12-17-54SpMtg 203
DECEMBER 17, 1954
A Special Meeting of the City 00um~il of the City of Delray
Beach was held in the City Hall at 2:30 P.M. with Mayor Catherir~
E. Strong in the Chair, CityManager W. E. Lawson, CityAttorney
Nell Mac, Mtllan, and the following Cour~il members present: Glenn
B. Sundy and ~. Cottingham Allen, a Quorum being present.
The meeting was called for the purpose of:
1. Consideration of t he recommendations of the City Manager,
Fire Chief JoVan Gregory, and Archi tact Sam 0gren relative to the
bids received for construction of the Central Fire Station and
the sub-station on the beach.
Recommendation - Central Fire Station: That alternates
Nos. 1204, 1206, 1207 and 121'0 be left in. Other alternates to
be ~onsidered but postponed until a later date.
Recommendation- Sub-Station: That alternates Nos. 1205 and
1206 remain.
Based upon the above inclusions the bids were as follows:
Central Fir.e Station .S~. b-Sta, tion
W. M. Waters ~45,995. O0 $ ~4, 027.00
Trieste Construction Co. 46,787.00 12,895.00
Chapman Const ruction Co. 48' 010.00 12,794.00
Ennis Construction Co. 49,312. O0 12,579.00
Hunt er-Drew 55, 043 · O0 14, 675.00
Wm. F. Hertz Construction Co. 55, 176..95 14,959.~0
Total of the two Low bids W~ M. Waters $ 45,995.00
Ennis Constr. 12.579.00
Architect's fee 3% $ 58,5?4.00
!, 758. O0
~ 60,332.00
Councilman Sundy moved that contracts be awarded W. M. Waters
for the Central station and to ~nnis Construction for the Sub-
station, to include the alternates recommended by the City Manager
and Fire Chief. Motion was seconded by Mr. Allen and carried
una nimou sly.
Councilman Sundy then made a motion to transfer the difference
between available monies, previously budgeted, and Capital Outlay
of the Fire Department operating budget, to this Building Fund.
Seconded by Mr. Allen the motion carried unanimously.
2.. The City Manager's recommendation for additional seal
coating of several major city streets, reporting that the work
would cost approximately $10,000.00.
Motion made by Councilman Allen to accept the City Manager's
recommendation and instruct him to proceed with the work, seconded
by Mr. Sundy and unanimously carried.
3. Christmas Bonus - Motion made by Councilman Allen to
authorize a Christmas bonus to all city employees and to trans-
fer necessary funds to the General and Water Revenue Funds from
their respective Unappropriated Surplus account, as requested by
the City Manager. Seconded by Mr. Sundy the motion carried
unanimou sly.
Authorization to give bonus to employees of the ~olf Course
included in the above, being subject to the Golf Committee's
ap prov al.
OEC m 17, 1954
4. Discus sioff regardisg changing title from Councilman
to C cmuni ssione r..
City Attorney MacMillan suggested a resolution be prepared.
Motion made by Councilman Allen that the CitY Attorney pre'pare
the resolution was seconded by Mr. Sundy and unanimously~carried.
Councilman Sundy moved that the City Manager prepare p'lans
and specifications for construction of SW 2nd Avenue b~etween
3d and 4th Streets, for preservation to the Council at the
next meeting. Seconded by Councilman Allen the motion carried
unan imou sly.
The meeting then adjourned.