10-12-54 16'7
OCTOBER 12, 1954
A Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Delray
Beach was held in the Council Chambers at 2:30 P.M. with Mayor
Catherine E. Strong in the chair, City Manager W.E. Lawson Jr.,
and the followin4~ Council members present: R. J. ~olland, W.
Cottingham Allen, and Mrs. Alma it. Woehle, a quorum being present.
An opening prayer was delivered by Rev. J.M. Wa~.ker.
The minutes of the meeting held September 28 w~re approved
as written upon motion of Mrs. Woehle, seconded by Councilman
Allen and unanimously carried.
A Resolution from the Town of Lantana regarding distribution
of a portion of State Gasoline Tax was read by City Manager Lawson,
as well as a letter from the Mayor of Lantana, Mr. L. Irving
Ashauer soliciting support in having legislation enacted during
the next season of the State Legislature.
A motion was made by Councilman Allen that t~e City Attorney
draw up a resolution for the City of DeLray Beach requesting con-
sideration with regard to possible benefits from a portion of the
State gasoline tax revenue. Mrs. Woehle seconded the motion and
it carried unanimously.
Bids for Comprehensive.General L,iability Insurance were
read by Mr. I~awson - Amlin ~nsurance Agency submitting a bid of
$3849.37 for $500.00 deductible and Plastridge Agency a bid of
~4920.00 for bodily injury and 5/25 Property Damage, said bids
to become effective October 15, 1954.
Motion was made by Councilman Holland to accept the bid of
Plastridge Agency and to increase the limit of liability to
$100,000- 9300,000, with Property coverage of ~25, 000. 00. The
motion was seconded by Councilman Allen and unanimously carried
after discussion by Council members of last years claims.
A petition was read requesting the opening and paving of
Shulson Street between Gleason St. an~ Ocean Boulevard. The
petition was signed by approxi~tely 80 percent of the property
owners involved.
Mr. Mickleberry, one of the property owners, was recognized
by the chair and he recommended there be an 18 foot minimum pav-
ing on this street.
A motion was made by Councilman Holland to accept the peti-
tion but with a 20 foot pavement, subject to the approval of the
City Manager as to encroachments which may of necessity occur.
Councilman Allen seconded the motion which carried unanimously.
Mayor Strong expressed the desire of improving all city
streets but that redognition be given previously scheduled pro-
Jects and that, by virtue of priority, they be so processed.
The following resolution was then read:
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Delray Beach,
Florida, deems it to be necessary for the safety and convenience
of the public to cause the opening and paving of Shulson Street
between Gleason Street and Ocean Boulevard to a width of twenty
(20) feet, and to assess the cost of such improvement against
OCTO E 1954
the lands abutting thereon.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the
City of Delr~y Beach, as follows:
SECTION l: That the City 'Manager be required to submit
plans, specifications, and an estimate of the cost o~F such
improvement to be made, and that the same shall be placed on
file in the office of the City Manager.
BA~EED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of
Delray Beach, Florida, on this the 12th day of October, A.D.,
/s/ Catherine E. Strong
Mayo r
/s/ R.D. Worthing
City Clerk
Upon motion of Councilman HoZland, seconded by Councilman
Allen and unanimously carried, the above reso~lution was passed
on first reading.
The City Manager read a request from Freddie Monroe who
asked that a Beer and Wine License No. 307 how held by Garfield
Jones Jr. at the East Coast Gardens, 27 NW 5th ~Avenue, with
business to be continued at that address, be transferred in
favor of himself.
A motion was made by Councilman Holland to grant the
questsubJect to approval of the City Manager, following usual
procedure of investigation and the motion was seconded by Mrs.
Woehle, unanimously carried.
Bills in the amount of ~30,947.76 were approved for payment
subject to the approval of the Finance Committee, upon motion
of Councilman Allen, seconded by Councilman Holland and unani-
mousl y c ar tie d.
Mr. George Warren, Chairman of the Delray ~each Chamber of
Commerce Off-street ?arki~g Committee, submitted reaults of the
survey made by the committee for available land for off-street
meter parking, adjacent to Atlantic Avenue. The available area,
suitable for this project, comprises approximately twelve lots
which could be purchased for approximately 9??,000.00 plus
$8,000.00 cost of leveling the land or an approximate total of
~85,000.00 which should provide parking for 200 cars. The
Committee submitted four possible methods of financing this
(1) Use of the anticipated cigarette tax as collateral
for loan certificates.
(2)~ Issue certificates of indebtedness to a bonding
company using the 4.4~ interest return from the
meters to pay a maximum of 3% interest on this loan,
then provide a principal payment in the 1955-56
budget, which on a ten year indebtedness would
require 98,500. principa~ payment for ten years.
