12-14-54 195
DEOEMBER 14, 1954
A RegUlar Meeting of the City Council of the City of ~elray
Beach was held in the Council Chambers at 2:30 f.M. with Mayor
Catherine 'E. Strong in the Chair, City Manager W. E. Lawson,
City Attorney Nell MacMillan, and the followin~ Council members
present: Glenn B. Sundy, Alma K. Woehle, andW.Cottingham Allen,
a quorum being l~resent.
An opening prayer was delivered by Rev. Arthur W. ~tich.
Minutes of the November 23, 29 and December 7 meetings were
approved a~ corrected, upon motion of Councilman Allen, seconded
by Councilman Sundy and unanimously carried.
Mr. Lawson read the following bids for the Central and Beach
Fire Statigns:
CHAPMAn: CONSTRUCTION CO. - BASE BID Central Station ~52,514. 00
A1 terna te s #1201 Deduct ~ 709.00
1202 Addit. 500.00
1203 Deduct 1,250.00
1204 " 1,295.00
1205 " 195.00
1206 " 52.00
1207 " 352.00
1208 " 150.00
1209 " 2,700.00
1210 " 288.00
BASE BID Beach Station ~13,480.00
Alternates #1201 Deduct ~ 266.00
1202 Addit. 395 · 00
1203 Deduct 600. O0
12o4 " 215. oo
1205 " 188. o0
1206 " 117.00
ENNIS CONSTRUCTION CO. - BASE BID Central Station ~56,987.00
Alternates #1201 Deduct ~ 565. O0
1202 " 1,175.00
120 3 " 2,635.00
1204 " 1,325. 00
1305 " 85.00
1206 " 75.00
12o7 " 55. oo
1208 " 175.00
1209 " 3,040.00
1210 " 310.00
BASE BID Beach Station ~13,994.00
Alternate s #1201 Deduct ~ 235. 00
1202 " 400.00
1203 " 525.00
1204 " 255.0o
12 05 " 25. O0
120 6 " 95- 00
~61,990. O0
Alternate s #1201 Deduct ~ 552 · O0
12o2 " 846.15
1203 " 2, 3 00. O0
12o4 " 1,243.62
1205 " 98.00
1206 " 370. O0
DECEMBER 14, 1954
1207 Deduct N.C.
1208 " 63.40
1209 " 2,953.50
1210 " 285.00
BASE ~ID Beach Station *16,401.00
Alternates ~1201 Deduct 216.00
12 02 " 437.00
1203 " 625.00
120~ " 163.50
1206 " 150 · O0
HUNTER-DREW BASE BID Central Station ~61,900.00
Alternate s #1201 Deduct ~ 60 0. O0
1202 " 200.00
1203 " 2,200.00
1204 " 1,812.00
12o5 " 452.00
1206 " 600.00
12o7 " 59.00
1208 " 185.00
1209 " 3,220.00
1210 " 1,000. O0
BASE BID Beach Station $16,400.00
Alternates #1201 Deduct ~ 300.00
1202 " 100.00
· 1203 " 625.00
1204 " ?00.00
12 05 " 2 ?. O0
1206 " 218.00
TRIEST CONST. CO. - BAS~$ BID Central Station ~54, 812. O0
Alternate s #1201 Deduct ~ 650.00
1202 " 500.00
1203 " 2,150 · 00
1204. " 1,100.00
12 05 " 56 5- 00
1206 " 250.00
1207 " 70.00
12 08 " 160.00
1209 " 4, 000.00
1210 " 550.00
BASE BID Beach Station $13,970.00
Alternates #1201 Deduct , 225.00
1202 " 150 · 00
1203 " 500.00
12 04 " 20 0.00
1205 " 20.00
1206 " 200.00
W. M. WATERS - BASE BID Central Station $55,030.00
Alternates #1201 Deduct ~ 745.00
1202 " l, 000.00
1203 " 2,200.00
1204 " 1,090.00
12o5 " 540. OD
12 06 " 240 · 00
1205 '"' 59.00
120~ " 20 0.00
120 9 " 4, 350 · 00
1210 " 203 · O0
DE~EMBER 14, 1954
A1 ternates ~1209 Deduct $ 265. O0
1202 " 28 O. 00
12 03 " 6 25.00
1204 " 200. O0
1205 " 30.00
1206 " 218.00
A Special meeting of the City Council will be called at a
later date to award contracts following a study of the bids
and alternatesby the City Manager and Fire Chief Gregory.
Mr. Lawson read a letter and resolution from the County
Commission regarding Palm Beach Air Force Base. City of Delray
Beach Resolution No. 936 is in accord therewith.
