. Pro-
riding, however, that conditional or provisional sales as provided
in Section 18 of this ordinance may be conducted ~o the hour of ll:30
Section 2. That Section 15 of 0 rdinance No. G-66 (as amended)
of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, be and the same is hereby
amended as follows:
!'Section 15: LICENSES
(a) Auctioneers, each ............ ~50.00
(b) Auctions, per day ............ $20.00
provided, however, no licensee
shall be required to pay such
license fee when said licensee
has paid the total sum of $1,000.00
in the license year."
~ection 3: That all ordinance and parts of ordinances in con-
flict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed.
PASSED in Regular Session on second and final reading on this
13th day of July 1954.
/s/ Catherine E. Strong
/s/ R.D. Worthing
City Clerk
unz 13, 1954
A motion was made by Mrs. Woehle to adopt the ordinance on
second and final reading. Councilman Allen seconded the motion
which was carried unanimously.
The follo~dng resolution was then read:
Gosman subdivision).
Mr. MacMillan felt it is not a good policy to abandon any
city property. Mrs. Woehle then made a motion that the resolution
be denied.
The City Attorney reminded the Council of the recent request
of Mrs. E. E. Foote which was the result of the city abandoning an
alley in the rear of her property, closing off access to her lot.
He suggested the Council contact Mr. John Adams who prepared the
foregoing resolution to discuss the matter further.
Mrs. woehle withdrew her motion and the matter was tabled
for further consideration.
The following resolution was then read:
WHEREAS, all of the affected land owners have Joined~together
and have petitioned the City Council to vacate the public utility
· easement 10 feet in width lying 5 feet on either side of the Nor-
therly 135 feet of the Easterly boundary line of Lot 12, Blue Seas,
a subdivision in the City of Delray Beach, Florida, as per plat
thereof on file in the off'ce of the Clerk of the Circuit Court.
in and for Palm Beach Co~lnty, Florida, recorded in Plat Book 23,
page 185, so that said public utility easement may be re-located,
as hereinafter indicated, which re-location will permit the owners
of the~affected property to use the same to a better plan and ad-
vantage and which will nevertheless provide satisfactory public
utility easement access to all property in the subdivision.
WHEREAS, all of the property owners of parcels of land lo-
cated in said subdivision have evidenced their approval of this
abandonment and re-location; and
WHEREAS, said public utility easement is not, and never has
been, used; and
WHEREAS, the CttyCouncil deems it to be to the best interests
and growth of the City of Delray Beach to cause said easement to
be abandoned and re-located; and
WHEREAS, the affected fee title owners of the property
involved in the easement re-location have dedicated by easement
deed the property affected thereby; and
WHEREAS, the City Oouncil is desirous of accepting the dedi-
cation of said public utility easement as re-located.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of She
City of Delray Beach, Florida;
SECTION 1. That the public utility easement located 5 feet
JlY~Y 13, 1954
on either side of the Northerly 130 feet of the East boundary line
of Lot 12, ~lue Seas, a subdivision in the City of Delray Beach,
as per plat thereof on file in the office of the Clerk of the
Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach County, Florida, recorded in
Plat Book 23, page 185, be and the sa~e is hereby vacated and
SECTION 2. That the City of Delray Beach hereby accepts the
dedication, for public utility purposes the land area described
as follows, to-wit:
. Beginning at a point 30 feet East of the Northeast
corner of Lot 1% Blue Seas suodivision~which
point is in the North boundary line of not B of
said subdivision, thence go South 140 feet along a
line parallel to and 30 feet Easterly of the East
boundary lines of ~ot 12 and I of said subdivision;
thence go West 30 feet along a line parallel to the
North boundary line of said subdivision to a point
in the East boundary llne of Lot l; thence go North
a distance of l0 feet along the East ~oundary line of
Lots i and 12 of said subdivision; thence go East a
distance of 20 feet along a line parallel to the
North boundary line of said subdivision$ thence go
North a distance of 130 feet along a line parallal
to the East boundary line of Lot 12 of said subdivi-
sion ~here the sam~ intersects the North boundary
line of said subdivision; thence go East l0 feet
along the North boundar, y line of said subdivision
to the point of beginning.
The location of same being more clearly indicated by
the heavy black line indicating an easement lO feet
in width as shown by the attached sketch, which is
made a part hereof.
ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Delray Beach,
Florida, this the 13th day of July A.D., 1954.
/s/ Catherine E. Strong
/s/ R.D. Worthing
City Clerk
A motion was made by Mrs. Woehle to adopt the foregoing
resolution. Councilman Allen seconded the motion and it carried
The following resolution was then raad:
WHEREAS, the City Council has been petitioned to grade and
pave South West S~Zth Avenue from Atlantic Avenuet$ Third Street,
to a width of twenty-two (22) feet, and to assess the cost of such
JU~Y 13, 1954
improvement against the lands abutting thereon,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the
City of Delray Beach, as follows:
SEC~ION l: That the City Manager be required to submit
plans, specifications, and estimate o~ cost of such improvement
to be made, and that the same shall be placed on file in the
office of the City Manager.
PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Delray
Beach, Florida, on this the 13th day of July, A.D., 1954.
/j/ Catherine E. Strong
/s/ R.D. Worthing
City Cle rk
A motion was made by Councilman Allen to adopt the resolu-
tion. Mrs. Woehle seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
A report from the Swimming Committee followed which outlined
several recommendations for improvements to the beach, and the
scheduled program for the summer. The Council discussed the problem
of lifeguards not being able to enforce rules and Mayor Strong mmde
the suggestion that the lifeguards be deputized. Mrs. Woehle felt
that a list of rules and regulations posted at the beach would be
suf f ici ent.
The matter was tabled for study.
The following reports were read from the Planning Board:
8 July 1954
The Honorable Mayor and City Council
Delray Beach, Florida
Re: Fire Station Location
Ladies and Gentlemen:
At a recent meeting with the Planning Board, Fire Chief
Gregory explained the need for a new Fire Station, with a sub-
station on the east side of the Canal, and noted that his first
choice on location for the main station was lots 13, 14, 15, 16
Block 52, facing south on Atlantic Avenue, between NN Fist and
Second Avenues.
Inspection of available City-owned land and further dis-
cussion brought out the following points:
1) That Atlantic Avenue frontage values should not be
used up in permanent city department activities where
avoidable. (It was felt that expansion of the Tennis
Courts also should be clear of a minimum l~0 ft. lot
depth from Atlantic Avenue. )
2) That it was not absolutely esaential to front on
Atlantic Avenue, particularly in view of crowded
traffic conditions during the seasc~, when east-west
routes on North or South 2nd Streets might entail
le ss delay.
3) That Block 37 (the old Fair Grounds) would provide
adequate space for expansion to the south, if the
station were faced to the East, approximately 175 ft.
un¥ lB, 1954
south of Atlantic Ave. without impinging upon estab-
lished recreational facilities (as in Blks. 52 and 51.)
4) That paving of Sd Third Avenue between Atlantic
Avenue and SW 2nd Street would provide good access to
two desirable easterly routes.
The Board therefore recommends that the new Fire Station be
located on Block 3?, at least 175 ft. south of Atlantic Avenue,
facing East;and that SW Third Avenue be paved as noted above, as
a part of the project.
/s/ Robert F. Blake II Chai rm an
Chief Gregory addressed the Council stating he felt the
above recommendation would create the same problems as they now
have in the present location. Mr. Allen brought out the possibility
of the Tennis Courts expansion and stated consideration should be
made to that before deciding on the recommended location.
No action was gaken.
l0 July 1954
The Honorable Mayor andCity Council
Delray Beach, Florida Re: Federal Hig~ay Setbacks
NE 2nd Avenue
Ladies and Gentlemen:
On June 30 a special meeting of the Planning Board, attended
by members of the Council and the Chamber of Commerce, was called
to discuss with County Engineer Stephen R. Middleton and County
Commissioner Ben Sundy plans for improvements to the Federal ~igh-
way and NE 2nd Avenue. On the basis of this discussion and fUrther
study by the Board, recommendations a~e submitted as appearing below.
1. Federal Highway Minimum Setback Requirements~
Mr. Middleton asserted that the State Road Board intends
to construct a highway through Delray Beach which will require 100
ft. R/N generally, with the possible exception of certain blocks,
to be designated by the new Road Board next Autumn, as permissible
for an 80 ft.R/W. He noted that the existing minimum setbacks allow
construction within the 100 ft. width, and suggested that the city
adopt requirements similar to certain Cot~nty requirements providing
for the highway R/W elsewhere.
