11-09-54182 NOVEMBER 9, 19~4 A Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Delray Beach was held in the Council Chambers at 2:30 P.M. with Mayor Catherine E. Strong in the Char'r, City Manager W~ E. Lawson Jr., City Attorney Nei~ MacMillan, and'the following Council members present: Glenn B. Sundy, Alma K. ~oehle, and ~. Cotttngham Allen, a Quorum being present. An opening prayer was delivered by Rev. J. G. Robinson. Minutes of the October 26th and 29th meetings ~er~ approved as written. Bids received for seal coating certain streets, previously identified, were read by the City Manager. Councilman Sundy moved to accept the low bid from Rubin Construction Co. in the amount of ~.0849 per sQ. yd. and to proceed immediately with the work of seal-coating an initial coverage of 25,000 square yards, within the twenty-one block area specifically identified by the Council at the meeting of October 12, in order to preserve them until such time as an over-all reconstruction program may be feasible. The motion was seconded by Councilman Allen and unanimously carried. Bids for paving SE 4th Street from Swinton to 3rd Avenue were x. ead by the City Manager. Hardrives, Inc. $2, 899.74 Rubin C onst. Co. 3,989.90 Jack E. Carver Inc. 4,710.00 Motion was made by Councilman Sundy to award contract for aving SE 4th St. from Swinton Ave. to 3rd Ave. to Hardrives, nc. the low b~dder, cost to be *3,899.74 less. two percent. Motion was seconded by )irs. Woehle and unanimously carried. Bids for various motor graders ~ere also read. 14000# Class Ga ii. on Ga sol i ne Die se 1 St'd machine 55 hp w/scarifier 8007.75 §092.25 less 2% Add for hyd booster steer & shifting moldboard ..... $800 60 hp w/scarifier 9520..00 Options not available Over 20,000~ Gallon (21,980) std ~achine 75 hp 20549.25 10999.25" Shifting moldboard.... $460 Galion (23,135) Std machine 93 BP 10828~25 11478.25 " Shifting moldboard....~460 Galion (24, 910) Std mac hine 115 hp 12833 · 75 Shifting moldboard.... $460 Caterpillar (21,600) Std machine 75 hp 13470.00 " No quo t · on opti on Allis Chalmers (24,200) 12600.00 ~ess Std machine 78 hp No Quote on option NOVEMBER 9, 1954 Motion was made by Councilman Allen to accept the low bid of Florida-Georgia Tractor Co. for a 14,000~ Gallion Diesel powered Booster Steer & Shifting Moldboard Grader, amounting to $8,892.25 less two percent. Seconded by Mrs. ~oehle, the motion carried unanimouslY. Mrs. Woehle moved to authorize the transfer of ~214.40, representing the diffe~ence between the above cost of grader and amount previously budgeted in the curr_e~t fiscal A$~lar budget, from Unappropriated Surplus. Seconded by Oouncilman llen, the motion carri ed unanimously. Bids received for the 1955 model automobile required in the City Manager's department were read. Chevro let ~1585. 00 Ford 1599.00 Pon tiac 2095. 00 Motion was made by Councilman Sundy to accept the low bid of Adams Chevrolet in the amount of $1,585.00. Motion was seconded by Councilman Allen and unanimously carried. A\proposal of the .Houston-Texas Gas and Oil Corp. for making~y application to the Federal Power Commission permitting t~to~ construct a Statewide Natural Gas Trunk System in centr~l~ Florida was read. The City Manager was instructed to advise the firm of Smith & Uillespie that. the Council willgrant them the opportunity of presenting any facts or information pertain- ing to this proposal and its ulttmmte possible effects in tni s area, at any regular meeting they may arrange to attend. Mr. Lawson read a bulletin from "Florida Highway Users Conference" wherein said conference endorses a program, in part, to restore t~ the State Road Fun~ for urgently needed road im- provements the unpled~ed surplus of certain revenues now going to the General Fund, and to reorganize the State Road Department to effect a more efficient and improved program. This matter was referred to the Florida League of NunA~lpal- Itles upon recommendation of the City Attorney. Councilman Allen made a motion to appro~ve the report of the City Attorney and certify W. J. Snow and Emory J. Barrow as having qualified to have their names placed on the General Elec- tion Ballot for Councilmen. Seconded by Councilman ~undy the motion carried unanimously. Councilman Allen moved the appointment be made of the follow- ing officials for the General Election to be held December 7, 1954. Motion seconded by Mr. Sundy and unanimously carried. Civic Center Robert Fleming Inspector Mrs. Ellis Lamb Clerk Mrs. A. H. Walker " Florence F. Cramp " Mount Olive Baptist Church Ozte T. Youngblood Inspector L.L. Youngblood Clerk Alb efta Palmer " A motion was made by Councilman Allen that bills in the amount of $39,641.10 be approved for payment subject to the approval of the Finance Committee. Seconded by Oouncilman