With regard to Mr. B. L. Cates letter having to do with
water standing in the area which affects five apartments owned
by Mrs. Jennin~s on SW 8th Avenue, Mr. Lawson advised that he
had requested ":. Elliott Gross & Associates to recommend nece-
ssary steps to effect elimination of this condition. It was
their recommendation that the gradual filling in of the area
would best eliminate the problem and that until this was accom-
plished there would be a continuance of this undesirable condi-
tion. The Cit~- Attorney was requested to draft an ordinance
governing floor levels in future construction throughout the
city and to submit same at the next meeting.
Mr. Lawson advised that he had attempted to work out some
kind of drainage for Nassau Street. The property o~ners feel
that the City should bear the cost of storm sewer installation.
Col. Andrew Fabens advised t~at in 19~1~ when he and his wife
were seeking to purchase property in the Nassau Street area, a
similar drainage situation existed, due to which they did not
purchase the property.
The majority of the Council felt that the property owners
involved should bear the expense and if they desired the installa-
tion of drainage, the City will install same and the owners will
be assessed.
Mr. Fred McNeece, Chairman of the Golf Co~ittee, had sugges-
ted that steps be taken to dispose of the Club House. Mr.
Lawson advised that disposition of same, at Public Sale on January
3, 1955, is now being advertised, any and all bids being subject
to rejection by the City of Delray Beach.
More than 50 percent of the owmers of property in Block 81
have requested construction of an ingress alley (now dedicated
alley) from NE Third Street for a distance of 300 feet in a
northerly direction.
Mrs. Julia Adams protested having such an alley and Mr. H~rry
McKean protested in part and concurred in part. This request ~'
would result ih a dead-end alley Mr. Chevalier advised and an
automobile cannot possibly turn around in an ordinary dedicated
Mrs. Woehle made a m~tion that the owners of property abUtt-
ing on the south 300 feet of the dedicated alley and desiring
same for their personal use be requested to bear the entire
cost of construction. Motion was seconded by Mr. Allen and
~arried unanimously.
With reference to the application for transfer of Beer and
Wine License from Emil Uerner (Beach Shack) to the Misses ~inifred
Hanigan and France L. Williams for continued use at the Beach
Shack, mow leased to the Misses Hanigan and Williams, Mrs. Woehle
moved to approve the transfer of said license, subject to the
usual invee~tgation. Mr. Allen seconded the motion which carried
unanimous ly.
The following resolution was then read:
DECEMBER 14, 1954
WHEREAS, the City of Delray Beach, Florida, has for some-
time been in need of additional housing facilities for negroes,
WHEREAS, with the seasonal influx of additional negroes
in this area, the housing situation for negroes is acute,
NOW, TH~EFORE, BE IT RES0~ED by the City of Delray Beach,
FlOrida, as follows:
1. That there is hereby declared to be a need in the City
of Delray Beach,Florida, for additional negro housing
2. That any veterans or other type of ~using project
meeting the zoning and other requirements of the City
of Delray Beach, Fla., which will alleviate the over
crowded negro housing problem, will be welcomed~ and
encouraged by the City of Delray Beach~ Florida.
PASSED AND ADOPTED this 14th day of December A.D., 1954.
/s/ Catherine E. StrOng
Mayo r
/s/ H. D. Worthtng
City Clerk
CounciLman Allen ~ved that the resolution be adopted as
read. Motion was seconded by Mr. Sundy and u~nimously carried.
The following resolution was then read:
A Resolution of the City ~u~c~l~of the City of Delray
Beach, Florida, recommendi_ng that Palm Beach Air Force Base
located at the Palm Beach International ~irport in Palm Beach
County, Florida, which at present is a temporary Air Force
installation be made a permanent installation.
BE IT, AND IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the City Council of
the City o~ Delray Beach, Florida:
Section 1: That the undersigned unanimously recommend to
the Honorable Harold ~. Talbott, Air Force Secretary, and to
the Honorable Charles E. Wilson, Secretary of Defense, and to
all other interested officials and any C~mmission that may be
appointed to consider the matters involved herein, that the
undersigned are very desirous of having Palm Beach Air Fo~ee
Base located at Palm Beach International Airport made a perma-
nent Installation.
Section 2: That the personnel based therein would be
afforded an opportunity for social and cultural life amid ideal
surroundings where clean amusements and every wh61esome outdoor
DECE ER 1954
sport of every type is available.
Our climate is stable and mild the year round with
no extremes of cold or fog and the territory is level with ample
lakes, harbors and open ocean available for practice flying and
landings. Also beaches suitable for· amphibious training.
Sec~tion 3: That the City of WestPalm Beach and adjoining
cities and towns consitutes an area with a population in excess
of 100,000 and~ rapidly growing, and there is readily available
with easy access many ideal places for recreational purposes.