(3) Sell the City's various unimproved properties and
apply the money toward purchase of interest income
producing parking.
(4) Declare the parking area tax free, induce a private
person to purchase these properties for parking, the
city to clear and pave it, the purchaser to lease all
OCTOBER 12, 1954
of this land to the City Parking Authority for a
minimum of 25 years with option to purchase at
the end of this time for the original purchase price.
The Chairman asked that the Mayor appoint a committee to
~oroughly go into the matter with the Chamber of Commerce.
The Mayor felt the entire Council plus the Finance Committee
would like to meet with the Cham~er committee, which meeting
will soon be arranged.
Mayor Strong requested reading of a letter from the
Florida East Coast Railway dated October 6, 1954, which accom-
panied a Lease Agreement, prepared by the F.E.C. covering the
leasing to the City of Delray Beach for the purpose of auto-
mobile parking facilities, a parcel of land owned by the Railway
Company and bounded on the east by Southeast 3rd Avenue, on the
south by Southeast 2nd Street, on the west by the F.E.C. Rail-
road right-of-way, and on the north by driveway entrance to the
F.E.C. Station property.
The City Manager was requested to obtain an esti~te of
the cost requirements covering grading and installation of
protective measures with regard to barricades, in accordance
with the terms of the prepared lease, and to acknowledge receipt
of the lease, expressing appreciation of the City Council for
the cooperation of the Railway Co. and to further advise that
formal acceptance thereof will be effected at the regular meeting
of the City Council to be held October 26, 1954.
Mr. Walter Rot~ asked what had. been decided regarding NE
2nd Avenue. Mayor Strong expressed the d~tre of the Council
that the current paving Job by the County on this street be
continued south to Atlantic Avenue and that the work be accom-
plished in sufficient time as not to affect nor hinder the
merchants Christmas trade, otherwise to delay until after the
holiday season.
Mr. Lawson stated that some places would need to be raised
and some lowersd in order to give drainage.
The City Manager agreed to contact the County Engineer
with a view to obtaining the ~esired continuation of County
paving to Atlantic Ave. within the time stated, and also to
attempt to obtain the county grader.
Mr. Lamar Allen, Assistant Manager of the Palm Beach County
Resources Development Board, submitted a report on future plans
of the Board in regard to publishing a booklet on "the Palm Beach
County Story", publication being one of advertising the main
assets of the County such as agriculture, Industry, Resorts,
Climate, etc.
Mayor Strong requested elaboration of the activities of the
Board and benefits derived therefrom by various comm~mities,
particularly Delray Beach.
Mr. Allen stated the work of the Board is wide in scope,
closely working with the various Chambers of Commerce, and
strictly non-profit, and specifically active in the advancement
of desired industry and the welfare, in general, of the County
of Palm Beach, all of which point tc mtability of year-around
Plans were submitted on be half of Mr. Earn Ogren, cove ring
a desired extension to a portion of the Seacrest Hotel, by its
new owners. A motion was made by Mrs. Woehle that said request
be referred to the Planning Board. Motion was seconded by Mr.
Allen and unanimously carried.
Councilman Holland moved that the City renew the membership
to the Resources Development Board and not having been budgeted,
authorized transfer of cost ($100.00) from Unappropriated ~ur-
plus. Councilman Allen seconded the motion which carried un-
animou sly.
OCTOBER 12, 1954
The City Manager was instructed to obtain a report on the
activities of the Xouth Recreation Committee. Mrs. Noehle
expressed a desire that a report of activities be obtained
periodically from each committee.
Mr. Lawson advised that he has been affecting a form
which will consolidate the activities of all committees as
received, thereby simplifying the submission of such reports
to the Council.
A letter of resignation from the Plumbing Board, sub-
mitted by V. A. Genton, was read the Councilman Holland moved
to accept his resignation with regret and requested the City
Clerk to so advise Mr. Genton and to express the appreciation
of the Council for the valuable services rendered in the past.
The motion was seconded by Councilman Allen and unanimously
c ar rie d.
The Council was advised that appointment of Mr. William
Totterdale as Plumbing Inspector had been made and that Mr.
Totterdale was now active in that capacity.
Discussion was had in reference to a letter from Berke
Displays, regarding the Governors of Southern States Conven-
tion at Boca Raton to be held soon, and said letter was re-
ferred to the Chamber of Commerce.
The City ~4anager read a letter from the Junior Chamber
of Comme~ce requesting transfer of unexpended portion of the
1953554 ~p~cpriation fund. The City Council regretted that
the City Charter does not permit such transfer, and therefore
of necessity, denied the request.
The meeting then adjourned.