Sund~ the motion carried unanimously. A request for transfer of ~liquor license from Fred B. NOVW. 9, 1954 Scott (Seacreat Hotel) to Donald E. Coleman, Vice P~esident of Hotel Seacrest Company, representing the new o~ners of said hotel, was pre sented. A motion was made by Councilman Allen, seconded by Co--il- man Sundy and unanimously carried, to transfer said 1Lcense to Donald E. Coleman, subject to the approval of the City Manager and the usual investigation. A request for transfer of liquor license held by the Golden ~lipper, owned by Evelyne Rickaw, to the Tropicana Club, re- presented by Nillie Frankli$, was read. ~otion to transfer said license subject to the approval of ~ the City Manager and the customary investigation was made by Coun~ilman Allen, seconded by Mr. Sundy and ur~nimously carried. An application for beer (only) license, consumption on the premises, wes made by Jimie A. Howard for "Jimmie's Bar- beque," 17 NW 5th Ave. Councilman ~undy moved to approve this application subject to the investigation and approval of the City Manager. Motion seconded by Mr. Allen and unanimously carried. Because of the fact that the budget did not p~o~ide a sufficient amount to cover legal costs of conducting the tr~&l of City .of Delray Beach vs Ruth R. Smith, Mrs. Woehle made a motion to authorizw ~the appropriation from Unappropriated Burplus an amount necessary, namel~ $1,225.00 to supplement the available budgeted balance of "other legal expense", for this specific expenditure. Mo~lon seconded by Mr. Sundy and unanimously carried. A letter from Acting Governor Johns was read by Mr. Lawson, requesting that a Chairman for a "Safe Driving Day" program be appointed. Motion made by Councilman Allen that folice Chie~ R. C. Croft be appointed Chairman of said program was seconded by Councilman Sundy and unanimously c arrled. In regard to off-street parking, Mr. Richard W°ehle brought to the attention of the Council the ~act that there is available land in the general area of SE 4th Ave. between Atlantic Ave. and SE 1st St. suitable for parking 60 cars at an approximate cost of $300. per car., this parcel of land being pffered for $18,000. Mr. 0ellerich of the P lastridge Agency suggested to the Council that Lot 12, Block 101 could accommodate 34 cars, Lot ll - 27 cars, and Lot l0 - ll ca~s, maklD~ a total of 72 cars at an approximate cost of $322.00 per car, this land being offered for approximately ~23, 225. 00. Mrs. ~oehle s~ggested that this matter, together with the item referred to by Mr. Woehle, be sericu sly considered before taking any final action in the acquisition of lmud for parking areas. Mrs. Woehle further expressed the need for making available space for more cars to be parked in the City owned lot directly across the street from the City Hall.~lr. Lawson agreed to study and revamp this area in order to create further parking facilities. Mrs. Woehle ~mde further inquiry relative to the A m P store's intention regarding curbing in front of the new store on NE 2nd Ave., and the City Manager advised they intended to proceed with same in the near future when funds for this purpose become available, the current budget being over-expendec~ Mayor Strong expressed her appreciation for the efforts of the City Clerk in obtaining the five re~ining rights-of-way dedications on NW 7th Ave.~ between 1st and 2nd St., one of which required a trip to Miami, and her desire that this priority project be undertaken at once. 185 N0V MB 9, 1954 Mr. MacMillan advlsed that he had forwarded to Mr. Dunn- Ranktn a .copy of the report from the FICPA but to date had not re~c&tved a reply. Mr. Lawson advised that he is conferring with the VFW relative to obtaining some suitable location for a Pony League Ball Park but that nothing had been agreed upon definitely as ,yet. Mr. Lawson read a report from the Swimmi~ Committee and advised that he had requested a similar report £rom the Youth Recreation Committee which should be available at the next regular meeting. Mr. Lawson read a letter from the Secretary of the Florida League of Municipalities advising the Mayor and Council of having received from the City Clerk, a copy of Resolution 935 pertaintn~ to possible sharing, by mmnicipalities, of the GasoliheTax revenue. Mayor Strong requested advice as to the plans for the new fire stati'ons and was advised they should be available from Mr. 0gren for presentation to the Cour~il at the next r~gulam meeting. Mr. Lawson read a letter from the FEC Railway Company regarding the NE 14th St. crossing wherein they advised that this year's budget had become expended but that the item would be included in their next year's budget and hoped this me~ with the approv al of the Count il. The meeting then adJour~ed. APPROVED: AYOR ATTEST: " uJ~t~ ,Cle'rk .........