35-88 ~-~±,~~:,~ ~-~ Locatec! at northeast corner of intersection of Seacrest Blvd. and i,;.E. 22nd St. PA~CJ,.~ B Located on north side of N.E. 22~ Street, ap'proximately 310 feet east of Seacrest Boulevard. ENCLAVE $ PARCEL C Located on east side of Seacrest ~ Boulevard, apDroximateiZ 170 feet - IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED ORDINANCE NO. 35-88 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, ANNEXING TO THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH THREE PARCELS OF LAND LYING AND BEING IN SECTION 4, TOWNSHIP 46 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, DELRAY BEACH, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLOR IDA, WHICH LAND IS CONTIGU- OUS TO EXISTING MUNICIPAL LIMITS OF SAID CITY' SAID LAND IS GENERALLY LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE INTERSECTION OF SEACREST BOULEVARD AND N.B. 22ND STREET, AND ON THE NORTH SIDE OF N.B. 22ND STREET, APPROXIMATELY 3 10 FEET EAST OF SEACREST BOULEVARD; REDEFINING THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID CITY TO INCLUDE SAID LAND; PROVIDING FOR THE RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF SAID LAND; PROVID- ING FOR THE ZONING THEREOF TO R-1AA (SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING) DISTRICT, IN PART, RL (LOW TO MEDIUM DENSITY DWELLING) DISTRICT, IN PART, AND NC (NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL) DISTRICT, IN PART' PROVIDING A GENERAL REPEALER CLAUSE' PROVIDING A SAVING CLAUSE; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Legislature of the State of Florida passed the Delray Beach Enclave Act, Chapter 86-427, Laws of Florida, providing for %he annexation of enclaves within the general boundaries of the City of Delray Beach; and. WHEREAS, pursuant to the Delray Beach Enclave Ac%. the City of Delray Beach called for a referendum of those qualified electors within the. City of Delray Beach and the enclaves that would be subject to annexation ,_~nder the Act, with said referen- dum held on November 4. 1986, in conjunction with a general election for Palm Beach County, Florida' and, WHEREAS. the referendum held on November 4, ~9s6~,. _ , was_ approved by a single majority vote of said qualified electors; and, WHEREAS, the City of [~lray Beach. 'has prepared an Enclave Report. outlining the City's plan for lmplemenr..ati-on of the Delray Beach Enclave Ac%, which identifies six,,y-five enclaves eligible for annexation pursuant to the Act' and, W HEREAo, the City of Delray Beach has heretofore been authorized to annex lands in accordance with the Delray Beach Enclave Act, NOW. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, hereby annexes to said City the following described land located in Palm Beach County, Florida, which lies contiguous to said City to-wit: The West 99.9 feet of the East 316.9 feet of the North Half of the South Half of the North Half of the Southwest Quarter of the South- wes% Quarter of Section 4, Township 46 South, Range 43 East' together wi%h, The East. IIn.,., f~t ,',~,_ t.i':~._ N<~rt.h Half of the Sc,,.lt, h Half of the N~'t.hea :,t. Gu.~rt. er ,:-~f Section 4 ....... ' ~' ' , _ . i~ri:-,~'~r-~ ~;~ ;~,u:,,~t.h Ranae 43 East.; t.o~et, her ~ith. The ' "~* * ' ' ~L)rtb Half ,-,f rh~ S.::,~]+h, Half_ . c,f *~.~,, ~._. Northeast Guart, ar ,:-~{ the Sc~,~r,h~t Ouart, er of t. he SO lrhw~st. G~arr, er c',f ~,eqtiC~r'L 4, Township 46 The aas~, ~::~5 feet, ~f t, ha W~st, 35i') feet. af the North H~If cW t,h. So~t.i-~ ~al{ ,:-~{ the ,,t,er~ .... ,:-~ i%ec,.t, i en ~ Tnwn~:hi p . Range 43 Ras;t.; t,~e-t, her The Nort, h 20 feet, of t, he East, 2' feet, of the Went, ~5i'} f~et, of the South ~alf of Northeast. G~lart, ar of the Sc~ut, hwe:,r, Ouarter of t, ha Sc~it, h~est Qtiet't. er nf Sect, ion 4. Tc~wnship 46 S,o~th, Range 43 East,. The sub.iect DroDert? is ~enerally ]oeat,~d at the r~ort~l~a~:t, carnet of t.i~a intersect, ion of o~acrest, Bc~ulevard and N. w.~. .