10-29-54SpMtg OCTOBER 29, 195;4
A Special Meeting¢of the City Council of the City of Delray
· Beach was held in the ouncil Chambers at 2:30 P.M. with Mayor
Catherine E. Strong in the Chair, City Manager W. E. Lawson,
City Attorney ~eil MacMillan and the following Council members
present: Glenn B. Sundy, N. J. Holland and W, Cottingham Allen,
a quorum being present.
~/ Mr. Lawson read a report f~om the Planning Board relative
to the proposed development of part of Muck Lot 140 by Bucky
Harris. The Beard recommended that the City issue the required
permits for the development of this property, as a special excep-
tion to the ~onong Ordinance. It was also recommended that the
developers control the extent and height of fences or planting
along individual lot lines.~
Discussion wee held regarding set backs and it was the
Board's opinion that a deviation of 5 feet in front setbacks
could be allowed.
Motion was made by ~ouncilman Sundy, seconded by Councilman
Holland and unanimously carried, that the Board's recommendation
be accepted.
Council~ then discussed a request from the Chamber of Commerce
that NE 7th Court be abandoned from 6th to 5th avenues for the
p~rp°se of using the site as a Chamber of Commerce building.
They asked to have a reasonable length of time in which to con-
struct tb~ proposed building and stated they would be willing to
include in a lease of the property an agreement that if the build-
ing is not constr~cted within a period of time to be agreed upon
by the Council and Chamber that the site would revert to its
original status.
The Planning Board r~commended effecting the abandonment of
both 7th Court and the alley between 7th and 8th Streets but
that the Chamber's request as written be denied.
Mr. W. J. ~now, Chairman of the Chamber Building Committee,
advised the Council that the c~mmittee had voted at their business
meeting to ask the Council to grant a temporary building permit.
A motion was then made by Councilman 41lan, seconded by Mr.
Sundy and unanimously carried, that a temporary permit be granted
the Chamber of Commerce to erect a site to be situated on NE7th
Court and Federal Highway, with the provision that if ~n any
event it becomes necessary to open 7th Court, upon reasonable
notice, the Chamber of Commerce will ~emove the structure.
Mr. John Adams, President of the Chamber of Commerce,
suggested a replat of this portion of McGinley-~osman subdivision
~hich was also recommended by the Planning ~oerd in a ~eport of
March 22nd. Mr. Adams, representing the current owners of the
major, portion of the property involved, stated he would draw up
a revised plat and asked the Council for their opinion.
The Council was unanimously in favor of a replat, with the
assumption that the Chamber of Commerce will result in Fee Title
of the land.
2he meeting, then adjourned.