After further discussion the Board recommends immediate adopt-
ion of an ordinance setting up minimum buildin, g setbacks from the
center line of the Federal Highway as follows.
a) Commercial Buildings or other structures where customers
are served exclusively inside the building (as distinguished
from curb or drive in services to motor vehicles),
50 ft. from R/Wcenter line
b) Filling Stations, Fuel Pumps, or other automobile
service facilitie~ where vehicles leave the public highway
to be served or repaired,
60 ft. from R/W center line
c) Residences, Tourist Courts, ~otels, ~otels,
75 ft. from R/W center line
JuLY 13, 1954
d) Commercial buildings, Stands, or other structures
from which customers are served or sold food or
beverages in their cars (such buildings being commonly
k~om as "drive-ins"
80 ft from R/W Center Line
e) Ail buildings, facilities or improvements now
existing within the appropriate minimum setbacks noted
above shall be classified as non-conforming uses, and
no alterations to buildings or facilities so classified
shall be allowed unless the building be then made to
conform, or the cost of such alteration be less than
2. NE Second Avenue:
Mr. Middleton and Mr. Sundy explained that the County
would install 24 ft. o~ paving along the center line of ME Second
Avenue, and would cooperate where the City desired to increase the
paving width so that the entire work~ would be done at one time and
by one contractor. It was noted that the County would also pay a
part of ~the fee for engineering services in connection with the work
in proportion of the county-built 24 ft. paving to the total paving
in any area. Others attending agreed that business blocks should
have fou~ lanes of moving traffic, two par~king lanes, curbs, side-
walks and storm sewers. A seventy foot R/~ would be composed as
fo llows:
four traffic lanes $ 10' 40 ft.
~wo parking lanes @ 8' 16 ft.
two curbs & walks ~ 7' 14 ft.
Where existing buildings protrude into this 70 ft. ~dth, the par-
king lane should be omitted.
The Board therefore wishes to modify its recommendation
contained in the general recommendations for street improvements
of 8 April, 1954, as follows, with reference to NE Second Avenue:
a) That the City obtain a 70 ft. R/N along Second Ave. from
Atlantic Avenue to NE 2nd Street, thereafter 60 ft..R/W to
the city limits.
b) That the minimum setback for any building in business
zones be maintained at 35 ft. from the R/W center line.
c) That the City ~nstall paving in conjunction with the
County paving to obtain a total of 56 ft. of pavement, and
further install curbs and sidewalks ?' wide on each side
of the pavement, extending from Atlantic Avenue to NE 2nd St.
where existing conditions permit, complete ~th gutters,
drains and storm sewers.
d) That the City install paving in conjunction with the
County paving to obtain a total of 40 ft. of pavement (four
traffic lanes, no paved parking lanes) from NE 2nd Street
to NE 4th Street.
Since rely,
/~s/ Robert F. Blake I1
Mr. MacMillan was of the opinion that the recommendations
for set-backs on the Federal Highway as to types of structures
would be discriminating and suggested amending the existing
ordinance to provide for 50 feet from the center line, which would
JULY 13, 1954
provide the required right-of-way for .the new highway.
Since the ordinance would involve zoning and therefore have
to be passed as. an emergency ordinance, the matter was tabled until
a quorum of 5 cour~il members is present.
The City Attorney was instructed to p~epare an emergency
ordinance to provide for 50 foot set-back from the center line ~n
Federal Highway, upon motion of Councilman Sundy, seconded by
Councilman Allen and unanimously carried.
~ith regard to NE 2nd Avenue, Mayor Strong stated that since
some of the property owners were oppose~ to t~e paving, that the
City Clerk should be instructed to obtain the percentage figures
by contacting the owners. M~. MacMillan suggested polling the
owners by letter instead of conducti ~g a mass meeting.
The City Clerk was instructed to write letters to ~he property
owners on NE 2nd Avenue to determine who is in favor of repaving
from Atlantic Avenue to ME 4th Street.
lO :uly 1954
The ~onorable Mayor and City Council
~elray Beach, Florida
Eadies and Gentlemen:
The Planning Board has taken action on matters recently
referred to it as follows:
1. Building setback requirements, Residence A zone (Ref:
Eugene R. Constans letter 20 May, to City Mgr. )
In view of the growing tendency towards rear yard
development for private outdoor living, the Board feels that for
100 ft. depth lots, the thirty-five foot setback requirements from
Res. A zone front lot lines is unduly severe and should be relaxed.