That there is adequate bus transportation and adequate railroad
transportation, ware~use sites and trackage, all of which may
easily be expanded. That it is adjacent ko the ~tlantic Ocean
beach and to the Inland Waterway and to numerous inlana lakes.
That. the City of West Palm Beach is presently being expanded
westward and it is deemed to the best interests of the citizens
of this area that in the Westward Expansion Program, the estab-
lishment of the above mentioned Air Force Base as a permanent
installation or as a similar defense installation would be of
great benefit not only to t he citizens of West Palm Be~ch and
surrounding municipalities, but to the persornel of said in-
stallation, and that there are many and numerous bene-fits which
would flow to all parties.
And the undersigned pledge our utmost cooperation and any
assistance within our power to accomplish the results desi red
Let copies be mailed to all !. offic i als and interest parties,
including the following noted on the bottom hereof.
UNANIMOUSLY PASSED AND ADOPTED this 14th day of L~cm~ber,
A.D., 1954.
/s/ Catherine E. Strong
Glenn B. Sundy
Vic e- May~r
CORPORATE SEAL W. Cottingham Allen
R. J.Holland
Alma K. Woehle
/s/ R. D. Worthing
City Clerk
Copies to: Hon. George Breathers, U. S. Senator Hon. Spessard Holland, U. S. Senator
County Commissiouers of Palm Beach County, Fla.
To all adjoining municipalities and towns
Motion was made by Councilman Sundy, seconded by Co~ncilmen
Allen and unanimously carried, that the resolution be adopted
as read.
With reference to the request of C. W. Garner for con-
struction and paving of SW Second Avenue between 3d and 4th
Streets, the City Manager read the recommendat ion of the City
Planning Board which considered t~ts a logical extension of
the city street pattern, and recommended that the request be
granted, to provide an access street, 22 ft. pavi~, scheduled
14, 1954
as low priority on a street building program, with property
owners fronting thereon participating in the over-all cost,
Engineering and drainage specifications to be approved by
the CityEm'~mgineer. Mr. La~son advised that he would obtain
estimated cost and contact t~e property owners involved toward
a possible s~lution to this construction.
Mr. Lawson read a letter from Mr. H. V. Caldwell wherein
he expressed his feeling that NE 8th Street, east of the Intra-'
coastal Waterway should have the name changed. T~e Planning
· Board felt that such action ~ould unnecessarily complicate
the city's system of street designation and that the practice
of naming extensions of streets to conform with the street
name be adhered to, and therefore recommended that the desig-
nation of NE 8th Street, east of the canal, be retained.
Motion was made by CounciLman Sundy, seconded by Mr. Allen
and unanimously carried, that the request be denied.
Councilman Sundy moved that bills in the amount of
~102,135. 93 be paid, subject to the approval of the Finance
Committee. Motion seconded by Councilman Allen and carried
Mr. Ralph Hughson discussed Mr. Wm. C. Burton's desire to
build a hotel on parts of North Ocean Beach Lots 14 and 15.
Mr. Burton has applied for a setback deviation on the above
mentioned lots.
Councilman Sundy moved t~at the matter be referred to the
Planning Board and Mr. Allen second~d the motion which carried
Mayor. Strong recommended that bids be obtained for installa-
tion of a boat hoist at the City Eacht Basin. Mr. Lawson
estimated the cost to be in the neighborhood of $600.00 and
agreed to ebtain bids.
It was discussed whether it would be advisable to repair
the 165 parking meters of the original purchase, now badly in
need of repair. The Dual Meter Company have advised that they
will convert these old meters to the new model for ~18.75 per
Chief Croft stated this would give the city a new meter
and that we could not repair them for that amount.
A motion was made by Councilman Bundy, seconded by Councilman
Allen and unanimously carried, that the ciSy trade in these
Mr. Lawson read a letter f~om Himes and Himes recommending
certain adjusting entries be made for closing purposes.
Mrs. Woehle felt that Mr. Dunn-Rankin bad taken care of
these ent~es. The matter was tabled and will be brought up
at a special meeting to be called to award contracts for the
fire stations. It was requested that a representative of
Himes and Himes attend said meeting.
Col. Andrew Fabens referred to the problpm of rain coming
~nside the Civic Center. Mr. La, sen reported that specifica-
tions have been made for a complete new roof but that steps
are being taken to prevent further leakage until a new roof can
be installed.
Mr. Thomas Bruder again protested the parking of trucks in
the area of BE 3d, 4th and 5th Avenues. He stated that trucks
are still being parked there even after the police had requested
their removal.
Mmyor Strong asked Police Chief Croft to contact the people
involved and request parking of trucks in private driveways,
rather than on the street.