~°'~nd.. . Ri, feet. The above described n~rcel ,-ontai. ns acre parcel of land, r~nre oF less. The East. 165 feat. of fha Want, 310 f~et, of the ~iOrt. k~er~st. Q~]~t't,~' c~f the i-i.:-~;t.}-i~est. O~]~rt, e~- the 'Sc;u%h~est C~.lart. er, les t, thereof, of ~,ec,.t~e~ ~;~ .... ~a~ris,flp 4~ S~ut, h Rance 42 East,' t.o~eth~r The Sn~t.h Half ,:-~f the Sc,~t. haast Q~art, er the Nc~rt. haa::: t O~a ut. ar ('~f the S,n~t hwes t, ~est. 3~f) feet, arid the So~t,h ~a feet, t, heran6 of Seat, ion 4, To~n::;h~'o ~6 ~,o~tl-~., ~a'~e 43 East,' t,c)aather with, The West ~5 fa~t, (-~f the ~ast, ~alf nf S, outh Ouart, er c~f t,h~' Nc~rt. heast Guart, er of the Sect. ion a, Towr~ship 46 ~c~lt.h, Range a3 East,. The s~bject, property is ~enerally located the north ~ide nf N.E. 22nd Street, approxi- mat,~ly 310 feet, east, nf Seacrest Boulevard. The above de:::c r i h~d_~a r,::,~ ~, c:on* ~ i.n._,~ a 1 . o~..., acre parcel of tar, d, more ¢,r tess. 2 Ord. No. 35-88 Nort, h Hai~ .-~f t~--'-~ Sc.,,~th Half of ~he Nc, rt, heast. si. de ,-~f Se~,-:Pe:::t Bc,~lovarc], approximately feet, nc)rt, h ,',f N R. ,.4. nd Street,. The above desnPi, bed ~arcel co~t, ai~s a O. 05 acre parc:.~ c,f land, more or less. e~t~.~.~ That %he boundaries of the City of De,ray Beach, Florida, ~r~ h~r~hv red~fined to include therein the above-described ~.r~cts of land and said lands are herebF declared to be within t, he .-?o~oc>rate ~' '+~' .. _ , _ _ ~m~ ..... of the City of Delray Beach F io r ida. Se. Ct%i.nn 3. That. F,~ct. ion 30-~3 ~,{ t, he Zonin~ Code has been followed in t.h~ est. ah[i:=;hment nfa z(-~r~r,.~ c!.assifi, oat. ion tn %his ordinance and +h~ ..... ,,,. .... ~ ....... of land herainabove described as Parcel A is hereby d~...iared t,r~ be i.n Zoning District R-1AA (Single Family ~3w~ilir~a~ ag defined by exist~r~g ordinances of City of Delray Beach. Florida. ': .... +' . ..... c~f th~ /,oni~ Coda has been ~--~ lo-ed i.n fha as;t, abl_iahmer~t of a aonir~ a]_assifi.(~at,~on ir~ this erctinanc~ and the tra(~t of land her~inabove described as Parcel "B" i=' hereby ~-~ - ..... e,_~lared t,o he in Zeroing Pist, r~ct. RL ii,ow t,o Hediu. m Denait, y D~ellinq) as d. af~ned by exist, in~ ordinances of the City of Delray Beach, Florida. '~ ~' f t}le Zor~i~l.~ Ccx-le has S~ c~t~lze 5 - T ha. t, a.~ t, i o n 3 0 - ~ 3 o _ been folloued in %he a~;tablishmen% of a zonin~ classification this ordinan,~a and r. he tract of land herainahove clescrihad as Parcel C" is hereby dec:iared to be in Zoning D~t. rt,.t. NC borhood Cammernia].) r~s clafined hv existing ordinances of the of De,ray Beach, F]c~rida. ~_¢n.t, io/k. ~, That the }and hereinabova described aha] ~mmadirsta]v haaarn~ ::;~]b~c:t to a].] c~f the fr,~rtc~bises, priv~.!aaes, .. immuni%~a::;, debts, c.,h]~r~t~ons, iiabi, lities, ordinannas ~nd laws ~o uhich lands; ~n t,h~ ~':itv of D*lray Beanh are no~ or may be sub~e ..... e,_t and merge, ns t'a:qlC~n~ thereon she] [ be deemed ei_t, izens of the City ~-~f D*trav a~ac:h. ,=~..+~ .... v ink, at t. hi~; ar~riexat,~-~ri of the nuhi~t, pFc)per- fy, includ~nu ad.Sacer~t read,;, allays, c~r t,~:,a like, if arty. shall not be deemed acceptance by the City o2 any maintenance responsi- bI. iit. v. for s,~c:h., rc:,a, ds . a i ~, ava.. _ , or the 1 ik*_. unl *=~ ...... otherwise s~aeificaliy initiated ~v t.}-,, Cit. v m_~rs~mnt to curt*hr req,~ire- ments and conditions. 5~t:_i_f)r~_._~: That all ovdinannes or parts of ordinances in conflx_.t her~it.h be. and the same are hereby repealed. ~-~ec:t. 1 c-:,rl 9 i }~,s ::: boll i d arlv secT:t, ic-m c~r prc~v~.s icon of this c~rdinar, a* c~r any ~ortion t.h~rec~f, any paraaraph, seaL, ante. or ~c~rd b~ deciar~d hv r~ ~lc~,~rt, c,f ec, mpat. ent 5urisdiction to be invalid, s,~c:h d~cisic, n sh~l I not. affect, t,b~ vat idt%y of remainder hereof as a ~hola or part, thereof ~t. her than the part declared t,o be invalid. - 3 - Ord. No. 35-88 MAYOR FL ~t May 24, 1988 ~r~,, Read. i.n¢ Second Readi'n~ June 28, 1988 - 4 - Ord. No. 35-88