In order to avoid a seeming penalty on deeper lots, which should be
encouraged in future developments, it was felt that the modified
setback requirement should apply to all A zone; but that those
neighborhoods already half built up or more, should retain the set-
backs already observed. The Board felt that no further modifica-
tion was. Justified where houses are to be staggered over a five
foot depth or more, and that such setback variations should occur
back of the minimum line.
Consultation M~th City Planner George Simons Jr. advisor
to the Planning Board supported these views.
The Board therefore recommends that the front setback require-
ment in Residence zone A be modified from 35 feet to 30 feet from
the front property line. Except that where any block of lots front-
ing on the same street has been 50% or more built at other than 30
ft. setback, then new building shall comply with the established
minimum, but in no,~ case shall the req~oired setback be more:~than
35 feet.
2. Proposed development for Mr. Thomas J. Edwards.
It was noted that tb~ north and south boundary streets
are not correctly indicated and should read:
NW ~th Street (at the north boundary)
NW 3rd Street (at the south boundary)
The Board considers the tentative layout a very excellent one, a
relief from the usual gridiron pattern, and recommends that it be
accepted with the following, provisions:
a) That the owner secure the dedication from a~Jacent property
owners of additional 25 ft. on the north, east, and the south..
from NW Twelfth to NW Thirteenth ~enues, to give 50 ft.
on the north and east and on the south to lot~44- The Board
did not feel it necessary to provlde the full R/W from lot ~44
west, since no other lots face south, and an alley access would
be sufficient.
b) That the owner install 22 ft. paving as access streets,
with construction approved by the City Engineering Department,
on the center lines of all 50 ft. R/W, including perimeter R/W
as mentioned in a) above.- These streets to provide adequate
storm drainage for the subdivisions area.
c) That street signs be installed at all intersections.
d) That Utility easements of 1~ ft.minlmum (12 ft. pref-
erable) be indicated as necessary to provide for all lots.
e) That the sanitary sewage system be approved by the
County Board of Health.
f) That the final plat be resubmitted to the Planning Board
for approval, showing:
location and sizes of watermains and fire hydrants.
electric power and telephone poles.
street lights, if any.
location and invert elevations of any storm or
sanitary sewers.
Sinc ere ly,
/s/ Robert F. Blake II*
No action was taken on the abo~e recommendations regarding
set-backs in Residence A zone.
The Council discussed the provision regarding T. H. Edwards
plat with regard to installing streets before the plat is approved.
A motion was made by Mrs. Woehle to accept the recommenda-
tions of the Planning Board except as to streets being installed,
and that the City Manager refer the recommendations to Mr. Edwards
for compliance and subject to final plat. Councilman Sundy secon-
ded the motion which carried unanimously.
Bills in the amount of $25,727.47 were approved for payment
subject to the approval of the Finance Committee, upon motion of
Councilman Sundy, seco nded by Councilman Allen and unanimously
c~rrie d.
The City Clerk requested authorization to clear the petty
cash record of advances to for~e~employees which are uncollectable.
Mayor ~trong_asked ~f the matter could be taken to Small Claims
Court. The City Attorney stated he would attempt to collect the
debts and would work with the City Clerks
A motion was made by Councilman Allen to authorlzm the City
Clerk to charge off $25.32 of a paving lien on 4ct 22, Block 4,
Monroe subdivision, which was assessed in Fe~bruary 1951 for ~97.63.
Palm Beach County acquired the lot August 15, 1951 and sold it
July 11, 1952. The city received $72.31 from the proceeds of ~the
sale. The motion was seconded by Councilman Sundy and carried
unantmous ly.
Mr. Lawson explained that a payment to Howard cromer for a
portion of the water system improvement is now due and asked that
authorization be made to pay ~3,519.34 directly out of the Water
Syst~a Fund instead of transferring the money from one adcount to
Motion was made by Mrs. ~oehle, seconded by Councilman Allen
and unanimously carried, to authorize payment of the bill.
~r. Lawsom asked the Council to authorize the transfer of
~10,000.00 to. the Fire Station building fund which was appropriated
in the 1951-52 and 1952-53 budgets but never transferred.