DECEMBER 14, 1954
· Mr. Lawson read a letter from Mr. Hughson regarding de-
velopers of Northridge Subdision w~ have acquired property
and plan to ~uild on the remaining vacant lots. They are
requestiD~ deviation from city requirements and desire to
adhere to the setbacks shown on the plat of this property as
accepted by the city.
Mrs. Woehle made a motion that the matter be referred to
the Planning Boar~. Seconded by Cour~ilman Sundy the motion
carri ed unanimously.
Mr. Lat~son then read a letter from Melville ~'. Riley re-
q~sting zoning restrictions limiting Lot 23 and 24, Block 2,
Ocean Park, be changed to Special Business.
Motion was made by Councilman Sundy to refer the matter
to the Planning Board. Seconded by Mr. Allen the motion
carried unanimously.
Mrs. Woehle brought to the attention of the Council the
hazard which exists in the area of the new A m P store due
to parking o~ 2nd Avenue.
Chief Croft agreed to check into the matter and submit a
rep orr.
Mayor Strong referred to the matter of a tree growing in
the intersection of Pelican Lane and' Andrews Avenue which is
a hazard and has resulted by virtue of its location, in an
Mr. Lawson agreed to contact John Adams, one of the original
deverlopers of this subdivision, in an attempt to cause its
removal if the tree is found to be £n city ~:~'tS,~,?.
Mr. A,awson reported that a traffic light will be installed
at the intersection of NE 2nd Avenue and 2nd Street.
Mrm Lora Britt asked about the possibility of~a sidewalk
on NE 2nd Avenue in the ?lumosa Park area from NE ~th St. north
to the city limits.
Mayor Strong requested the City Manager contact the County
Commissioners about there being an urgent need for such a side-
walk. This need is primarily due to the existence of the
schools within the area.
There was considerable discussion regarc~ng a water line
which the developers, Raymond ~. Carlson and Mr. Kopp, of Breezy
Ridge Estates, on the north side of Delray Road (State Road
806) and across from the Country Club, will need as they plan
to construct 74 houses in this area~ At present 25 3-bedroom,
2 bath homes to sell for ~15,000 to $18,000 will be built.
Nr. Chevalier and Mr. MacMillan discussed the matter at
length with the Council and it ~es suggested by Mr. Allen that
the city Manager attempt to work out a solution of the problem
with the developers whereby they pay the cost of installation,
to meet Cheer need, and the city will reimburse them a propor-
tionate share of the cost from revenue derived therefrom. Any
such agreement must be properly drawn up.
Mr. t~awson advised that Mr. Otis C. Mickelberry had requested
inasmuch as the season is now upon us that ~lans for Shulson
Street be delayed until May.
The Council agreed to favor this request and delay the matter
until after the season.
Mayor Strong again brought up the matter of needed Charter
changes and the advisability of extending the time limits for
rezoning. Also the filing deadline for candidates filing for
City Council.
Mr. MacMillan agreed to draft an ordinance to cover the
filing deadline to the usual office house of the City Hall.
DECEMBER 14, 1954
..~Mayor Strong expressed her desire for the title changing
of ~ouncilman and Councilwoman to "Commissioner."
It was agreed that the Council would meet with the ?lanning
Board at 3:30 ?.M. Tuesday, December 21, 1954.
Railway E~xpress Agency has petitioned for rate increase in
the State of Florida on the sa~e level and extent authorized
by the Interstate Commerce Commiss~ on.
Mayor Strong advised that many people had called her
relative to the possibility of year around opening of the
Delray Theatre.
Mr. 8andy stated the Chamber of Commerce had been working
on this matter but learned nothing favorable is in sight at
this time.
Mayor Strong requested a letter of thanks be forwarded Mr.
Charles Senior and the Florida ~ower & Light Co. for their
generous offer in furnishing current for Operation Christmas.
Mayor Strong expressed a desire for Cemetery Internment
being done by the City employees and inquired as to preseht
charge for this service,
The Mayor advised that Governor-elect Collins expressed
~ desire for greater display of the State Flag. ~Mayor Strong
mentioned that such a flsg could be purchased th~ought the
State Department for $17.00, about half the usual cost, and
would like. one to be displayed in the Council Chambers.
Mr. Lawson advised that he and Col. Fabens had ta.lked with
Mrs. E. A. Price o~ No. Ocean Boulevard, who was very cooperative
in attempting relief from the water hazard in front of her pro-
perty. Mrs. Price,referred that drainage be provided on the
west side of the highway and Mr. Lawson agreed to take up this
matter with the State Road Department.
Mr. L~wson read a letter from State Representative E~e~'
S. Roberts who urged early action in preparing any desired
changes in the Charter inasmuch as Legislature convenes in May~
The meeting then a~Jo~ned.
A i°PROVED:,,,
'M Yo"R ..........
-- ~Ci'ty Cl'erk