Motion was made by Councilman Sundy, seconded by Councilman
Allen and unanimously carried, approving the transfer of ~10,000.00
to the new Fire Station building fund.
Mayor Strong announced that Dr. Davis h~d retired from medical
ractice and that a replacement would be required for a Health
fficer. She asked that a resolution be prepared by the City
Attorney thanking Dr. Davis for his services.
The City Manager was instructed to contact local doctors for
a replacement.
Mayor Strong stated that members of the Council met informally
with a representative of the F.I.C.P.A. and discussed the report
which they planned to make to their Institution. The discussion
was informal - not at a Council meeting, therefore the Council has
requested a formal report - in order that it may be made of public
record for the City and in order that the Council may take such
formal action on it as may be warranted.
Mr. MacMillan referred to a Tax Certificate which had been
· issued stating there were no taxes or assessments as of November
18, 1953, on the Wes~t 150 feet of Ocean Beach Lot 29, and that the
property had' been purchased on the strength of that certificate.
He stated the City has since issued an assessmeat against the~'~pro-
petty and that during the past ~aeveral months he had done extensive
checking in an attempt to determine when a lien becomes effective.
Mr. MacMillan had been advised by the Attorney General that a lien
becomes effective when it is approved by the City Council, and in
view of the legal conferences which were held, he requested the
Council approve the principal payment in the amount of ~716.92
and waive the interest.
A motion was m~ie by Councilman Allen that the rec~endation
be* approved and the principal am~ount be accepted and interest
waived, due to time which hadbeen spent to determine when a lien
is effective. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Woehle and carried
u~n imou sly.
Mayor Strong read a letter from the Beach Taxpayers League
urging the Counoil to consider a fire station for the beach area
in the new budget.
The City Clerk read the following resolution pertaining to a
payroll fund to be opened:
I HEREBY CERTIFY that I am the duly appointed and qualified
City Clerk of the City of Delray. Beach, Florida, and that the
following is a true and correct copy of a resolution duly adopted
at a regular meeting of the City Council, ~eld on the 13t~ day
of ~uly, 1954.
BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Man~ger be an~ he is hereby
authorized to open a PAYROLL ACCOUNT in the First National Bank
of Delray Beach, Fla., and that funds deposited therein may be
withdrawn upon a check signed by any ONE of the following:
/s/ R. D. Worthing City Clerk-Treasu~e~
/s/ Marie Williams Asst. City/£1erk-Treas~rer~
whose signatures shall be duly certified to said Bank, and that
'~no checks drawn against said Bank shall be valid unless so signed.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that said Bank is hereby authorized
and directed tp honor and pay any checks so drawn, whether such
checks be payable to the order of any person signing said checks,
or any of such persons in their individual capacities or n~t, and
whether such checks .are deposited to the individual credit of the
person so signing said checks or to the individual credit of any
of the other officers or not. This resolution shall continue in
force and said Bank may consider the facts concerning the holders
of said offices, ~espectively, and their signatures to be and
continue as set forth in the certificate of the City Clerk of
Del~ay Beach, Florida, accompanying a copy of this resolution when
delivered to said Bank or in any similar subsequent certificate,
~til written notice to the contrary is duly served on said Bank,
PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Delray
Beach, Florida, this 13th day of July, A.D., 1954.
/s/ Catherine E. Strong ~
/s/ R.D. Worthing
City Clerk
Councilman Allen moved that the above resolution be adopted.
The motion Ks seconded by Mrs. ~Woehle and carried unanimously.
Mayor Strong read a copy of a letter f~om Mr. Manson of the
Golf Committee w~itten to Mr. Richard Hanna, with regard to plans
for the new club house for the Golf Course. Mr. Manson stated the
plans had been accepted and e~p ressed their desire that the con-
tractor to whom the contract was awarded be required to furnish
a performance bond, covering the amount of contract ~o be let
and that it being further desired completion date be not later
than December 1, 1954.
Mayor Strong inquired as to the status of indexing minute
books and was advised the work is progressing.
Mayor Strong stated she had been advised by the auditors
of Himes and Himes that the present system of the city tax ~oll
in card form is not legal. The City Clerk stated the proposed
use of the new accounting machine would provide for the tax roll
being in book form.
The meeting, then adjourned.
- "City Clerk .......